A Dragon's Ransom(closed thread for Poprockz and Justspitballing)

Two vines slowly wrapped around her ankles, gently pulling her toward the intimidating plant. Their grip was firm, and even if Maddie were to thrash with all she had in her, in the weakened state she was in it would be useless. Her body was pulled up the ramp that the petal had made before two more vines wrapped around her waist and lifted her up. It then held her above the phallic protrusion in the middle of the plant and carefully lowered her down upon it. With how slick her pussy was and the glistening lubrication of the faux-cock, it slipped inside her easily.

Of course it was nowhere near as large as a dragon's cock, but it was still very large by human standards. The thing seemed to pulse warmly inside her, a tingling sensation starting to spread from her pussy. Then, ominously, the petal started to rise to close her into the plant's pitcher.
Maddie gasped as the shaft filled her. She put her hands up defensively to try and fight against the plant closing in on her.

"No! Shuruk will kill you! Let go of me!" Maddie screamed out.

Her right hand kept defending herself while her left grabbed the shaft and tried to pull it out of herself. It was already so deep inside, holding on so tightly. As she started to yank it out the sudden movement caused her body to vibrate with pleasure. She couldn't help it, the hand that was trying to save her went right back to rubbing her clit and then a moment later she squirted hard. An intense orgasm hit her and rocked her body. Her mind went alight.

"Yes...yes...please..." she started to moan out.

Was she every beings plaything now? Her body just wanting to be raped and punished? The world just wishing to put her in her place more and more and treating her like the slut it saw her as. The slut it was turning her into.
The vines that had gripped her ankles twisted and curled around her legs as they worked their way up, forcing her to keep her legs open as she was impaled on its cock. They stopped at her thighs, but the tentacles on her waist worked up to her breasts, squeezing and slipping over her orbs. The plant seemed to know human anatomy pretty well, having made sure that each time a vine slipped over her supple chest that it slipped over her nipples as well.

The plant’s cock started bobbing up and down, bouncing her body upon it rhythmically. The slick sounds of her cunt seemed to echo in that enclosed space, each time it was fully sheathed making a wet slapping sound. “Plap-plap-plap!” One of the vines from above came down and inquisitively pressed against her lips, seeking entrance to her mouth.
The rhythmic slapping of the shaft going in and out of her seemed to block out everything. She started moaning heavily, hardly registering anything around her. Of course it was impossible not to see the vine headed for her mouth. In a sudden instance of clarity she shot her mouth forward to bite into the thing, but the vine could not be cut by such means. Instead her inner gums were cut, letting more of the venom into her system. Her body instantly demanded more violation and she started to hungrily suck on the vine as if she was going down on a wanting partner.

Instead of her right hand defending her from the petals it had now gone down to her breasts. At first she was clearly trying to remove the vines off of her supple tits, which was really hopeless, but now with the vine jammed into her mouth she was squeezing her breasts tightly, aiding the plant in her rape.

Her left hand bounced back and forth between rubbing her clit and stroking the plant's shaft as it withdrew from her. It was exhausting having her body try to keep up with all of this, but it was becoming very dedicated. All the while she couldn't even process thoughts anymore, everything just being so overwhelming.
The vine that had been allowed access to her mouth fucked her orally, rubbing itself against her tongue. It tasted strangely of a sweet nectar, the thing secreting the liquid from its tip every now and then. Apparently her mouth wasn't enough for it though, and it soon started working its way into her throat, bulging her throat as it plundered all the way down into her stomach.

At the same time, she would feel a warm squirt of liquid on her asshole before a thick vine pressed itself against her and tried to push its way through. It took a couple tries, seeing as her ass was a tight one, but soon its bulbous head breached her tight ring and went further still. Almost as if jealous of what it was doing, several other vines shoved themselves unceremoniously into her ass until she had a writhing, churning mass of tentacles stretching her wide. They seemed to fight for dominance, each one trying to get deeper than the last.

