Alito on Recording

One would have to think that if the DA did something unethical Trump’s attorneys would have made a motion about it.
They did on several occasions.

Are we opening the door to political tit for tat

John Yoo opinion;

“American leaders of the past understood, perhaps only implicitly, that prosecuting past presidents would undermine the very purpose of the executive power. Presidential power is meant to be exercised in situations that legislation cannot anticipate, such as crises, emergencies, and war. In Federalist No. 70, Alexander Hamilton explains why the Founders chose to concentrate federal executive power in a single president — recall that the Articles of Confederation had diluted executive power by locating it in a Congress composed of the states. “Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government,” he wrote. “It is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks: it is not less essential to the steady administration of the laws.” For the president to wield this power effectively, he must have the ability to act alone with “decision, activity, secrecy, and dispatch.” If others could veto or review executive action, only paralysis would follow. Constraining a single executive “might impede or frustrate the most important measures of the government, in the most critical emergencies of the state,” cautioned Hamilton.

For 235 years, American political leaders heeded Hamilton’s warning. They understood that the benefits of executive independence outweigh the need to enforce the criminal law against presidents. They knew that political stability precluded the use of prosecution to settle scores with partisan rivals. They appreciated that presidents should spend their time in office leading the American people into a better future rather than relitigating the past. This was no principle enforced by the courts or mandated by legislatures; it instead found expression in the wisdom of presidents, attorneys general, and prosecutors.

Repairing this breach of constitutional norms will require Republicans to follow the age-old maxim: Do unto others as they have done unto you. In order to prevent the case against Trump from assuming a permanent place in the American political system, Republicans will have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents. A Republican DA will have to charge Hunter Biden for fraud or corruption for taking money from foreign governments. Another Republican DA will have to investigate Joe Biden for influence-peddling at the behest of a son who received payoffs from abroad. Only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction; without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, Democrats will continue to charge future Republican presidents without restraint.

Tit for tat will produce benefits beyond shoring up executive independence. While pursuing their political self-interest, Republicans will generate the greater social benefit of repairing the rule of law. Whether it results in a conviction or acquittal, the Trump trial underscores a fact not often appreciated by the public. The rule of law — in this case, the idea that like cases should be treated alike — depends today on executive leaders as much as it does on the courts. It is the executive branch of the federal government, headed by an elected president, that bears the responsibility to “take care that the laws are faithfully executed.” It is the attorneys general of the states and the elected district attorneys of cities and counties that hold the power of law enforcement. The executive branch of the federal and state governments decides whom to investigate and prosecute long before a judge ever sees the case.”
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They did on several occasions.
Just like his attorneys went to court trying to get the 2020 election overturned and most of them were disbarred for doing it? 🤣

At some point, you gotta be able to argue a solid case and not just bully people, but that’s all your Orange Jesus has done his entire life. Why should he stop now?

DING Hash browns!
Just like his attorneys went to court trying to get the 2020 election overturned and most of them were disbarred for doing it? 🤣

At some point, you gotta be able to argue a solid case and not just bully people, but that’s all your Orange Jesus has done his entire life. Why should he stop now?

DING Hash browns!
Nah the traitor has all their energy tied up in defending Trump because "democrats are evil".

They did on several occasions.

Are we opening the door to political tit for tat

John Yoo opinion;

“American leaders of the past understood, perhaps only implicitly, that prosecuting past presidents would undermine the very purpose of the executive power. Presidential power is meant to be exercised in situations that legislation cannot anticipate, such as crises, emergencies, and war. In Federalist No. 70, Alexander Hamilton explains why the Founders chose to concentrate federal executive power in a single president — recall that the Articles of Confederation had diluted executive power by locating it in a Congress composed of the states. “Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government,” he wrote. “It is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks: it is not less essential to the steady administration of the laws.” For the president to wield this power effectively, he must have the ability to act alone with “decision, activity, secrecy, and dispatch.” If others could veto or review executive action, only paralysis would follow. Constraining a single executive “might impede or frustrate the most important measures of the government, in the most critical emergencies of the state,” cautioned Hamilton.

