A Muse's Inspiration (closed for Poprockz)

She actually gave him a little smile, “I can hear your love for what you do in it, and that bodes very well. Those who lack passion can never truly ascend as they would be able to do so otherwise. Your guitarist falls behind a little bit sometimes, and your drummer is phenomenal with rhythm, but lacks nuance and a grasp on when to be loud and when to be soft. You…” Euterpe closed her eyes ayes and washed the rest of the shampoo out before continuing.

“I like your voice, I like the emotion you put into it- you have great vocal ability. The thing you lack is stage presence, and some of your songs could be written to be more engaging. However, you are by far the most talented in your group. I can sleep with the other members and try to help them get up to your level, but it may take several sessions to do so.” She had said it so casually, as though she was suggesting that he use the vanilla body wash.
Seeing Euterpe smile, truly smile, even small as it was, brought a wider smile to Blake's face. It lit up her beautiful face all the more and seemed to make the water droplets cascading around her shine like diamonds. His cock of course reacted to such beauty and grace, slowly hardening once more.

Despite the hard cock trying to make it's presence known, Blake couldn't help but laugh at Euterpe's critique's. "Heh, spot on, all of them. Dean and Kyle know about theirs, and it's naturally been a work in progress, as have mine...the perfect pitch makes the song part easy, but you're one-hundred percent right the stage presence. I focus so much on the song and helping the guys that I forget to actually command the stage." His gaze then dropped as he considered her comment about the songs themselves. "...And I think I do something similar with the songs themselves, now that you mention it, I focus so much on the technical aspects and the parts that will be fun to perform, but sometimes forget to write in simple sections that I can let the fans sing after gesturing to them."

Blake smiled after the critiques, genuinely smiled, and lifted his head once more as he rinsed the shampoo lather from his own hair. "As for your final offer though, I have to ask, Euterpe. How do you do it? How do you do...this, like all of this, after what happened?"
She shrugged, “sex is a means to an end in this case. I would do anything to save my sisters, including giving my body to men I wouldn’t usually sleep with. It helps when they’re attractive like you, but it’s not necessary for me to complete my task.” Her tinge was neutral, the woman glancing down at his cock before turning away to grab a loofah and start to lather it up with body wash. In truth, she detested the idea of being the band’s plaything, preferring to be the muse for one man at a time. However, desperate times called for desperate measures, and she would ride those cocks like a good whore if it meant the freedom of those she loved.
Blake saw Euterpe shrug, and heard her words, but couldn't help but be at least a little put off by the topic, even though she'd paid him a compliment in the middle of it. The neutral tone definitely didn't help matters.

"I suppose that makes sense..." Blake said softly at last, turning his head down and away in shame. "...It just puts a lot on your shoulders y'know?. I just wish that your other sisters...would help...or that I..." He turned towards the wall to let the water pound on his neck and shoulders again. "...Could help..."
"You are helping. Allowing me to guide your band and use you to get to the other men is helping me. Sucking or riding a few cocks won't break me." She started rubbing the loofah along her body, letting it leave a trail of bubbles wherever it went. Euterpe had never completely broken. Sure, her heart had been broken several times, and she had likely been traumatized by several masters, but she was strong and she knew she wouldn't have a problem fucking a few random men since it was her own choice to do so.
Hearing Euterpe actually say that he was helping meant a lot to Blake in that moment. He turned back around, but once more didn't even bat an eye at her nakedness or the trail of bubbles sliding down her body. His dark brown gaze immediately found hers and didn't waver from it. He was silent for several long moments before finally nodding and forcing a smile. "Okay, but if there's ever anything more I can do, no matter what it is, feel free to ask...please." He forced a smile as he took a visibly big and deep breath and released it in a long and slow exhale.
Was he... upset? His smile seemed untrue. Did he feel sorry for her, or was it simple possessiveness? If there was one thing Euterpe didn't like (though there were many things she didn't), it was pity.

She looked at him with an unreadable expression for a moment before walking back over to him with her loofah. Some of the bubbles from it were squeezed onto her hand as she continued. Her movements didn't stop, the god backing him up slowly until he was against the wall of the shower. Only then would he feel a soapy hand on his cock, though her amber eyes hadn't left his in all that time.

"I can fuck anyone I want, at any time. Do not pity me, Blake," she said in a stern voice, slowly stroking him.
Euterpe's expression was unreadable as she held Blake's gaze, and his remained steady as she approached him, but flinched a little as she got close enough that he actually had to back up to avoid her breasts from pressing into his chest. She pursued though, her amber eyes continuing to hold his gaze, even as he felt the cold wall of the shower on his back. "I..." He was about to stammer before he felt her unbelievably soft, smooth, and soapy hand grip his cock.

