
Is bisexual

Likes girls my age or younger.

She's right.

Whiny or self absorbed, I wouldn't label it. Just very high maintenance. Emotionally, there are more needs, simple as that.

You are all an inordinate amount of work, however I am more than willing to roll up my sleeves, don the elbow length rubber gloves and do what needs doing.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
s'lara said:
As i said originally, her generalizations were hers to make, but made it clear i didn't agree. i think that horse has been beaten enough. :)


I will say this one more time.

I did not make any generalizations. I was very specific about who I was talking about without naming names. You are the one who got defensive so I have to ask...

Did I hit a nerve?

Now stop misrepresenting My words. You are becoming annoying.
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I must be doubly annoying


and "Femsubs who post here"

are both generalizations, as I see it.
Re: I must be doubly annoying

Netzach said:

and "Femsubs who post here"

are both generalizations, as I see it.

if you say so, and yes you are annoying too.

Now I am through with you and s'lara and this thread.

It would have been a generalization if I had added the word "all".
I remember

a lot of times where someone made a racist or sexist comment, usually a gross generalization about a whole bunch of people, and a member of that group called them out on it...and then they acted like they were being horribly misconstrued and attacked.

I've never been a fan of this behavior. If I ever insult a mass group of people I hope someone tells me I'm an asshole for it.

Edited to add that I have, of course said stupid shit, been called on it by a member of the maligned general group, gotten defensive but then had to think, and both


and learned something.
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AnelizeDarkEyes said:
A thought....

Somehow it seems more socially acceptable for a 40 year old woman to be with a man in his late 20s than it is for a 40 year man to be with a woman in her late 20s.

Interesting, no?


Interesting, because IMO, most of the 20 yr old women I know are ages ahead of the 20 yr old men in terms of maturity
s'lara said:

- Catalina: She made a blanket statement i did not agree with. If you found no problem with her statement, so be it. i did. i am not chipping away at her, i wanted it to be clear that she spoke of submissive's she encountered and thought it unwise to apply the same labels to those she doesn't know.

Like Eb, and based on my academic studies, I do not understand a 'blanket statement' in the form you seem to. My understanding and training have always denoted it as a statement which went something like 'All femsubs are jerks', the differentiation being the word 'all' instead of 'most', 'many', 'some', or 'usually'.

If that is chipping, then i'm a woodchuck. Kiddies sandpit? Personal attacks? Have i missed something? It appears that i disagreed with Ebony, however, i believe i was cordial in saying so and without questioning her experience or whether what she said was true of those she encountered ... my only issue, as a femsub, was that it isn't true of ALL submissives.

My statements in my post were not directed personally at you or anyone in particular, nor was it in specific reference to the recent posts here, but admittedly was inspired by them. I thought it was clear from what I said that I was talking about the board (not thread) in general and the continual interruptions to good and interesting discussions, often between people of opposing views, by the increasingly common dissection of words and phrases, often taken out of context so as to make them fit the posters objections.

If someone is genuinely slighted, fine, but I find more often than not it seems to be a way to jump in and be seen, or just cause disruption. Though the person may feel they are genuine, often if they took the time to reread the post, comprehend, perhaps even refer mentally to the previous perceptions they have had of the poster, they would find no reason to jump on them and dissect their words over and over, insisting they were trying to say something 9 times out of 10 they weren't. As you have mentioned you objected to Eb saying 'all' femsubs', which in reality she didn't.

I also was referring mainly to the need to preceed each statement on the board these days with disclaimers which you yourself said would have made it easier for you. I usually presume if someone says something, unless stated otherwise, it is their experience of view. I am just finding personally when I post now that I often forget to add things I intended to because I have to concentrate on the 'IMO', 'IMHO', 'in my experiences', and so forth. It is tedious, and often unnecessary for anything except to guard against the continual practice of those policing such statements and calling people on them.

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niteshade said:
Interesting, because IMO, most of the 20 yr old women I know are ages ahead of the 20 yr old men in terms of maturity

I guess there are exceptions to every rule. :D
One more time.

Show Me the "mass generalizations'.

This forum can hardly be identified with racism and bigotry.

This is a frickin' porn site. Let's have some prospective here.

NOW I am done.
Croctden said:
Has anyone been a relationship where the sub was much older (say 10 years) than the top? Was it odd?

You'll find when you get older that 10 years isn't much of a difference.

Now returning the thread back to the hijackers
Netzach said:

I think giving talented pleasers back to womankind is a kind of social service, and something I aspire to!

That's me. The junior Mother Teresa of perversion.

aarrg. I am trying to teach the youth to be sexually aggressive and selfish and with you around it is like trying to run up the down escalator.
His Flower said:
I don't know. I find that rather sort of disgusting as well.

:rose:His Flower:rose:

The disgustingness of young woman/old man is exactly what makes it hot.
rosco rathbone said:
The disgustingness of young woman/old man is exactly what makes it hot.

