A Muse's Inspiration (closed for Poprockz)

“Well, I have to get gussied up first if we’re going to go out, so why don’t you guys meet me at the Golden Lion in about an hour and a half?” Everyone knew that this particular restaurant was the swankiest steak and seafood place in town, with a reputation for making high-class drinks. It was top dollar, and no doubt she would be dropping at least a grand on them for their dinner alone.

Her attention turned to Blake, “oh, and I need to grab my purse inside, then I’ll be off.” The muse started to ascend the steps, twiddling her fingers at the men in a little wave. “See you later, guys.”
All three men were impressed by Euterpe's restaurant choice, even Blake, who knew how wealthy she, and he offered her up a nod at her needing to run upstairs for her purse before turning back to see the guys off. He could barely resist the chuckle at the twiddle of her fingers, especially when he saw how the guys reacted at it, but he was glad when they didn't dawdle and left quickly enough. He needed as much of a break as he could before their dinner after the night he'd had, especially since he could guarantee that there was going to be alcohol involved.

Blake was a little surprised to see that, when he entered his house, Euterpe was still there. He knew from traveling with her, that she'd had more than enough time to leave if she'd wanted to, and the only reason she would still be here would be if she chose to be.

"A-are you okay, Euterpe?" He asked, with no small amount of hesitation. "Is there something I can do for you?"
She had been lingering next to the counter, having helped herself to another brownie while she waited for him. When he entered and asked his question, she had to lick her fingers off before answering. Well, she didn't have to, but she didn't like having dirty fingers. Unbeknownst to her though, there were a few crumbles left on the corner of her mouth.

"You bedded me yesterday, and yet when your friends asked you about it, you denied that it ever happened... I wanted to ask you why." Her tone wasn't accusatory, nor did she seem angry. It was more that the muse seemed a bit befuddled by his actions.
Euterpe's first four words stopped Blake dead in his tracks. He didn't move until she stopped moving, even though they weren't angry, or even accusatory, but rather more akin to confusion than anything else. He held her gaze, studying it, opened his mouth to speak, closed it, lowered his gaze, lifted it again, and walked closer to her. His hand lifted towards her face, or more accurately a single finger, just enough to scoop up the crumbs of brownie she'd missed. He brought them around to show her before bringing that finger to his lips, sucking it clean, and finally speaking as he held her gaze now.

"Truthfully, I lied out of respect for you. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf, Euterpe. I stopped hitting on everything with a nice pair of tits and a nice ass. I stopped getting blackout drunk every night just to wake up next to some chick I don't know only to kick her out and brag about the conquest to the guys when I saw them..."

There was so much more that Blake wanted to say, but was torn on in that moment. So he just let his words trail off, and tore his gaze away from Euterpe's. He looked down at the platter of brownies and reached for one, hoping to distract himself while he waited for her response.
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Her eyebrows had started to pull together in a guarded look before she saw the crumbs on his thumb. Oh, he was just wiping away crumbs. The woman's cheeks flushed slightly and she wondered why she had thought he was going to do something else. Perhaps one of the reasons why she was so guarded and angry in the first place was because she was easily influenced by kind gestures such as that. Yes, it was better to keep him from doing such things outside the realm of helping like he just did- she didn't want to long for the warm feeling of his hand on her cheek, nor did she want her heart to quicken when his face drew nearer to her own.

That being said, she couldn't help but watch him suck the crumbs off his own finger and feel a slight stirring down below. She realized she was staring at him, having also been taken aback by his response to her question. He wanted to be respectful of her? He could be lying, but somehow she didn't think that was the case. The fact that he had lied for her made her feel... well, she wasn't quite sure actually. It was a good feeling, and the closest approximation might have been a mix between being a little touched and becoming more fond of him.

"That is... not the answer I was expecting," she replied, still a bit surprised. "I thank you though- your consideration will not go unrewarded." She gathered her thoughts for a moment before adding, "But... I am curious: why did you want to turn over a new leaf? You and your friends say that you drank and slept with women indiscriminately, so why did you decide to abandon your hedonistic lifestyle?" Her head cocked to the side inquisitively.
Blake had seen the slight flush of Euterpe's cheeks when he'd shown her the crumbs on his finger, and he could guess at what caused it. She looked so adorable when she flushed like that, but he'd never tell her so. His eyes flicked up while he was eating his brownie, and he was surprised that he caught her staring at him, if only because the shoe seemed to be on the other foot for the goddess in a very rare moment. He had the power, and she was the one flushing with embarrassment.

The shift in power lasted about as long as Blake expected it to, effectively ending the moment Euterpe opened her mouth and voiced her next question, but still, it had been something, an unusual moment they'd shared all the same. As for her question though, it caused him to let out a heavy sigh and bow his head, swallow hard, flick his gaze up to hers as he considered his answer, and then finally start to speak.

"Well...want is a strong word if I'm being honest, at first anyway. It started with a woman, as these things often do, and it's at this point when many men would ask for some leeway on rule two, but I remember that it's not against the rules to say that a beautiful woman is beautiful, and let's be honest, to call you anything less than the most beautiful woman I've ever seen or will ever see would be an insult." Blake held up his hand to signify that he was getting to a relevant point soon and not just trying to flatter Euterpe. "From the day I met you, I compared every woman to you, consciously, subconsciously, everything, not to mention that I kept thinking that I saw you across a crowded room or out of the corner of my eye, only to look again or look closer and see nothing. I even started to wonder if you'd changed your mind and cursed me, even though you said that we'd part as strangers." He was silent for a few seconds after that before speaking. "As for the drinking, well...I all but gave it up that day, pretty much stopping cold turkey. In fact the wine I had with you was the first wine I allowed myself since then. I even tried dating, which you saw, starting as far from your likeness as I could get, different skin tones, face shapes, hair colors, everything, hoping to trick my brain into not comparing them to you, but my brain always found something, and once it did..." He slowly shook his head. "...anyways, the date you interrupted, Olivia, was actually the first one in a new series of...experiments. She was a model for one, still no comparison to a goddess of course, but it's better than going insane." He offered up a small chuckle as he took a drink of Coke." You might or might not also remember that she had sandy blond hair, meaning that I'd given up trying to avoid your features, instead leaning into them to see if it would help my subconscious let up on the comparisons. I figure the guys likely won't look her up. So I hope throwing her honor under the bus as a distraction for our lie won't cause her any problems down the line..."
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She was quiet as he spoke, absorbing it all thoughtfully. He had no obligation to tell her all of this and yet he chose to do so; that in of itself deserved respect.

It sounded like she had more of an impact on his life than she had thought. To her, it had seemed as though she was a soft breeze of wind winding past with a gentle sigh, but for him it seemed as though she was more of a storm wind throwing him off-balance and scrabbling to get things back where they should be.

There was no doubt that she was likely one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen- she wasn’t mortal, after all. Still, it was curious to her that he had been caught so off-guard by her looks. Lots of mortals looked upon her and were able to lead normal lives as the memory of her faded away. Euterpe didn’t know what to make of it, but she couldn’t help but feel both flattered and sympathetic.

“When this is all over and we part ways, I can help you with your memory if you like. I won’t make you forget our journey, but I can make you forget what I look like. I think that might solve your problem.” The woman looked to him for his response to see if he was amenable to this.
When Blake heard Euterpe's offer, his deep brown gaze lifted, finding her amber one and holding it for a moment before he let out a soft chuckle, shook his head, and wagged a finger at her. "Oh no you don't. You're not tricking me into giving up my reward so easily." He joked before giving her a knowing wink so that she knew for sure he was joking. He then adjusted his position to lean against the counter next to her.

"I truly do appreciate your offer, I do, but..." Blake started softly, his eyes lifting towards the ceiling as he searched for the words. "I don't know if my whoring was a result of my drinking or because I didn't know my type, but I know my type now..." He glanced at her, albeit briefly. "...and I don't care if none of them will ever compare to you...in looks...intelligence...personality...musical talent... look the point is...that it's still better than potentially reverting back to what I was...to who...I was.

