Age and Dominance

"You've been displeasing lil one. You must be punished. Undress and run backward into my hand until I tell you to stop."
PhoenixPrime01 said:
"You've been displeasing lil one. You must be punished. Undress and run backward into my hand until I tell you to stop."

I haven't laughed like this in a long while!

Re: Re: Re: One of my subs friends has said

redelicious said:
Too funny!!

An older Dom friend of mine swears he will be chasing me around in his Rascal Scooter in a couple of years.

Ok, now on the topic, I just dig older men in general. But trustworthyness and personality are more important than age anyday.

So a slightly younger guy might have a shot? :D
And as an aside;

Master and servant, a Conversation:

:::kneeling::: Oh Master!!!! You are the whole of my universe, the certainty of my existence. You are why my heart beats, my lungs fill, my toes curl. You shelter me like an offshore bank in the Reagan years. i grovel before you in awe of Your power, willing to satisfy You in every way...

:::peering over the paper::: Every way?

:::pressing forehead to the floor and wiggling seductively::: Anything and everything is open to You oh Magnificent Maven of Mastery!! i beg, nay, beseech, nayer still, humbly crawl to kiss Your toes in the hopes You will use me...

The bank account?

:::looking up from underneath her hair::: what?

Your bank account. You said everything was open to me, so I was thinking of that big account you have...

:::coming up on all fours to stare::: Oh most wonderfulest of all Masters, surely you know that your ultimate control of me is so extensive that all I have is yours, but... BUT... You are so secure in the knowledge of my perfect and total enslavement that You would have no need to actually *have* an account number for this, Your most humble of servants.

No cash?

:::dropping head back down to the floor::: As always, Master, Your understanding of my heart is perfection in and of itself. It is why i give You every atom of my being, even unto the subatomic level...

:::folding away the paper::: Then it's sex.

:::raising and throwing her arms up in touchdown form::: YESYESYES.. Oh, Master of mine, You are truly the ultimate owner of my being!!!

oral sex.


You would like to give me oral sex.

:::dropping arms to her sides to stare::: what?

Well, I thought that this time instead of me... you know... I might command you...

:::gritting teeth::: MASTER.... errr Master, Your memory being so much better and stronger than that of Your lowly slave, i *know* You recall how You show Your ultimate Mastery by satis... er... torturing Your property for hours on end. You recall how i shriek at Your touch? How i squirm in agony trying to escape?

Well, yes... there is a lot of squirming...

:::leaping to her feet and jumping up and down::: Oh Master!! You punish Your slave to help her better serve You in the perfection of Your regard!! :::running into the bedroom, voice fading into the distance::: Let Your lowly slave suffer soon, Master!!

:::sighing deeply, turning off the TV and following his slave into the bedroom:::


:::Lying back on the bed, one arm behind her head, legs crossed, slowly blowing smoke rings::: Oh Master, You are surely showing this one how to behave tonight.

:::lying on his back, chest heaving, sweaty hair matted to his head::: uhhh... uhhhh

:::sighing and stretching::: This lowly slave is so happy she learned on the web that everyone has their own unique way to share in the wondrous world of D and s...

uhhhhnn.. uhhh

...and is so happy that her Master is so cruel and demanding and that she can offer herself totally to Him each and every day!

UHHH... uhhhh

And Master?


:::looking deeply into His eyes, lower lip trembling::: It makes Your slave tremble in fear and longing to know that soon You will once again train Your slave to perfect obedience by denying her the pleasure of cooking dinner...

:::sighing::: uhhhhhhhhhhhnn
Re: One of my subs friends has said

Ebonyfire said:
the worst part of being an old sub is hearing your knees creak as you kneel.

My knees creak and I'm not that old yet. LOL
Well they do have the knee supports you can get, I got mine it helps with the creaks and pops lol. Just feel like an old prussian general pulling off his riding boots as it's like a section of a wet suit lol

Desdemona said:
You are not over the domly hill. Why don't you consider yourself aged to perfection.
After much consideration, I find that I am indeed "aged to perfection". Much like a bottle of the finest Geritol money can buy.
snoozebutton said:
Well they do have the knee supports you can get, I got mine it helps with the creaks and pops lol. Just feel like an old prussian general pulling off his riding boots as it's like a section of a wet suit lol

LOL Yes, I have a set of those for both of my knees. I've been wearing those off and on (supposed to be more on than off) ever since I was 16. The feeling my knees get while they're being peeled off. Ohhh it's soooo nice. If that's what a wet suit feels like, I'm going to take up surfing.

WynEternal said:
LOL Yes, I have a set of those for both of my knees. I've been wearing those off and on (supposed to be more on than off) ever since I was 16. The feeling my knees get while they're being peeled off. Ohhh it's soooo nice. If that's what a wet suit feels like, I'm going to take up surfing.


Yes but people WANT to see your legs lol.
Pssssst* Snooze, discression may (sometimes) be the better part of valor, but no guts.... no glory and also faint heart never won fair lady or lil one.. *G
PhoenixPrime01 said:
Pssssst* Snooze, discression may (sometimes) be the better part of valor, but no guts.... no glory and also faint heart never won fair lady or lil one.. *G

But with both of us with bad knees whose handicap sticker would go on the bed lol.
PhoenixPrime01 said:
"You've been displeasing lil one. You must be punished. Undress and run backward into my hand until I tell you to stop."


That is one of the funniest BDSM jokes I have ever heard!

Thanks for sharing it.

Why not both of 'em Snooze... Yours on Top of hers of course.

*G* Thanks Zip. Glad you enjoyed it.
off topic but had to mention

PhoenixPrime01 - that above Master / slave conversation was absolutely BRILLIANT!

Came across it only now but hell - it sure gave me a wonderfull warm glowing "deja vu" smile :)

To Hecate:

Any ole topic is 'the topic' right? *chuckling*

I loved it. I'll stick others in as I find 'em if no one minds. Who says we Lifestylers can't have a sense of humor. Right?

Talk about a Classic Example of Topping from the bottom. By the time I was finished reading my cheeks ached from grinning so much.
Re: To Hecate:

PhoenixPrime01 said:
Any ole topic is 'the topic' right? *chuckling*

I loved it. I'll stick others in as I find 'em if no one minds. Who says we Lifestylers can't have a sense of humor. Right?

Talk about a Classic Example of Topping from the bottom. By the time I was finished reading my cheeks ached from grinning so much.

Taking notes on what NOT to do. :)