Absolution (closed)

"Tamblin was always ashamed of what he had become. He didn't want you or Brian to see him and he doubted that you would have even wanted to see him. He was also terrified to leave Inverness in case he lost control." Kitty admitted, knowing that her dear friend probably knew everything and more from Warwick. "It was a long and lonely time."
"We and Warwick have talked about it here and there, but the poor man has been distant, just working and sleeping it seems. He's good to have around, but I feel terrible for him, that he isn't enjoying anything at all. I haven't seen him smile at all til he saw Valentina."
“Valentina is the same way. She’s struggling.” Kitty admitted as Marianne spoke about Warwick. “He insisted that he had to leave Inverness. He could have easily had a place in Brogan’s court but he couldn’t stand to be there without Ashelin.”
"Some days, it seems like he can barely stand to be in this world without her. Honestly, Kitty, if not for his children, I don't know if he would still be Scotland at all. He doesn't strike me as the sort to take his own life, but I wonder if he wouldn't have disappeared across the world if he hadn't had family ties here."
“He loves those two boys and Valentina too much to be gone entirely. Fate gave him the chance to be a father and he embraced it alongside Ashelin. Without her, I know he doesn’t feel like he knows what to do. He needs time.” Kitty said as she glanced over at Marianne. “And one day, maybe Valentina will see it fit to call me Ma. That has been the biggest struggle.”
"Children can't be forced to love, but children do recover and come to love much faster than adults," Marianne assured her. "And this journey will help her get her bearings. I understand her grandmother is in Italy. That might be just who she needs to ground herself again."
“One can only hope, Marianne. This entire situation has been terrible for everyone.” Kitty said with a long sigh. “Tamblin included. He realized too late that he did have the love of his children when he thought he had destroyed all of that.”
"There are so many times I want to hate that man, but one can't help pity him in the end," Marianne nodded slowly. "He had potential to be a good man, if severe. Brian has always regretted what happened. He wanted to at least come to a peaceful understanding with Tamblin, even become friends one day. He quite admired the Tamblin you first married."
“I came to love him dearly.” Kitty said softly, knowing that there were few people that would believe that. “More than anyone but he and I knew.”
"At least he came to his senses in the end," Marianne sighed. "He had Brogan send a final letter to us, and it had Brian in tears. It was an apology, and a wish that we would keep an eye on Brogan."
“He knew Brogan would be the better king than he. Brogan will show everyone that the Ghis name stands for something.” Kitty glanced towards Marianne. “I would appreciate support but I want Brogan to learn and experience this on his own.”
"Of course. We don't intend to interfere, only offer support. I imagine he won't keep Lochlan O'Hennessy at bay for long, and I don't know if he has quite the grasp of war that his elder brother does."
“Durban has refused to come home.” Kitty said bluntly, the hurt raw on her face. “I haven’t seen him in almost a year.”
"I'm aware. He's off seeing the world outside the dark cloud Tamblin existed under. He must be somewhere far east by now, perhaps China... I would love to see what that little boy grew up like. I can guess by looking at Brogan and Lynndon, but Durban must be a handsome, tall lad by now."
“Taller than his brothers. He takes more after Matthias in looks than Tamblin. And a very haunted soul, which is why I’ve never pressed him to come back home. I know he needs the chance to explore and to heal, but I miss my son.” Kitty admitted. “I’m just not strong enough to ask him to come back home.”

"I'm sure you know that moment when you realize that your babies aren't babies anymore. That they have grown up and moved on." Kitty looked over at Marianne as she said that. "Selena has a child of her own. Not a good relationship, but at least a happy little boy. Durban is wandering the world. Brogan is a king. Boar will soon sweep a young girl off her feet. They missed the most important part of their childhoods because of their father and I, so I feel like it's selfish of me to keep them near."
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"They did not miss it because of you. They made it this far because of you," Marianne scolded gently. "And I have no doubt Selena and Durban would be long gone if you weren't around to keep Tamblin from completely falling apart and losing all humanity."
"If I ever get all of my children in the same room again, it will be a miracle." Kitty said with a small chuckle as Marianne scolded her gently. "And I look forward to that day with all of my heart."