Blake didn't know if his reasoning made sense to her, or even if it made sense to himself, but it was all he had right now, and in a world full of uncertainty, he had to hold on to anything and everything he had.
His joke got a little smile out of her before he looked away, and she too found another spot to fix her gaze. To look into his eyes for much longer during this conversation might be a dangerous thing.

His answer didn’t fully satisfy the question she had asked, but she wasn’t going to push him on it. It almost sounded like he was saying that she was everything he wanted in a woman, as though he was smitten with her. While that might explain him not sleeping around as much, it didn’t explain why he stopped drinking. Or perhaps he meant that he didn’t want to drink to the point where he wasted his time. It was something to ponder, certainly.

She imagined that his fascination with her was simple infatuation- the admiration of a beautiful god. Love at first sight wasn’t real in her opinion, it was fostered through shared experiences, hardship, and trust. Trust… that was something she had in very short supply.

“Hm.” Euterpe acknowledged him, “thank you for your explanation… I find you to be… curious sometimes.” She didn’t elaborate on that, merely glancing at him before pushing her hips off the counter and walking to his plant.

“I’ll see you again soon, Blake.” The goddess gave him a playful half-smile before allowing the plant to warp her back home.
Even after Euterpe left, her playful smile lingered in Blake's mind. He was in the process of setting up a quick delivery when he felt her inspiration spark through his brain once more. He'd all but forgotten about it, somehow, but was thankful that it wasn't as strong as it had been the day before. He was able to actually focus on other things without having to obsessively tab back and forth like he'd had to do with his purchase of her gift yesterday. Creative thoughts were always in the back of his mind, but he was still able to get things done, things like showering, dressing, and actually thinking about what was appropriate to wear at the Golden Lion.

Blake was still trying to decide on what to wear, mostly on whether or not to go full monkey suit, when he heard a knock at the door. He thought that the knock was a little weird, given that the guys didn't normally knock and that he wasn't expecting any other visitors, but otherwise didn't think much of it, so he opened the door in nothing more than his black dress slacks and black socks.

What Blake saw when he opened the door shouldn't really have surprised him, at least not who it was, but it did because his mind was distracted. Euterpe was standing there in a black wrap-style cocktail dress with gold accents. He should have known that it was her, because the creative inspiration that had been nagging at the back of his mind faded when he got close to her, but he didn't notice it before he opened the door and saw her. In addition to the jaw-dropping beauty that was her in the dress, she also had on her trademark gold jewelry, just enough makeup to accentuate her already flawless beauty, and a pair of black stiletto's that brought her height almost even with his.

Blake was left speechless and staring at the sight of Euterpe, unaware of how long he just looked at her before he finally blinked and recovered. "I...uh...I'm sorry, E-Euterpe...please...come in." He offered at last, not even aware of the fact that he was standing there topless at first before he subconsciously crossed his arms in front of his chest, even though he knew that she'd seen all that and more of him.

"I was just about ready. I just wasn't sure about whether or not to wear a coat or not. What do you think?" Blake said and then asked, trying to treat Euterpe as though she were a normal female friend he was asking advice from instead of a beautiful immortal goddess for once.
The longer the silence had stretched on, the more amused Euterpe felt. He was staring at her as though she was defying all logic and reason. Rather than easing the tension by breaking it, she was content to let him stare at her and dig himself deeper into the embarrassment he might feel later.

“Thank you,” she had replied as he allowed her entrance, her steps clicking on the floor as she moved. It didn’t escape her notice that he had tried to cover himself as though his chest was somehow indecent. If anything, she thought he had nothing to be embarrassed about his body, much less his chest. It was a bit cute, she thought to herself. He made her want to tease him, to try to get his cheeks to flush or his voice to stutter.