The plant had her completely helpless, the only thing she could see as she looked up was the tree branches above her, as on all sides there was only the pink of petals and the green of salacious, slimy vines that greedily touched and penetrated her.
Maddie's ass was spread wide. She had in no way been prepared for such a thing. She had a naughty mind at times, but anal sex was something that had simply never dawned on her. Now though she was being forced to experience this at its fullest, just like she had experienced every violation. She felt so filled, every entrance of her stuffed. The bulge in her throat being impressive that she could still breath around it. It must have been the 'blessing' at play. Her ass gaping open wide. She tried to count the amount of vines entering her that way. It was at least four, all cramming themselves in.

Her pussy was stretched out wide as well. This was nothing compared to Shuruk's cock, but if it wasn't for the magic placed on her, she would have been destroyed by it. And unlike Shuruk the plant was 'attacking' her at every direction, pleasing every part of her.

Of course now she was completely consumed by the thing. Fear tried to over run her face, but her body was still throbbing from what was being done to her.
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The vines in her ass were nothing if not voracious, traveling up her ass as far as they could reach and further still. Her belly started to bulge with the invading vines like some obscene mockery of pregnancy as they made their way to her stomach. The vine in her mouth had already made its home there, so it simply rubbed itself against her insides in a rocking motion.

Since all of her holes were already taken, many vines came out of the plant and split at the end to reveal pink tongue-like appendages. They licked her all over her skin and left slick trails of their saliva in their wake. No part of her body was spared: her ankles, her wrists, the back of her neck, the small of her back, her thighs... Two in particular focused on her nipples while one went to slide itself around and against her clit.

She would feel the plant shudder before a hot jet of cum gushed into her pussy There was so much of it that her belly swelled even further. Within the cum though, if she was still able to make rational thoughts, she would notice that large round objects were also being jettisoned into her womb, each about the size of a coconut.
Maddie's womb was filled and stretched out by white seed and massive pods. Her hands, which were amazingly still unrestrained, felt at her body and the lumps of whatever had been forced into her. It was much like she was now with child, a vision of what was to come for her. Of course just realizing this was a struggle as every part of her body was toyed with.

The licks all around her, every part of her being assaulted, being loved so greatly it could not be described. It was clear though that whatever extreme mating process this was, it would soon come to a close. She had already been engulphed by this plant, it would likely consume her fully once it was done pleasing itself. This could very well be her last moments. Even dragon magic likely wouldn't stop her death if she was digested. Still the pleasure was overwhelming so focusing on surviving was hard.

She had a quick flash in her mind, perhaps brought on by the venom coursing through her body, of Shuruk arriving in the nick of time, dragging her out of this plant, saving her, only to punish her by violently raping her afterwards. His massive cock just reshaping her body. She dwelled on this, not his grand form, not his strength, Maddie cared not for that, but in her being fucked over and over again. If this plant killed her, she would never be punished by him again. The venom likely made her want to be violated, but none the less, she did not want to die, not to this plant when her pussy still ached for her rightful owner.

She suddenly pushed forward, every strength in her being pressing forward, using every bit of might she could to escape. Her pussy squirted a second time, wearing her out even more, but still she pressed on. She had to escape, to survive.
It would seem that a hero's strength and willpower was of a different caliber than that of the plant's usual prey. With her surge of strength, she was able to push herself off the plant's cock and forward, ripping through the front petal. The plant had lifted off the ground, so she would fall forward and down. This was to her advantage though, as the extra force allowed her to slide off the tentacles in her ass and mouth.

That all being said, she was still envenomated with a body that currently overflowed with cum and eggs. If she wasn't swift, the plant would certainly recover and have her back in its grip once more. Several tentacles were already slithering through the hole she made and searching for her body.
Maddie grabbed at her belly, her looking well over nine months pregnant, and pulled herself up. She then yanked a torn off vine out of her butt, it coming out with a distinct popping sound. She laughed. She had managed to get the plant the dragon wanted, being true to her word, but he was never going to get the chance to give it to her.

