I ran away from nothing, your bet was bullshit and you know it. I knew I was right, so you sit down and shut up. Piss ant.

I'll provide proof of funds, title agent's information, seller and/or buyer info. you provide proof of funds, and we sign a notarized document. Let me know, coward.
I was right, you're just too yellow to admit it. Now sneak off and save an iota of your dignity.

What were you right about exactly?
You never made the claim that "it's the law that you have to ____", you said that you have to give fingerprints to sign a notarized document, then you changed it to "in california" then that was rebuked, then you said you had to give fingerprints to sell or buy property, then that was rebuked. Then you fell back on your heels and ran away when I asked you to show and prove and said I'd put money on the table to prove you wrong.

I just got a text back from a notary in California, she has no fingerprinting equipment. I guess the Republican governor that passed the law had no intentions of enforcing it.


Whatever you say, gramps.


Still using that whack ass 70's photo, tubby? You lost all credibility with you claiming to have a $500 per month electric bill.
Really getting desperate over there in loonie land.

When you can't prove a falsehood (law), blame everybody else (the governor), and start throwing insults around (ad nauseum)

The classic loonie debate:

• fault the source
• point finger elsewhere
• namecalling
• insult integrity and intelligence
• answer a question with another question
• refuses to read info stating already knows what's in it

It's a pattern easily recognizable.
it was only a couple of years ago, bush was a good thing :confused:

still, "2 1/2 men" has the best skit about bush and curve appeal.....

Really getting desperate over there in loonie land.

When you can't prove a falsehood (law), blame everybody else (the governor), and start throwing insults around (ad nauseum)

The classic loonie debate:

• fault the source
• point finger elsewhere
• namecalling
• insult integrity and intelligence
• answer a question with another question
• refuses to read info stating already knows what's in it

It's a pattern easily recognizable.
It was about $370 or so last month, but if you had a big house and central air you might understand; and that's a late 90s early 2000 pic junior.

Don't need air, I live near the ocean. And you're still a liar.

He's wanted to take a big swing on my dick for some time now.

More homoerotic imagery from the closet homosexual.
I posted a link to the article saying a thumb print was required in Chicago, and you said the above. You also said the following:

"Well, you can't believe everything you read on the internet, can you?

I know for a fact that you are not required to give a fingerprint when buying or selling a building there... having done both since june 2009."

Which is proved by subsequent posts of the law itself to be demonstrably wrong. You are fucked, so give it up.

I have done both buying and selling of property, yet... no fingerprints. If they are not enforcing the law, that's not my problem or issue.

Bottom line is that you're wrong, and I can prove it. Make it worth my while, and I will.
I have done both buying and selling of property, yet... no fingerprints. If they are not enforcing the law, that's not my problem or issue.

Which proves shit.

Because you circumvented the law doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Bottom line is that you're wrong, and I can prove it. Make it worth my while, and I will.

You've already been disproved in this thread.
It has been proven to you in black and white.
We've already established that, dumbass. We've said the law isn't being enforced.

And if the law isn't being enforced, how effective is the government party that signed it into law?

Oh, but if it were Democrats that did it, there'd be no ending to the crybaby bitching going on about it.