Absolution (closed)

"No one should have to promise me anything." Selena grumbled as she looked into the fire that was burning in her hearth. "Our Da should have had the sense to let us all go when we were happy. Now we will never know that happiness is."

Selena often had a dark view of life, her hurt deep and wide. She had once known her father's love, but he had cruelly taken it away, never sparing a glance towards her except for when she acted out against him. She was the one child, save Boar sometimes, that would speak her mind when it came to Tamblin. She rarely held anything back, even to his face. It was the way that things had always been between them and she didn't really regret anything.
"It's th'way it is for now... But things can always change." With that, Durban stepped out and soon Boar followed in silence, in very much the same mood as Selena. Brogan stayed a while longer, trying to come up with something hopeful to say to his sister, but he eventually gave up with just a simple 'goodnight' and went off as well.

Things were quiet for days, Durban spending most of his time dueling against Brogan and Boar. He also invited Cole and Ciaran from Warwick's home to come test their skills. Outside the Ghis family, they were two of the finest warriors Inverness had, even so young, but Warwick had forbidden them from joining the military or royal guard while Tamblin was still on the throne. Instead, they were hunters and and mercenaries who escorted caravans between territories on occasion. Between them and his brothers, Durban had a wide array of practice.

It was after nearly three weeks, and a couple close calls where Durban nearly approached Tamblin but faltered, that Selena overheard a conversation about her. As she was passing through the main hall, the voices of her father and Oliver Colton reached her, echoing slightly from the west hall.

Colton, his voice smooth and his tone confident, spoke to Tamblin of a new suitor. "As it seems his eldest son has gone from Scotland altogether, he's been forced to accept his first born from his second wife as heir. Tall, thin, more scholar than warlord, and much more likely to strike the peace his father has resisted all these years out of distaste for you, my Lord. Abel Dunland may be the answer to Inverness' future. After all, we could borrow from the might of Wick to fend off our other enemies if he were family, and O'Hennessey would be forced to make peace. His grudge might stand, and you might have a duel on your hands one day, but he is a man who respects family ties and marital alliances."

"Y'say this boy's a calm one? Scholarly, no' interested in war?" Tamblin's voice, deep, gravelly, and tired, asked on return.

"I understand he is a tactical genius who's actually helped his father plan some of his most successful incursions into other lands, but young Abel seems to quite dislike fighting. He's no stranger to the realities of war, though, if that is what you're worried about. He would make a good ally when he becomes king of Wick."

"... I want t'meet 'im before you go spinnin' yer plans, Colton. I take th'final word."

"Of course, my Lord. It is your daughter, after all."
Selena stood frozen in her spot as she heard the two of them plotting as if she were some kind of bargaining chip. This new one, the son of Wick, seemed to interest her father. She had never heard him speak like that about any suitors before. She couldn’t fathom going to live the rest of her life in Wick. Wick was the enemy and she was sure that her life would be a living hell there.

She was moving without thinking, finding the two of them in her father’s office. She simply stared at them for a long moment before she found her voice to speak.

“I won’t marry anyone.” She said simply, looking between her father and Colton. “And that’s final. I would rather die an old maid than be a piece of property for someone else.”
Colton, standing just inside the doorway, stepped aside as he heard Selena approach, putting her directly in Tamblin's line of sight from his chair at the desk as she spoke. The years had not been kind to Tamblin thanks to his constant stress and depression and lack of sleep. His eyes were permanently dulled and shadowed now, his face lined from frowning. He was still a mountain of a man, perhaps a bit more gaunt now, but made of powerful muscle from constant war and practice and keeping up with Durban. For the moment, he was clad in a dark tunic and trousers with his heavy practice plate, likely having just come in from training his new warhorses. His barbute helm lay on its side on the desk and his Claymore was slung over the chair. It all served to make him look even more daunting.

Colton, on the other hand, looked barely over thirty despite being in his mid-forties. Living off Inverness' troubles had given him a comfortable life outside of his work, and an easy job seeing as he had so many able men to control. Clad in his dark, fitted clothing and signature dark cloak with some light leather guards here and there, his steely and wicked eyes turned to focus on Selena as well as the hard, dark gaze of Tamblin.