She started to move as quickly as she could. It was awkward off course, being full of so much cum and, she supposed they would have to be called eggs, but she managed well enough. With her need to survive pressing her forward, she stayed a good couple of steps ahead of the plants.

Despite her sexual fantasies while being raped, she had no plans to let Shuruk capture her again. She very much understood that she had been drugged in some way and after cuming so strongly the thoughts were already starting to leave her mind.

"Just a bit further. Just keep going you legend of the people," Maddie said to herself as she pressed on, running further away. Real escape was at hand.
One more step and her body suddenly lurched. A sensation like a bucket of ice-water being poured over her could be felt, though she would find that she was quite dry (well, if one didn't count all of the saliva, cum, and plant nectar that dripped from her). At the same time, an intense dizziness would beset her until it left just as suddenly as it had arrived. That wasn't all though.

Right in front of her sat Shuruk. His golden eyes examined her, taking stock of the condition she was currently in. They were back in that same cave she had started in, her freedom no closer than it had been that morning.

The dragon was silent, waiting for her to speak. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking, whether he was angry, disappointed, or even amused. He had quite the pokerface when he wanted to, and this was one of those times.
So that was it. That was how he was keeping her in check. Maddie's curse included some kind of teleportation magic. She literally couldn't leave.

She fell to her knees in tears. It didn't matter how strong she was, or how much she went to war with this fate. She was tethered to this monster.

Maddie tossed the plant vine at Shuruk's feet. "I got what you wanted," she said, like that mattered now.

Then her massive belly shifted. 'No, please, don't come out of me now!' Maddie's mind screamed. Her hummilation seemed to be unending.
"That... is not what I asked you to procure," he responded, his voice soft but icy. "It is a vine that belongs to the host of the plant, but what I need are the parts that have thorns on them. All you have accomplished on your little trip was to lose my armor and become engorged."

The dragon tilted his head slightly, "though... I suppose that this was an important lesson for you. An exercise in futility, if you will." His eyes almost seemed to glow possessively as he leaned over her. "You are mine Maddie. You are bonded to me. You will never be able to leave so long as I live. Now... lay on your back and spread your legs- show me what you actually gathered in the forest."
Maddie knew she had no choice. There was no fight left in her and no way out. Further more these eggs were coming out of her whether she liked it or not. She lay down on her back and spread out her legs wide.

She started to grunt out, her vains on her face showing themselves as she pushed with all her might.

"FUCK! FUCK!...FUCK!!!" she screamed out as her pussy opened wide.

She then moaned out and pussy juices shot forth as the first egg suddenly popped out of her. She couldn't believe it, the shame, the degradation. Her body was climaxing from this. The orgasem over took her. It was to much. And it was only the first egg. The process had only started.
"That's it..." he said softly, reaching out and very delicately picking up the egg with his talons. The dragon examined it before setting it back down. At the very least, it would be a tasty snack once they were all ejected. They were difficult to acquire, but the eggs tasted like honey- quite the sweet treat.

The other dragons had lifted their heads to watch, each of them amused at the situation. Ellandril had also returned to the cave with more polish for one of the dragon's talons, though he dropped it when he saw her and had to scramble to pick up the metal tin from the stone floor. The elf turned to try to quickly leave and give her some privacy (what little privacy she had), but the diamond dragon blocked his bath with its tail. This dragon was large and a very pale, ghostly green. Instead of spikes and horns, this one had webbed appendages and pale yellow eyes.

"No, no. All must witness her birth..." the dragon grinned cruelly.

Ellandril was forced to turn and watch her, a white-knuckled grip on the tin he clutched in his hands.
Maddie's eyes looked at Ellandril for a moment. Now her humiliation really was complete.

"Haven't you won enough!?" Maddie shouted out at Shuruk.

She glared at the dragon, her eyes shooting daggers at him, but her body flinched as she grunted some more. Another egg popped out of her, fallowed by a third. There was really no stopping this now. Maddie looked up at the cave ceiling, trying to get her mind off the horrors at play, but there was no escaping all the eyes on her. Everyone watching her as her body purged itself. Another popping sound could be heard as a fourth egg freed itself from her body, quickly rolling away.

