A Muse's Inspiration (closed for Poprockz)

"I'll get us there, just follow me," she replied simply, standing up and walking out of the restaurant with the assumption that he would follow her. Once again, she got the stares of some of the newer patrons, but she continued on with her head high and her aura regal. Upon leaving the restaurant, she walked until she was in a back alley, a potted tree nearby. Presumably it was a tree kept outside the door of one of the buildings to make the alley less dank, but it did little to help.

Taking his hand, she gave him a half-smile and whispered, "hang on, Blake," before whispering to the plant, "take me to the place to which I call home." There was a fizzling, popping feeling in his head, as though his insides were shifting about. Though it wasn't painful it simply felt wrong, as though the laws of nature were being bent. It was as though his being was being stretched between too places at once, the overpowering feeling growing until... it was suddenly gone.

If he looked around, he would find a beautiful, lavish house.


It had a relaxed, clean feeling. There were plants in every room, making it feel almost like it was merely occupying the space of a garden. There were accents of sandy colors as well as gold and wooden tones to go along with the white and the greenery.
Blake couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu as he followed Euterpe out of the restaurant. Though the location was different, and they were dressed in different clothes, the reactions of the people around them was almost identical. The stares were the same. Anyone in her path made way for her without hesitation, and he followed behind her, just like before. He would have stepped in front of her to open the doors for her if somebody hadn't also been entering and thus been there to do it for him. He naturally continued to follow her, only with a bit more confusion as she turned dank and dirty alley between a couple of neglected-looking buildings. He found himself wondering if there was some sort of glamour spell on one of them, but only ended up more confused when she walked them up to a potted plant, took his hand, and told him to hang on.

Several thoughts naturally went through Blake's mind in that moment, with the most prominent of them being how soft and smooth Euterpe's skin was. There wasn't much time for his mind to linger on such thoughts though, because no sooner did he hear her whispered words than he felt his head start to swim. Blake's hand tightened around Euterpe's as his other moved to his head, which felt like it was being brought to a boil. His eyes closed as he felt himself reeling, with the only stabilizing thing being Euterpe's hand. Then, as the pressure built and bubbled in his head, he felt a hook grabbed him by his belly button and pulled, but it wasn't like a normal pull. It was like a cartoon pull with his hand being held by Euterpe and his feet being stuck to the ground. So the bubbling in his head got faster and grew stronger as the hook latched tighter and pulled harder, pulling his body in every direction, overpowering every sense and nerve ending until...it suddenly stopped!

"Holy fuck..." Blake said softly to himself...staggering before dropping to a knee. He still held Euterpe's hand, but not as tightly, hoping that he never had to let it go, even if he knew that he would ultimately had to eventually. "That certainly was...something. Is it going to feel like that eve...holy shit!" Blake opened his eyes mid question and had been unable to contain his reaction. "Your home is beautiful, Euterpe, absolutely beautiful." His gaze studied it, noting how it really did subconsciously feel like HER home, or at least what little he knew of her, what with all the white, natural sandy wood color, plants, and natural light.
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"It is, isn't it?" Euterpe smiled, looking fondly around at her abode. It was very open and bright, full of life- all things that her prison cell was not. "And no. You will become accustomed to such travel once your body realizes that you will be regularly transcending your limitations."

She glanced at his hand before letting it go, clasping her hands behind her as she drifted around the stairs and down a hallway. "You are welcome to look around if you like, but I will be in the bedroom waiting for you."
Blake had still been on one knee when Euterpe let go of his hand, and as reluctant as he was to do so, he let go of hers and allowed his arm to fall. His gaze followed her as she drifted around the stairs and down the hallway, even as her words gave him permission to explore her home.

With a soft grunt, Blake pushed himself to his feet as he turned his head to once more take a look around the room or rooms to be accurate, as the open concept flowed directly into the kitchen. While there wasn't a wall between the two rooms, a sizable kitchen island did a pretty good job of splitting the rooms. He walked over to and around it, noting how, despite it's size, there was still plenty of walking room on every side.

The more Blake walked around Euterpe's house, the more he noticed the size of everything, or more specifically that despite the size of everything, none of it seemed gauche. It was more than that though, they also didn't make the rooms seem small or cramped. Everything was somehow as big as it was while also being perfectly sized for the room it was in and everything around it. Even what he would guess was the guest bathroom was no exception. There was a large jacuzzi along one wall and a large walk in shower along another. Either one of them would fit perfectly in the master bathroom of a luxury hotel, and yet they both fit so perfectly here.

While he was tempted to explore the entirety of the house, Blake also didn't want to keep his hostess waiting. So he passed on the second floor for now, but couldn't resist admiring the spiral staircase one more time on his way by. He walked down the hallway he'd seen her take earlier.

Though the door to the bedroom was open, Blake knocked on the doorframe before stepping inside. Even that felt wrong to do without announcing himself, but she was expecting him after all. His gaze saw her shoes set neatly by the door, and with no real idea at how to proceed, he figured that that was as good a place to start as any. He carefully kicked off first one of his shoes and then the other before a flourish of movement caught his attention. Euterpe had been in a corner watering a plant while he'd been taking off his shoes, and now she was moving methodically around the room watering one plant after another from the same golden watering can that never seemed to run out of water. He found himself unable to look away, literally entranced what would otherwise be a mundane daily task if it were being performed by anybody else.

Despite Euterpe's beauty and the effortless grace with which she move as she performed the task, Blake fought against himself, trying not to stare as he busied himself with setting his shoes neatly beside hers, and hopefully out of the way. With that task done though, he nothing else to actually do to distract himself other than stress over the subconscious signals that his body language might be sending. Crossing his arms might be seen as too aggressive, sitting on or leaning against anything might be too casual or somehow disrespectful. His fingers twitched as his fists clenched and unclenched, desperate for something to do. In the end, he settled on just standing, one hand holding his other wrist. His gaze was averted and lowered, but his head wasn't bowed. It was the best he could do to not stare, even if his gaze did flick upwards in her direction every now and again. He said nothing and made no other sound, not wanting to rush her or seem impatient.
She sensed him, heard his tentative knock, but she waited to speak. He was left standing for about a minute in silence, the muse taking a bit of pleasure in watching him squirm out of the corner of her eye.

“They say that plants grow more healthy if someone sings to them. I have found this to be true.” Her voice had a tinge appreciation about it, the look in her eyes and the tenderness with which she moved leaves betraying her adoration for them. “Do you have any plants, Blake?”
Blake's gaze lifted and turned properly towards Euterpe when she spoke, almost like taking it as permission to do so when she acknowledged his presence in the room. He continued to watch her as she moved, seeing once more the change and play of emotions across her beautiful face as tenderly moved this leaf or that stem, her feelings for them as plain as day.

Euterpe's question to him actually caught Blake off guard, even in the context of what she'd said just moments ago while she'd been tending to her own plants. "Just one..." He said as he took a step towards her. "...a spider plant I got when I went away to college. I wanted...something, but didn't trust myself enough to get a dog, a cat, or even a fish. I wanted something robust and low maintenance, because...well you know how musicians are. You never know when your big break will come, where it will take you, or how long you might be gone. It took the occasional and accidental neglect in stride, and ended up being exactly what I needed. Hell, it was even one of the few things I brought back here after I graduated."

As he talked, Blake had continued to step closer to Euterpe, stopping when he was beside her, but making no attempt to touch her. He instead lifted his hand to gently caress a leaf with one finger, one of the same leaves he'd seen her move. He took care with the motion, making sure to use minimal pressure so as not to risk any damage to the clearly treasured plant.
Her lips went into a disapproving purse for a moment before she spoke, “ah yes, I know of people who do this. They want something that will conform to their own lifestyle, regardless of whether the plant is thriving or wilting. To simply have it survive seems to satisfy, as though it is simply a treasured object rather than a dependent.”

