And if the law isn't being enforced, how effective is the government party that signed it into law?

Oh, but if it were Democrats that did it, there'd be no ending to the crybaby bitching going on about it.

It would be non-stop. But thanks to Pete Wilson, 8 years as Governor of California, and 11 years as Mayor of vette's hometown of San Diego. :eek:

I'm not arguing you aren't a crook. I'm arguing it's the law in Chicago, and you are ignorant...and dumb for not accepting the fact like a man. I'm not at all surprised by your lack of manhood either, but do carry on with your act of self immolation.

Do you give fingerprints when they're not asked for?

Maybe next time you buy groceries, you should give the cashier your fingerprints...

Law or no law, I have not been asked for fingerprints to buy or sell buildings. Which part of that don't you get?

If you want to man up, I'll prove it to you.
ah yes....and richard should know as he hears, "will the defendant please stand" a lot!

at least he's safe in his mothers basement

Do you give fingerprints when they're not asked for?

Maybe next time you buy groceries, you should give the cashier your fingerprints...

Law or no law, I have not been asked for fingerprints to buy or sell buildings. Which part of that don't you get?

If you want to man up, I'll prove it to you.
Do you give fingerprints when they're not asked for?

Maybe next time you buy groceries, you should give the cashier your fingerprints...

Law or no law, I have not been asked for fingerprints to buy or sell buildings. Which part of that don't you get?

If you want to man up, I'll prove it to you.

You can't prove it any more than someone can prove you didn't. Your insistence that you can is as childish as your constant crowing over who makes more money. You should probably work on growing up.
It was about $370 or so last month, but if you had a big house and central air you might understand; and that's a late 90s early 2000 pic junior.

Central air is typically very efficient. Either your house is cavernous or it leaks like a sieve.
So says his rap sheet.

I was arrested once over a BMV fuckup. I don't have a record because it was cleared up while I was still being processed but I did get my picture and prints taken and was allowed to have copies when I left. My mugshot is actually pretty good because I was on my way to work at the time and was made up. I should probably scan it and use it as an av or something. That'd be cool.
How come the righties here still can't come up with any evidence that illegals are voting?