"Stay strong, stay strong," Maddie seemed to chant to herself. The process was exhausting and still despite everything pleasureful. She hated the idea of humiliating herself by succumbing to the sensation yet again but there seemed to be no stopping it.
"No." he answered simply. "It's not about winning, Maddie. It is about teaching you how to obey me. You may curse my name, but you will be screaming it as I fuck you each and every day. It will be ever-present in your life because I am your master. Today, you took off the armor I so graciously bestowed upon you and landed yourself in trouble because of it, in addition to not completing your task. You tried to escape me, and you currently bear another creature's eggs. That is what annoys me most."

The dragon's lip curled up slightly in disdain, "that filthy plant assumed it could fill up your womb when you clearly belong to me. Its seed and eggs are sitting where mine should be. Even though it is only temporary, it is keeping me, Shuruk, The Amethyst Dragon, leveler of mountains, from impregnating my whore." There was a deep growl, one that could make a banshee’s toes curl. It seemed to reverberate in thunderous vibrations from his chest.
Maddie was forced to simply take in Shuruk's words, and then the dread came as the last two eggs popped out of her, one after the other. The white seed inside of her instantly fallowed. The thick goo gushed out of her wide, gaping, pussy, spewing out far and impressively. It splashed onto Shuruk's front foot. Would he take that as an insult? What would he do to her now that she was empty?

Her body had recovered shockingly well. Maddie put a hand back to her belly, it was if nothing had ever been in there, but the emotional impact of what just happened to her would be with her forever. She sat up, massive puddle of cum before her, and looked at the dragons that surrounded her. She knew they expected her to say something.

"Enjoy your meal," she said glancing at the eggs, anger still in her voice, saying it like she had done Shuruk a service.

She didn't want to be beaten by someone so arrogant. That really was the worse aspect of this.
He looked down at her, and it was clear he wasn’t in the best of moods. Usually he would be amused, but at the moment the amethyst dragon needed an outlet for his annoyance. “Get on your hands and knees. Present your pussy to me,” he commanded in a low tone.


The voice came not from one of the other dragons, but from Ellandril. He had a look of horror and anger on his face. The diamond dragon looked alarmed at this outburst and hissed, “be silent!”

Ellandril ignored him and ran up to Maddie, taking off his silk shirt and putting it around her shoulders. He then addressed Shuruk directly with desperation in his voice, You can’t- you’ll kill her!” It seemed as though the elf hadn’t been informed about why exactly the dragons had decided to keep her. All he knew was that a cock that big, even Shuruk’s tongue might kill her. Though he held her shoulders protectively, she could feel the way they trembled in fear.

There was another deep, rumbling growl from the violet dragon’s chest. Shuruk didn’t want to kill the other dragon’s plaything, but this defiance by both of them couldn’t stand. Maddie was tolerated because she was his. Ellandril didn’t have that same protection. Should he have the man whipped? Or perhaps he should put him in the black hole for a month.
Maddie had to think quickly. She didn't have anything to offer Shuruk to calm him down, but she couldn't let Ellandril be harmed. She would never forgive herself. All she could do was beg for understanding.

"No Ellandril, you don't understand. He's done it before..." Maddie then paused.

Perhaps she did have something that could calm Shuruk, her dignity.

"He made it so I would live, and not only that, he fucked me so hard I enjoyed it. I like to act strong and powerful so I dreaded admitting it, but my body craves for him to fuck me raw now. I know only he can please me," she went on.

She then proceeded to get on her hands and knees and presented her sex to the dragon before her.

"Please, correct my behavior. Show this elf what a wanting whore I can be."
There was a tense silence before the dragon’s expression softened into a pleased smile. “It is as she said. Maddie is my whore, the one who will bear my eggs. We are soul-bonded, so even the roughest of fucks will not break her.”

His hard cock started to detract from his groin, massive and thick as per usual. He eyed her hungrily, deciding that he was going to really hammer the lesson home for them both.

