a companion to 30 in 30

I always enjoy a poem where the words are like those of every day speech, and the work retains that quality we call a poem, in this case a well-written one by Champ in Hung Over Morning

"...and worries over that man/when he don't call...

A man don't get that funk smudging up the air..."

I also like the use of the third person with the boy and the girl, which gets you wondering who the narrator is. Smart.
I always enjoy a poem where the words are like those of every day speech, and the work retains that quality we call a poem, in this case a well-written one by Champ in Hung Over Morning

"...and worries over that man/when he don't call...

A man don't get that funk smudging up the air..."

I also like the use of the third person with the boy and the girl, which gets you wondering who the narrator is. Smart.
Thank you gm. That's a great compliment. I was writing about a real line up in a drive through at a Tim Horton's .. there were plenty of hang-over faces on January 1st.
Yea! I used "conundrum" in a poem, which I've wanted to.

This made me laugh. I'll get a word stuck in my head, telling me to play with it, then get distracted and forget until the next time I hear it. I should probably make a list, see how many of those I can get in a single piece. Today's word was "shard" which stuck in my head from Todski's Hine-Titama.
Thank you sir. It's what came of Senna Jawa's translation of Odjazd. A reflection on the connection between humans and nature.
Carrie, cheer up!


Second Life Poetry #5


I belong to a few groups there
and even though I have many
who call me friend and even
some who love me I know
that were I to slip away
tomorrow only a few
would even know
I'm gone.


C'mon, Carrie, do you want us to cry?! I will until you stop writing such depressing stuff.
GM! Welcome to the party. Everyone is writing stuff I love reading. It's inspiring. :)
Thanks. Not sure I can keep up, but I need a challenge. My muse has been asleep lately.

Well then it's time to wake her up! That is why I like the Fibonacci and American Sentence and other short forms. I can write them when I need time to think about something longer.
Heisenberg's Principle by legerdemer

Hey, legerdemer, nice!

Optional: I imagine a variation of stanza 4, just different.
