a companion to 30 in 30

vampiredust said:

She keeps all her memories
inside her telephone.
I can hear them in the
background whenever
we talk, a mass of voices

separated by space-time
and quantum theatrics.
Sometimes she'll let them
out for air, unscrewing
the potato-masher head

and releasing them
onto the kitchen surface.
Not one has escaped
in all the time we've spoken.
They are all smeared

with her scent and my
breath is their chain,
dragging them towards
me whenever one steps
out of line or wants out.

Hey VD, I like this one. Love the 'potato-masher head' and the complex thought in the last two stanzas. You gathered that ending from a long way back — always a tricky thing to do. (It's the sort of thing that you can't do if drunk!)
wildsweetone said:
...i see your point.

TheRainMan said:

scrap that whole thing i said. i must have been on something when i wrote it.

i sat back and re-read what i'd written and realised how wrong i was. if i live two lifetimes i will never have enough time to write about everything that inspires me. sure i have days when i just don't feel much like writing (maybe part of one week in each month), but the rest of the time i'm bombarded with ideas. :rolleyes:

but i know that lots of people write in lots of different ways compared to me. *shrug* maybe vixen is one of the people who can't cope with the discipline of picking up the pen on a daily basis.

god i waffle.

Eluard said:
Hey VD, I like this one. Love the 'potato-masher head' and the complex thought in the last two stanzas. You gathered that ending from a long way back — always a tricky thing to do. (It's the sort of thing that you can't do if drunk!)

that potato-masher head caught me Chris. we don't have those kinds of phones here anymore. but once i realised i found the image VERY EASY to relate to.

unpredictablebijou said:
Hey Sara,

Regarding your latest 30-30:

o HELL yeah.


Hey Erratic Jewel,

I was just thinking the same thing about yours.

My house is surrounded by corn fields and suddenly it feels like I live in the red light district. I had no idea.
Sara Crewe said:
Hey Erratic Jewel,

I was just thinking the same thing about yours.

My house is surrounded by corn fields and suddenly it feels like I live in the red light district. I had no idea.

Oh indeed. And then there's the milo. Hot and nasty, lemme tell ya. Like the thyrsi of the maenads. I get so distracted driving to work sometimes.

I don't know if it's a good poem or not, but I can tell you i had to go be alone for a while after writing it... so it works at least on SOME level...

unpredictablebijou said:
Dammit, Tzara,

you stole my idea for tomorrow...

Sorry, m'dear, but as I said, mine was suggestion.
It was bad. Your theme and purpose? List resurrection!
Tzara said:
Sorry, m'dear, but as I said, mine was suggestion.
It was bad. Your theme and purpose? List resurrection!

I have, in fact, been considering a list piece. Just remember, you have only yourself to blame.

unpredictablebijou said:
I have, in fact, been considering a list piece. Just remember, you have only yourself to blame.


It's a good list. You had me right up until "Two halves of an object". Maybe you can 'splain that one to me. In defense of my ignorance, I am sick right now.

I also offer my sympathies to Tzara and TRM for their currently uncomfortable circumstances. Okay so maybe they were smirks not sympathies.

They were sympathetic smirks. Honest.
Sara Crewe said:
It's a good list. You had me right up until "Two halves of an object". Maybe you can 'splain that one to me. In defense of my ignorance, I am sick right now.

I also offer my sympathies to Tzara and TRM for their currently uncomfortable circumstances. Okay so maybe they were smirks not sympathies.

They were sympathetic smirks. Honest.

If it hiccuped for you at that point maybe I should take it out.

But my idea is that one stops to consider objects that can be split in two, and then re-united. The rest of the list is pretty concrete, so this leads the reader in a different direction, considering just how many different things might qualify for the recipe. It also leads into the apple, which when split in half lengthways, reveals a very feminine little shape in the center.

Thanks - it's good for me to think about these things.

get well soon, dear.
unpredictablebijou said:
If it hiccuped for you at that point maybe I should take it out.

But my idea is that one stops to consider objects that can be split in two, and then re-united. The rest of the list is pretty concrete, so this leads the reader in a different direction, considering just how many different things might qualify for the recipe. It also leads into the apple, which when split in half lengthways, reveals a very feminine little shape in the center.

Thanks - it's good for me to think about these things.

get well soon, dear.

