A New Way to Boost Poetry

WickedEve said:
Ignore the Fish. Take Tuesday! Tuesday is up for grabs. I NEED a break! I need many things, actually. Does anyone want to give me anything? No warts, please. I'll take diamonds, tranquilizers, dark red nail polish, an enormous box of AA batteries.

<hands you a stick of gum>
Angeline said:
Well you're middcle-aged and I'm old, but Rybka is ancient. :D

And I do enjoy reading new poem reviews--in a way it feels like family gathering around the kitchen table. But new poem reviews are alot of work. I did them every week for over a year, and only stopped because they were cutting into my own writing time.

Others need to pick up the slack though--if you like new poem reviews and feel you benefit from them, give back and write some yourself. :)
middle aged? nooooo. I'm 30ish. I plan to be 30ish for, at least, 10 more years. Though, I don't agree with your statement about the Fish. He's prehistoric.
Angeline said:
<hands you a stick of gum>
I need battteries, not gum. I don't come without batteries. And I can't come with batteries and chew gum at the same time.
WickedEve said:
I need battteries, not gum. I don't come without batteries. And I can't come with batteries and chew gum at the same time.

Jesus alright--if I give you some will you stop asking? It just so happens I bought a whole bunch at Wally World today. (When I mentioned this to eagleyez he said "hmmmm," and when I explainedn they're for my Logitech Wireless Mouse, he laughed uproariously. Now why is that? What's wrong with having one of them.) :D

And I'm 30ish too, damnit. Mostly the ish part, but who's counting....
Angeline said:
Jesus alright--if I give you some will you stop asking? It just so happens I bought a whole bunch at Wally World today. (When I mentioned this to eagleyez he said "hmmmm," and when I explainedn they're for my Logitech Wireless Mouse, he laughed uproariously. Now why is that? What's wrong with having one of them.) :D

And I'm 30ish too, damnit. Mostly the ish part, but who's counting....
Yeah sure... for your mouse... right. :rolleyes:
WickedEve said:
middle aged? nooooo. I'm 30ish. I plan to be 30ish for, at least, 10 more years. Though, I don't agree with your statement about the Fish. He's prehistoric.

Angeline said:
It stopped squeaking. :)
It squeaked? Well, when I'm in that special mood and needing batteries, mine doesn't squeak. At least, I don't think it does. Oh sure, it may squish a little, but... are we talking about the same thing?
WickedEve said:
Ignore the Fish. Take Tuesday! Tuesday is up for grabs. I NEED a break! I need many things, actually. Does anyone want to give me anything? No warts, please. I'll take diamonds, tranquilizers, dark red nail polish, an enormous box of AA batteries.

Darling-- get rechargables, quite worth the initial investment.

I can do Sunday as long as its okay it will be late.

This Coming Sunday Is Yours!

annaswirls said:
. . .
I can do Sunday as long as its okay it will be late.

O.K. Anna, This coming Sunday is yours. I will contribute a "Golden Oldie" spinner, and comments on any poem I find exceptionally good, but the day belongs to you! I look forward to a swirly take on the poetry of the world! :)

Regards, Rybka
WickedEve said:
It squeaked? Well, when I'm in that special mood and needing batteries, mine doesn't squeak. At least, I don't think it does. Oh sure, it may squish a little, but... are we talking about the same thing?

It's a mouse, darnit--a computer mouse. Whadja think? And ok, it doesn't squeak. It clicks. (Like a dolphin, lol.) And I most definitely do not squeak--maybe if I see a real mouse I might eek a little (but only to make someone else deal with it).
Yea! Anna...

I look forward to your first review.

Rybka, be sure to send her that PM you sent me...

jim :)
Re: Who - Review

Rybka said:
I admit to being crochety and three score plus, but that is not old in fish years! :p
I would be happy to give up a Sunday now and then if some newer poets would like to try their hands at telling the rest of us what they really liked among a day's new poems.

I will still continue to mention exceptional poems on any day I find them, especially those by newer poets, and I will do my share of Sundays if no one wants them.

ICome on! - Join in! - Jump in! The water is fine. :)

I'd be happy to do new poem reviews. I need practice and I need something to do on Sundays. Also, since like annaswirls I wouldn't have stuck around here if it wasn't for the mention in that thread (after posting her for almost a year unnoticed) I feel it's only right to give some back.

My qualifications: former editor of a poetry magazine here in Ontario. Also, have free time on my hands.

Anybody okay with that?
Lost PM

jthserra said:

Rybka, be sure to send her that PM you sent me...

jim :)
Jim If you still have it can you send it (or clean it up and post it)? I can't find it. I must have lost it either when my computer went down or when I cleared my old PMs. :(

Mojo_cat, Feel free to jump in any time. If anything you are over qualified! :) I think Annaswirls is going to do this Sunday, but you are welcome to Sunday, Feb. 29th, Leapyear's Day. (Although it may be an exceptionally heavy day for submissions on that theme.)
If you can do Tuesdays I know Wicked Eve is looking for a respite too. :)

Regards, Rybka
cool :)

Rybka said:

Mojo_cat, Feel free to jump in any time. If anything you are over qualified! :) I think Annaswirls is going to do this Sunday, but you are welcome to Sunday, Feb. 29th, Leapyear's Day. (Although it may be an exceptionally heavy day for submissions on that theme.)
If you can do Tuesdays I know Wicked Eve is looking for a respite too. :)

Excellent! It'd be a pleasure. If someone could PM or email me with the "requirements" (what time to post the review by, any other conventions) I'd be happy to do this Sunday and I'd take Tuesdays off Angeline's hands for a while as well.

Thanks for the compliment, fish :rose:
Re: cool :)

mojo_cat said:
Excellent! It'd be a pleasure. If someone could PM or email me with the "requirements" (what time to post the review by, any other conventions) I'd be happy to do this Sunday and I'd take Tuesdays off Angeline's hands for a while as well.

Thanks for the compliment, fish :rose:
You might want to PM annaswirls about this Sunday (2/22/2004) and decide who will do what, and also tell Wicked Eve that her plea has been granted :), but PLEEZE come ahead and help us poor amateurs (except Angeline who is a pro like you). - I know as an editor you know to be gentle with poets' children (Yeah, Right! ;) :p ;) ), just remember that you are not dealing with professional poets for the most part.

Re requirements: There are none as per time of posting as long as it is the same day.
Only poems that you like should be mentioned (We want to encourage new poets, not tell them that they are writing SHIT even if they are).
Also be sure to send a feedback note to the poets whose work you mention that tells them that they have been mentioned and where to find the review. My feedback note looks like this:

"Your poem has been mentioned in the New Poems thread on the Literotica Poetry Forum: <https://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?s=&postid= insert id number#post insert post number>

Hope this gives you a few clues. Maybe some others will jump in with more review/commenting suggestions. - There are no hard and fast rules except to be as kind as you can to the new poets. :) :rose:

Regards, Rybka
I'm on that

Rybka said:
You might want to PM annaswirls about this Sunday (2/22/2004) and decide who will do what, and also tell Wicked Eve that her plea has been granted :), but PLEEZE come ahead and help us poor amateurs (except Angeline who is a pro like you). - I know as an editor you know to be gentle with poets' children (Yeah, Right! ;) :p ;) ), just remember that you are not dealing with professional poets for the most part.

I'm on it. I'm using this PM function for the first time...keen.

I'll do Sunday if Anna isn't on it already and I'm happy to take Tuesday or any other fill-in day for anyone else who needs a break. If you can email me a day ahead when you need a fill-in, that would help greatly.

As for killing your darlings...:devil: I'll be nice, I swear. I like the idea of only mentioning the poems we like/poets we feel should be encouraged and appreciated. I promise I won't post negatively.

Well, unless it's REALLY REALLY deserved? :kiss: I find negative crit mostly just puts an author on the defensive and accomplishes little in the end, which is contrary to what these boards are about.

My feedback note looks like this:

"Your poem has been mentioned in the New Poems thread on the Literotica Poetry Forum: <https://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?s=&postid= insert id number#post insert post number>

I got one of those. It's a very good idea, or else I'd never have known. Thank you for the tip/format.

Looking forward to it!


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Re: I'm on that

mojo_cat said:
I'm on it. I'm using this PM function for the first time...keen.

