A Few Pics to Show Me!

Looking forward to the update .... hope all went well.
Around 7:30 last night, Christopher Lucas was born weighing 7lbs 12 oz!
Such a cute baby, I love him to death!
I asked Amber how they came up with the name, they both smiled and said someone who was close to them at conception was the inspiration, I started to cry...they literally named their first born after ME!
Mom and baby are doing great and hope to go home today.

Also asked if they were going to tell everyone the same story about the baby's name, they laughed and said they'll probably go with something like they just really liked it lol!
Around 7:30 last night, Christopher Lucas was born weighing 7lbs 12 oz!
Such a cute baby, I love him to death!
I asked Amber how they came up with the name, they both smiled and said someone who was close to them at conception was the inspiration, I started to cry...they literally named their first born after ME!
Mom and baby are doing great and hope to go home today.

Also asked if they were going to tell everyone the same story about the baby's name, they laughed and said they'll probably go with something like they just really liked it lol!
Congrats Christy - that is really nice
Around 7:30 last night, Christopher Lucas was born weighing 7lbs 12 oz!
Such a cute baby, I love him to death!
I asked Amber how they came up with the name, they both smiled and said someone who was close to them at conception was the inspiration, I started to cry...they literally named their first born after ME!
Mom and baby are doing great and hope to go home today.

Also asked if they were going to tell everyone the same story about the baby's name, they laughed and said they'll probably go with something like they just really liked it lol!
Aunt Christy…
Can see it 20 years from now…you introducing the young man to things
Around 7:30 last night, Christopher Lucas was born weighing 7lbs 12 oz!
Such a cute baby, I love him to death!
I asked Amber how they came up with the name, they both smiled and said someone who was close to them at conception was the inspiration, I started to cry...they literally named their first born after ME!
Mom and baby are doing great and hope to go home today.

Also asked if they were going to tell everyone the same story about the baby's name, they laughed and said they'll probably go with something like they just really liked it lol!
Congrats to all!
Whirlwind of a weekend, Friday didn't feel good at all, think I caught a bug at the hospital or something.
Saturday stayed over at Brent and Cassy's to spend Easter with them and the girls. His parents came over later and glared at me the whole time as if they knew he shot two loads of cum in me 12 hours before, but Cassy did a great job cleaning up any leakage!
Last night I went to see the baby, lying in bed with Amber and Christopher just watching him sleep, so peaceful! Her and I kissed a bit and she told me she really wants to get her body back, which already looks amazing. So shit, I guess I got my personal trainer back and going to be working out hard again, lots of pain for hopefully just as much gain!
Trying to get into work mode and wondering why I didn't take this day off too, no one else seems to be online yet.
Whirlwind of a weekend, Friday didn't feel good at all, think I caught a bug at the hospital or something.
Saturday stayed over at Brent and Cassy's to spend Easter with them and the girls. His parents came over later and glared at me the whole time as if they knew he shot two loads of cum in me 12 hours before, but Cassy did a great job cleaning up any leakage!
Last night I went to see the baby, lying in bed with Amber and Christopher just watching him sleep, so peaceful! Her and I kissed a bit and she told me she really wants to get her body back, which already looks amazing. So shit, I guess I got my personal trainer back and going to be working out hard again, lots of pain for hopefully just as much gain!
Trying to get into work mode and wondering why I didn't take this day off too, no one else seems to be online yet.

I hope you recover quickly. There are people that need you. Sounds as though you know that already. 😍
Got a call from my doctor, time for my annual physical, great, scrape of my most private part, breasts in vises for cancer testing and who knows what other invasive shit she'll come up with.
Distracting myself finding something for going out with Becca on Friday, hopefully some of the other bitches come too!