I can't decide if I should vote for the PAN or for the PRI.

Maybe I should ask the local drug lord.

So you are saying the practice is still in existence today in your state?

No, that is not what I am saying.

What I am saying is, restrictions and undue burdens on voters have a history of oppressing citizens and disenfranchising voters, not voter fraud.

I don't know how you came to your present condition in California, but the present is always predicated on the past.

We have our situation because our government was oppressive and denied basic rights to the citizens. The solution was the application of fair and equitable voter requirements.

What happened in California that made "no ID" voting seem like a good idea?
No they didn't, it was proved in the election of Linda Sanchez here in California. Are you prepared to maintain that it doesn't exist?

You miss the point, V-Man. When the Dems do voter fraud, it's not called voter fraud. It's called "Affirmative Corrective Calculation" to take an otherwise unfair result and make it... fair.

The reality of the existence of a very large illegal alien population in California, which created a political expediency more important to Democrats than the security of the state, upon which they could exercise and demonstrate their exceedingly pusillanimous creativity.

This all may be true, but the current governor is Republican. The one you voted for. The one that got us into this mess. Why didn't he lose the last election if what you're saying is true?
The reality of the existence of a very large illegal alien population in California, which created a political expediency more important to Democrats than the security of the state, upon which they could exercise and demonstrate their exceedingly pusillanimous creativity.

If I had to guess about reality, it probably has more to do with a past of denying voting rights to earlier immigrant classes, Asians, Irish, and probably Okies, as well.
No they didn't, it was proved in the election of Linda Sanchez here in California. Are you prepared to maintain that it doesn't exist?

I am prepared to maintain it is negligible, and cannot be shown to have affected the outcome of any election for decades past.
You denied it by disparaging my post as bullshit. I posted the law in California, and the law in Chicago which you continued to deny without refuting a damn thing. I just told you what the law is in California and you chose to believe your fellow dummy Luke. No surprise there, you're both joined at the pinhead.

Your post IS bullshit... if it's not enforced, the law doesn't mean shit, and your initial statement that you have to give a fingerprint to buy and sell property is FALSE, you weasel-y little fuck.
Wow... you're really "drinking the kool aid". I will bet you $20,000 that you don't need to give fingerprints to sell or buy a building in Chicago. Would you be willing to take that bet? We can get it notarized if you'd like (I won't need a fingerprint for that either).

Let me know if you're interested.



I'll take a cashiers check.
*Dragnet Theme*

Dum de dum dum...dum de dum dum...duuum.

Do not think that my affection for honesty in any way translates to giving a flying rat fuck about you. I think you are a bigoted old man stuck in a bygone era. Just so we're clear on that.
Do not think that my affection for honesty in any way translates to giving a flying rat fuck about you. I think you are a bigoted old man stuck in a bygone era. Just so we're clear on that.

He'll still get a hard-on off of this indirect endorsement, just because he's gotta take what he can get.
He wants to collect on a $20 thousand bet by proving he didn't comply with laws in CHICAGO?

Like that's rare? :rolleyes: