The Blended Family(closed)

Scott had finally centered himself and pushed the building desire out of his mind when he heard Amber enter the bathroom then the shower turn on. For a moment he imagines the scene as water streams down her naked body and the desire came rushing back. He stood by the bathroom door with his hand poised on the knob but couldn't bring himself to turn it. Even though she had done the same thing earlier in the day it seemed far more innocent given his current thoughts.

Backing away from the door Scott sat on the edge of his bed and pondered how to handle this. Having just met he didn't want to ruin the promise of the close relationship that was forming by confronting her and shutting it down. He wondered for a moment if he was reading too much into the whole dinner incident and that was just being playful. The realization made him all the more worried that saying something might make him look foolish if she didn't, in fact, mean it in any other way.

The whole thing had his stomach in knots as he got changed into some slacks and a white button up. Normally he would have gone with jeans but if she was planning on dressing up he didn't want to be under dressed. When he finally heard the shower turn off he still hadn't come up with a plan for how do deal with things so he decided it was best to do nothing at all. Waiting a minute to let her towel off and get dressed he tapped on the door. "Hey can I get your opinion on this outfit?" he asked through the door hoping to normalize things between them a little.
The water trickled off her beautifully crafted body as the steam poured upwards into the bathroom extractor fan. She wondered what he was up to now and whether he was getting ready. She was surprised he had not really taken a quick peak through the door of the bathroom, but each to their own. Then she heard a knock at the door as she was drying her hair with the hand dryer.

“Hey...I'm just drying off...sure?” she said. She had a short towel up to her mid thick and a shower gown over her shoulders and upper body. Her hair was drying fast.

“Come in and show me if you the way if you want to wait for me to get ready I might be while” she said looking at the mirror.
Scott pushed the door open to find Amber standing at the vanity drying her hair. The way her arm was raised holding the hair dryer caused her shower gown to part towards the top offering him an exquisite view of side of her perfectly sculpted breasts. He paused for a moment as his mouth went dry then swallowed hard as he lifted his eyes to hers.

"You said you were going with a sexy dress so I didn't want to be under dressed." he said, stepping into the bathroom a little more so she could see what he'd put on. Holding his arms out a little from his sides he looked at her questioningly. "What do you think?"

As he lifted his arms, his untucked shirt lifted slightly revealing the subtle bulge that the view of her breasts had created. With the way the day had gone Scott barely noticed that it had happened but to Amber it might have been slightly more noticeable.
His eyes were clearly distracted by the view he was getting. It was all part of the exhibition she thought. He seemed like a boy, constantly in her candy shop. She listened to him speak and then her eyes drifted over to see what he was wearing.

Her eyes looked him over and then down towards that bulge . There were no words that came from her mouth, but just a gratified nod.
“I think you have risen to the occasion.” she playfully stated as she straightened her hair. She still had quite a bit to do to be ready.

“I wish it was as quick for us girls to get ready” she said jokingly.
Scott noticed Amber's eyes focused below his belt when she mentioned him rising to the occasion. With a glance down he realized what she was commenting on and his cheeks burned a bright red as he lowered his arms letting the shirt cover it again. He almost apologized for it but decided instead to just ignore it.

"Great!" he said, letting his eyes drift back to the sliver of breast still peaking out from her robe then quickly darted away again. "It's fine, take your time. My girlfriend is the same way." he said, making a point maybe more to himself then to Amber to remind himself that he had one.

Backing out of the bathroom Scott left the door to the bathroom open so they could continue to talk without having to shout through it if they needed to. "I'm really looking forward to this. This should be a lot of fun." he said as he sat down on his bed then laid back while he waited for her to get ready.
He was quick to cover up that little give away she thought. Again he made the point of his girlfriend which Amber found quite amusing. Whatever he might have thought, his girlfriend would 100% not be loyal and neither would he. He’d try to fight it, but in the end he was just another man with desires and needs to be fulfilled. She pulled the door to to hide herself getting ready, she could still hear him though.

She did not want to spoil her own reveal.

“It definitely will be…”she said as she slipped on her little black dress for the evening. It had cut off shoulders, a sheet cut out at the front down to her waist and bare from the arch just above her waist to her neck. A very tight and slim fitting dress. The hem line was also very short, but just long enough to cover the tops of her stockings whilst standing. She chose very high quality cut and curled opaque stockings which almost seems to look like tights. However under her hem, they were clearly stockings held up by suspenders and a garter belt. The lingerie garter and bra that sheer wore under were covered in a lacey black and pink floral pattern.

To complete her outfit she wore a couple of nice silver rings, ear rings and necklace. Then she popped on her sexy Louboutin so Kate heels. Nothing said “fuck me now” like those shoes with their lush red soles that contrasted with the black leather. Now she just had to apply some make up. Eye liner and mascara were on the menu.

“Tell me more about your girlfriend Scott. What does she enjoy doing?” She asked as she applied her make up carefully.
Scott was relieved when the conversation turned to his girlfriend and he felt like he'd successfully steered his own thoughts from the dangerous path they were on. "She likes going out and hanging with her friends. She focuses a lot on her studies though so she doesn't have as much time for that as I'd.... she'd like." he replied, correcting himself as he inadvertently strayed into a source of contention between the two. "She's really driven and smart so she puts a lot of focus on school."

Had he put that kind of effort into school he likely wouldn't be in the situation he was now and it was a point that Beth had made on a number of occasions. Those occasions often led to tension but he knew she was right. He allowed himself to get distracted with everything else around him and at times forgot why he was there.

"She likes to work out too. We'd go to the gym together a few times a week. What about you? Do you work out?" he asked though it was clear from her form that she likely did and a lot.
Clearly he wasn’t fully satisfied with his Beth girlfriend. Maybe she didn’t pay him enough attention. Poor Scott she thought as she imagined him getting ignored by her. Would that last long…probably not…she was already most likely having fun with another man.

“She sounds like quite the incredible girlfriend for someone” said Amber as she checked herself over in the mirror applying some darker lip stick. She felt like $1 million in physical form. Her face was done up perfectly and her attire was sensual. She made sure the tops of her stockings were just coverer by her hem and then grabbed a red silk scarf to match the bottoms of her heels and red on her nails. Divine she thought.

Instead of answering his question with a worded response she simply walked back through the bathroom. Her heels tapped on the floor as she elegantly passed through the room between them. Then she opened the door to his room and did a little cat walkesk strut to the end of his room followed by s twirl. She then walked back to the door and bent her knee at one side.

“Yes…I work out…and play out…so, what do you think?” She said with a playful smile doing a little twirl again and stretching the red scarf up and down her neck. She was the young sexy goddess of his dreams no doubt. No man could resist her when she went this all out. She tipped her heel slightly at one side and couldn’t help contain her happiness at being ready. Her gear was even curled at the front with small braid at the back. Her long legs and heels made her look like model material. I’ll have you eating out the palm of my hand she thought with a twinkle in her eye.
Scott was speechless when Amber entered his room and modeled her outfit for him.

“Holy shit.” He said as his eyes traveled up and down her body. “You weren’t kidding when you said sexy dress were you?” He knew he probably should have been a little more restrained in his reaction but it just kind of came out.

He’d always thought that Beth looked hot when she dressed up to go out but this was something entirely different. Amber was sex personified and he wondered how he was going to make it though the evening if she decided to keep sending him the vibes he was getting from her.

“You ready?” He asked as he stood up from his bed and took one last look in the mirror.

After finally making it past all their parents questions they climbed into Scott’s car and he pulled out of the driveway. “So where we going to first?” He asked as he started to drive toward the campus.
His speechless reaction proved her time and effort had...the desired effect. The pay off with men's reactions were always worth it. Women had that power and were born to use it. She knew she was incredibly beautiful and he'd have had to be blind not to see that. The power of the female physical embodiment was a captivating cocktail for men. They couldn't resist and they should never have to she thought. The words he spoke that followed were met by just an approving smile from her end. She didn't have to say anything...not any all the important words would be for him to use. Now he would be thrall to her wishes and demands...not entirely yet, but given time, she had a plan for that. It might have been a diabolical plan, but there was plenty of time for that. After all, they had only really just met.

When he asked her if she was ready she just nodded with a smile and flick of her hair. She'd grabbed her dark red leather handbag and they were off. Now at this point she had intended to drive them herself, she had a very nice sporty car hidden in the garage, but since he offered, that was fine. His car was adequate. She'd have to take him for a spin at a later date.

“Just drive straight from here...I know a place you can park privately with no disturbances. I'll direct you. Head straight towards the centre of town where the campus is close to” she said pointing forwards with her left hand as her right hand's fingers playfully cascaded on the side of the passenger window side. The flash of her red nails were illuminated perfectly by the street lighting hitting the car. The flood lights hit the car from the side where the football pitches were. It felt like they were driving through streams of light.

As she sat in the comfy passenger seat, legs crossed, the hem of her black dress couldn't help but pinch a little higher revealing her lovely stocking tops which had been hidden below. The straps that kept them high were perfectly taught. She loved the feel of wearing lingerie and then giving a little taste to the eyes like that. It was a very powerful thrill that was turn on for her.

“I'm glad I could impress you with what I'm's always so hard to fit perfectly into the same dress twice when you're working out.” she said as she twirled her hair with her finger and watched him drive them along.

“You drive well” she said as her hand slowly caressed her own stocking drawing a bit more attention to it. She knew how to give the male gaze what it wanted. Hopefully she didn't cause him to have a spin. That would be a very humorous way to go. Brother and step-sister die in a crash whilst the brother ogled step-sisters stockings in night driving conditions. Still if they had to go, it wouldn't be the worst way.
Even though it had only been a year since he left for school and he'd been home from time to time for visits, it still felt foreign being back in town. It seemed odd that it felt like so long ago. Perhaps having Amber with him, who'd he'd really just met, made it all feel a little new as well. Her mention of private parking with no disturbances sent Scott's mind racing wondering what she meant by that. He was sure it was innocent enough but he couldn't help but wonder what being in such a place with her might be like.

As he drive he could see her skirt riding higher on her thigh exposing the top of her stockings and the garter strap that was holding them up. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but there was always something he found so hot about garters and the image he conjured of her in just her lingerie was something else.

"I imagine you look good in just about anything." he replied when she mentioned her difficulties in fitting into a dress twice. He couldn't imagine her body fluctuating that drastically but he wasn't going to question it. If anything, more toning of her thighs and ass would only make that dress look more amazing if that was possible.

Following her directions he pulled into the out of the way car park then turned off the engine. As he did he fought back the feeling that had been gnawing at him throughout the drive. Even though this was his step-sister it had all the feelings of a blind date. He knew that wasn't the case but he couldn't help but shake the feeling that he needed to impress her and he wanted her to find him appealing in more than a brotherly way.