The family spent a nice week at the castle, reconnecting with Brian and Marianne after such a long time apart. At the end of the week, those heading to Italy boarded a ship while those that were staying behind bid them a fond farewell. Selena smile as she saw the happy smile on her mother’s face. It would be good for her to leave Scotland and see the world again.

The trip was uneventful until the family set foot in Venice. Valentina was nearly beside herself with excitement to see her Nonna. She tried to act calm and mature about the entire situation, but everyone could see how much she wanted to go.

“Perhaps we should just head straight for her house.” Kitty said as Vincenzo and the boys loaded their wagon with their belongings.
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"We'll drop everything off first," Vincenzo nodded at Kitty's suggestion. So, from the harbor, they headed up into the grassy hills not too far from the city, where soon the little cottage came into view. It was different than Kitty remembered, expanded to be almost a third larger with a bigger garden outside as well. But the olive trees remained, and so did the weathered sign outside in Italian that marked it all as the home of the renowned herbalist and doctor.

As they slowed to a halt by the gate in the simple fence, Vincenzo took a deep breath, quietly glad to see his home again. "My apprentice has been keeping everything up here, and his sister keeps up the house. But it's all ours." He stepped down from the wagon before helping Kitty, holding her hand as they faced the house together where they'd first fallen in love.

"Welcome back, cara mia," Vincenzo whispered with a warm smile.
Kitty smiled broadly as he welcomed her back to the place where it had all begun. Her children would never understand what this place meant to her. It had introduced her to the love of her life and had given her life back when it all felt like it was lost.

“You’ve done well for yourself.” Kitty said as she kissed Vincenzo's cheek as Kayla gave a squeal, Kitty turning to see Ben the cat hurrying to greet them.
Only just grown when Kitty first met him, and now nearing ten years old, Ben was turning grey in places but still spry as he came meowing loudly hearing someone arrive. He was originally headed for Vincenzo, but when he saw Valentina and the twins, his meowing became more frantic and excited as he went to rub against them, tail twitching excitedly.
Kitty chuckled as she watched Ashien, Kayla, and Valentina entertaining their beloved cat. “Boys, Let’s get everything in the house so we can be off to Carmina’s before dusk.” Kitty said to Boar and Brogan.
The two young men unloaded everything and Vincenzo soon ushered the children inside to get at least one set of clothes to take with them to Carmena's home as they'd surely stay the night. It wasn't long til they were on their way again, moving a little faster without their luggage. It was near dusk when they came upon the little home, similar in design to Vincenzo's but overgrown with ivy and surrounded by ancient olive trees and a large vegetable garden. As Vincenzo pulled the wagon into the yard, the door opened and the beautiful older woman stepped out with a gasp. She was lively and healthy, though her hair was touched with grey here and there. She barely looked different from what Kitty remembered.

"God bless my soul," Carmena's whispered, seeing them all. She was rooted to the spot with shock.
"Nonna!" Valentina nearly screamed as she hopped out of the wagon and was soon hugging the woman around the waist as tightly as she could.

Kitty stepped down with Vincenzo's help, the other children holding back, both shy and unsure of what might happen. Kayla had insisted on bringing Ben and she held the black cat against her chest, watching Carmina as she greeted Valentina.

"I missed you, nonna." Valentina said in fluent Italian, her head pressed against Carmina's belly.
"Bambina," Carmena smiled brightly as she hugged her only granddaughter tightly, soon scooping her up and spinning her round. "It was such a quiet summer without you, amore."
"I wanted to come, but I couldn't. Bad things happened." Valentina explained, looking slightly sad as she was reminded of Ashelin, but that was quickly wiped away as Carmina doted on her. "But I'm happy we're here now."