Absolution (closed)

As they explored the caves, Kitty was incredibly affectionate towards Vincenzo, kissing him and clinging to him as often as she could. The moment that they entered a darker cave, she pulled him to a stop and looked into his warm brown eyes.

"I have been waiting for this moment since I last left Italy." She said softly, dropping down to her knees and reaching for his trousers. "you spend all of this time taking care of me and the children. I'm going to return the favor."
"I enjoy every moment of it," Vincenzo assured her softly, surprised at her sudden declaration. He let her take over, simply basking in her attention and running his fingers through her dark hair.
Kitty took her time with him, peeling down his trousers and working to get him hard as steel. It seemed like it had been forever since she had enjoyed her time with him without any worry creeping in. As her lips wrapped around his member and she looked up into that warm gaze, Kitty knew there was nowhere else she would rather be in that moment.

The couple stayed out perhaps a bit too late, but as the sun was setting over Venice, Kitty was joyfully curled against her lover. She had a happy smile on her lips as she gaze out over the ocean. It had been a long road to get there, many times she had feared that she would never make it again, but Vincenzo had kept his promise.

"You could never have convinced me that I would be here again." Kitty said softly. "Especially not with you. I thought that you would have moved on a long time ago."
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"I didn't even think to," Vincenzo murmured softly. "Valentina became my world. A few women have shown interest, but I lost all desire for romance in favor of being a father. And there has always been a part of me that held on to the idea I'd have a chance to return to you. I thought it'd be decades from now, though."
"I'm selfishly glad that you waited." Kitty said softly, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tight. "For all of us. Not just me. You love my children just as much as well."
"And I'm glad to be with them all again." He laid his head against her own. "The twins were my first realization that I wanted a family... And it's lovely to get to see them grow up now, despite all I missed."
"They're yours. They always have been." Kitty said, kissing his cheek and just letting herself soak in the moment. "From the moment that they took their first breaths on this earth."

They stayed out far too late that evening, sneaking back just before dawn. There were children all over Carmena's house, slumbering on the floor of the living room and in the guest rooms. Valentina was curled up in bed with her grandmother, peacefully sleeping as if her sorrow from the last few months had suddenly melted away.

Kitty was surprised to see Van there, already cooking a breakfast for them all, Ashien at his side. Ashien was asking him about everything that he was doing, wanting to know each ingredient and what it was used for and its Italian name.

"If he's bothering you, send him back to bed." Kitty said softly, kissing Van's cheek and smoothing her hand through Ashien's dark hair.
"Not at all," Van murmured, his familiar, deep voice a comfort after not having heard it for so many years. He turned and smiled gently down at Kitty, kissing her cheek in return. "It's wonderful to see you all here again... We're needed you back."
“You didn’t need me.” Kitty said with a smile as she’s knelt next to Ashien. “Mama’s going to take a nap. Don’t pester Van too much.”

Ashien nodded, his eyes tired but his stubborn nature wanted him to learn as much from Van as possible. “And take a nap yourself if you get too tired, love.”

She kissed Ashien’s cheek and then Van’s, patting his arm gently. She knew before too long the older boys would be awake and wanting to be useful. Between all of them, there would be a feast.
Vincenzo settled with Kitty into bed for a long morning nap until Kayla came to wake them. Van and Carmena had made a huge spread with Valentina's help, and they gathered the whole family around to eat.
"Little loves, you'll make Carmena go poor feeding all of us." Kitty said as soon as she saw the meal, sitting down between the twins and kiss each of their cheeks.

"We make big meals for any patient staying with Papa." Valentina interrupted, looking up at her grandmother with a smile and a sense of pride. "She never takes a payment."

