Age Differences

Scalywag said:
Yup, and I'm starting to wonder if short_circutz felt more rejected by the girl herself or by the fact that he, at 34, was rejected by a 22 year old.

When I was 34, I had been married for 9 years and had 3 kids, and I know I didn't feel old then. For that matter, I'm 46 now and don't feel old (although I doubt I could snag a 22 yeard old :rolleyes: .) Maybe it's just me though.

A little of both.
Here's another perspective for you, Travis. I doubt if I would have had the balls to ask out a 22-year old when I was 34. You're doing just fine and at some point you may find someone in her early 20's who adores being with men who are a little older and have had a few more of life's experiences. Then again, the next woman who really rings your chimes may be a 50-year old who will run you ragged in the sack.
Rejection's a bitch, no matter how it happens, but whatever the reason is that suddenly becomes the thing that bothers you the most. If she tells you it's your age that SHE has a problem with, it's still your age that is a problem, and it eats at you. 34 isn't old but it sure seems like it when you get rejected because of it.

What I'm saying Trav is that this is an illusion. You aren't old, but you may be feeling it a bit because it's the focus of your feelings of rejection. Nothing wrong with that, it's just the way our minds work. Also remember, this is HER problem, not yours. If all she had to bitch about was your age, you're abviously doing something right. ;)

Oh, and LJ yeah maybe we are being a little harsh, but this isn't about the honest 22 year old, this about helping a bud get over rejection by trashing on stupid female who unceremoniously threw away the best hting she ever had. Or didn't you know that's how guys deal with things like that? :D
TBKahuna123 said:
Oh, and LJ yeah maybe we are being a little harsh, but this isn't about the honest 22 year old, this about helping a bud get over rejection by trashing on stupid female who unceremoniously threw away the best hting she ever had. Or didn't you know that's how guys deal with things like that? :D

Ha - well, then, let's break out the beer and pretzels and compare cock sizes and how far we can spurt!

Did someone say beer and pretzels?

Ok so it is only 7 1/2 inches, but I have spurted more than a mile before was an experience on the edge of the Grand Canyon, boy what an experience.
Ezzy said:
Did someone say beer and pretzels?

Ok so it is only 7 1/2 inches, but I have spurted more than a mile before was an experience on the edge of the Grand Canyon, boy what an experience.

That bitch that stole your clothes and left you naked and horny on the edge of the Grand Canyon has no idea what she was throwing away!
LadyJeanne said:
Ha - well, then, let's break out the beer and pretzels and compare cock sizes and how far we can spurt!

ALrighty. I bet I can stir your drink from here! :p

Ahhh I love this board. Sorry I had to show my true masculine colors and shatter all the illusions. :D
TBKahuna123 said:
ALrighty. I bet I can stir your drink from here! :p

Ahhh I love this board. Sorry I had to show my true masculine colors and shatter all the illusions. :D

At least you don't believe porn is real..., do you??

How about a pissing for distance contest?

When I was a twenty something I dated a 40 something.. 9 months.. And she said she couldn't handle the age difference..

I think she just got tired of me being her sex toy.
Nightbird said:
How about a pissing for distance contest?

When I was a twenty something I dated a 40 something.. 9 months.. And she said she couldn't handle the age difference..

I think she just got tired of me being her sex toy.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sure NB, sure. Well, I guess someone's got to buy that. :D
jadefirefly said:
The only age difference -I- would personally raise an eyebrow at would be when one is old enough (and I mean by 18 yrs or more) to be the other's parent. That just weirds me out, but maybe that's because my parents weird me out, hell if I know.... Either way, that's just my personal feeling.

Anyway, sounds to me like she's missing out. You are -not- old, I promise you that. And there are plenty of girls out there that know that, that I'm sure you'll enjoy the company of more than this flaky, age-obsessed child.

I'm 47 and I'm looking for female play partners on an adult personals site. My preferred age range is between 35 and 55, but I've had so many younger women and girls contacting me. One said she was 20 but she looked like a 16 year old.

I'm one who has issues about sexual play with anyone (male or female) young enough to be my child. I have a 22 year old son and a daughter soon to be 18. I get a bit squicky at the thought. I know they may be very nice people and all but I just can't get past it.

Gil's first wife was 18 years younger than he was. He's had many women a lot younger than he is/was. He doesn't really see a problem with the age and thinks I should give the younger ones a try. My youngest sexual partner was 10 years or so younger than me. Let's face it, I also have body image issues and I think I would feel uncomfortable with a trim taut and terrific woman in her 20s :confused: :eek:
Nightbird said:
Hey doesn't this belong in the roll your eyes thread??

You know, I could copy it over there. But you make me roll my eyes so often. :D
Has it occurred to anyone else that this girl may have been trying to let him down easily by citing age as the problem, when in fact it may have been something else?

We all know that sometimes things just don't mesh, depite what one person may believe. It was probably easier to say that there was too much of an age difference than to make other, more personal comments which would have been even more hurtful.

In my experience, if both people really do feel a connection, then age will not come into it.
Just personally, I prefer to date people within five years either way of my own age. I find it's easier to feel like an equal, easier to talk and to have things in common, and more likely that we'll be at a similar developmental point in life, with similar goals and priorities. None of that is a hard and fast rule, but it seems to hold up generally.

With that said, I doubt it'd be a deal-breaker, especially after several dates. But a big reason I don't, at 29, generally date people under age 25 anymore is that at that point, just after college, people are still so much sorting out who they are, what they want, etc. that they're prone to sudden shifts of mind and mood and can be unreliable. I had the same experience looking for housemates - the younger, the flakier.

I don't think 34 is old, objectively, or that it's weird for a 34-year-old to date a 22-year-old. But maybe what happened was exactly because, as someone else said, she's too young. She may have decided she wanted something else. She may have been afraid you'd want to get too serious too quickly. She may have thought you'd wind up not having much fun because you wouldn't like the same things at 34 that you would have if you were 22 or 23.

Ultimately, I guess, it's frustrating to get rejected over something you can't control, but then, it's not as personal, either. If something's a dealbreaker, it's a dealbreaker - unfortunate that you hit on one of hers, and unfortunate that it caused you pain, but from what you've said, it doesn't sound like it was really even about you.
For me age is no big thing I was amrried to a man 12 years my senior and the youngested I was with was 10 years my junior. I am in a relationship now with a man that is 18 and I am 35 so for me age is no biggy!
short_circutz said:
.....It's just that this was the first time I had ever been dumped because I was "too old"......

Shortz :kiss:

I know it hurts, but try to forget about her. She didn't dump you because you were "too old," she dumped you because she was "too young," & I don't mean in chronological age, I mean in maturity.

I think older guys can be great.
Gotta just remember how younger people can see the world. That girl will learn in time that the age difference wasnt an issue and probally kick herself for it.
short_circutz said:
I just experienced a new situation today.

I started seing someone close to 2 weeks ago. We hit it off well. I loved everything about her. The way she kissed me, the way she'd cuddle up to me, plus the fact she was very beautiful. I felt like I was on top of the world when I was with her.

A couple of days ago in the morning after I had stayed over at her place, she asked me my age. I have no idea why she didn't know when we firststarted seeing each other.

I told her my age. And she looked concerned. I asked her if it was an issue, and she said she was a little uncomfortable about it. Which made me feel awkward, as we were all cuddled up under the blankets when we were talking at the time.

Later that evening, I asked her if she had thought about it and she said she could deal with it.

Spent the night at herplace again last night, and today she called me as I was about to walk into work. She said she thought it would be better if we didn't see each other anymore in a relationship. When i asked her why, she said it was an issue with the age difference.

I'm 34. She's 22.

So, I ended up booking the day from work due to "personal issues" and have been sitting here feeling old and very rejected. This has never happened to me before and I'm having problems dealing with it.

Any suggestions?
hanging on until you heal.I've had many women tell me I'm too old one day then fuck my brains out days later. there's no one size fits all solution. Every young woman is different. I wish you all the best
Everyone here is right. Age doesn't really matter, its the age the mind is. I'm 26 and my soon to be hubby is 47. I wouldn't have it any other way. :cathappy:
Well, just an update.

We kept in toucxh, hung out together as friends, and the relationship has porogressed woinderfully. We have been a happy couple npw for some weeks since I started this thread. We have some of the same issues that we are both on meds for and that helped bring us closer as a couple because we both uinderstand what the other goes through.

All I can say is that she is one of the most attentive, passionate, loving women I have ever been with. I had one of the happiiest holiday seasons that I have had in a long time. I met a lot of her family over the holidays, and she met mine.

She was out of town for a week visiting her 2 brothers for New Years and it was while we were apart for that week that we realized that we cmplete each other wen we are together. The time apart brougt us closer together as a couple.

Well time to go back to bed and cuddle up to my sweetie.