The woman moved away from him toward the next plant, which she watered gracefully. The water can didn’t seem to weigh much, if at all. The feeing of the room had turned a bit icy, her eyes pointedly paying him no mind as she continued her task.

Was she being unfair towards him? Perhaps. However she hadn’t liked the answer he gave. It reminded her too much of the mindset his father and forebears had lived by. To them, she had simply been a beautiful potted plant to keep around for their own purposes, regardless of how she felt about it. They hadn’t even treated her like a human, denying her things that might have driven a mortal mad.
Euterpe's reactions and response to his words caught Blake off guard, though in hindsight it probably shouldn't have. He'd spoken the truth though, and he'd rather she dislike the truth than like or somehow be impressed with a lie. He watched her walk away, and couldn't help but feel like she was consciously avoiding looking at him. He felt a chill run up his spine, like the temperature in the room had dropped fifty degrees all of a sudden.

Blake couldn't help but feel that he was at a crossroads as he looked at the beautiful goddess as she ignored him and went about her task. He could pursue her, apologize, grovel, and beg in the desperate hope to gain approval that he wasn't even truly sure he deserved or...

With hesitation that would be obvious to anybody looking on, Blake lifted his foot and paused for what felt like an eternity before finally bringing it down. The second step was easier than the first, and each step after only got easier. His destination was obvious enough, Euterpe's bed, but even when he reached it there were a couple of options. The most natural of which somehow seemed to be to sit on the floor and lean against it while still watching Euterpe work. His choice however, was one of the least natural and possibly just as confrontational as walking straight up to her. He turned around and lowered himself to sit on her bed, unprompted and uninvited as he started to speak.

"I suppose that's fair..." Blake started, just letting his gaze linger on the floor. "I admit that I couldn't then, and can't now, tell the difference between a spider plant that is thriving or just surviving. I just did some research beforehand, did the best I could, and asked for help when I needed it." He finally looked up at Euterpe after he finished speaking, his eyes likely betraying his uncertainty, despite the boldness of his action.
When he turned to look, he would find that she was looking directly into his eyes. He wasn't backpedaling, nor was he downplaying his own lack of knowledge. In addition, it did seem as though he had tried to provide for the plant. It was true that he had regarded the plant as less than that of an animal, and therefore fine to be the subject of his whims and occasional neglect. However, she thought to herself that perhaps he had simply lacked the awareness at the time. A lot of humans had no regard for plants, despite the beautiful creatures being one of the most important inhabitants of the world.

Setting the watering can down with a soft clink, she drifted around the bed until she was standing in front of him. The woman had a dignified presence, her chin tilting down slightly so she could hold his gaze. It didn't escape her that he had sat down without permission, but she wasn't particularly bothered by it. She had invited him to her room for a purpose, and sitting on the bed was merely the tip of the iceberg.

"Just remember that plants, animals, and humans do not exist solely for your benefit. Nor do I." With her lesson having been given, she nodded at him and commanded, "scoot back on the bed."
Blake almost flinched when he lifted his gaze and found it immediately locked with Euterpe's. He was having a hard time getting any sort of a read on her, which was of course to be expected, but didn't make existing in her presence any easier. He understood her feelings about his answer to her question and thus the cold shoulder he'd gotten. It was the sudden shift now that threw him for a loop, and of course the loop in her eye and general presence as she walked towards him. He felt like he was being stalked, and had to fight back the shiver that wanted to crawl up his spine as he watched her drift around the bed until she was standing directly in front of him.

"Duly noted." Blake said simply in response to Euterpe's impromptu lesson, keeping it short, since it was harder to fuck up a short response, and since he was in no hurry to join his father in being without eyes and a tongue, shorter was better.

Euterpe's next words came out as a command, plain and simple, and Blake followed them as such, moving his arms behind him so that he could pull himself back from the foot of the bed towards the bed with his arms. He repeated the process several times until he was sitting a little in front of the pillows and the headboard. His gaze had drifted from hers of it's own volition, retreating from it's intensity, but a question brewing inside of him urged it to return. "Are there any rules or laws governing...this aspect of gaining true sponsorship that need to be followed or that I should be aware of?" He didn't know if his question sounded stupid or not, but given that she'd been unwillingly bound to his family by a similar law, he hoped that she wouldn't begrudge him at least one dumb question.
"I have three rules..." she started, smoothing out her skirt. Instead of taking off her dress like one might have expected, she lifted her leg and stepped up onto the bed. Her smooth, bare foot nestled in the covers before the other followed. Now standing atop it, she continued.

"One. No is a full sentence." She took a few slow steps toward him. Her grace knew no bounds, the woman making it look effortless as though she didn't even need to try keeping her balance. At the same time, her stature was imposing since she was standing tall over his reclining body, her brooding eyes looking down as though she was a bird about to snatch a fish out of the water.

"Two. You must not speak words of love to me, nor address me with terms of endearment. This goes for your lips, as well as your hands when I am not giving my body to you.” This was more of a personal preference, as she never wanted to hear such hollow, honeyed words whispered into her ear by one of his family ever again. Their relationship was strictly business, and had no room for affection nor fancy. The thought of him calling her "darling" or some such names put a sour taste in her mouth. Her movements closed the gap between them, her legs now parted with her feet on the outsides of his legs,.

"Three. It is not over until I cum." With that, she lowered herself onto her knees, settling her body down onto his lap. Her hips started to very slowly rock forward, rubbing against the place she knew housed the serpent she was anticipating. Reaching out, she started to unbutton his shirt with her long, slender fingers.
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Blake wasn't entirely sure what he expected Euterpe to do after he made room for her like she commanded, except maybe to crawl up onto the bed after him and devour him whole. He did know that he didn't expect her to plant her bare foot, rise effortlessly to her feet, and walk forward with the same effortless grace she always seemed to exhibit. He wouldn't have thought it was possible before, but he somehow felt even more intimidated than when she'd been standing over him before. It made sense now of course, but god damn!

The rules, when they came, came with a stare that was as merciless as her grace was effortless. The first came as she walked forward across the soft covers. The second as she stood over him with her legs on either side of his, and the third as she lowered herself to her knees on top of him. In his upright position she of course wasn't directly on top of his slumbering eight inch cock, but she was close enough to it that when she rocked her hips forward she rubbed against it before she rocked backwards and repeated the process once more.

"And do you want me to touch you...?" Blake started as he felt Euterpe start to unbutton his dress shirt with her long and slender fingers. "...or have anywhere you don't want me to touch you?" He finished, his gaze still daring to meet hers as a tiny bit of confidence crept into his voice now that she was neither standing or towering over him.
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The shirt was soon open, her hands pulling it out and over his shoulders before tossing it to the side. He had a nice chest, she had to admit. In the bast she had bedded those who were older and those in their prime, and she each had their own advantages. His energy and stamina would be a refreshing change from the dullness and disgust of his father.

"When we are engaged in our intimate trysts, you may touch me however you like as long as you do not intend to hurt me. That is... unless I ask you to." A little smirk came to her lips, her hand sliding up his chest to get more of a feel for him. He was firm, yes that was nice...

Euterpe then took his hands and guided them to her dress pointedly, obviously indicating that she wanted him to take it off.
Blake remained still as Euterpe unbuttoned his shirt, only really moving when it was to help her remove it by shrugging out of it with his shoulders. Her answer to his question was one he was thankful for, as he knew he would have a very hard time keeping his hands off of her during their intimate trysts. He blinked his eyes for what felt like the first time since their eyes had locked together when he'd been sitting at the foot of the bed, and it was in that brief moment that he felt the first touch of her hand on his chest. Nothing could have stopped the low groan that the slide of her hand pulled from him. It was like when she'd grabbed his hand earlier multiplied by a million. He was reminded once more how soft and smooth her skin was.