“I think you should wear the jacket. You can always take it off later if you want, but I think you would look quite handsome fully dressed-up. You won’t be able to keep the girls off you.” She sat down in one of his front room chairs, crossing her legs and setting her little black purse down next to herself on the floor. “Though I suppose you look pretty good as you are. No shirt, no shoes, but I think you would still get serviced.” The goddess leaned back and smirked.
Blake listened to Euterpe's answer to his question as she walked past him, nodding in response, even though she couldn't see him. He blushed a little when she said that he wouldn't be able to keep the girls off him, but his demeanor shifted at what she said next. He'd walked past her as she'd settled in one of the front room chairs, on the way to his bedroom to grab a dress shirt, coat, and tie, but her words made him hesitate.

"Oh really?" Blake asked, turned his head to look over his shoulder at Euterpe. "You think that I..." He turned fully around to face her. "...could get serviced like this?" He then paused to consider the situation a moment before approaching Euterpe where she sat in his chair. "And what about you, Euterpe?" If you were the hostress..." He stepped up to her crossed legs. "...or the waitress..." he stepped over bottom foot, with one of his feet on either side of hers. "...or the bartender..." He stepped up close enough for his thighs to touch front of the chair, straddling her crossed legs as he leaned down to brace his hands on the arms of the chair and leaned forward. "Would you...service me?"
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Euterpe had expected him to blush or have a similar reaction, or to even just give her a chuckle as he went back to his room. However, this change in demeanor and the way he approached had her surprised. As he got closer and closer, his body strategically used to both box her in and show off his bare chest, she found herself becoming slightly flustered. How could that be? Euterpe was usually in control, leading the interaction where she wanted it to go. It wasn’t often if at all that she found her cheeks becoming pink and her heart starting to race.

Why couldn’t she think of something witty to say in response? Oh how the situation had been reversed, the silence bearing down on her with every second that passed. It was just a man’s chest, just a body- it shouldn’t be affecting her like this. She had seen countless bodies in her time, but maybe it was something different. Maybe it was the way his dark eyes were looking at her from above, or the tone of his voice.

Was her mouth open? Why was her mouth open?! Oh yeah, she needed to say something- anything.

“If you were a paying customer I would definitely take your drink order of course.” The woman kicked herself. To think that this was the best she could come up with…
As Blake stared at Euterpe, his dark eyes staring down into hers, seeing her cheeks flushed, her mouth agape, her back leaned back against the chair, he couldn't help but desire her. In fact, the longer that silence lingered, the more that desire built within him. Even when she spoke, her response was flaccid and noncommittal, showing just how flustered she clearly was by her situation, and how unusual it was for her.

"I don't know..." Blake started, tilting his head back and forth, even as his dark gaze remained locked on hers and his chest inched ever-closer. "You're the one that seems a bit...flushed...Are you sure I can't get you something to...sip on...or maybe something to..." Blake leaned closer still, breaking eye contact for the first time. "Nibble...on..." He left his cheek pressed against hers for a few seconds before withdrawing just far enough to meet her gaze, his hands having slid far enough up the arms of the chair to also be resting against, but not over her hands.
His mouth was close enough for her to feel his words breathed into her ear, and she was half-convinced he was about to nibble on her earlobe before he pulled back. She could almost feel him against her, the sexual tension in the air feeling almost palpable. Her body felt sensitive, as though it was anticipating his touch and an ache had started in her loins.

“I’m not flust-flushed. I’m fine. I-I am a bit thirsty though. Do you have any white wine? Oh, wait I suppose you wouldn’t. Um, what about lemonade?” Euterpe tried to avoid his eyes, looking elsewhere when she spoke, but she was drawn back to his gaze at the end. What was wrong with her? It was as though he had flipped the switch and reversed the normal hierarchy.
Seeing Euterpe first try to deny flushed state, but only after stumbling over her words, followed by trying so very hard not to meet his gaze, only to have it seem to drag itself back to meet his of it's own volition was pure joy to watch, but not quite as joyful as what came next.

