a question for authors

I read anything with print on it sometimes.

But in grade 6 or so I was reading Paleontology all the time. This explains why now the common phrase used by my local friends is "blah blah blah...insert big word here... blah blah blah".

I read generally non fiction. If its factual and useful and science or history I like it.

I like science fiction, but generally the stuff written by members of the upper crust ie Asimov, Clarke, Herbert stuff of their calibre.

I like fantasy but again I like a sort that is more the mega authors like Tolkien, but I have a few newer favs. Terry Brooks and Terry Goodkind are not easy to surpass.

I read sex manuals so I can learn how to do it better (cause first step in dating your hand is assuming that you can't learn any more). I read woman's magazines cause its better to know what's in their head (so you have a chance in hell seeing whats in their clothes).

I read atlases and textbooks so often that I suffer a severe case of informed opinon heheh.

I never read trendy topical current literature. I will settle for hearing it on tv eventually if it is worth knowing.

I don't read sports at all. A, sports is something that you do, and B, I don't participate in any sports.

I faithfully purchase woodworking magazines even though my useful woodworking days are gone (allows me to pretend).
anyone else?

any more authors willing to part up with their deep dark secret reading habits?

recommendations are welcome also.
I've been trying to get into sci-fi and fantasy novels, wheel of time being an example, but the only thing I read consistently is humor. Comic anthologies, Dave Barry, Pat McMannus, Scott Adams. I guess it's the 'instant gratification gremlin' in me.

I would have been upset if no one at all had noticed that "informed opinion" comment actually.:)

As it goes I am serious (I am usually a lot goofier than not though). It took a lot of reading, studying, and generally not noticing girls till I was 25 to become as smart as I am now (not sure it was a wise choice though).

If I could live the years 10-25 over again would I do it different, probably not.

But I missed out on owning a crappy first car, bugging girl friends to remove their top (so I could get the ball rolling to getting the rest off), getting drunk on weekends, smoking "stuff", learning the names of each and every person that generally spends all their time on the main street.

Instead I have a library that several nieces and nephews now know is better than the school library (they never run to grab the good books, the good books are just a visit to my place away).
I can talk about anything for like forever heheh.
I can walk into any class room and teach any subject cold for a full hour (except highschool math, I hate highschool math).

But the down side is I missed out on a lot of important life experiences. Like whats a crappy car like. Whats it like to have a girl tell me fuck off and never return. And how to cure a hang over.

Hmmmmm I think I made the right choice. But no one ever understands me when I don't want to be the bare assed cock in hands goofy sex obsessed dingbat I normally am on literotica.

Normally I am a serious obsessed with history, can't read enough planetary and space sciences eco nut. But no one ever seems interested in that stuff (or at least no one on ICQ was).
Much to the disgust of most of my friends, I am an avid Ayn Rand reader. I don't believe everything she says (she incorporates a LOT of false dichotomy..."It's you or the world," when obviously there are other options), but I do accept most of her philosophy as logical.

Since arriving at college, I've read a lot of manga, such as Battle Angel Alita, Akira, Gunsmith Cats, and Inu-Yasha. I gobble that stuff up like candy.

I have been a hard-core fantasy reader since 3rd grade, when I read "A Wrinkle in Time" and "The Hobbit." Since then I've done the "Forgotten Realms" thing and grown out of it. I've progressed through Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, and most recently George R. Martin, my favorite of the three by far. Very, very excellent work and I'm ever-so-eagerly awaiting his next book this fall.

I am totally disinterested in real-life things such as political or criminal writings. I dislike the majority of the "classics" I read in high school, but I rather liked my "1300-1700 Literature" class last semester. My favorite poet is T.S. Eliot. I enjoy dry reading like philosophy and ethics.

I too read to grow.
Hey Quint have you ever seen any of the Inuyasha anime series yet?

I have a friend that has almost the whole of it (if he doesn't actually have all of it already).

