Afraid to Speak Out???

Gd Grf!

Originally posted by bridgetkeeney Okay, I want to know how to become a member of the Master_Vassago harem.

I really, really can't believe you said that, BKeeney. I'm shocked and saddened.
Actually Bridget dear, I lumped you in with the undoubtedly few others. Wait, wait, I mean I knew you and MG would be among the few that would speak up for sure.

I owe you both an apology anyway, I received an award for one of My stories from you in your mock awards and I don't think I ever said thanks. Well Thank you.

Whoa, I have a harem, :D Swwweeettt. <-- See I'd like to point out only the allowable maximum of three letters per drawn out for shock value word.

Now seriously, I enjoy every post even when the views don't agree with My own from everyone I have mentioned and probably still a few I have missed. I do like them because you all are honest and show much thought to those posts. And while you are still wrong, it's cute. :eek: Just kidding. I have been made to go back and rethink My stand more than once after reading some of your (everyone lumped into here) posts.
dig a little deeper, dear

Master_Vassago said:
Actually Bridget dear, I lumped you in with the undoubtedly few others. Wait, wait, I mean I knew you and MG would be among the few that would speak up for sure.

I owe you both an apology anyway, I received an award for one of My stories from you in your mock awards and I don't think I ever said thanks. Well Thank you.

Ahem, Sir Vassago, those were NOT mock awards.


I never said I wanted to be a member... I was just curious if I had missed something amusing. ;)

:rose: b
Ok, not mock awards but awards you deemed to bestow upon Me, and others.

I wasn't quite sure what to call them. Oh, goody now I have offended you....

Just teasing there are so many different personalities and little cliques around here that it is hard to not offend one of them at some point and time. As a rule it is just that some one Myself included thinking, damn what got jammed up his/her butt. I don't think it is any of the authors that are more prominent perhaps just a lurker or a person who one argues with to the point they fade off a little bit.

I know I couldn't or wouldn't rather take the time to hunt anyone down to vote all their material down simply because they piss Me off. I am too busy trying to win that damn survivor contest.:D
Master_Vassago said:
Actually Svenskaflicka I can spell your name I just prefer to refer to you as that Swedish girl. Besides I admire your pizzazz.

Side note, I usually prefer to post after you so I make sure not to goof your name though.

My dictionary is failing me again, but I'll take that word "pizzazz" as a compliment, and not as a way of saying that my ass looks the way it does because I've been eating too many pizzas...

Always Optimistic
jfinn said:
I don't necessarily think this is because a few mean-spirited trolls went out there and deliberately voted me down. My theory is that any time you promote or get promoted on a site it means that people who might never read you under normal conditions will now take a look.

Exactly. When you ask for feedback, for instance in the Story Feedback forum, more people are going to open up your stories. People not as interested in BDSM are going to open your D/S story cause it won an award and they want to see it. More people means more votes, so one way or another you have a wider variety of people reading your story.
Svenskaflicka said:
My dictionary is failing me again, but I'll take that word "pizzazz" as a compliment, and not as a way of saying that my ass looks the way it does because I've been eating too many pizzas...

Always Optimistic

Pizazz is a charismatic word, I think. It's like saying you have a special energy about you. Upbeat. Excited. Stuff like that.
pizzazz (also pizazz or pzazz) >noun informal a combination of vitality and style.

This is for you Svenskaflicka.

Damn, isn't there a shorter name I can refer to you as? I always type your name with the fear that if I can't look for it I will screw it all up.
Master_Vassago said:
pizzazz (also pizazz or pzazz) >noun informal a combination of vitality and style.

This is for you Svenskaflicka.

Damn, isn't there a shorter name I can refer to you as? I always type your name with the fear that if I can't look for it I will screw it all up.

Thank you.

Yes, you could call me Svenska, or, if even that is too long, just type SF. Unless you want to do what I do when there's a long, complicated name I need to spell - mark the name in question, click Ctrl and C, and then paste it into your post with Ctrl and V.
Hehe your name to Me is just more fun when I have to add the flicka to it. I almost always type fucka. Let's try it on for size.

Svenskafucka- Could be your male counterpart, hehe.

Svenskaflicka your welcome. Sometimes everyone deserves a compliment or two instead of other nonsense.
A Dane who thought he was funny called me Svenskafitta once. When I was done with him, the temperature had dropped atleast 10 degrees...
Degrees of what

Svenskaflicka said:
A Dane who thought he was funny called me Svenskafitta once. When I was done with him, the temperature had dropped atleast 10 degrees...

F or C?

A drop of 10 degrees F is a mild breeze. But C?

:D It's a good thing you can take a joke then. :p

Isn't it about time for a new av?

I kinda miss the one of your face and all the fun little hats and changes you would make to it all the time around holidays and stuff.
Centigrades, og! We were both Europeans.

Well, MV, I've made a promise that I'll change my AV when I reach 3000 posts.

Which with tonight's rate should be any minute...:D
Svenskaflicka said:
Centigrades, og! We were both Europeans.

So that's why the British get a cold reception in Europe.

We still think in F, miles, pints, rods, poles and perches.

As for the Euro - we haven't recovered from have 100 pennies in the pound. That happened on 15 February 1971. 240 pennies was much better.

It's a horrible piece of work and that durty little slut should be banned from posting on the boards or writing.

Oh, lord I am sure I have gone and offended someone now. Actually I thought it was terrific and will be supporting her as much as possible.
Master_Vassago said:
do you ever read a post and then think what an asshole about that person?

Yes. :D

Ok everyone I just want to know if you sometimes bite your tongue and don't post because your afraid of story trashing.

No, my stories are here under a different name. I was getting 1 votes way before i posted on these boards anyway. *shrug*
It all seems a little unfair doesn’t it, that a story may sometimes rate according to who has read it? Hiddenself rarely gives a vote above three, while others confess they won’t vote for a story they consider not worthy of a top score.

As for speaking your mind, I am sure many people use more than one identity in here for that sole purpose.

The posts that tend to rub me the wrong way usually aren't the open and honest opinion variety, but rather the blatant self-promotions. I have to really bite my tongue when I read some of them, after I've removed my finger from the back of my throat that is.

Alex (fem) :)
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If someone 1 me because they are upset that I don't agree with them on the discussion boards, then I think that that proves that I was right not to go along with the rubbish they said on the discussion boards, as they are obviously stupid, childish, and immature.