“M-my apologies! I-I did not know.” The elf looked a mix of bewildered and dejected, giving Shuruk a bow before trying to leave again. That was not something he was going to be permitted to do though, as Shuruk then reached out and picked him up, depositing him down right in front of Maddie. The elf had fallen back on his ass, so they were at eye-level as the Adam’s apple in his neck bobbed with a hard swallow.

“Then allow me to educate you.” There were a few whispered words of magic, and gold chains held the elf’s ankles down so that he couldn’t move from his current spot. Shuruk then let a long string of saliva drip down onto her ass as he started to rub his cock between her cheeks. That didn’t last too long though, as soon he was starting to push himself inside. This time though… it was his intent to make her take him in her ass.
Shuruk's cock being so massive that at first it easily pressed against both Maddie's ass and pussy. It wasn't until he moved up slightly and pushed forward that Maddie realized what was happening.

"But I'm to be the mother of your young. Doing me there wont help with that. Please, there's no reason for this," Maddie started to plead.

Her eyes looked deeply into Ellandril. Seeing his fear made things all the worse but she knew she couldn't look away. Him witnessing this was part of the punishment. If she coward before that it would only get worse. Could it get worse? The answer to that made itself clear as her butt was forced to open wide and the tip of Shuruk's shaft started to slide into her. The answer was very much yes.

Even though it was only just the start of the tip entering her, her body was already being warped to accommodate the girth. Her arms buckled as her front half fell, her ass standing high. She had already been raped so greatly, to the point of exhaustion, so her body couldn't take much more and she was already being warn out. But this beast just kept pressing his dick into her. How cruel.
"This will serve its own purpose," he replied, unmoved by her argument. "I want to show our uninformed elf that even your ass can withstand my cock."

The dragon leaned over so that his mouth was right next to her ear. "Besides... my anger is greatly assuaged, but I feel that you still deserve to be reminded of how your body- all of it- belongs to me.” His tongue came out to greedily lick the side of her face before he leaned back and forced more of his cock into her ass. He didn’t want it to come out of her mouth, so he angled his cock at a downward angle so that it would push out against her belly. Thanks to the plant, she was very slick on the inside which greatly eased the process. That being said, he still had to pull and push his cock in small strokes for now.

It simply wouldn’t do to have her slumped forward like that, hiding the magnificence of his bulge. Shuruk reached out and two of his fingers went over her shoulders and curled back under her arms. He then pulled her back up on her knees so that the elf could not only see her face, but the way his cock warped her and made her breasts jiggle with each small thrust.
The bulge came out far, stopping just before Ellandril. Maddie's tits shook with every thrust. Every movement hit her very core, and she could tell Shuruk was going at her lightly right now. The plant's anal rape of her was just not comparable to this. Shuruk filled her up so much more, her ass being forced to spread so much wider.

Maddie started to moan out, her words stuttering heavily. "To...BIG! G, g, g, god...YES! Fuck...." she was already losing grasp of reality, the intensity of the sex taking her over.

She put a hand out and placed it onto Ellandril's shoulder. Honestly she was just trying to balance herself and keep herself conscious as the dragon pulverized her body. If the elf took it as her comforting him, it was hard to say. As her body though was pushed forward by the fuck she suddenly moved ahead, her breasts smacking against Ellandril's face. She would have apologized, but she could hardly even register him at this point.
The elf seemed to be slightly in shock. He was unable to move back to avoid being involved in their sexual act, and that was just how Shuruk wanted it. The dragon wanted her to moan and cum right in his face, to show him that she didn't need his protection, nor his concern. He was her master now, her protector, her lover, her tormentor, her everything.

With a satisfied smirk, the dragon started to push in a little harder. The bulge in her stomach expanded, and the dragon groaned with pleasure. She was so very tight. Even though her small human pussy had been tight as well, it didn't compare to the clenching tightness of her ass. It took some self-control not to immediately buck his hips and punish her hard, but he managed to contain himself. This was their first time doing this so he wanted to start out fairly tame before he went full-throttle.
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