That's of course just the Inuyasha series. It would take forever to write down each series i have at my diposal. Plus one friend has a good paying job so he buys the manga as well.
No, but I would love to! Inu-yasha is one of the most delectable characters I know. I have a friend here, the one who loans me all the manga actually; he keeps me supplied on my anime needs (except tentacle porn...sigh...) but he doesn't have that particular one in anime form. So I'm stuck with the manga, the fanfics, and my fantastic imagination. ::grin::

Most ridiculous anime I've seen: Dragon Half. Especially the theme song at the end of the first (of only two!) episodes. "You can't have the eggs, they're mine. You can have the octopus, I hate the way it looks." I think I should change my quote. Are you familiar with this little gem?
ok i give up...

would somebody please educate this dumb ignorant kiwi...

what is Inuyasha anime series?

Aside from it being one of Rumiko Takahashi's efforts (Rumiko is affectionately known as The Princess of Manga I believe). It is a series that like most started as Manga (thats comics for westerners).

It is as usual something of an romantic tale (as are a good deal of good manga/anime). It features the female heroine as well as the villain (who often gets forced to be a bad guy/forcibly turned good guy leading or co starring character).
It is a story where a young lass is forced to confront being someone from the past (often through some accidental encounter). Lots of fairy tale mythos as well. She encounters the villain/bad guy/goodguy and the story begins.

Have not seen a lot of series yet though (nor would I spoil the series if I had). Inuyasha is something of a slightly non human personage ie Oni, or spirit or some such creature of strange unique powers.

The show though is amazingly well done and has a really appealing opening tune as well. Of course if has a great opening tune. Its from the creator of Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Ranma 1/2 and others. How could it be anything other than superior grade manga/anime.

Other than that, what else do you need to know hmmmmm
geez more ignorance showing, sorry dear

a comic? ok it's in book form but cartoonlike characters? is it a tv program also? please forgive me, but it sounds interesting enough for me to delve my toes into. where can i find it?
WSO, Inu-Yasha is manga, which is a Japanese variant of comic books. IMO, the quality of manga is far superior in graphics and detail, and more aesthetic too. (Then again, I usually prefer hentai, which is anime porn, to the real life stuff.) I don't know if it originated as manga or movie (probably manga), but it seems to be very popular as either. The characters are too adorable. I've read all of the translated books, but alas they aren't finished yet. Here is a pic of the two main characters:
aaahhhh now i begin to get a glimmer of understanding. thank you Quint for giving me the visual! lol

MW do you need lessons? I'm sure i could recommend somebody...
cough it up dear.

a hmmmmm has too many meanings lolol

...where have i heard that before?
To further clarify (because I love anime).... anime is the extrapolation of manga.

What begins as manga becomes anime if the fans take to it well enough. Manga is common and after all a great deal less work. If it is popular enough it becomes animated and you get an anime series or product.

As for the hentai, well we have all seen Homer Simpson do it, and we have all see Disney characters doing it, so it is no surprise you can see anime characters doing it. Although its a no contest thing, hentai anime is waaaaaaaay more artistically pleasing (unless seeing Homer get his 9 inch cock sucked off by his daughter turns ya on).
Its Leslie, what does pokemon come under then? Those pics Quint posted reminded me of the animation programs my son watches.

i can't believe you measured homers...
Leslie, correct me if I'm wrong or lenient.

I guess I didn't really specify that I'm not just a childish person who likes watching cartoons (although I am); anime can be very realistic, very harsh, and one hell of a mind-fuck. Neon Genesis Evangelion is a great example. 14 year olds get mentally raped, eaten alive, and go through all sorts of traumatizing introspection. I would not recommend anyone under 16 seeing that particular series, and I certainly could not have taken it at 16...hell, I cried myself to sleep after seeing it at 18.

