a companion to 30 in 30

Thank you, dd, I'm glad you liked it

And thank you Heather, I'm glad you enjoyed reading that one too

hang in there you two. i'm enjoying reading you. :rose: :rose:

i may join you in a few days (can't believe i said that).
awesome series Chris, well done! *hugs*

well done Styx. i can see hitting that 30 is going to be worthy of a hefty celebration ;)
thank you everyone

i'll be returning to the 30/30 in the near future

thanks everybody, I feel...mocked but happy that you all took notice, hmm...I wonder if I'll hit 30 attempts before I get to 30 poems. well no reason to stop now, attempt nine commencing right....twelve hours ago. :p
I've been remiss, in missing this :

4degrees said:
a full week into
this thing again
i ate my muse last night
my crave got the best
of me, and him
now poetic ambition
digests in an acid burn
and will re appear
as something
less than appetising.

I love it !! Sounds like something I would do. ;)

Hoping your muse, strikes hard 'n fast !! :)

my internet is down at my house, so i'm hitting up where I work during the night, but likely there will be a day where I am unable to post the poem that I have written, so if that happens I'll post it the next day, but never fear I will be true to the nature of this game and write them day by day until I can post.

Hope to get my bill paid soon :p
4degrees said:
it was--in my mind--
me and you
no matter what the names
or the quirky semantics
the fact of one
stacked onto the other
instinctual legos
not driven to procreate
more legos-
we aren't the breeding kind.

Liked this one a lot, especially the Lego lines. Compact with impact, well done.
darkerdreamer said:
Liked this one a lot, especially the Lego lines. Compact with impact, well done.

:) weerd. glad you're reading me.

miss you dude. and other poets i never see anymore, too.
yes it is.
i saw the thread posted here about the incedent and was very moved/compelled. it brought about a real rawness that was probably not relayed very well in my short poem.
Eluard said:
This was very moving — I really felt this one powerfully. Great invocation of something we have all felt at one time or another.

thanks, Mr. Australia.

i like what i've seen of your work also . . . in the most important way, i guess i have told you that already, perhaps without you knowing it, through your Mannequin submission.
TheRainMan said:
thanks, Mr. Australia.

i like what i've seen of your work also . . . in the most important way, i guess i have told you that already, perhaps without you knowing it, through your Mannequin submission.

That sounds like good news, but I guess I won't know what it is until Mannequin Envy comes out! But it sounds as though I owe you some thanks! :rose:
Eluard said:
That sounds like good news, but I guess I won't know what it is until Mannequin Envy comes out! But it sounds as though I owe you some thanks! :rose:

I apologize, I thought for sure you knew we were all set with your art and poetry for the summer issue-- will be out for preview by July 1, I will surely send you a note so you can check it out before we go public :)
annaswirls said:
I apologize, I thought for sure you knew we were all set with your art and poetry for the summer issue-- will be out for preview by July 1, I will surely send you a note so you can check it out before we go public :)

Thanks Anna, looking forward to seeing the issue. Can we hold a party for it when it comes out? I'll bring the shrimp for the barbie.

(BTW I am still trying to decipher that AV of yours — it looks interesting!)
hello 30/30ers. don't mind me, i just thought i'd join you until i fizzle again. oh... i know what i put up will need some serious editing, so don't panic, you're not seeing the final product. i'm just using this to warm up again.

4degrees said:
wso, learn to swim.
:) :rose:

lol it's much more fun wallowing and near-drowning, don't you think? i reckon if i could swim, i'd have nothing to write about. ;)

Lost or Waiting to be Found

Lost or Waiting to be Found

I fell from someone’s pocket
and bounced once before I landed
half-open in the grass
like a lost wallet full of pictures
of people who don’t look
like that anymore and i.d. cards
that tell me my name but leave
me clueless as to who I am.

I fuckin love this
the whole thing

That's american for its really good
:D :heart:
Tathagata said:
I fuckin love this
the whole thing

That's american for its really good
:D :heart:

I dunno. I think a true American would have said, "I fuckin' love this whole damn thing." You must be some kinda import or somethin'. ;)

And, thanks. :) I really shouldn't sass, the Monkey when he's full of compliments. :heart: