Advice for a woman on a journey of discovery...

liberatedslave said:
It is daunting to be a single subbie. It makes you feel very vulnerable in a kinda: "If I want a guy who's prepared to dominate me doesn't that just set me up for ending up with an arrogant, abusive asshole?"...

Nobody expects you to have a certain level of kink. As long as you are honest about what you would and wouldn't like to try at any stage, what kind of partner you want and so on you will in time meet someone who's desires and personality complement your own.

I do wish you the very best of luck with your journey :rose:

Thank you, liberatedslave. You voice my fears perfectly. :rose:

Do your homework. Find a good subbie friend to be a mentor. And stay the fuck away from WriterDom. He is one sick dude.

Again, thank you for the advice, WriterDom. :cattail: