A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Tamrick felt a certain relief to hear the others referring to the creatures before them as Dryads. Now he knew they were not dealing with members of the demon cult ensnaring the town's young folk, he felt a lot more confident about attempting to deal with the dryads before them.

He steeled himself and lowered his shield and mace as a sign he meant no ill-will to the creatures. Seeing that Trilan's attempt at misdirection with the Dryad's had not seemed to work, he decided to lead with full honesty. He walked close as he dared to the creature's studying them closely and determining to stop when it was clear he had gone far enough and spoke.

"Greetings. I am sorry if there has been any misunderstanding or if you have felt threatened by our company. We have come to this villa from lands to the North and were told we could settle here." Tamrick did not bother to mention anything of land deeds as he could not imagine the dryads thought in such terms. "We did not know of your being here or of any others having a prior claim to this land. However we appear to you coming here armored and bearing weapons, I can assure you we have no desire to drive you from your lands or to fight you. If anyone can appreciate what it means to defend hearth and home it is us as we have endured such a fate ourselves. Please, if we have in anyway offended, harmed or done you wrong it was not meant in malice. If we could speak and know your intent with our companions you hold there, if we could bargain for their release and come to some mutually beneficial agreement between us... As someone who has recently lost their home, I do not wish to fight another over theirs."

Tamrick's body was limp, waiting for the dryad's judgment. If they wanted he was giving them easy space to attack and bring him down. He hoped this would prove the sincerity of his wish to deal with them as equals and spoke of the trust he was putting in them to be fair with him and his band.
Nuada empty handed moves a few paces closer to Tamrick
The dryads wait for their leader to speak, then frown when they realize she's clearly held. One steps forward a bit "Men have broken the compact. there shall be no metal above the tree line. None of your cutting blades, no cruel axes. No iron nor bronze nor steel. So it has always been and so must it always be." She glared, though the party could tell the glare was equal parts anger and bravado, with their leader removed from the fight. "Though you say you are new to this land. While we speak the tongue of all beasts, we have only spoken yours with man Vartan. So it is possible." She bristled "that you are ignorant dung heaps." One of her sister's coughed and there was a rustle of leaves as if they were communicating among each other. The stern looking one shifted "My sisters believe that your transgression was inadvertent and that you should be given an opportunity to renew the pact. To give your male energy to the grove. We will release your men for the promise that where the wild trees start, you will not bring implements that can cut or harm the forest AND one of you must stay here this night."
Nuada turns and walks back to the others. "I need to eat and to bathe , I am starting to smell like my horse"
Tiyak’ an eyes return to their normal yellow. “Thank you my friend” he says as the eagle drifts from sight with a screech. He walked back to the edge of the grove where he was camped. He stowed his pack and his weapons, and walked back to the clearing with the others. He was now fully aware of the area and their path was an easy one to follow. “I am Tiyak, and I too am of the forrest…I will stay with you this night if it appeases you.” He looked to the group for approval as well.
Tamrick nodded to Tiyak in thanks for offering himself to the Dryad's wishes. Still, there was more he wanted to know before any agreement was brokered. As much as the dryad's had pretty much laid out the rough parameters of their compact with Vartan, it was best not to make assumptions.

"You have here a volunteer who will stay with you this night. I hope this appeases you. But, may I ask for the specifics of your agreement with Vartan? I would like to know I have the details down exactly so there will be no chance of our stepping out of line with any part of your agreement you had together. I hope, hereafter you will come to know us as trustworthy and agreeable neighbors, and we, of course, will forever be indebted for your forbearance and understanding this day as we get used to our new home."
"No metal beyond the cultivated area. A man comes to participate in the rituals with us at every solistice, and every equinox. He must come willingly. He may not be a slave or a captive."

The dryads moved gracefully to surround the half orc. One trailed her fingers along one arm, another ran them through his hair, a third brushed his pectorals, and the last pressed in against his back "this one will do. Strong. Tired to nature. virile." They practically purred, moving against the barbarian "he will give us his strength. His male essence." The one smiled "Don't worry. it is temporary." The barbarian could feel a warm breeze brush his skin as they made their way around him "Come. leave the others behind and revel with us."

Sharp nails trailed softly down the barbarian's skin "Leave behind your armor and weapons and rest. We promise you a night you shall not soon forget."

The four captive men stumbled from the grove, confused, but clearly dismissed. "Uh. Sirs." The one mumbled "We'll just uh. Get our gear. then" They moved down the trail, embarrassed, practically running for the area below.

As Tamrick, Trilan and Nuada made their way away from the grove, the undergrowth seemed to cut the pool off from all other sight. Ingrid poked her head out of the baths, waved at them when she saw them returning, then made her way into the building.
Trilan releases the hold on the dryad and leaves with the others. “I could use a bath, as well. I’m also not sure if I’m jealous of Tiyak or not, you know what I mean?”
Nuada "well the equinox is not that far off... But now a bath, gods above how did they not smell us?"
While the barbarian enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh behind the thicket of shrubbery enclosing the pond, Nuada and Trilan made their way to the bathhouse. Upon entry they noted that one side was in incredible disrepair and seemed to have been abandoned. There was at one time probably a segregation of the sexes. upon entering the well maintained side they found a spigot of flowing hot water and soap. It seemed the local custom was to cleanse yourself quickly then soak in the warm waters of the bath itself. The place was well appointed, with mosaics depicting various pastoral scenes, intended to be relaxing. The color palette tended towards soothing blues and greens, and there was a skylight to ward off the gloom.

Ingrid had settled into the bath, her body submerged below the surface with only her head resting against the edge of the bath. She had a serene expression on her face from what the pair could see through the steam rising off the hot waters of the bath. When they approached she opened her eyes and waved them in. As she sat up, her body was revealed somewhat. Where she'd been over-muscled and almost gaunt, she'd softened to an athletic and healthy form. Where she had seemed the older of the two cousins that were part of the company during her time as a priestess, the extra weight and the lack of grim expression revealed her to probably be no older than 20 or so. Her long, wet, blonde hair clung to her body as she pushed up, resting her arms now on the edge of the bath. If she was bothered by any scrutiny to her exposed body, her expression didn't betray it. Instead, the pair would catch her subtly looking them over appraisingly "So I assume by the fact you're in here for a bath that everything is ok outside?"
Before Ingrid finished speaking, Trilan’s boots and belt were on the floor. His cloak and trousers follow soon after, and are immediately joined by his pants. Comfort with public—semi-public, in this case—nudity may not have been invented in Krakydos, but you wouldn’t know it from the Krakydosi. Trilan’s body is lean and trim, more from his youth than any preoccupation with fitness, but his cock is much more impressive than the rest of him. The reason his old classmates call him “Tripod,” it would’ve been of a respectable size on a human, but on his less than three foot frame—small even for a gnome—it’s shockingly large, in both length and girth. At nearly eight inches in length, the tip of it almost drags along the tile as he walks over to sit on the edge of the bath right next to Ingrid.

“Things appear stable. Tamrick’s wandering the grounds, I suspect half to keep an eye on Tiyak, who’s our ritual sacrifice to the dryads.”

He pushes his hips forward as he sits to make sure he doesn’t accidentally sit on his shaft.