Blake heard Euterpe's words, strong and stern, but couldn't stop the low groan that slipped from his lips, even as she chided him so. He felt the positional power she held in this moment, regardless of either his height or her being a goddess. Her strokes were slow, firm, and felt absolutely amazing. His cock would have been jumping in her hand if it had had the freedom to do so. Despite the pleasure coursing through him though, he did try to steel himself and respond. "I...I know that you can, Euterpe..." He managed to get out. "...And I know that you will." He swallowed hard, but forced himself to keep going. "I know that I...and sex in general...are just a means to an end...and your body is just a tool, but..." His mind blanked then, despite his best efforts, and the stroking hand wasn't doing him any favors. "It's not the ones you choose, truly choose that I lament...It's the ones I know you HAVE to choose...the lesser evils that I wish you didn't have to...I don't pity you...I just wish...there was another way, or...more to bear the weight of it..."
She had to admit, she liked the way he was so overcome by her touch. Those flushed cheeks, his stammering speech, his quickened breath… Her words hadn’t been spoken to fluster him, but she found that she did enjoy teasing him.

Her hand slipped over the skin of his dick as she stroked him, gently tugging his erect rod. The goddess pressed her breasts to his chest, soapy and slippery as well. “Unless you think they would be willing to let me teach them in a more traditional sense. I haven’t had that… experience. Usually men’s pride would rather have them fuck a woman than let her teach them.”
The press of Euterpe's breasts, wet, soapy, and slippery, elicited a gasp from Blake. Her increased closeness also came with the strong and fragrant scent of her lemon shampoo, as if he needed another thing that would forever make him think of her now. The same of course true of the Japanese Cherry Blossom body wash, but he was much less likely to smell that on the regular.

Blake's fingers twitched and flexed like they had when he'd wanted to help Euterpe off the bed, and he made a move to lift them towards her shoulders before stopping. "M-may I-I touch you, Euterpe, even if it's just to help you wash your back or condition your hair? May I touch you?" He stammered once more, his attention now torn between the soft and supple breasts against his chest and the sliding caress of her hand on his achingly hard cock.
“Yes. You can start by conditioning my hair, and then you may wash my body if you like.”

She let go of his cock, turning around as though she meant to abandon him to his lust and simply have him bathe her. However, once her back was to him, she scooted her ass back and straddled him, closing her bubble-clad thighs around his erection. Reaching down , she pulled his cock slightly upward so that were it to move, it would rub against her pussy without going inside. Euterpe didn’t let go of his cock though, holding the head and rubbing her finger around his head teasingly.
Though Euterpe's response might be seen as a downgrade from what they'd been doing, Blake smiled widely but genuinely. "I'd be happy to." He said simply as he reached for the bottle of conditioner, checked the scent, then set it down and grabbed the next, ensuring that he had the right scent.

While Blake had been grabbing the conditioner, he'd of course been aware of Euterpe letting go of his cock and turning around, but he hadn't been aware of how far she'd scooted back until he felt her ass press into his lap. "Oh..." He said simply in surprise at the touch. "Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck..." He said next as he felt his cock slide between her bubble-clad thighs. The touch of those soft and teasing hands came next, eliciting another gasp as they pulled it slightly upwards, so that any movement or jump would make it press or rub against her pussy. Even then she didn't stop though, her fingers holding the head and rubbing around it teasingly in a way that sent a shiver up his spine that he was sure she felt with how tightly pressed against him her ass was.

While Blake's cock desperately tried to flex and jump within it's dual confines, he poured a generous amount of conditioner into his palm before setting the bottle down but within reach. He then used his free hand to pull free every strand of her ass-length sandy hair, including those that had been trapped between her ass and his lap. Only when every strand was free did he finally bring the hand that conditioner in it into contact with her hair. He started at the ends, slowly and carefully massaging it in with both hands and went back to the bottle for more as was necessary, given the exceptional length of her hair.

"K-Kyle and D-Dean are musicians. T-t-they will likely respect a skilled m-musician." He swallowed hard, his grip on her hair slipping and making his hands briefly come into contact with the soft skin of her back before finding their hold once more. "S-so if the the first time they m-meet you, y-you are playing the f-f-fuck out of an instrument..." He took a long and slow breath, trying desperately to steady himself from the relentless stammering caused by her deliciously torturous teasing. "It might be enough for them to put ego aside and see you as an equal and let you teach them." He said the last bit in one quick burst to get it over and done with so that he could just focus on the one task and try not to look like such a fool, even though he knew she'd been doing things like this to mention for millennia.
“Hmm…” she hummed thoughtfully, grinding her ass against his hips in a slow but teasing manner. With her hand holding his cock up, it rubbed against her clit in a very pleasant way. He was so easy to arouse, every touch of hers seeming to make him weak at the knees. It reminded her of the power she once held, and that put her in a good mood.