"Oh ye of little faith..." Blake whispered as he leaned that tiniest bit closer, letting his nose brush against hers in the faintest hint of an Eskimo kiss. He then allowed himself to pull away from her, withdrawing every bit of himself that had trapped her against the back of the chair.

"I did say that I quit drinking cold turkey, but that was only to stop myself from getting blackout drunk every night." Blake said as he walked around the kitchen island, reached up into the cupboard for a couple of white win glasses, pulled the corkscrew from one of the drawers in the island, and opened the fridge to pull out a bottle of white wine.

"It was admittedly a bitch and a half of an experience, but it needed to be done for me to be able to remember much of anything, let alone my date's names." Blake said as he popped the cork on the wine bottle and brought it and the two glasses around the island to set on one of the glass tables beside her chair. "If you'll remember, I shared that bottle of wine with you at the restaurant without any concern for a relapse." He said as he lifted that dark brown gaze and prepared to tip the bottle. "How full of a glass would you like, my dear Euterpe?"
He was close enough that he could have kissed her if he wanted to, but instead he had mercifully decided to release her from his spell as he withdrew. She let out a breath, having not realized that she was holding it. It was a relief that there was some physical space between them now, and hopefully she would be able to get herself back on her feet.

Wine would definitely help.

“A generous helping, please,” she responded, tucking some hair behind her ear and crossing her legs with the other leg on top. Euterpe just needed to drink, breathe, and relax, and soon she would be out the door with him and things would be back to normal. “I forgot you were drinking socially these days. Do you ever bring your dates home for dinner, or do you always go to restaurants?”
Blake obliged Euterpe, pouring her a generous glass and offering it to her before pouring a similarly generous glass for himself. He took a sip before extending a hand to tuck some loose hair behind her other ear before pausing at her question. His gaze lifted to meet hers, and he took another sip before he lowered a hand to drag the coffee table over so that he could sit on it, getting down to her level before lowering his gaze.

"I would happily bring them back here, learn to cook, and all that, if I ever made it to the second date, but uh...unfortunately..." His dark brown gaze lifted to find hers once more. He took another sip of his glass before setting it down and rising to his feet once more. "That little problem of mine kept rearing it's oh too beautiful face..." He didn't straddle her crossed legs, but he did still lean down, bracing a hand on the chair as he lifted the other to brush the backs of his fingers across one of her flawless cheeks. "...and once it did..." He let his hand glide down her chin before falling away from her. "...there could be no second date..."
Once again, she could feel his proximity in a major way. Normally, she might have bristled at the hair tuck, and the stroke of her cheek, but it didn’t feel overly sweet, nor did she feel that he was being condescending. No, it was more seductive than anything else, like little touches to remind her that he was a man who might have mischief on his mind.

“Oh. That’s… unfortunate.” She raised her own wine glass and took a couple healthy gulps from it. Usually she would want to sip and savor, but this wasn’t one of those times. There was no time to let the sweet taste of grape linger on her tongue when she had nerves that needed to be quieted.

“You should… probably get dressed or we might miss our dinner,” she said, trying to put some distance between them.
Blake saw the gulps that Euterpe took, but then heard her words. He knew that he was at a crossroads of sorts, and he swallowed hard, drawing his lip between his teeth as he considered his options and their repercussions. It was kind of funny though, because even considering them was kind of for naught, because he'd already sort of committed to all of this from the first moment he'd straddled her legs that first time, from the moment she'd let him. He knew what he wanted to do. The only thing left to do was...

"But what if we..." Blake said as his free hand lifted, this time coming first to cup her cheek and then glide down to the side of her neck as his own head dipped forward once more. His own lips just barely missed hers once more as his cheek grazed hers. "...missed dinner..." He whispered as his breath tickled her cheek. "...just this once..." His breath tickled her neck this time before he dared to press a trail of kisses down towards her shoulder until he met the fabric of her dress.
She knew she ought to say no; that would be the safer, more proper answer. And yet, every kiss laid upon her skin weakened her resolve until she knew with certainty that "no" was not on the menu tonight. His presence was doing things to her that was clouding her judgement, like a bottle of wine consumed on an empty stomach. The bandmates might be disappointed at the short notice cancellation, but she could always make it up to them in one way or another.