I would just pass me a paper bag if I'm the only one with hiccups. With the other items on the list I was happy to add my ideas as to why they were included in the list. I must be lazy 'cause I was happy to supply reasons for the ingredients but not the ingredients themselves.

I meant to tell you too, I didn't lose my way permanently I jumped back on track with the apples.

Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it.

I'm feeling better just a little weird...which is not all that unusual for me.
Dammit. I just realized I'm going to flunk my first 30 30 through no fault of my own. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I'll be traveling and unable to post. So even if I write, which I will, I'm still going to have to start over.

Yet another reason to hate this trip.
a. having to be in airports
b. having to be in southern california
c. having to keep a straight face during the wedding
d. having to meet my New Mommy, who is eleven years younger than I am and speaks virtually no English AND WHOSE NAME IS MIAU
e. having to endure the various cousins
f. having to miss a fun weekend right here at home
and now
g. flunking the 30 in 30.


unpredictablebijou said:

Please tell me you do not pronounce that as Me-ow.

You can't write 'em an email them to someone else to post 'em? That's assuming it's just a 'I cannot connect to Lit' issue rather than a 'I am not online at all' issue.

Either way, sounds to me like you've got at least 6 poem ideas right in your list.
Sara Crewe said:
Please tell me you do not pronounce that as Me-ow.

You can't write 'em an email them to someone else to post 'em? That's assuming it's just a 'I cannot connect to Lit' issue rather than a 'I am not online at all' issue.

Either way, sounds to me like you've got at least 6 poem ideas right in your list.

Not going to travel with the laptop, so it will really depend on whether or not I have access to internet at all, or time to do it in all the mayhem. If I can get on line I'll do it. A mate has also volunteered to post for me if I call and dictate to him over the phone, so maybe I can make that work.

And yeah, there will be plenty of material. Plen-teee.

Mee-ow. As in Meow Mix. No shit.

unpredictablebijou said:
Mee-ow. As in Meow Mix. No shit.


Wow. I'm sorry. I'm being swarmed by tender vittle jokes right now. I will do my best to fight them off.

I think I finally know what I want to write about for today. Hope you don't mind if I steal from your life a little. I won't mention anyone by name.
Sara Crewe said:
Wow. I'm sorry. I'm being swarmed by tender vittle jokes right now. I will do my best to fight them off.

I think I finally know what I want to write about for today. Hope you don't mind if I steal from your life a little. I won't mention anyone by name.

I don't mind at all. I figure one reason I go through all this stuff is to give people things to write about. From a slight distance, it's a hilarious show. I'm getting great ratings.

b j
unpredictablebijou said:
Dammit. I just realized I'm going to flunk my first 30 30 through no fault of my own. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I'll be traveling and unable to post. So even if I write, which I will, I'm still going to have to start over.

Yet another reason to hate this trip.
a. having to be in airports
b. having to be in southern california
c. having to keep a straight face during the wedding
d. having to meet my New Mommy, who is eleven years younger than I am and speaks virtually no English AND WHOSE NAME IS MIAU
e. having to endure the various cousins
f. having to miss a fun weekend right here at home
and now
g. flunking the 30 in 30.



Hey Bijou — I don't see that there's anything in the rules that prevents you from building up a credit. So just write three poems and post them before you leave to cover you.

(I take the rule of the thread is that after n days there have to be at least n poems, for 1 < n < 30.)

Loved your list poem btw.
Eluard said:
Hey Bijou — I don't see that there's anything in the rules that prevents you from building up a credit. So just write three poems and post them before you leave to cover you.

(I take the rule of the thread is that after n days there have to be at least n poems, for 1 < n < 30.)

Loved your list poem btw.
In the very words of Monsieur Neo, our Grand 30/30iste (like here), such nonsense is explicitly disallowed.

But we who labor thirty days often trample rules. We am as potes! Piss on such rules! (Well, actually, most of us just write over them. We don't like to waste paper.)

One's conscience is ultimately one's guide. Some finish, some don't. All survive.
Tzara said:
In the very words of Monsieur Neo, our Grand 30/30iste (like here), such nonsense is explicitly disallowed.

But we who labor thirty days often trample rules. We am as potes! Piss on such rules! (Well, actually, most of us just write over them. We don't like to waste paper.)

One's conscience is ultimately one's guide. Some finish, some don't. All survive.

Whiskey tango foxtrot?

*Nonsense* huh?

Well ex-cuuse me.