“I am proficient in all instruments, though I do have my favorites. Which instrument do you think would impress them most?” She found herself becoming a bit wet, and not from the stream of hot water above.
The slow and what he knew was teasing grind of Euterpe's ass against his hips was near-maddening. It had a stilling effect on his hands that he had to focus hard to undo and get them back to work. He wanted so desperately to take those hips in his hands or even just run his hands up the full length of her spine, but he dared not, least of all without permission. The motions also doubled as a tease for her, which he knew full well from the warmth he was started to feel along his cock as she moved, the additional slickness, and the feel of the head of his cock rubbing against her engorged clit.

"Mmmmm..." Blake hummed, but it came out as a sort of whine as it rose in pitch at the end rather than remaining steady. "I...um...g-given our genre, keyboard or bass would be best. Th-th-they'd feel threatened by another drummer or guitarist, but not by an instrument they don't play.

When at last he was done massaging the conditioner into Euterpe's hair, Blake snapped the bottle shut, set it down, and let his head sag back against the wall of the shower as another quake wracked his body. "Wh-what w-would you like next?" He asked in a quaking stammer, his dark brown eyes almost black with lust.
What a cute little noise of lust… He was being very delicate and attentive to her hair, which she appreciated. It felt nice having someone groom her, especially when the other person wasn’t simply trying to butter her up,

“Wash my body. Rub where you think I should be rubbed.” She held up her loofah near her shoulder without looking back at him. It was clear that she had no intention of releasing his cock from her thighs though, the woman starting to rock her hips back and forth in a rhythm.
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Though Euterpe didn't see the nod, Blake did in fact nod in response to her request, but he hesitated for a couple of moments so that he could rinse the conditioner from his hands before taking the loofah from her hand. He then swallowed hard, trying to steel himself once more, despite his quaking body.

One shaking hand lifted to brush Euterpe's hair to one side before moving to brace against her shoulder as Blake moved the hand with the loofah to the base of her spine, or at least as close as he could reach with her ass in his lap, her thighs straddling his cock, and her hips rocking slowly back and forth. Every shift forward made him gasp, and every rock backwards made him groan, and through it all, he forced himself to slide the loofah up and down her back. He started with one side, going as far down as he could reach in their position, and went as high up as her neck, pressing and squeezing as he moved towards the middle and finally the other side.

By the time Blake was done with Euterpe's back, he was a panting mess that was thankful for his previous orgasm. It gave him the stamina to hold out against the relentlessly delicious pussyjob he was receiving.
“Now the front,” she directed, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Pay special attention to my chest. You may have to pass over several times to truly get me clean there, Blake…” Special emphasis was placed on his name, the woman practically purring it.

His cock was starting to feel very good against her, the woman rolling her hips a bit faster to rub her clit against him. A soft moan came from her lips, a fluttery, sweet noise that told him that she was getting into things.
Blake's breath hitched at Euterpe's words. He hadn't actually expected that he'd be allowed that much, given that she'd already done her front, but then some soft panting breaths slipped from him as he leaned forward to close his arms around her and hold her close to him. His arm slid under her breasts at first, giving them the lift that they truly didn't need, and with his height advantage, he had the perfect vantage point to see them in all their glory as he made the first pass with the loofah across her neck, squeezing it, and watching the suds travel down her divine form.

The arm that wasn't holding the loofah changed position each time the loofah holding hand moved to wash something else, and with each perfectly soft and smooth bit of flesh it touched, Blake let out a low moan. He of course did as she bade, and paid special attention to her chest. He made two passes back and forth over every bit of her body from neck to belly, but each bountiful breast, top, bottom, sides, between, areola, and of course nipple received four passes of the loofah. They were gentle but thorough passes however, lest he chafe the sensitive skin. He could swear that he held his breath though the whole of that part, lest he make a mistake and she strike him down on the spot.

Euterpe's moans were there through it all, sounding in Blake's ears, along with the sensations in his cock that were causing them. For he was right there with her of course, his achingly hard and throbbing cock pulsing against her cunt and clit with every roll of her hips.
"Yes..." she breathed, closing her eyes. His warm back was pressed against here, his arms around her as he did what he was told to do. Back when she was free, she had used to enjoy being held like this, the present moment making her feel nostalgic. She didn't find his touch repulsive. No, she might even have gone so far as to say that it was erotic. That is, if her pride would have let her.