"I'm afraid that isn't up to you, Princess," Oliver reminded her with an easy, polite smile that belied the snake he could really be.

"Get out," Tamblin growled at the man, his gaze flicking to Oliver only momentarily. Oliver took a moment to bow and stepped past Selena, disappearing down the hall to attend to his own business.

Tamblin rose from his chair, still stubbornly refusing to use a cane most days despite his ruined and badly-healed leg. "We've talked about this, Selena," he rumbled darkly, warning her not to broach the subject again.
Selena simply glared at Oliver as he walked passed, her hatred for the man barely contained as he father gruffly told him to leave. She said nothing to him, watching until the door firmly closed behind him before she turned to look at her father.

She pitied him in a way, but she also knew that he was capable of truly terrible things. He had beaten their mother to within an inch of her life and taken advantage of her when he felt the urge to do so. While he hadn't touched her like that in years, the way that he treated her brothers made her want to rail again him all the more.

"No, you discussed it. I agreed to nothing." Selena challenged, standing there tall and proud as ever. "I have a voice in this situation as well. It's my life, Da. I should have a say in anything that happens in it."

"Ma married you for duty. She married you because she had to. I won't make the same mistake." Selena knew she was treading into dangerous territory with that statement, but she was never one to back down from her father.

"I refuse to be trapped by someone that I barely know, bearing them child after child, living in an unfamiliar place where I am the enemy. That's not the life that I want. Especially not in Wick, Da. Do you know how a Ghis would be treated there? Surely you care about that."
"This isn' a matter of what any of us want, Selena. It's a matter o' need. We need allies. We need Wick t'stand down. We need t'keep Inverness an' Inverlochly from goin' under. If you marry a Prince, you can do anythin' else you please fer the rest o' yer life. Most folk would kill fer tha' chance. If Kayla was closer to your age, maybe I'd consider her instead. But she's far too young. You'll be plenty old enough soon, and soon can't come fast enough with Inverness witherin' like she is. This isn't me 'r Colton tryin' to make you miserable, or anyone tryin' to trap you. It's what needs t'be done."

He towered over her, but seemed tame for the moment, explaining to her for what felt like the thousandth time why he was desperate to find her a suitor among his greatest enemies.
“It’s withering because of you.” Selena said bluntly, staring at her father as he towered over her. “Selling me off won’t change he fact that people detest you. You can tell yourself anything you like to make you feel better about this, but it won’t change what is happening here.”

“You’ll never treat Kayla like this. Ever. I’ll make sure of that.” Selena had long since lost her compassion for her father and often spoke to him in a way that was rather rude.
"Don' test me, girl," Tamblin's voice grew deeper and darker, warning that she was quickly wearing on what patience he had. "Go on back t'your studies. I'm no' in th'mood fer your nonsense."

He took a few steps forward and reached around her to open the door, holding it open and glaring down at her to leave his office. "We're no' talking about this again."
Selena stared up into her father’s intense gaze, her chin tilting at a stubborn angle that she had learned from him. She wasn’t about to back down from this fight and when he opened the door, she simply stood there and didn’t move a muscle.

“No.” Selena said simply. “I’m not going to simply step away from this like a good girl. This is my life and I won’t have you ruining it too. I will fight for that right if I have to.”
Tamblin seized his daughter by the arm then with an annoyed grunt, pulling her out into the hall and dragging her toward the stairway up to the second floor where her room lie. It was something he'd done many times when he didn't feel like actually fighting with her- bar her in her room til the next morning when he'd finally allow Durban to let her out. If anyone let her out early without his consent, Tamblin would rage against both the culprit and Selena.

"Y'jus' won't leave bloody well alone," he snarled as he walked, tugging her along when she tried to pull back.
Selena let out a cry as Tamblin grabbed her arm and jerked her after him, ushering her up the stairs to where her room was in the keep. Every time she resisted, she was jerked along, stumbling as Tamblin grumbled about her behavior.

“Let me go.” Selena growled at him, jerking her arm against his steely grip. “Let me go and face me like a man. I’m not going to be treated like this anymore.”
Tamblin stopped in his tracks at the bottom of the stairs as she suddenly challenged him, staring off into space for a long moment before his gaze slowly returned to her. His grip went slack, and he stared at her with a completely unreadable expression.

Finally, he muttered, his tone similarly neutral, "Don' make those challenges in a fit o' rage, Selena. They'll get you killed." He turned to face her fully, and fixed her with a hard, contemplative stare as his mind began to process what was happening. "Breathe. Think about it. And if you really intend t'fight me, you go get your sword, you armor up, and you meet me in the courtyard. If you aren't there in thirty minutes, we aren't gonna talk about any o' this ever again, and you do as I say. But if you are there, I set the terms of our fight as th'challenged. Think hard about it, little lass. If you beat me, your brother doesn' become king. Only the one who beats me gets th' throne. An' if you lose... Well, we'll see, won't we?"

With that, he turned and stalked away from her toward his own room to fetch his proper armor.
Selena was panting as Tamblin pulled them both to a stop, staring at her for a long moment before he let her go. Then he muttered to her in a low voice, warning her that she should never make threats like that in the heat of the moment. They shared the same temper, the same anger, the same passion...it was maybe the one thing they probably had in common through it all.

Then his warning was leveled, telling her that she needed to armor up if she really wanted to see this through. Then he was gone, stalking away to get his own armor and sword. She stood there for a long moment, her heart racing as she weighed what he had told her. It seemed like the hardest choice in the world, but she made it in an instant.

Changing into her trousers and a tunic, she was lacing herself into her armor when she heard the door open. Turning suddenly, she found herself staring at Kayla as her little sister paused in the doorway. She had been waiting for Selena to come to the library, to help her with her studies. When time had passed, she had come to find her.

"What are you doing?" Kayla asked, her dark eyes showing concern for her older sister.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." Selena said softly as she turned to go about her business. "I'm standing up for the both of us, love."

"What does that mean?" Kayla murmured, stepping into the room as Selena finished up and reached out for her sword.

"You might not understand this now, little sister, but one day you will. I'm fighting for our right to be free. To choose who we want to be our partner in this life." She was almost seventeen, but Selena had thought long and hard about her future. "If this is the way it has to be, then so be it."

"You're going to fight Da?" Kayla asked, taking a step backwards as Selena suddenly grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her away from the door. "I'm going to tell Ma."

"You're not going to tell anyone, Kayla. You promise me that." Selena said, kneeling down to her sister's level and looking her in the eye. "Not Ma, not Ghell, not any of our brothers. This is between Da and I."

"He'll kill you."

Selena was quiet when those words were uttered and she reached up to touch Kayla's face gently. "That's a risk I'm willing to take, love. For you and I."

At that, she stood, looking down at Kayla's dark gaze before she pushed past her and hurried from her room. She knew Kayla would tell everyone in a moment and someone might try to stop her, but she wasn't going to back down from this fight. If this was her moment to prove to her father that she was serious about having a choice in marriage, she was going to take it.

As she stepped from the keep, she saw her Da standing there in the courtyard. Her heart raced a little faster and she faltered just one time before she made herself calm down. This was a moment she had waited for. She was going to take it.
Tamblin stood alone in an open area of snow, entirely undisturbed except for his own boot prints, and a large circle he'd marked out for them. He was a dark, ominous figure against the dreary white blanketing the courtyard and the greys of the walls and sky, his Claymore already unsheathed and resting point-down beside him with purpose and warning. He was in his proper armor, a suit of leather-plated steel guards trimmed with fur for the cold, chain mail, and thick leather gloves and boots and a steel helm with a short bladed crest at the brow above the nose-guard. He stared unblinking at Selena as she approached, his previous temper giving way to cold calculation for a fight he only saw going one way. But as she drew close to the circle, his expression faltered, letting on a hint of the guilt Selena had only seen when he was too depressed to be angry or fight.

Before Tamblin could speak, his gaze was drawn back to the keep's doors as Boar came rushing out, his axe on his back. "Selena!" He cried, bolting toward her. "Da, don't!" Shortly after him came Brogan and Durban, both looking just as panicked.