For 235 years, American political leaders heeded Hamilton’s warning. They understood that the benefits of executive independence outweigh the need to enforce the criminal law against presidents. They knew that political stability precluded the use of prosecution to settle scores with partisan rivals. They appreciated that presidents should spend their time in office leading the American people into a better future rather than relitigating the past. This was no principle enforced by the courts or mandated by legislatures; it instead found expression in the wisdom of presidents, attorneys general, and prosecutors.

Repairing this breach of constitutional norms will require Republicans to follow the age-old maxim: Do unto others as they have done unto you. In order to prevent the case against Trump from assuming a permanent place in the American political system, Republicans will have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents. A Republican DA will have to charge Hunter Biden for fraud or corruption for taking money from foreign governments. Another Republican DA will have to investigate Joe Biden for influence-peddling at the behest of a son who received payoffs from abroad. Only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction; without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, Democrats will continue to charge future Republican presidents without restraint.

Tit for tat will produce benefits beyond shoring up executive independence. While pursuing their political self-interest, Republicans will generate the greater social benefit of repairing the rule of law. Whether it results in a conviction or acquittal, the Trump trial underscores a fact not often appreciated by the public. The rule of law — in this case, the idea that like cases should be treated alike — depends today on executive leaders as much as it does on the courts. It is the executive branch of the federal government, headed by an elected president, that bears the responsibility to “take care that the laws are faithfully executed.” It is the attorneys general of the states and the elected district attorneys of cities and counties that hold the power of law enforcement. The executive branch of the federal and state governments decides whom to investigate and prosecute long before a judge ever sees the case.”
Awesome, now we’re finally getting somewhere.
What was the judge’s ruling(s) on these motions?
Nah the traitor has all their energy tied up in defending Trump because "democrats are evil".

He’s gotta “own those libs”, doesn’t matter what supposed “values” he has to jettison to do it.

Winning at any cost, while a short term strategy, doesn’t lead to long term success.

But what does he care, he knows America will keep on eating French fries regardless so he will always be financially stable. I know during the initial stages of the pandemic he took a hit and then the drive thru reopened! He was willing to work regardless since he didn’t believe in any of it.
He’s gotta “own those libs”, doesn’t matter what supposed “values” he has to jettison to do it.

Winning at any cost, while a short term strategy, doesn’t lead to long term success.

But what does he care, he knows America will keep on eating French fries regardless so he will always be financially stable. I know during the initial stages of the pandemic he took a hit and then the drive thru reopened! He was willing to work regardless since he didn’t believe in any of it.
The ends justify the means to zealots.
The ends justify the means to zealots.
The all new Zealot meal. A big bag of what the Orange Jesus eats daily. He doesn’t keep that figure on his own!

Think @icanhelp1 will suggest to his manager? I’m sure he will print out the decals for the bags himself.
This video will explain to a certain degree why Trump’s felony convictions may be short lived. However the unethical behavior of the DA’s office will allow the democrats to falsely use felon in their political campaign advertisements.
You could have just answered "yes".

The Faithful America letter is worth highlighting:

"Dear Justice Samuel Alito,

"As members of the Christian organization Faithful America, we are deeply disappointed by your recent comments at the Supreme Court Historical Society's annual dinner, agreeing that the United States should move to a place of 'godliness.'

"These comments distort Christianity, violate the separation of church and state, and appear to endorse an extra-judicial agenda of Christian nationalism.

"We are also alarmed by the nature of two flags that have flown outside your house, directly challenging our democratic system of elections and our judicial system itself.

"One of the flags, the 'Appeal to Heaven,' is even a symbol of Christian nationalism carried by insurrectionists. You are unfit to serve on our nation's highest court, and we demand that you immediately resign. Thank you."




Ain't NO freakin' way Sammy quits before November. Not a single chance.
It’s only problematic for fringe wing nuts like you.

So then you'd be okay if it was a Muslim saying the country needs to return to "allahness"? I know they don't use the term, but whatever it would be.