I'll do Sunday if Anna isn't on it already and I'm happy to take Tuesday or any other fill-in day for anyone else who needs a break. If you can email me a day ahead when you need a fill-in, that would help greatly.
Cat, I hope that is a generic "you". I am not in charge of anything here. No one is. Several "regular" reviewers have mentioned that they would like a break now and then, because it is a lot of work to read 30 to 50+ poems in one day and then pick out and comment on the better/best of them. If any reviewers want a day (or several) off, please announce it several days in advance. We have some new volunteers willing to give us their views and I say thank you all, in advance!

mojo_cat said:
As for killing your darlings...:devil: I'll be nice, I swear. I like the idea of only mentioning the poems we like/poets we feel should be encouraged and appreciated. I promise I won't post negatively.
Looking forward to it!
a tip for reviewers: Use plenty of smilies. :) :rose: :) Your words will almost always be misinterpreted toward the negative side. Poets are far more protective than mothers are of their first child. :) And simple words on a page lack all of the nonverbal clues of a face to face communication. Written words are so easy to misinterpret. :rose: :kiss: :rose:

Regards, Rybka
Hey Fishter--

Mojo and I (especially I) were not sure if you wanted to ditch Sunday altogether (I would miss your reviews) or wanted breaks--- hence, the email me when you need a break etc.

Full time replacement or substitute is the question-- I Do so believe----

could be wrong

:) :rolleyes: :)


Sunday, Fishy Sunday!

annaswirls said:
Hey Fishter--

Mojo and I (especially I) were not sure if you wanted to ditch Sunday altogether (I would miss your reviews) or wanted breaks--- hence, the email me when you need a break etc.

Full time replacement or substitute is the question-- I Do so believe----

could be wrong

:) :rolleyes: :)


Anna, you and the Moster divy up the next two Sundays as you will and then let us see how you guys feel. (It is quite a bit of work!) For now I will plan on doing the first Sunday in March (3/7/04). Maybe we can rotate. Once a month is a lot easier than once a week! :)
I am sure that there are others out there who will be very happy to share their burden. :)
God Bless You for volunteering to help your fellow scribblers! :rose:

Regards, Rybka

PS: I will contribute the spinner for this Sunday since I have already done it. ;)
Last edited:
Just a note to clarify that while I may be a "pro" (which sounds a mite sleazy to me, Rybka), it is the very Wicked Eve who does Tuesday reviews. I did reviews on Fridays for a loooong time but that is now the baliwick of the very sweet Icingsugar guy. :)

My advice to new reviewers is this:

1. Only mention the poems you really like. Never feel obligated to mention a poem by a regular or whomever unless you feel the poem is worth it. (The exception to this is if you're me and Al Pacino posts a poem--then you can lie through your teeth and praise it to the heavens even if it is illiterate crapola.)

2. These are recommendations not critiques. If you want to explicate a poem (lord knows I usually did) feel free. You don't need to though, and I suspect few people are interested in that anyway.

3. Focus on the poem, not the poet. There are many very good poets here and what constitutes "best" is--at least to some extent--subjective. Don't hurt feelings by raving about how poet X is soooo much better than everyone else.

4. Mention new poets' poems when you can--that's good for them and those of us who are um old (not Eve).

5. Let folks know--via feedback--if you recommend their poem and provide a link to the new poems thread. Many new poets have no idea we have a forum--let alone such an active one.

And remember anyone can recommend a new poem any day; the *regular* reviewers are there only to ensure that *somebody* checks out the new poems each day.

Re: Sunday, Fishy Sunday!

Rybka said:
Anna, you and the Moster divy up the next two Sundays as you will and then let us see how you guys feel. (It is quite a bit of work!) For now I will plan on doing the first Sunday in March (3/7/04

From now on, I will only acknowledge those who refer to me as "The Moster". :cool: :cool: :cool:

I've PM'd anna and Eve and I think we're good to go. I think I'm taking this Sunday and she'll take the next, and we're thinking maybe rotating between us whenever the Fish needs a break.

And yes, it was a very generic "you", as it was preceeded by an open call to anyone who needs a day off. :D I can't speak for anna but if you email me within a reasonable amount of time before "deadline" I'll most likely be able to fill in, since I'm
a)unemployed and
b)well, unemployed.

PS: I don't mean to sound rude but....Icingsugar's a guy? Like the PSA's say, The More You Know...