"The hell're you doing?!" Durban shouted as he rushed to catch up. In seconds, Boar was standing between Selena and Tamblin, and Durban and Brogan were on either side.

"Step back," Tamblin growled lowly. "You know th'rules of a duel. Any o' you interfere, an' you forfeit fair combat fer your sister." His eyes flickered around them as a number of the dark-cloaked men from Oliver's order began to gather out of curiosity or perhaps excitement for the further breaking of the Ghis family. And they all turned to see as Ghell emerged with Kitty, having wrapped her up in a fur cloak even in their rush to catch up after little Kayla's warning. Tamblin shifted his weight backward, in no rush to engage, and knowing Kitty still had a chance to talk Selena down. He secretly hoped she would, and spare them all the torture of a father putting down his own daughter.
Selena glanced over her shoulder as she heard her brothers calling out to stop her, each of them save Ashien rushing to put themselves between her and her father. "This is my fight. You all need to turn around and go back inside."

"Selena Marie!" The call of her mother actually made Selena duck slightly, glancing over as Ghell brought their mother outside to stop her. "Tamblin Coarser Ghis."

Kitty had a look on her face that would wither even the strongest of warriors. Still, Selena and Tamblin stood there as if she hadn't said a word. She was so angry as Ghell let her walk the rest of the way into the circle and she looked between her children and her husband.

"I told each and every one of you to back away from these thoughts." Kitty scolded, her dark gaze serious as she looked each of her boys in the eyes and then leveled that gaze at Selena. "And you, Selena Marie, I don't know what I'm going to do with you."

"You don't have to worry about it, Ma. I'm about to solve my own problems." Selena muttered, glancing towards her father.

"Absolutely not. Each of you are going to turn around and go back into that keep. We will talk about all of this when everyone calms down." Kitty said, turning to look at Tamblin as if he might try and help her in the situation.
The entire time Kitty approached and spoke, Tamblin kept his gaze locked with Selena. He looked tired above all else, but focused sharply on his task. As Kitty demanded they all calm down and talk about this issue, Tamblin shifted, lifting the huge Claymore to his shoulder with one hand, his gaze still on Selena.

"Tha's her decision," he muttered to Kitty. "An' regardless o' the outcome... She's standin' up fer herself." There was a hint of pride in that statement, as if seeing his daughter defy the terrible state of their world and the awful things people did, himself included, made him see Selena in a new light.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Last chance, little love... You can still walk away. If no'... Th' rest o' you step back unless you wanna get caught in th'fray. This ain' a fencin' match. We fight til this is settled, an' the victor takes Inverness. Remember tha' Selena. You win, an' you become Queen. No' any o' your siblings. I'll ask you one final time... D'you really want that? Are you really willin' t'die over marryin' into a better life somewhere else? You'd leave Inverness an' never 'ave t'see me again, an' you could do anythin' you liked. There's one promise I'll never break- I would never choose a man tha' wouldn' treat you well. I've turned away countless lordlings lookin' fer some pretty young wife t'have at their beckon call t'do with as they please. Tha's why I've been considerin' Abel Dunland. He's a good lad from all I've heard. I know you see a life o' misery an' bein' trapped, but it doesn' have t'be tha' way with th'right person who'll respect tha' free spirit o' yours."

His expression had softened entirely at this point, to one of pity and deep regret. "I know you hate me. And I know ye'll never believe I do love you. An' this won't make it any better. One of us dies today, Selena. And nothin' will ever be the same. Either I'll have killed my own little girl an' proven the monster I am, probably incite a coup among yer siblings, an' Boar'll probably kill me in my sleep. Or... You'll kill your own father, take his blade an' his throne, an' face th'outside world with yer siblings. You can even get rid o' Colton. Kill him if y'like. I would, if I was in yer position. Execute all o' his rats. An' then, y'could even bring yer little sister home, maybe Vincenzo too."