"I suppose we could skip straight to dessert..." she murmured, closing her eyes and savoring his lips. "I wouldn't mind riding you again..." The words were said nonchalantly as though she was saying that she wouldn't mind having spaghetti for dinner, as though her pussy wasn't already craving him and starting to moisten her panties.
"I...often...find...that...dessert...is...the...best...part...of...the...meal..." Blake whispered heatedly against her flesh, interspersing his whispered words between kisses now as he followed the neckline of her dress. His hand on her neck didn't remain idle either, gently rubbing and massaging before slowly moving down her shoulder. When it reached the line of her dress, slowly, ever-so-slowly, just his index finger dared to dip beneath the fabric as his massaging motion continued.

It was only when Blake's kissing mouth reached the very bottom of the neckline of Euterpe's dress that he truly decided on what he was going to do, or more specifically where he was going to do it. So, with one final kiss, he allowed his gaze to flick upwards, and upon seeing hers closed, her smiled against her flesh, and added a new element to their carnal game, his other hand. He added it slowly as he kissed his way back up her chest, taking a more direct route this time, kissing his way over her chin, and oh so narrowly avoiding her lips before bypassing them on the way towards her ear. It was then that he finally allowed his other hand to cover hers, albeit briefly before dipping beneath it to scoop it into his own.

"Shall we away, my dear Euterpe?" Blake asked before giving her earlobe a nip with his teeth.
Dessert was indeed the best part of the meal- she couldn’t agree more. For someone like Euterpe with a high sex drive, she had always looked forward to the next time she was able to feel such pleasure. Beyond being a muse, she simply liked sex. Sex didn’t need to have a purpose, and was often best when it was spontaneous… like the current moment.

She was embarrassed to find that she was just a little disappointed when his mouth once again missed her lips entirely. The muse wanted to feel his lips upon hers in a heated display of passion, but she was too proud to ask for it. And so she was left with desire and a lustful frustration, teased further into desire by his movements.

“Yes,” she murmured, “let’s - ah!” Let’s go. The woman stood fluidly, forgetting her wine glass in favor of pursuing something more satisfying. With her hand in his, she started to try to lead him to the plant, obviously assuming that they would be getting it on at her place much in the same way as they had previously.
Euterpe's murmured response was everything Blake wanted to hear in this moment, even if he barely managed to back up in time as she rose hastily to her feet. When she made to step towards the plant though, his hand clasped tighter, his arm locked tight, and even his knees locked, preventing him from moving from his spot.

"Ah ah." Blake started, semi-jokingly. "Judging by how much wine you've had, I hardly think that you should be...ahem...driving us anywhere...maybe we should have...dessert...at my place..." He took a step towards her, his dark brown gaze finding her amber gaze and holding it. Then he took another step as he entwined their fingers together. Then a final step so that he could slide his free hand around her waist and leaned down to let his lips linger just above hers. "...just this once...?"

With his question asked, he finally let his lips press to hers, a featherlight and tender kiss that promised so much more if she would only allow it for herself.
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She wasn't drunk, so she highly doubted that her ability to warp would be at all affected. Still, for some reason his plea for her to stay at his own abode was oddly persuasive. It was obviously his intent to take her to his room. What would his room look like, she wondered? Historically, most men's rooms she had visited were either messy, barren, or clean to the point where it was clear there was an obsessive element to it.

Perhaps she would allow them to play in his territory...

Her body pressed against him longingly as she relaxed into his kiss, her free hand lighting softly upon his chest. She pulled back from his lips after letting the kiss linger for a moment, though she didn't move far. Her mouth hovered near his as though she planned on returning asap.

"Just this once..." she whispered in agreement before reuniting their lips.