When he was done washing her torso, she was getting close to hitting her high; she was lost to the pleasure of rubbing herself on him. At this point her ass was bouncing off his hips and she was really going for it, the wet slapping sounds echoing in the bathroom. Every time his cock would thrust forward, she would polish his head with her soft palm. "I'm going to cum soon," she moaned. "What about you, Blake? Are you looking forward to cumming on your muse's thighs?"
Euterpe's breathy tone sounded so erotic just then, especially with Blake holding her so, and despite his desire to take a more active role in it, he was afraid to shatter the fragile atmosphere that surrounded them. So he just held her as she'd asked, moved the loofah as she'd asked, cleaned her as she'd asked, and let her lose herself to the experience.

Soon the sound of wet slapping skin echoed off the bathroom walls, proof of how fast Euterpe's hips were rolling and Blake was breathing. The smell of sex was in the air once more, this time joining the scent of lemon.

Euterpe's softly spoken words were so casually lewd and perfect for the moment, and Blake couldn't help but respond in kind. "O-only i-if m-my m-muse c-cums f-first." He said, stammering over every single word as he leaned a little closer and held her just a little bit tighter.
"What a gentleman..." she chuckled. It was obvious that he was really trying to hold on, his climax imminent. That was just fine- she wasn't going to keep him waiting. Euterpe held his cock in place and polished it while her other hand reached up and caressed his head behind her. She focused on the pleasure and panted, humping his cock like a cum-hungry whore.

It didn't take long before her moans escalated in pitch. And then... her body was shuddering and she was crying out in bliss. Her knees went a bit weak so she leaned back against him, trusting him to keep her up.
Blake was practically shaking with the effort it took to hold back his orgasm, even as he heard Euterpe's words and the chuckle that followed. They weren't far from the truth though, as he was trying to hold out for her just as much as he was trying to hold and support her.

In the end, Blake's ultimate undoing wasn't the burning hot cunt humping his cock for all it was worth or the divinely soft and smooth palm that polished the head and tip every time it appeared from between those supple thighs, but the hand that Euterpe reached behind them and massaged and caressed the back of his neck. The feeling of that alone made his eyes close and his jaw quiver. Her panting breaths and escalating moans sent that feeling surging down to his aching balls, making his fingers flex against her flesh as his teeth chattered as he tried desperately to hold back.

Euterpe's shuddering body and uniquely musical cries of bliss sent that tingling feeling surging up Blake's pulsing cock. A long, low, and primal groan slipped from his throat as the first gush of cum hit the palm that polished the head of his cock and splashed in all directions. Despite that obvious potential distraction though, his arms closed tighter around her, one across her collarbone and one beneath her breasts. His cock didn't care though. Every beat of his heart sent a fresh and strong pulse of cum into her hand and splattered her thighs, pulsing again and again despite the fact that it was his second orgasm in barely ten minutes.
“Mmm…” she soaked in the afterglow, merely allowing herself to be held. His firm arms around her were reassuring, and she found herself relaxing in his grip. Her eyes were closed, but she had felt the hot spurts of his cum all over her hand and thighs. This man had quite the reserve, though she couldn’t blame him after being celibate for so long.

Rather than cuddling, she viewed their embrace more as a resting period, so she made no move to disentangle herself.

“I enjoyed that,” she murmured in a satisfied way. “I have cum many times between now and when we last saw each other, but they have all been by my hand. It’s rather refreshing to have a partner to engage with.”
Blake found himself both content and torn as he held Euterpe after their joint orgasms. He was of course content because he enjoyed touching and holding her beautifully divine body, but torn because she'd said that she wouldn't cuddle with him after sex. So he wasn't sure if he was allowed to hold her like this, or if she truly wanted him to. Her content sound though, told him that he was at least allowed this much and that she was content with it.

Euterpe's words prompted a similar sound from him, "Mmm." This time though, he'd learned from his mistake. While his arms remained around her, his head remained upright and away from her. "I did too. That was my first time doing it like that if you can believe it..." He offered up a small chuckle. "...And you are...SO right that it's refreshing to have a partner to engage with after such a long dry spell."

Despite his words and true desire to do so, Blake made no further attempt to hold Euterpe any closer, and would similarly make no attempt to stop her from pulling away when she was ready to do so.
The fact that he hadn’t moved pleased her greatly. It meant that he was truly listening, and that he respected her wishes. She would have to be sure to reinforce that behavior.

Euterpe found the strength in her legs and stopped leaning against him, pulling herself out of his grasp before turning around with an appreciative smile. The woman looked at him for a few moments before she nodded at him as though deciding something.

“By following my direction and my rules, you have pleased me. I will be sure to reward you. What would you like? If it is in my power to obtain for you, I will do so.” Her amber eyes looked at him almost affectionately, like a woman looking at her favorite cat.