"Understood." Blake responded simply, even as Euterpe guided his hands to her dress. He noted that she left that command unspoken and wondered, even as he leaned forward, how long she would have waited before commanding it. His arms wrapped around her then as he leaned closer still. His fingers didn't fumble or fondle, but instantly found the zipper they were looking for. One hand held the top of the dress steady, the other pulled the zipper down to where it ended at her waist, and his lips took the opportunity to kiss the pulse point of her neck before closing around it to suck briefly upon it. The sucking ended as quickly as it began though, because his hands had dropped from their previous positions to grab fistfuls or her dress and prepare to lift it up over her head, which he had made room for by leaning away from her with his upper body.
"Ah..." A sigh escaped her as his lips touched her skin. It felt nice, having a man's attentions once more. The sex she had endured over the years could hardly be constituted as such, as there was no substance to it. It was all predatory, even when it was soft and gentle. In this case though, he was matching her steps while maintaining a cautiousness that came with respect at the very least. She liked that... being respected and revered. It made her feel like a Goddess once more rather than a lowly pet.

Her body leaned into his lips before slowly leaning back to allow the dress to freely come up. The fabric seemed to cling to her body as it rose, but once it was off of her it was discarded to the side. Not entirely nude, she still sported a white bra along with a pair of silky white panties. It gave her a thrill to be exposed to him, the woman enjoying the thought of him adoring the curves of her body.

"Let's get you out of those pants..." she murmured, reaching down and unbuttoning his pants. Her fingers dragged his zipper down slowly, as though she was almost debating whether she should stop. It was a tease of course, but she couldn't help being a tad playful.
Euterpe's response to his lips on her neck was a pleasant surprise for Blake. Yes, she'd given him permission to do it, but there had been no guarantee that she would do anything more than tolerate it. He especially enjoyed the feel of her leaning into the embrace, even if it was moments before he had to tear his lips away. He was rewarded for pulling his lips away though. He got to see the way the garment clung to her body as he pulled it upwards, as though it had a mind of it's own and was working against them. It was for naught though, and when the garment lost it's hold he was treated to the sight of her lovely large breasts falling back down, bouncing once in the white bra that still covered them, and finally settling.

"My god are you beautiful, Euterpe..." Blake said, his words trailing off as his eyes took in their fill of the beautiful goddess that straddled him. He wasn't normally the kind of guy who fawned over a woman or obsessed over their beauty, but Euterpe was different...I mean she was so many other things, but all of those things started with that single fundamental difference that no other woman could or would ever compare to.

It was Euterpe's words and the feeling of her unbuttoning his dress pants that pulled Blake out of his own head and back into the moment. The zipper came next, but her pace was as teasing as it was agonizingly slow. "A wonderful idea, Euterpe..." He started as he lifted his gaze to meet hers, his mind coming up with the perfect way to respond to her playful hesitation. "The first article of clothing was free, but..." His hands dropped to her knees and slowly slid upwards, caressing the soft skin, kneading the taut muscles, and finally squeezing her full ass. "The second..." He continued as his hands released her ass and retreated slowly, following the line of her hip. "May cost you..." He leaned close as he spoke, whispering his last words against her neck as his hands reversed their motion and his index fingers slipped into the waistband of her soft and silky white panties. Now, if she moved backwards to take his pants off, the motion would take her body with her, but leave the panties in his grip sliding down her legs.
"A fair enough trade," she mused with a slight curl to her lips, hooking her fingers into the hips of his pants and preparing to pull them down. His flirting interested her, in the way that she had first expected him to simply lay back and let her ride him, perhaps with an uncomfortable glance her way every now and then. The fact that he was actively engaging and taking initiative boded well for their sessions, and at the least it would help them from becoming boring.

She accepted the sacrifice of her panties as she moved back to remove his pants, as they would eventually have to come off as well. A woman's naked body was nothing to be ashamed of, least of all a god's, so there wasn't the slightest hint of shyness about her when they slid down her thighs to reveal her trimmed pussy. Based on what she read, most men these days preferred a well-kept pussy, if not a completely shaved one. Euterpe couldn't understand the idea behind the full-shaving, it seemed rather unnatural to her. She was willing to trim herself though, to make things more attractive for the men she would see.