"Well, I suppose we're lucky then." Kitty said, looking over at Valentina, a bit surprised that the little girl was sharing information like that so easily.
Carmena brushed Valentina's hair back fondly with a smile. "That, mi amore, is because your dear father and uncles look after their mother so well." Van, Kitty knew, worked for the local lord as head of staff and a teacher to his children, while Vincenzo was more well-to-do than his humble abode let on, though he did dress well. Between the brothers, their mother could live comfortably and do work she loved when she wanted.
It was clear that Valentina adored her grandmother, admiring the woman for living independently and not really caring what others thought. She was definitely her hero.

The family feasted together and then prepared to return to Vincenzo's cabin. Ashien was stuck like glue to Van's side as Kayla trailed after Vincenzo. Valentina disappeared with Carmena for a long while as the both of them talked about what had happened with Ashelin and Valentina's struggles since. There were many tears and some angry words, but by the end of it, Valentina was snuggled against her grandmother's side and seemed to be a bit more at peace.
After lunch, Vincenzo had everything ready for them all to return to the cottage. While it was tough to convince Valentina, Vincenzo assured her that because it was only a couple hours by horse, she could visit her grandmother as much as she liked, and the same went for the other children as long as one of the older boys or Kitty or Vincenzo went with them.
The summer was rather lazy, the children finding various ways to entertain themselves. Ashien found a love in helping to tend to Vincenzo's horse. Kayla helped with the garden. The elder boys took up temporary jobs in town, which Kitty encouraged. Everyone seemed to be relaxed and in a good mood. The trip was a very good thing for them all.

Kitty had begun receiving letters from Durban while they were in Venice. She learned that he was in Mongolia, working hard to raise enough money for a trip back home. She was secretly sending him what money she could to make sure that times weren't too hard for him.

"He's too stubborn for charity, but he's never sent the money back." Kitty said softly to Vincenzo as they enjoyed lunch together one day in the city, the children off exploring with one another. "I'm just afraid that he'll come up with another excuse not to come home."
"Can you blame him, though?" Vincenzo asked quietly. "Inverness is not a happy place for him. The others have begun to recover, but he never had the chance to see it positively."
"I invited him here, but of course, he told me no. So, I'm suppose to go my entire life with never seeing him again because he's stubborn?" Kitty asked, looking over at Vincenzo. "I know Inverness was hell for him. I just hoped that coming to see his Ma might temper those feelings."
"It's the same conversations we've had ad nauseum about Valentina, cara mia. It's all going to take time. Durban will come back. But I think he intends to come back a much better man, more comfortable with himself. He doesn't want to be Tamblin's failed warrior son. He wants to be himself, but he can't see himself that way yet. Or so his letters have told me," Vincenzo revealed, letting her know that he and Durban had been corresponding privately.
"I sure he tells you all about his overbearing mother as well." Kitty said, looking over at him as he mentioned that Durban had been writing him in secret.
"You are far too hard on yourself. I don't share the information of those who come to me for counseling, but I will say that he blames himself for everything, not you."
"Stubborn boy." Kitty said with a shake of her head as Valentina reappeared at the restaurant. "Hello, little love."

Valentina didn't say anything as she pulled herself into Vincenzo's lap, her head leaning against his shoulder. "I don't feel good, Papa."
Vincenzo pushed his chair back from the table, wrapping his arms around Valentina. "What's wrong, bambina?" He asked softly. "What doesn't feel good?" He brushed her hair back, getting a good look at her and finding her a touch pale.
"My head hurts and I feel hot." Valentina said as Vincenzo looked her over. "Can we go home?"

Kitty watched Vincenzo looking over their daughter, the little girl much more clingy than she had seen her before. "I can go gather the children to go."
"Hm... Let me take her home and get an idea of what this is first. I don't want the others to catch anything, and especially not you." He stood with Valentina, letting her rest against his chest. "Give us a while before you follow, cara mia," he murmured to Kitty, making his way out toward the road home.
Kitty gave him a nod, watching as he walked away with Valentina in his arms. She stayed at the restaurant until the other children came back and then the five of them walked to Vincenzo's home. It was nearing early evening and she had picked up some food so that they wouldn't have to cook if Valentina weren't feeling any better.