Would you be okay if a Muslim was on SCOTUS and was actively promoting their religion into governance?
So then you'd be okay if it was a Muslim saying the country needs to return to "allahness"? I know they don't use the term, but whatever it would be.

Would you be okay if a Muslim was on SCOTUS and was actively promoting their religion into governance?
I have no problem with a justice agreeing the nation would benefit from more “godliness.” Millions of people all over the world, of all major religions believe in God. Many consider godliness a virtuous attribute. Certainly not you and your ilk though.
I have no problem with a justice agreeing the nation would benefit from more “godliness.” Millions of people all over the world, of all major religions believe in God. Many consider godliness a virtuous attribute. Certainly not you and your ilk though.

It's interesting when a so called christian claims moral authority while lying and denigrating others. You refuse to see what is directly in front of you. It's especially fun while you look down your nose at me and "my ilk". I'm sure your christian god would be very pleased with that, right?

You are going with the conservative talking points because it is easier than admitting that Alito is patently in the wrong on this.

Given you support all the sanctions Trump placed on Muslims I do not think you are believable in saying you would accept Muslim religiosity inserted into government. Sharia sound good? Christianity okay, Sharia not okay. Interesting take. You would likely argue to the high heavens (no pun intended) if there was a Muslim justice trying to inject sharia into governance. Given your opinion of Tlaib etc.

If he had merely stated that he personally believed a little more godliness would be a good thing, no problem. But that wasn't all of what he said was it?

One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So, it’s not like you’re going to split the difference.

The fact that you don't see what Alito is doing is a reflection of your own hatred for liberals and democrats.

A justice on the Supreme Court has openly admitted and stated that he believes there is no compromise with those who do not share his perspective. Given your strident criticisms of the liberal justices, I am hard pressed to assign you credibility.

SCOTUS is losing standing with American citizens. You are in the minority.
I have no problem with a justice agreeing the nation would benefit from more “godliness.” Millions of people all over the world, of all major religions believe in God. Many consider godliness a virtuous attribute. Certainly not you and your ilk though.
Nope, no sky gods for me....bunch of bullshit, but hey anyone can practice anything they believe, just don't try and sell it to me...

how about that preacher diddling a girl from the age of 12 till she was 16....great fucking role model.
What does 'more Godliness' mean anyway? It seems to mean the opposite of what the Founders specifically intended, which was less Godliness in the affairs of state.

Keep superstitions out of government.
I have no problem with a justice agreeing the nation would benefit from more “godliness.” Millions of people all over the world, of all major religions believe in God. Many consider godliness a virtuous attribute. Certainly not you and your ilk though.
Was it godliness your hero used in Germany to unite everyone ahead of the cleanse?

Funny how folks claim godliness but at the same time fold in a guy like Venmo paying to play with underage folks. Can you please pick something and stick by it instead of tossing out soundbytes, clearly to appease the short attention spans of MAGA-idiots.
The constitution prevailed, the law of the land prevailed, there was no overturning of an election, there was no insurrection. All that happened was 1st amendment rights to petition our government were demonstrated. Some violence broke out but anyone who believed our democracy was ever in jeopardy is bat-shit crazy. As more evidence is provided to the American public lots of different angles of J/6 will reflect very poorly on the likes of military leadership, CP and Pelosi with her merry band of misfits.
The Constitution prevailed because brave congressmen returned under guard to complete their assigned task of certifying the ballots as required. The failed insurrection didn't prevent that.

People died on J6. That wasn't 'some violence.' There was a 'lot of violence' with pipe bombs, armed men, and caches of weapons that didn't make it to the scene. Policemen were stomped and slammed repeatedly in a doorway in one instance. One died trying to breach the Chamber under a single gunshot; she was a failed veteran.

People do believe Democracy was in jeopardy that day! They are not bat-shit crazy, as you claim. Anyone hanging a noose over a gallows looking for the Vice President was bat-shit crazy that day.

What's also bat-shit crazy is the judicial system slow-walking the main instigator's trials. Added to the list of bat-shit crazy people are those who still believe he will be a good leader again.

And... of course, you are on the list somewhere near the top of bat-shit crazy for ranting about what you wrote!