A Voting Question

One small -- and relatively simple -- change that would lessen the punitive voting is to not display ratings or Hs during a story's or poem's N period (the first 7 days) -- and not to allow NEW stuff to appear on Top Lists during that period.


2 cents...

Ok.. So I can be a bit long winded! I know this about myself. ;)

Also, btw, Gina, I looked at your list of submissions and found myself laughing because, even though your score may have dropped a bit, the poem in question still has a HOT rating, as do nearly all your other submissions.

Obviously you are well loved.
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Lauren Hynde said:
I tend to feel that if someone turns voting on when he or she posts a poem, it's because he or she wants some sort of objective scale against which to measure the poem. He or she wants to know how the poem impacts (positively or negatively) on the readers.

When I vote, I do it using the entire 1-5 range. If I only voted when I felt the poems were 5-worthy, the entire system would be meaningless, don't you think?
I thought about this alot, never have I dropped below a 3, mostly 4 and 5, always leave my name. I mark according to what I perceive is YOUR level, as an addendum to the comment.
Always leave my name, you don't like, want to queary it further. You can find me. Sure I have prejudices, I admit them. One way to keep your mind open, is to admit them.
In case anyone was wondering about the spate of 50's, 75's I left.
...a few times in the past, I have mentioned that I would like to see something improved, this was always in reference to seeing something reaching for greatness, beyond good. But what the fuck, the thermometer does not go up to 125, but I have noted that also.
100 is the base line for me, whatever I perceive you are capable of.