Psssst. Rosco?? Newsflash. It was the OTHER way around she had a problem with. Older woman. Younger man.

Back to our regularly scheduled thread.

catalina_francisco said:
s'lara said:

- Catalina: She made a blanket statement i did not agree with. If you found no problem with her statement, so be it. i did. i am not chipping away at her, i wanted it to be clear that she spoke of submissive's she encountered and thought it unwise to apply the same labels to those she doesn't know.

Like Eb, and based on my academic studies, I do not understand a 'blanket statement' in the form you seem to. My understanding and training have always denoted it as a statement which went something like 'All femsubs are jerks', the differentiation being the word 'all' instead of 'most', 'many', 'some', or 'usually'.

If that is chipping, then i'm a woodchuck. Kiddies sandpit? Personal attacks? Have i missed something? It appears that i disagreed with Ebony, however, i believe i was cordial in saying so and without questioning her experience or whether what she said was true of those she encountered ... my only issue, as a femsub, was that it isn't true of ALL submissives.

My statements in my post were not directed personally at you or anyone in particular, nor was it in specific reference to the recent posts here, but admittedly was inspired by them. I thought it was clear from what I said that I was talking about the board (not thread) in general and the continual interruptions to good and interesting discussions, often between people of opposing views, by the increasingly common dissection of words and phrases, often taken out of context so as to make them fit the posters objections.

If someone is genuinely slighted, fine, but I find more often than not it seems to be a way to jump in and be seen, or just cause disruption. Though the person may feel they are genuine, often if they took the time to reread the post, comprehend, perhaps even refer mentally to the previous perceptions they have had of the poster, they would find no reason to jump on them and dissect their words over and over, insisting they were trying to say something 9 times out of 10 they weren't. As you have mentioned you objected to Eb saying 'all' femsubs', which in reality she didn't.

I also was referring mainly to the need to preceed each statement on the board these days with disclaimers which you yourself said would have made it easier for you. I usually presume if someone says something, unless stated otherwise, it is their experience of view. I am just finding personally when I post now that I often forget to add things I intended to because I have to concentrate on the 'IMO', 'IMHO', 'in my experiences', and so forth. It is tedious, and often unnecessary for anything except to guard against the continual practice of those policing such statements and calling people on them.


This is a great post, as so many of your posts are!
My Master is 6 years older then me and my Mistress is 9 years younger then me. I agree that age does'nt really come into play at all I enjoy and love to be on my knees to both them.:kiss:
rosco rathbone said:
aarrg. I am trying to teach the youth to be sexually aggressive and selfish and with you around it is like trying to run up the down escalator.

I am too. The girls.

I'll tell you what, can we split them up, half and half?
New curiosity

How old is too old? How young is too young? Where does the age limit lie for you when it comes to entering into a relationship with someone in the lifestyle?

i don't know if i have an age preference myself. A connection is a connection regardless of age to my way of thinking. On one side of the scale, i think i am biased concerning the "older" Dominant. They have something to offer that simply appeals to me ... experience. This doesn't make them better than younger Dominant's, but the possibility of learning, BDSM lessons and life lessons, makes for a richer experience to me. On the other end of the scale, younger Dominant's are like sponges and are often resolute in their ideals, etc. Nothing wrong with that, as that steadfastness makes for a lovely grip. :)


P.S. With Netzach and Rosco splitting up the girls, all those who are Dominant and into femsubs should hurry ... looks like those two have a plan. ;)
Netzach said:
I am too. The girls.

I'll tell you what, can we split them up, half and half?

Only if we can match them up one-on-one afterwards like chineese fighting trained preying mantises.

my Master's about twice my age. i love has been mentioned, age DOES matter. i have never, ever ever been interested in a man who was less than 15 yrs my senior. i am exclusively attracted to older men. and a man 10 yrs older, is not an "older man" in my book...i like for there to be significant generational gap. experience gap. life gap. like Etoile, i need my Mate to be my Mentor as well, someone who can guide and teach me because they have been there done that and they just know. i do view an older Dominant/Man with a much younger submissive/woman as more natural i guess, but my view is definitely biased, i admit that.

oddly enough, my Master's previous two submissives were older than himself...only slightly older, but older nonetheless. at the time, the age didn't make any difference to him. but since being with me, he has said that there is a world of difference between being Dominant/Master to an older, mature submissive, and being Dominant/Master to a younger, immature (in some ways) submissive. He feels he can truly mold me and condition me in a way that becomes impossible when one reaches a certain age, and becomes more hard-set in their ways/thoughts/ideas.

how old is too old for me? well, i didn't exactly think strom thurman was a hottie. so i do have my limits. i would say anything beyond about 45 yrs my senior (which would be 67) would be a bit too old for me. too young? anything less than 15 yrs my senior.
Re: Re: Age

WriterDom said:
You'll find when you get older that 10 years isn't much of a difference.

Now returning the thread back to the hijackers

I heartily agree with that although my lady is almost 10 years younger than I