A Hypothetical: Dominants with bad taste

And it's super duper straight manly-man to ADMIT you don't have a clue, too.
I know I am not the best picker of clothes. I like to guide or pick one or two items. I know usually a woman is far better then I.

I was with one woman who seemed to go for sloppy casual or boring business. (I totally understood her desire for sloppy casual, it was comfortable and it had a side benefit. It was so easy to enjoy her when necking, petting etc.)

I had extra cash one day and I really liked this one outfit she tried on. She didnt want it because she preferred another boring outfit. I told her Id buy it.

I drove her to work the next day and walked her in. She had compliments from all the guys. She was shocked and I was happy that she was getting the attention.
Anyone ever used a scarf as make-do bondage? Not a silk scarf. But a winter scarf. Maybe somewhere you can pull her pants down and expose her to the cold winter air. Quickly take her to orgasm. Let her suffer. Zip her pants back up and unravel the scarf and let her suffer some more :)
Can't say as I have. I have used silk scarves and ties. Hmmm... tie someone to the bbq? Gorgeous summer weather over here at the moment!