A question for women about post-orgasm regret

Just so you don’t keep missing out….. You don’t have to have sex with another person in order to experience an orgasm. I was having orgasms long before I ever even saw a naked boy in person.
I think you misunderstood my post. I do have orgasms.
Never regret or guilt, but the other person’s inconsiderate words or actions afterwards can cause me lose my smile.
Know exactly what Yesok1 is referencing. When i was a younger woman and didn't know what the heck was going on in my head and the morals of Society governed my actions and mind...any sex or foreplay with a male never lead to an orgasm. I thought maybe I was having one and was hugely disappointed in the experience...also had several times when I was literally forced to have sex with a guy, I definitely labored with regret for long periods of time. But once I understood and embraced the blessing that I was...have been...a lesbian...every single orgasm has been electric and beyond fulfilling...even in masturbation. Never had nor will I ever regret, feel ashamed or guilty of any orgasm now or in the future cause I know who I am.
Men experience this all the time, and usually happens before they remove themselves, you can see it in their face.
It's the reality of completing the conquest and facing post orgasm dynamics. Now what...are we an item..I just cheated on my wife...I didn't think she would go through with it..I have to see her tomorrow at the office, the list goes on. This is why some men leave before we can bring our knees together.
Yes it's awkward after the fact, personally I'm fine with it.