Alito on Recording

You don't care about the constitution. You are a Trumper.

You are more easily identified with a keyboard.

The funny thing is you thought that made sense. But then you are just a stupid traitor.
I was concerned for your wellbeing. You have so much hate in you that carrying a fire extinguisher could provide some protection in the case that you succumb to spontaneous human combustion.
I was concerned for your wellbeing. You have so much hate in you that carrying a fire extinguisher could provide some protection in the case that you succumbed to spontaneous personal combustion.
Did you offer the extinguisher next to the fryer?

Hmmm, grease fires are no joke… but making irresponsible decisions seems like your thing.
I was concerned for your wellbeing. You have so much hate in you that carrying a fire extinguisher could provide some protection in the case that you succumb to spontaneous human combustion.

You lie like a rug. You absolutely have zero concern for me. The entire trumper base is built on and around hate and fear of Democrats and Democratic policies.

One thing you absolutely are however is a traitor. A Trump supporting traitor.
You lie like a rug. You absolutely have zero concern for me. The entire trumper base is built on and around hate and fear of Democrats and Democratic policies.

One thing you absolutely are however is a traitor. A Trump supporting traitor.
You’re wrong, I would never wish you personal harm. I don’t fear true liberalism, I used to be a democrat then the party left me. I’m more of a constitutional conservative not republican. I don’t hate policies that work.
You’re wrong, I would never wish you personal harm. I don’t fear true liberalism, I used to be a democrat then the party left me. I’m more of a constitutional conservative not republican. I don’t hate policies that work.

You will vote for Trump. That's the fucking hilarious thing about all this nonsense. Your idiot traitor ass will sit here and equivocate, trying to rationalize, redefine, play the victim etc. But make no mistake you will vote for Trump. You will vote for a country of, by and for the Trumps. All while wrapped up in the flag. And likely holding the bible.

You don't fool anyone.

You lie like a rug. You absolutely have zero concern for me. The entire trumper base is built on and around hate and fear of Democrats and Democratic policies.

One thing you absolutely are however is a traitor. A Trump supporting traitor.
What hate and fear would that be?

Spoken like a true chekist
I disagree, the constitution is the law of the land. The amendment process is designed to be difficult, if it was easy we wouldn’t have a country left. To drift off topic a bit, our media is doing a great disservice to our electorate, much of our media has become propagandist for the left, lying by omission. They understand that a misinformed electorate benefits the left. Example is, how the media since Biden took office, glossed over the crisis on our southern border.
If you had your way every major extension of the government from the Food and Drug Administration to the environmnetal legislation would require a Constitutional amendment. These would probably not exist. That is what you want, isn't it?

A Constitution so constraining would have been replaced long ago, just as the Articles of Confederation was replaced, and for the same reason.

What "crisis on our southern border" are you writing about?

According to the most recent Gallup Survey, taken July 1 - 22, 2023 57% of the American people want immigration levels to remain the same, or be increased. 41% want immigration levels to be reduced. In an election 57% is considered to be a landslide

Nothing in the Constitution restricts immigration. If we had to wait for an amendment restricting immigration, what you consider to be "the crisis on our southern border" would continue.

Speaking for myself, I like immigrants. I have been in love with a few, including several that were able to immigrate because the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 loosened restrictions on immigraiton.

I appreciate the cultural diversity immigrants contribute to our country. Near to where I live is a Mexican restaurant I frequently patronize. I suspect at least half the people who work there and half the people who dine there are here illegally. I like them. They like me. We buy each other drinks. Sometimes they practice their English with me.
To drift off topic a bit, our media is doing a great disservice to our electorate, much of our media has become propagandist for the left, lying by omission. They understand that a misinformed electorate benefits the left. Example is, how the media since Biden took office, glossed over the crisis on our southern border.

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You will vote for Trump. That's the fucking hilarious thing about all this nonsense. Your idiot traitor ass will sit here and equivocate, trying to rationalize, redefine, play the victim etc. But make no mistake you will vote for Trump. You will vote for a country of, by and for the Trumps. All while wrapped up in the flag. And likely holding the bible.

You don't fool anyone.

And you’ll put our nation in imminent peril voting for a cognitively challenged individual who should be confined to a nursing home.
And you’ll put our nation in imminent peril voting for a cognitively challenged individual who should be confined to a nursing home.
I like Joe Biden, but I wish he was not running.

He is running against a proudly ignorant, dishonest, foul mouthed, convicted felon, who is an adulterous pagan and who wants to skew things even more in favor of the rich.

Everything Christian conservatives hated about President Clinton is far more true of Trump, but most forgive Trump's sins because of the bizarre hope that he will force their values on the rest of the country - although not Trump.

November will be an easy decision for me.
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I'm not fan of having a choice between two elderly men. But I trust the old man with a decent soul to the old man trying to be Hitler II.
It would be nice if the campaign to paint Biden as so old was honest. Why fabricate shit?
Can anyone post the two video cuts of Biden waving to “no one” ? I’ll look. To me? It would be a good ad to run the two together.
Biden honoring soldiers
Trumpers lying and disrespecting the American people and the Presidency.

Here’s one cut.. perhaps not cut as much as the version Trumpers love

I’ll look for a wider cut.

Here’s THEIR cut! Fuck those who are fucking with perception!!! They are weakening Amercica. YouTube should remove edited shit!!

Honoring soldiers or taking a picture? Gee? Which would you choose?
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I like Joe Biden, but I wish he was not running.

He is running against a proudly ignorant, dishonest, foul mouthed, convicted felon, who is an adulterous pagan and who wants to skew things even more in favor of the rich.

Everything Christian conservatives hated about President Clinton is far more true of Trump, but most forgive Trump's sins because of the bizarre hope that he will force their values on the rest of the country - although not Trump.

Novemeber will be an easy decision for me.
Ya know Sleepy Joe is an adulterous pagan!

People who say they're better off today than 4 years ago are just lying to themselves.
I like Joe Biden, but I wish he was not running.

He is running against a proudly ignorant, dishonest, foul mouthed, convicted felon, who is an adulterous pagan and who wants to skew things even more in favor of the rich.

Everything Christian conservatives hated about President Clinton is far more true of Trump, but most forgive Trump's sins because of the bizarre hope that he will force their values on the rest of the country - although not Trump.

November will be an easy decision for me.

Biden's America;,vid:hSyTo9RiyAg,st:0

And this is just the beginning. And Joe Biden doesn't give a fuck. In his demented mind "this is who we are".
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Love LOVE LOVE that folks keep asking why any soldier would support trump and this douche of a traitor continues to never answer.
Ya know Sleepy Joe is an adulterous pagan!

People who say they're better off today than 4 years ago are just lying to themselves.
We're you dropped on your head recently? The S&P 500 was at 3,000 4 years ago. Today it is 5,460. That is a gain of 82% in 4 years. Anyone who is invested in America is seeing these gains. So yes, I am much better off today than I was 4 years ago much like millions of Americans.
We're you dropped on your head recently? The S&P 500 was at 3,000 4 years ago. Today it is 5,460. That is a gain of 82% in 4 years. Anyone who is invested in America is seeing these gains. So yes, I am much better off today than I was 4 years ago much like millions of Americans.
No doubt you're doing ok, just think how much better you'd be if you minused out Biden's economic policy, minus out 19% cumulative inflation over 3.5 years, high food prices, high gas prices, national debt and out of control spending. I think you'd be even better off.