Even as they still stood separated by the boys, Tamblin leveled his final challenge at Selena. "If all o' tha' is worth the risk, love... Then draw yer sword. If not... You can spare yer mother another heartbreak, an' go back inside."
Selena stared at her father as he spoke, telling her that she had the chance to get away from Inverness forever if she would simply choose to get married to Abel Dunland. He might have seen this as a solution to her problems, that she would be a rich woman away from him and her home, but she saw it as hell. Inverness was her home. She needed her Ma and her brothers and sister. She needed Ghell. He would never see that none of them would be truly happy until they were all free. It didn't matter if one got a chance at freedom if the rest were still in hell.

"I'm not backing down." Selena said as she drew her sword, Kitty instantly standing in front of her and Tamblin as the rest of the boys turned to look at their sister.

"Yes, you are." Kitty said softly, looking into Selena's dark gaze. "I'm not letting you do this, Selena. Not against your father and not today."

"Mama, I have my chance to prove to him that I'm going to be the one to make my own choices in this life." Selena said, trying to ease her mother's worry about this decision.

"No." Kitty said firmly, turning to look at Tamblin again. "Be a father...for the first time in their entire lives. Back away from this Tamblin."

The stalemate that they were in went on for a few moments longer before Selena made the first move. She was terrified and it showed in her dark eyes, but this was something important for her. She shoved Kitty out of the way, the first and only violent act she had ever committed against her mother. Then she did the same for her brothers until she was standing there in front of her father alone.

"Neither of us want this, but if you respect me when this is done....I suppose it's worth it." Selena said as she pulled her sword and took her stance.
"Little cub," Ghell finally spoke up as Selena faced Tamblin. His voice was gentle, soft and sad. Tamblin glanced to the Wolf, a shred of empathy spared for him as Ghell watched the daughter he'd never had face her real father. "I know you're set on your path... And I don't know what will happen in the next few minutes... So before you start... I love you."

Tamblin turned his gaze away at that, having always felt a complete inferiority to Ghell and his fatherly love and care for the children. "Keep them back, Ghell," he murmured with a look to Kitty, and then to Durban. "Durban. Don' let yer mother get 'erself hurt."

Durban, torn between protecting Selena and keeping the others from inciting Tamblin's wrath at a botched duel, finally laid his hands on Kitty's shoulders to hold her in place, while Ghell did the same to Boar. Brogan joined Kitty, knowing there was nothing he could do or say. This fight was going to happen, whether they got involved or not. It was best to give Selena the best odds in a one-on-one without causing Colton's men to get involved.

Tamblin brought his sword to bear before him in a duelist's salute before he took up a solid stance. "C'mon then, lass... Let's get this over with..."
“I love you too, uvore.” Selena said softly as Ghell spoke to her, perhaps the first time she had ever used those words in front of her own father.

As the family took their positions, Selena considered what was about to happen. She was a hunter, more comfortable with a bow than a sword, and a fine horsewoman. She knew the practical side of dueling, but she had never actually been in one. Sparring with her brothers would be a completely different experience to what was about to happen.

She made the first move, slashing at her father to watch what he might do. When he made a move, she would counter and hopefully her speed would give her the upper hand.
The great Claymore flicked forward with a speed that belied its true weight, deflecting Selena's blade from a comfortable distance as Tamblin took a step forward, boldly pushing into her side of the ring already. "Don' broadcast yer attacks like tha'," he corrected, as if they were in a simple training match. "Yer a fencer, you don' pull back before you strike."

With that, his massive blade came across in a wide slash, aiming for her sword rather than Selena herself. He knew she was much faster, and he saw the best course of action was to either disarm her, or knock her sword at all times so she lost time defending. Any heavy blow against her sword would send a painful shock down her arm, and Tamblin was a man who traded his own speed to wear out his opponent's stamina.
Selena deflected the claymore when it was swung, curious as to why her father was giving her any kind of tip in this situation. He was supposed to ty and kill her, take her out as quickly as possible. Instead, he was casual as if this happened every single day.

Selena saw her father’s plan and did her best to counter it. She dodged and fences as she had been taught but it was nothing compared to what he was capable of. She fought out of desperation and anger, al the things he had told her to put aside if she really wanted to take on this challenge.

