All Men Love Boobies

I was just reading some of this thread. . .

. . . to my husband.

"An argument over boobies?" said he. "I'm for them."

'Nuff said.

gauchecritic said:
Whoa, wha, wha, whoa, whoa, whao. Sweet child o' mine. Was that Svenska admiring a woman's arse there? I don't believe it.

Tit man.

Although I do get unusually aroused by the sight of a certain absence viz; that triangular space between the upper thighs. Woof.



I should never have written that cursed story!

Seriously, I like the curves of a male ass.;)
whispering_surrender said: tit men generally go for a certain kind (e.g. size, shape, colour) or just tits in general?

Whisper :rose:

edited because I should include tit women in my question....


Notwithstanding OnD's list. A titman in my opinion is interested purely in the fact that they are tits, although there are favourites obviously, I have yet to see a pair of tits that I don't like the look of.

Can't speak for what tit women like. Isn't that something of an oxymoron or something. They have their own to look at and admire.

raphy said:
I'm an eyes and face man, personally. Obviously, I'm a susceptible to a well-toned body as the next man, but mostly I like to look at eyes, faces, expressions. A woman can turn me on far faster with a 'come hither' look than a shot of her tits or pussy.
Oh, are we talking about 'come hither' looks here, well that an entirely different ballpark than just lingering on this or that bodypart. I'm not all that much for a face in itself, most faces look equally attractive to me. It's how they are used that is interresting.

Moreover, I love listening to a woman talking. The major turn-on for me, with an expressive face and beautiful legs as distant seconds and thirds, is how a woman talks, what words she use, her voice, melody, rhythm. I mean, I am engaged to one because of a five minute chit-chat about non-important, unsexy stuff (I think we talked about paintball) over the phone. Go figure.
Wow, Gauche is a tit man. I've been using the wrong AVs all this time. :(

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What women think...

Svenskaflicka said:
And so, yet another thread is hi-jacked by SF and turned into a praise-the-sexgod-Alan-Rickman forum.:devil:

Alan Rickman? With all this mammary talk it's more like Russ Meyer.
perdita said:
My tits, eyes, mouth, brain and legs have always been appreciated, so I usually found a taker for at least one item. (Yes, I left out one of your main points. No woman is perfect.)

sigh, Perdita ;)

What! You have no bottom? But my dear, how do you manage to...oh never mind. That fascination is too much even for some of your fellow wordsmiths.

perdita said:
I believe men who like a brainy woman are really kinky (my type).

Perdita ;)

Kinky? Well, perhaps. But I've always found the more intelligent a woman is the sexier she is in general. I'm reading "At Home With The Marquis De Sade" right now, and it reminds the reader explicitly that the so called upper classes have always enjoyed healthy libidos. On the other hand, in the darkness of Dickensian coal mines, where men, women and children worked side by side naked or nearly so, brief respite was often taken by couples who found a soft bed of coal sacks where they could lie down. If those unfortunate plebeians seemed less 'kinky' than their better educated bosses, maybe it was just because using the tongue meant swallowing a lot of coal dust.

Oh, what the hell... Perdita, you don't need a bum. You have a sexy disposition and that trumps a nice pair of pressed hams any day. :D
As I recall Svenskaflicka's four options, they were: breast, ass, leg, and other.

I guess that puts me in the "kinky" section, although I never suspected it. :(

I am a "What have you got?" man. :rolleyes:

Beautiful face, well-shaped breasts, pert bottom, shapely figure, lithe legs, proud carriage . . . if a woman has it, I shall be attracted by it. :)

Hair — long or short, straight or curly, blonde, brunette, red or bald, :eek: I am – or have been – attracted by it. :)

Voice, vocabulary, wit, sense of humour — I am attracted by any or all of that. :D

In fact, there is only one category in which I am the least bit finicky. :rolleyes:

For a woman to attract me, only her smile should be infectious. ;)
whispering_surrender said: tit men generally go for a certain kind (e.g. size, shape, colour) or just tits in general?

Whisper :rose:

edited because I should include tit women in my question....


Maybe it would be more enlightening to ask which parts of the female human body a heterosexual man or lesbian doesn't like. I'll let you know if I think of one. Don't wait up.

Edited because Quasi may have thought of one, but no, one of the great loves of my life has Hep C, and I still want her, even if I have to wear one of Quasi's space suits to preserve my own good health. I'll keep working on it Whisper.
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GaryBob2 said:

Maybe it would be more enlightening to ask which parts of the female human body a heterosexual man or lesbian doesn't like. I'll let you know if I think of one. Don't wait up.


Amen to that, brother!
GaryBob2 said:
...I've always found the more intelligent a woman is the sexier she is in general.
GB2: I am presuming you were pulling my metaphorical leg. I have too much arse is all my opinion so I would leave it out of the points to make with some hombres. Plenty of intellect, though; usually more than enough for one lone male brain, generally.

Perdita ;)
perdita said:
GB2: I am presuming you were pulling my metaphorical leg. I have too much arse is all my opinion so I would leave it out of the points to make with some hombres. Plenty of intellect, though; usually more than enough for one lone male brain, generally.

Perdita ;)

If I was positioned to pull your metaphoricals, Perdita, you wouldn't have to presume anything. Too much arse? In comparison to what, or whom? Isn't it like having too much chocolate?

More than enough for one lone male brain? Hang on, I'll take some rap lessons and see if I can form a street gang.
I like whichever part of a woman I am touching.

Since most of my contact appears to be via the internet it must be the lady's brain.

Vincent E said:
Wrong. Butts are best when wrapped in a tight fitting, short, plaid skirt. That is the impact of 12 years of Catholic school, I get stiff at the sight of a snug fitting plaid skirt.

By the way, low plunging necklines are great, but with the plaid skirt I strongly recommend a sweater. A nice form fitting sweater.


Ahh, Memories

Pink- tits always look better in a pink sweater:)
Re: What women think...

Dirty Slut said:
Women look at the whole man, but men (Usually) only look at the parts of a woman's anatomy that give them an erection. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending how you look at it, most men can't see inside at a woman's brain, or they'd never go soft.


dirty slut has very nice boobies.

I'm a little envious:)

hey hand- I can tell;)

OldnotDead said:
4 The ones inside a scooped neck blouse, dress, whatever, worn by a five foot tall woman who cannot really tell when standing close if you are looking down her shirt or at her face. (And the first woman that says "I can tell" can 'talk to the hand', it's MY fun)
. basicly- naked ones, and ones that you can imagine as naked-right?
I guess I'm changing the tenor of the thread somewhat, but...

I'm a sucker for eyes. And smile. And hands. Those are my three downfalls.

Though a nice ass doesn't hurt. ;)

And all those go for women as well as men.
When I read the title of this thread out loud, my boyfriend said, "You said boobies!"

As to age, my son is only ten and he's had a thing for boobies for at least two years. Maybe he's an early starter, I don't know.
Re: 4'10-1/2"

sweetnpetite said:
hey hand- I can tell;) basicly- naked ones, and ones that you can imagine as naked-right?

LOL - but I will forget you told me.
You got it!

You have not lived until you have experienced ticklish ones.

as for your son . . . ten years old . . I think I was staring up at them before that. Looks like he's on track ;)
Re: Re: What women think...

sweetnpetite said:
dirty slut has very nice boobies.

I'm a little envious:)
She does, Sweet, and me, too. I kind of agree with Ogg's "Whatever part I'm touching," too. And really, it depends on my mood.

No time to check right now, but I think someone earlier in the thread pointed out that it's actually insulting to suggest that all men focus on a body part and fail to see the person it's attached to. I adore women for just being who and what they are, but sometimes I wish they'd stop assuming that adoration is a sign of shallowness. The fact is everyone, male and female, looks at the face. The face tells us whether the person is even open to being admired a little further. We learn it as babies, looking into the faces of huge versions of ourselves, to see if they are friend or foe. I can stare at your tits and ass all day, but they will never tell me what I really need to know about you. The female body is made to attract attention. Its flashing eyes and expressive features are made to say, "Hello there," or "Back off, Jack, you're not my type."

Examination of your naughty parts is fun, but please ladies, do not fall into the all too common trap of actually believing that all men are obsessed with your extremeties. It's you the woman we adore: the mind that constantly surprises and enlightens us with its feminine point-of-view, the heart that yearns to be loved so it can love back tenfold. Your face tells us whether you are approachable, friendly. Our deeper consideration of each other on all levels including physical ones, really begins only after our eyes meet. A man who cannot grasp this may well be a potential sex criminal, wanting your body but unable to share your joy or pain from one moment to the next, so please don't insult us all by assuming tits and ass are all that matters to us.

Sorry for the rant, I'm feeling curmudgeonly today, so you get to receive a dose of one of my less favourable moods.
GaryBob2 said:
A man who cannot grasp this may well be a potential sex criminal, wanting your body but unable to share your joy or pain from one moment to the next, so please don't insult us all by assuming tits and ass are all that matters to us.

So all men are potential rapists too? (ipso facto for women)

We were having a larf.

Re: What women think...

Dirty Slut said:
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending how you look at it, most men can't see inside at a woman's brain, or they'd never go soft.

Oh, talk about a plot bunny - what a story that might make, a man develops the ability to see what a woman sees - a takeoff on the film What Women Want, only uncensored and by see I mean the images, how a woman might undress a man with her eyes, etc. - and then he can't go soft, viagra extreme, laughable, sexy, frightening, all at once.

-FF (yes, they, women, come in all shapes and sizes and colors and flavors and I love them all, yummy, yummy, yummy, I agree with icing - e. all of the above - a mind is a wonderful place for sex, do I care that body parts get in the way and have to be gently, yet firmly controlled with embraces, caresses, kisses, tastes, of course. I like them too)
gauchecritic said:
So all men are potential rapists too? (ipso facto for women)

We were having a larf.


I'm still laughing Gauche; didn't mean to hijack anyone's thread for my morning rant. The sex criminal observation was made when I considered the fact that when someone harms another human being purely out of lust, their victim's face will reveal their suffering surely. A good humoured gentleman like yourself would doubtless take note of that reaction and desist. In fact, I imagne you would avoid inflicting such pain in the first place, but a more psychotic type might simply focus on their victim's expressionless tits and avoid looking at her face at all. Worse yet, perhaps they would look into her eyes and dismiss their message as irrelevant.

To preserve the good humour perhaps a better example would have been visiting an exotic dance bar and sitting on gynaecology row. A naked lady writhes in front of you, and gyrates her fully exposed sex for your entertainment. When she turns, smiles and looks at you to see your reaction, do you meet her gaze? If yes why? If no why? I'm saying the answer to those questions tells more about us than whether we looked at her vagina. As Raphy said, a come hither look is the biggest turn on. Flashing the wares at the same time is just a very welcome bonus.

Nevertheless, I would agree that everyone is a potential rapist, and potential bank robber, jaywalker, fraudster, killer etc. It's a jungle.