Pokemon is not of this sort. It is anime in the sense that it is a cartoon made by Japanese animators, but it's much, much happier and fluffier. People don't really die. Things turn out for the better in the end. You aren't left with a huge "What the FUCK?!" after viewing it.

There is a lot of TV-Y anime, such as Pokemon, Digimon, etc. There are some teen programs that are usually watered down into stuff American kids are allowed to watch when they come from Japan, such as Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, and Card Captor Sakura. Inu-Yasha probably fits in here too, since the swearing and lechery is mild enough to be editted out (stupid dubbing-in-context!). Then there are the mature-teens-to-adult movies.

I hope this cleared it up. I think Belilica started an anime link somewhere, but knowing her it's probably all hentai.

Hmm I should go look her up. o)
I originally put that there because I was planning to write disparaging things about Pokemon and their audience of people over the age of 11. Kinda left out the sarcasm. Oops.
i wonder how widespread these 'what the fuck' anime series really are?

i don't believe we have them in new zealand. (yet)

the fluffie anime you refer to Quint seems to be lacking in fluffies a lot of the time. no wonder kids are fighting so much these days with all this kind of stuff hitting them.

having said that, i'll have to hunt out around here for Inu-Yasha to see what all the raves are about.

thanks for enlightening me.
Perhaps my last post didn't "sound right".

Must have missed some aspect while I was commenting.:)

Comments were all intended to be neutral though.

I have seen all of Evangelion. Quite the trip to sit and watch the whole shebang in a 12 hour splurge eh.
Yep it's a show that might have 14 year old characters, but man its a real mind trip and the first might be humourous but the ending..... The original ending actually touched off a riot in Japan. So the series actually has two endings.

The there is Ghost in the Shell. Which has been said to have done it better than Matrix and was done before Matrix for that matter.

Some of the Anime I have watched is plainly geared to the male audience. Bouncing breasts and hordes of scenes with panty shots generally are.

What is interesting is a lot of the plainly silly over the top anime that parodies normal female bodily proportions is done by women (kinda shoots the argument out of the water that its sexually demeaning, if its ok with female anime creators, it's ok with me eh).

Two of the best series I have watched though, have no idiotic elements or excessive cuteness. Bubble Gum Crisis 2040 is perhaps one of the best cyberpunk series ever made. And Oh My Goddess is a love story that even a Nun could watch.

What is annoying though is the inexplicable actions of sexually repressed corporate execs responsible for the treatment anime is being given on tv around here (that being Canada or the US).

Sure Pokemon looks harmless probably is. Card Captors seemed like a nice girls version of Pokemon until the powers that be (that can't possibly watch in advance what they broadcast) realised that there were several young ladies that were clearly not into boys (not that most small girls are eh).
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are NOT cousins, and are in fact lesbian lovers. But in north america that is considered unacceptable for Sailormoon fans to see.

I personally want to know why its considered ok for real people to have "same sex relations", but it is clearly unacceptable for cartoon people. After all if it is right its right and if its wrong its wrong regardless of where.

Sure I have seen some outrageous anime art that is NOT the sort of thing that is normally viewed by young people. But given the chance there are always people that have the time to dabble in altering things for amusement.

But I have watched oodles of anime series that feature nudity. But it's nudity not sex (yes there is a difference to me).
Ranma 1/2 is a series where half the cast has a goofy curse. Cold water makes them transform into an alter self (usually a comical animal form).
But Ranma goes from a cool looking male teen to a drop dead cute lookng girl version of himself. And as he is really a guy, he has no sense of feminine modesty either. The show has plenty of scenes where he is casual about being seen nude as either a guy or as is more common a female.
Anime though is not about being obnoxiously anatomically detailed. The girls that disrobe have no nipples for the most part and the groin has no more detail that a Barbie doll.
Still I guess nude walking talking Barbie dolls must be a threat to someone.

As you can see from the length of this post I had a lot of spare time today heheh. Hope everyone has found this at least a bit interesting.