Kitty was shaking like a leaf as Durban’s held her put, making sure that she didn’t rush into the middle of the fight to stop them. Brogan was holding her to his side, all of them watching sweet Selena try her hardest to win her freedom.
Tamblin almost lazily deflected Selena's attempts at lunges and parries, the weight of his sword alone pushing her own blade around and often putting her off balance. But he didn't strike her even when her defenses were down, instead giving her a frown that was both pitying and disappointed. "Come on, now," he growled darkly. "I taught you better. Durban taught you better." He made a sudden slash that barely missed her fingers, but caught her blade's hilt and threw it to the ground in front of her while the point of his sword leveled at her chest. Boar nearly bolted forward, but Brogan caught him as he saw Tamblin hesitate.

Tamblin planted his sword point-down in the ground and scooped up Selena's blade, facing her with a tired, disappointed glare. "You need t'focus, girl. I'm no' fightin' a manic child, I'm fightin' another Ghis. I expect form, precision, an' a bloody challenge, or else you can submit righ' now. You'd be in pieces already if I wanted it. Now you take a deep breath, you take this sword, an' you focus on what yer tryin' to do. You want me dead, don' you? Then act like a killer, no' an angry little girl. I won't give you another chance." He held out the blade pommel-first to her, knowing she could easily take it and run him through before he could draw his blade again, but he trusted she would take this seriously as a truly fair duel between two Ghis.
The moment that he slashed at her fingers and nearly took them off as her sword was thrown to the ground, Selena felt her heart sink. She stood there, chin up and defiant as he held her at the point of his claymore. If she died then, she died proud.

She saw Boar bolt forward, caught by Brogan as Tamblin hesitated. She had no idea why her father didn't just run her through with his sword. It was his right. He had always taught them that a deul was supposed to be honorable and the victor had the right to take a life if they saw fit. Instead, he scooped up her sword and handed it to her, his glare angry.

She felt some mixture of guilt at his words that she was just an angry child. She wasn't acting like a Ghis. She wanted him dead. She simply wanted him gone from their lives, not dead. He would never understand the difference, however.

"You never wanted me to be a soldier." She muttered as she took the sword back from him and took a step away. "You wanted a lady that would be obedient. I'm not that."

She took that deep breath and reassessed, thinking over the situation. There, in front of everyone, she had a decision to make. If she backed down, she would be married to someone that she didn't know. If she continued the fight, she would either be queen or dead.

"I'm sorry, Mama." Selena said, looking over at Kitty as she took her stance again and stared at her father. "And I'm sorry, Da."

"Selena, you don't have to do this." Kitty said softly, knowing that her wounded little girl was terrified. "You have the power to back down."

"No, I don't. As long as those men are still here in my home, still making us all miserable, I can't back down. I have to do this for myself and for Kayla." She said, her eyes never leaving her father. "And it's his choice that this is happening."

With that, she made her strike at him and struck that claymore with a force that she didn't even know she had. Crowding in, she shortened the field of combat, forcing him off balance and into his own side of the circle.
Tamblin took a step back as she crowded in, and it took a moment for him to fend off her strikes and finally push her back. "Good," he growled. "Use that anger. Don't let it use you." He struck back then, his heavy blade singing as it glanced off hers.

A small spray of blood went across the snow suddenly, making Ghell avert his eyes quickly, only to glance back when he realized it wasn't Selena's. It was Tamblin's. She had found an opening after the parry, and now a small stream of blood was running down Tamblin's armor below the gouge in the joint of his left shoulder.

Tamblin looked down at the blood in silence, his shock unreadable behind his stoic gaze. His eyes turned to Selena, and he gave her a small nod. "Good... Again." He snapped forward at that with a wide body-blow at full force, all hesitation now lost as first blood had been drawn and Selena had proved she could focus.
The wide blow caused Selena to block as best she could. The sheer force of the hit made her shake, her fingers nearly loosening from their hold on the sword. However, she didn’t let it loose. Instead, she stepped in again and countered her father, drawing blood again as she scored another hit in the same place she had before. Her tactic was to hit where she was familiar and then wait for another opening.

“Selena, stop.” Kitty called, panicked that this was evening happening in the first place but held in place by two of her sons.