all of a sudden passion suddenly

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peeping in as
we perform
for no one but
each other
your prescence
seems to raise the bar
how far
should we
could we go with you right there,
my dear?
height of the bar
as always
depends upon nif you intend to jump over
crawl on hands and knees
or slide under
pressed lto the floor
sometimes the question
is not how tall you are standing up
but lyin down baby tell me
how high can you raise
that bar :eek:
raising the bar
sliding home
no jumping



presses to the matt
taking it to the limit





over the top

roars... :kiss:
I should be writing a poem
but it's too hot and I can't
even complain about the heat
because last week it was too
cold and two months before
that it was a gulag. Really you
have no idea how hard it is
to be poetic when nature
is crashing through extremes
like a frenzied Yeti and I really
just wrote the Yeti part for Eve
because she inspires me to Yeti
and Disco Zombie poetry
which is a pretty good break
from all the pastoral hyberbole
I'm usually mired in or it would be
if this were a good poem but
it's too hot to write a good poem
my metaphors are all sweaty
and I don't want to touch them
I can't even lay on my boyfriend's
skin because we're trying not
to move let alone touch tomorrow
when I meet the governor I'm
going to ask him what the fuck
is up with the weather
in this recalcitrant state.
and so I try to outline
give it flesh
give it heart

write the plot, characters
setting, mood
at the very least, a scene

all this, to be created
around a single phrase
perfectly brilliant

or so it seems
as it floats belly up

time to fry
pick my teeth with the bones

"Where's my next fish?"
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Darkness rolls out of the east like a blanket
from the foot of the bed. A welcome exhale
of tasks and tribulations passed
to night breezes for velvet care. The snap
of walls and joints that cool from sun-baked
labor. Sleep strokes my face
with calming fingers, brushes the lines
from my forehead and tucks my cares
behind my ear. I feel her sweet breath
on my cheek. I summon the strength
and the words of thanks, but she seals my lips
with hers. Hush, she says, I know.

Daddy grew up on Delancey Street
in a tiny railroad flat, three rooms
and the back window didn't open.
It was over the air shaft anyway
but that city penetrates everything,
floated up stoops in stickball thwacks
and pushcart vendor calls for rags
and fresh fish wrapped in yesterday's news,
calls for fine ladies shoes and the treat
of seltzer man with two glasses he rinsed
in a bowl. Daddy always got for two cents plain
and said Put a little on top to get the fruit
syrup free because he knew poor boy's tricks,
how to climb billboards, ride the back
of car bumpers as yee haw as an 8-year-old
asphalt cowboy can be and still know
the slight of hand that slips a penny
right out of the monte before you even play.

That city penetrates everything. You think
I'm genteel and educated, say I'm sophisticated
and your eyes shine when you do,
but I always keep Daddy's girl hidden
in my briefcase. You never know when she
might have to whistle for a cab, stare down
some dozens playin fast talker, sing
the George Washington Bridge song.
rush and scramble
ramble amble,
some preamble
to my life
boxed piece by piece
in tasteless thick cardboard
herniating every single person
who tries to know
even one fifty pound part
it's a start
lifting this driftless
weight, hating
this listless fate
finding a wistful
mate, and vying
for this perfect state
of simplistic
relentless in every
way, staying
every sway
laying each
piece of grey
along the walls
and halls
shallow with tall
fall colors
leaves of worded paper
stacked small
in the pall
of thick cardboard
Leave your light on, baby;
draw me in close
to your flickering heat. Lick
my pollen-laden bristle-
haired cheek, make me stand
erect in the hot
stare of your lamp-
lit eyes. Spread the glow
of your thighs wide
on the cotton fly-paper
trap of your bed. I'll come
to the light. I can't help it.
I'm a visual animal.
hunger for the
passion of one
it'll come
hang on,
and i do
cause now
i'm ruined
conformed and reformed
no one else will do
can't do
what you do baby,
so perfectly to me
those lines in between
keep me checking back
refering, reverting
going within even
making up your story
in my head.

music all around
our candle is lit
can you feel me love
waiting again
for you

all along in our lovers den
like a bear hibernating
waiting for the time

long smooth legs dangling
wanting to wrap around you
soft silky hair smelling so sweet
needing to flow in your face
down to your chest and tickle your nipples

pink nails longing to trace your flesh
caress your firm muscles
rosebud nipples puckering to be kissed
as your lips take them into paradise
tan tummy tingling
quivering with a hot desire

my mind is racing
as i watch the clock
pulse is erratic
breathing has turned to pants

The ants go marching two by two
hurrah, hurray
we'll all be heartbroken before we're through
hurrah, hurrah...

This news just in:
Love and life have been crushed beneath the bootheels of men
once again, like always.

Love's battlefield is filled nations deep with desolate and forgotten soldiers.
Poets of the world cry out for more recruits
as songwriters compose songs raving about the joys of war.

Today's youth are lost to this unseen enemy
their innocence snuffed out before their time
& what do we, as a planet, do?
We blindly, desperately, join in on the chaos,
and are subsequently lost forevermore...
it stalks the moonlit verandas,
the pristine perfection of the parks,
more infectious than the plague.

Furtively I glance aound,
sickened by the disease,
it seems every other person is struck by it,
or wears the fading signs of its presence.

The befuddled smiles,
smeared lipstick,
entangled limbs,
it hits in varying degrees.

Love - it's name is a pox on mankind
causing pain,
causing war,
existing in all walks of life.

I curse it nightly,
staring up at the moon
wondering why it has deserted me,
as I feel a torret of lonliness explode from my eyes.
I rushed home
I rushed home
I rushed home knowing I wanted to do something
quickly, quickly before the bus comes

here I am
ten minutes
what was it I wanted to do so badly
that I rushed to be home

there is nothing

shhhhjennyshhhh ten minutes id the perfect amount of time
to do nothing
until the bus comes
Wanna Play With Me?

i don't wanna be sad
i wanna love and play
could you
come play with me?

be the mr. to my mrs.
i can tie you up
honey all over you
and lick it off

you bare
you to the wall
and whip
your naughty booty

put you in the tub
pour soft
smelling bubbles in
give you a

you on the bed
your tired muscles
my tongue

you out
on the dinner table
and suck
on your deliciously
all night long

you outside
you in the hammock
and rock your world

so dot be sad
laugh and play
i will be

to you...


needs some work i think...
saw the above post and this came to mind~

RhymeFairy~ :rose:
i want what i want,
in opposing directions
insribed engraved
on my mind is
your erection
and in my fist
is mine, not
letting my mind
go anywhere
where else can
i find that 'musement
what my muse meant?
i'll be your headache
and i'll paint you if it
kills me
it won't, but wrenching my
brain from
things thought touched on
ain't no easy out
oft not finding
the control to
just do it.
Waiting for the right
moment, to pose the
the right time,
to learn the
Waiting for
the cards to play
the right hand
to win the
end game.

Walking into
the right
moment to
learn the
answers, to solve
the riddle
that has plagued
me so long
Walking in to finally
and realizing
you have forgotten
what it was
you needed
take this ache
do with it what you will
make it yours if it has to be

then bend me back
mindfuck images deep
that stimulates gray matter

so vivid, I feel it visceral
here in the gut
down to my terminal end
bone ache
soul ache
take it in
and shape
it perfecto
to my libido
your ends justify
your ways and means
again i'll eat
that ache and
let it sit
right there
like a rock in
my gut
an everpresent
of the present you gave me.
In the Future
everyone will wear mylar to reflect
their greater intellect. They will order wine
in sensible pouches that collapse
to nothing as they drink, then eat
what little remains. They will walk on their fingertips
through a web of quaint shops, feeling
the fabric with their eyes. They will search
for an Antibiotic Seal of Approval before
letting anything into their homes. The weight of the world
will rest easy on their padded shoulders
as they smirk and solve problems
like a crossword puzzle. Without worries
they will be free to write anytime
in parks and coffee houses but will have nothing
to say. For inspiration they will turn
to the poetry of today; lifting my book
from the shelf they will say “Ah,
nobody writes like that
in the future
i will come back
bringing apples picked from trees,
pre-processed, uncooked

I will remind them
why they have teeth
and there will be no turning back
Now I will dream
of bright red skins
indented with teeth

saving my life
one day at a
we watch from the walls
of the waiting room
they come in
nervous to release identity onto black lines
but they do
they have no choice

women scan their numbers
we watch from the walls
of the waiting room
as they select a seat

one with little chance of being neighbored
or passed

they touch their hair
they touch their mouths
they cross arms iun front of their stomach
and press it in, in

but you and I
we watch from the walls
waiting to catch their eye

so we can pull them in
through iris
paint them into words and images
show them a mirror

so we can put them on the wall
of the waiting room

we watch
Waiting & Mind Doodles

What is it about medical receptionists?
Perfectly sensible women take courses in brain disengagement
"Total Mental torpor and the ability to treat all patients
as your equal, a desirable qualification".
Hmph, absobloodylutely essential pre-requisite.

I assume the role of patient,
sit quietly, don't annoy anyone, what's to read ?
Damn, forgot my glasses, again.
It's not that I really want to read
but I would like to be able to.
Resenting the incapacity is petulant,
but I am in the mood to sulk.

Ah the televisions on, - Oprah.
You know, no-one ever intentionally watches Oprah
but she's always there, in waiting rooms
waiting to pounce on sick people.
Who's she talking to? Maria Shriver - don't know her
Sound is just loud enough to distract
but not enough to hear,

Why do the people on Doctors televisions always have orange faces ?
They really do, contrast I suppose
Oprah and Maria both orange.
Martin Luther King might have been impressed
but he died in black and white
Dopey receptionists, no glasses a long wait and orange Oprahs

"Doctor will see you now"
Ah blood pressure's up again"
Phone Ringing~

phone ringing
faxes coming in
records to be re-filed
dr. notes to be carried out
order a cat scan

phone ringing
checking in a new patient
making a new file for the new patients
and their sick child they *had* to get seen
taking blood pressure for room #6
getting a urinalysis for #3
ohh have to draw blood for a tsh on #1

phone ringing
fax machine making loud nosiness
downloading results of patient #5
lab results on computer

phones ringing
doctor talking,
asking me to talk to patient #2s'
insurance company *pronto*

phone ringing
fax machine throws a bolt across the room
patient in waiting room
complaining about his glasses?

phone ringing
err what the hell?
who needs this?
walks out the door

phone ringing...

RhymeFairy~ :rose:
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