When his pants came down his own legs, his cock was free and in full view. It was... quite large. The average cock she had seen was about 5 inches, whereas his looked to be about 8. He certainly didn't get that from his father's side of the family. It had been a long while since she had taken such a large cock, so she couldn't quite remember how it felt back in the day. It seemed like today she would be reminded.

"It would seem that you've received a boon from your mother's side," she stated, her eyes flicking back up to his.
Blake's gaze couldn't resist the flick down to the trimmed pussy that came into view as the thin garment was removed, nor the small smile that came to his lips. He noticed that she'd taken a bit more than he'd offered though, taking his boxers along with his pants, but figured there was no harm in giving her a two for one this time, especially when she offered up an unexpected compliment.

There was always some trepidation when it came to the final reveal, and with everything that depended on their success, it was at an all time high. Yes, he knew how big his cock was, or at least how big it was compared to the average cock, but he also knew, by her own admission, she'd been doing this for far longer than he could imagine. So even his 8 inch cock with it's 4.7 inch girth could have been small to her or smaller than she expected. Still, her words did send a surge through him, making it jump of it's own volition, even as their collective gazes lifted from their revealed bodies to lock together once more.

"Do you have a favorite position, or is there one you want to use just for...business." The last word felt a little wrong coming out of Blake's mouth, but in a way he still felt he had to say it. He knew that this was in fact just business after all. Rule 2 made that perfectly clear, and using the same position for said trysts could also help cement that in their minds.
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"I enjoy variety at times, but more often than not you will find me on top. When I prefer something different, I will inform you." She wasn't at all offended by the term he had used, in fact she approved of the line being drawn between them. It was difficult for many to separate the carnal pleasures from feelings of love or possession, and thus constant reminders would likely be necessary for her human accomplice. Euterpe had no doubt that she herself could retain a frosty barrier between their hearts, as she felt there was no possibility she would ever fall for one of his family, regardless of whether he had turned over a new leaf for them. She wasn't even sure if she could love anymore, her heart poisoned by years of abuse and neglect.

Scooting back, she fully removed his pants, tossing them away before reaching down to pull her panties down and off. The muse crawled back up to him, now only clad in her white bra. The anticipation of what was to come made her body tingle, her pussy starting to become more moist. Perching over his lap, she started to rub herself against his hardening cock, caressing it with her perfect labia. They parted as she slid back and forth, allowing his shaft to become slick with her juices.
Blake's bottom lip found it's way between his teeth as he watched Euterpe crawl back towards and on top of him once more. His fingers flexed in anticipation as well, moving immediately to her hips, just to feel her perfectly smooth, soft, and warm skin once more. He made no attempt to move or guide her, using no strength at all as he let her do as she wished, so long as he got to touch her, simply touch her.

"And is..." Blake started before a low moan slipped from lips as he felt the first touch of her moist pussy lips on the shaft of his achingly hard cock. "Is there anything I can do...for you...to help...rule three..." As he finished speaking, he used a fraction of his strength to guide her pussy up his cock to flick her clit with the quarter inch ridge of the mushroom-shaped head of his cock again...and again...and again...His intense gaze held hers as his body held steady. Only his hands moved, his grip tightening with each repetition as he silently dared her to make the next move in this game of theirs.
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The flicks of his cock were deliciously good against her clit, the muse biting her own lip for a moment. At this point she was very turned on, her body ready to accept him and the bliss he was offering. "Just let it happen..." she murmured softly, "and I'll take care of the rest."

She lifted herself forward slightly, his glistening head guided to the entrance of her pussy. Her hand was now upon his shaft in an effort to hold it steady as she started to slowly impale herself upon him. Soon it wasn't necessary, her hand moving to his shoulder while gravity did most of the work in working him deeper and deeper inside her. A moan escaped her lips about 4 inches in, his girth stretching her slightly in a way that only a thick cock could. Her pussy was truly that of a god, clinging to him with a tightness that was snug but not uncomfortable.