“They had an agreement with Vartan that we apparently violated by bringing metal above the tree line. They’ve accepted a night’s worth of half-orc seed in tribute, and a renewal of said agreement. Blah blah blah send a man every quarter and whatnot, you know how it goes.”
Nuada stripped naked , lean , wiry , tanned with a white scar lines along his arm and body. Soaped and rinsed off , took a moment to soap his balls sack and area before shaving the area bare, his cock whilst not as long as "Tripods" was thick. "perhaps a fence of some kind, do not want mobs of angry locals seeking vengeance " he paused and look at Ingrid appraisingly, a grin playing over his lips
Ingrid nodded "honestly a fence is a remarkable idea. Maybe i'll set the men on it while the 4 of you investigate this cult." The elf had had some excellent ideas, and so far the four men she'd assumed would do a good job handling things had proven pretty capable. Ingrid lay back, floating now in the hot water, eyes closed. She sighed "so the orc is off uh, fertilizing the earth symbolically or some such is he?" She opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. She hadn't been one for 'fraternization' while she'd been in the grips of the goddess, generally quietly slipping off to take care of her needs with some handsome local. "Been a while for most of us, I'm guessing." She laughed. The boat trip had been longer than most of them had anticipated and in the northern parts of the Sultanate the local sects had not been terribly sex-positive and the women had been remarkably chaste. "We should probably arrange for the rest of the men to get in some recreational time." She looked over at the two again "Gods above know I could use some myself. not sure about the men of this area though. A girl has to be more careful about who she spends an hour with."
Nuada "Well Ingrid, I am sure between the three of us we can ... ease each other needs. I could never resist a pretty face, and yours is very pretty" his grin widens
Trilan grins. “That’s a good idea, Nuada.” He turns to Ingrid with a smirk. “If you’re alright with it, of course. I’ve admired your form for some time, and I have to say you look even more enticing than usual, Ingrid.”
"Oh stop. I was not one to be admired" though she blushed, appreciating the flattery. She rolled in the water, kicking to push herself over towards the elf "you like my face do you?" She had a bravado that she normally reserved for battle. She wasn't used to being this forward, but the prospect of a threesome was tantalizing enough to get her over any residual sexual shyness. She ran her fingers along Nuada's thighs, looking up at the elf "you're not so bad yourself." She looked over her shoulder at Trilan "uh, how do you not pass out with that thing? should we make sure you're out of the water?" She cradled the elf's balls in her hand, glad that he'd taken the time to shave them. She leaned down, hesitating a moment, then recovered her boldness, sucking the smooth skin of his scrotum into her mouth and running her tongue along it before releasing. "I guess we could take turns but it seems a shame to make you watch each other when we could all just have fun."
Nuada cock started to stiffen , "Ah my lady " he offered his hand down to Ingrid "best we play out of the water , I am more than happy to share tumble with you both. What say you Trilan ?" The grin gone replaced with a look of primal lust.
Trilan’s grin widens. “I can’t wait. I’ll just clean myself quickly.” He starts to stand, then pauses, giving Ingrid a saucy wink. “Unless you’d like to soap me up, gorgeous?”
After the others had departed back to the main property, Tiyak walked slowly towards the group of Dryads. He carefully removed his remaining clothing and armour. He stood for a moment feeling the cool breeze against his bare skin. He was not one to be ashamed of his body as were some humans and other races. His olive skin highlighted his muscled and contoured physique. He knelt to the soft forest floor and awaited instructions from the Dryads. He had encountered a few of their species before, but was curious to know more.
The Bathhouse
"Clean yourself up and come join us" She winked at Trilan, wrapping her hand around Nuada's shaft. She leaned in, sucking just the head of his cock into her mouth, then pulled back "go sit on the bench so we don't drown poor Trilan" She took him fully into her mouth first though, letting her tongue swirl around the head of his cock as her fist pumped slowly along his shaft. Releasing him, she got up out of the water, moving to kneel in front of a nearby bench.

The Grove

Five sets of hands explored the half-orc. Lips as cool as the waters of the spring joined the gentle hands, sucking at his neck, his ear. Fingers drifted along his powerful torso, dragging along his well defined muscles. He could feel a few of the dryads peeling away, leaving him with two. One kissed him and as she pressed in he could smell something in the air, something leafy and verdant. Lips kissed the back of his neck at the same time, small well formed breasts rubbed his back as hands slid around, searching for his cock. "this one will do nicely." Soft fingers found his girthy shaft, stroking him to hardness as the two lithe forms pressed in against him. "he's very potent. I can tell."
Nuada moved to the bench drinking in every inch of Ingrid's body. Moving quickly he sat legs wide either side of her head. Cock thick and hard. "You have a skilled mouth princess". Hands wrapping into her hair
Trilan cleaned the dust and grime of travel off his body faster than he ever had before. It’d been months since he’d last been intimate with anyone else, and weeks since he’d gratified himself. Traveling with the company, they’d often bathed in rivers and at the edge of lakes, so this wasn’t his first time seeing Ingrid’s body, but he could swear that she looked even better than before. Maybe it was just her sudden willingness to fool around that made her sparkle in his eyes.

He dried off and walked over behind where she kneeled in front of Nuada, and gently pat her hips to get her to raise them. When she did, though, she’d find his tongue taking advantage before his cock
Ingrid slowly sucked Nuada in, her cheeks pulled tight to wrap around his cock. She kept her eyes on his, slowly descending, then dragging up. Her lips sealed around him, her tongue wriggling against his shaft as she strove to make her mouth warm and soft and tight. she stroked him with her fist in time with her mouth, moving slowly and keeping her grip loose. Every time she descended she took him almost but not quite into her throat. Her hand cradled his shaven balls, tenderly supporting them.

As Trilan's mouth found her, she pressed back against him. She shifted a bit, making it easier for Trilan to explore. She was shaven entirely, which most who travelled for a living did in this time. Cleaner, easier to manage. A soft moan escaped her lips as the wizard's lips and tongue teased and explored, and the scent of her arousal swiftly greeted his nostrils as he leaned in to sample her. She let go of Nuada's balls, reaching back, wrapping her hand in his hair to tug him in against her core, eager, loving the contact and the feel of being between the two.
Nuada made himself sit still
Fighting the urge to drop to his knees and force all his cock down her throat. Soft moans were escape his lips as Ingrid's head bobbed up and down.