When she was finally fully on his cock, she took a moment to relish it and simply moved her hips very slowly in a circular pattern. His cock stirred her insides, and she found it to be glorious! It was evident by her face that she found it immensely pleasurable, her eyes closed as her lashes rested upon her cheeks.
Blake savored every reaction of the beautiful goddess on top of him, his dark brown gaze loving the sight of her biting her own lip this time. He heard her words, and though he wished he could do more for her, he again didn't fight her. He did lean forward though, pressing his body against hers as she leaned forward and guided the head of his cock to her heavenly entrance. "As you wish..." He whispered heatedly against her neck. His hands released her hips and slid slowly up her back, the pads of his fingers pressing firmly into the muscles, only stopping to unhook her bra before continuing their path up her back, splitting to her shoulders, and holding firm just as she took the last inch of his cock into her lovely tight pussy. "Take...ah...ah...all...the ti...ti...time you nee...nee...need." He said, his jaw quivering against her neck as he tried to talk with every slow circle of her hips.
She stopped herself right before letting out a chuckle, having found his halting speech to be somewhat amusing. It would seem she "still got it" as they said these days. It was one thing to lay back and let a man cum inside you, but it was another to be able to reduce a man to a stammering mess upon the first entrance. It didn't need to be said that she would go at precisely the pace she desired, but she appreciated his words nonetheless.

Euterpe shimmied her shoulders, allowing the now unclasped bra to slide down her arms before flicking her wrist. It ended up with the other discarded clothes while her breasts now jiggled slightly back into place. They were round and soft, but firm enough to retain their youthful shape. Plastic surgeons would have marveled at them, wanting to study them for their own practices. However, her two glorious mounds were completely natural.

Taking pity on the horny man, she started to raise and lower herself upon him. His thickness guaranteed that every time she would pull almost off, her pussy would grip it as though her body wanted him nestled inside her for eternity. At the same time, she was wet enough that she had no trouble sliding his cock up and down inside her. God was he big... She moaned at the feeling of it burrowed so deeply, her hands going to his shoulders to aid in her movements.
Blake leaned back to give Euterpe room to shimmy her shoulders and shed the bra he'd unclasped so that she could deposit it on the pile of discarded clothes. While he was sad to have lost the physical contact with the beautiful woman, he was happy to have been treated to the beautiful sight of her freely jiggling breasts, as large as a grown woman's while still clearly maintaining all their youthful aspects. Her nipples naturally drew his gaze, petite and as perfect as the rest of the goddess they were on, surrounded by areolas that were as perfectly smooth and tapered to her natural skin color, making it hard to gauge their size.

Euterpe started to move at the exact moment that Blake lost his own control. She lifted as his head dropped to her left breast, and she dropped back down onto his cock as he closed his lips around her nipple and gave it a firm suck. They moaned in unison as she repeated the motion, his moan slightly stifled by the nipple in his mouth. He felt her hands on his shoulders, and his own hands reflexively tightened on hers, even as he tore himself from her left nipple and pounced on her right one, this time adding in several rapid flicks of his tongue on the captive nub.
Though she had told him that she would take care of things, she wasn't against him touching her or lavishing her body with worshipful kisses. So when he latched onto her breast, she didn't resist in the slightest. In fact, she reached out with one of her arms and curled it around his head, gently weaving her fingers through his hair as she held him to her chest. Sex was different for a muse, her body feeling as though it was humming with untapped power. It knew that soon the floodgates would open and her inspiration would be put to good use. As long as one of them came, the partner would be inspired, though it was a lot stronger if they both were able to reach their own climaxes.

Euterpe continued to ride him, sensually rolling her body at times to mix things up. As she moved, her breasts bounced, the not in his mouth jiggling in its confinement. His body was nice and firm, yet not unpleasantly so. Though she had made good memories in the past with men of all shapes and sizes, she appreciated how inviting his body was.

"Mm..." she murmured. "When was the last time you had sex?"