all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Sensory poems

Hazy gray smoke burns my eyes.
Stinky stank of tequila, beer and puke
makes my stomach slip into a queasy lurch.
Condom dispensed—all colors of a rainbow.
A few stalls down I'm practicing dry heaves.

A bathroom in a bar.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Vanilla, hazlenut, latte flavor menus.
Cinnamon, fresh roast, fresh brew.
Cappuccino maker steaming milk
Hot cream and coffee burns my tongue,
it's my daily grind—sweet, mocha caffiene fix.

Could be a Starbuck's near you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mussed up dirty blonde locks
Sweat, dripping sex lube.
Breathing hot, hard and fast
salty dew—sweet soul kiss,
Your lips on my lips.

My bed by your hand.
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remember me in memories
long past now,
yet I would have jumped
-headlong, into streams
of consciousness, a Woolf
in sheep's clothing,
a poet
who knows it,
sent home.

the past has gone
and dreams remain,
their soft refrain
tugs at thoughts
of tree limbs,
stretching skyward
towards celestial
morning fix

thanks passion posters for the fix i needed you are angels of the word dance

inlaws arrive early two hours
metal knocking at the door
i try to believe it is a dream

i have no breakfast prepared
i am not my mother
milk carton is empty
and toilet paper?
oh god, i forgot

poems i have plenty
you can wipe your ass on this
if you would like--
Writing this
with icicle fingers
and slight light pinches of pain
chilling the tip of my toes
and nose.

Polar winds
on solar wings
came sudden, they say.
Painting faces protective red,
hanging plumes
of whitest fumes
in our exhale,
parting sheets of cloud,
snapping birches,
clearing the air.

Even here,
writing this,
I can almost see the
traces of mist
from my mouth.

polar winds
came sudden they say,
and it will take hours
for the landlord's
cranking of digits
to catch up.

But the heat is rising
in my room and in me
from firewood,
microwave cocoa,
warm sheets above me,
warmer arms around
and a saturday in bed.

Come on, winter.
Bring it on.

internet is not seamless
cycle hummm bald and black and strung
internet bumps, waves in/out
oscilly tones suspend sines
waving bye bye baby bye and by
focus on face not thighs
no matter how many
clean shaven
parts fanny taut so smooth
smooth parting, drifting apart
at end of song all alone again

inspired by a video,
Meshell Ndegeocello,
peppermint pixie
shopping for bread
no cakes in the basket,
no soup in your hair

don't just stand there
red and white tears
all over and under
those unbalanced beggars
aching to cut in line

you were here first-
with your Indian corn,
goodbye winter
never an empty
baker's rack, born
on the first day of summer

I only accept
winter because
I haven't yet found
Gods thermostat

winter sucks
all the softness
from my hair and skin
makes me itchy
makes me bitchy
makes me wanna scream

I don't drink coffee-
no joe to warm me
but you can grab
an extra blanket
curl up next to me
by the fire
and help me wish
Cold man winter

with tender kisses
and dreams of fishes
and camping by a stream-
you have such lovely eyes
can I touch them?
can I hold them?
I olny want to see
what you think you see
in me
Silly man
frozen little bits
probably not important
anyway, were they?
down for the count

Some days
like today
all of the ugly truths I have met
do not recognize me as their friend
and they jump me unexpectedly

They beat the living shit out me
Crack my ribs
Hit below the belt
Kick me even when I am down
I am spinning in a daze

Until I convince them
Look at me I know you
you know me
We came here together
We were lovers

They mumble something like an apology
And they climb back in side
While I lick my wounds
And the process of forgetting begins again
Shut Up

Outside, there is no snow, wind or rain today.
I see blue skies between gray clouds.

I can't help but wonder if
the sun is hiding
somewhere up there.

Then quick

Before the moment is gone,
I throw open windows,
letting out month old air
that suffocates me with
spiced plum potpourri,
dust mites and cat dander.

Than quicker

I no longer wonder if
the sun is hiding
some where up there.

The hue of the day turns drab and cold.
The rain, wind and snow shuts me up again.
among drifts
feel sounds that breed ice
high pitched whine
unhearable but proof of headache
blue sounds not music
pain, glass rims, wire rims
staples, girders with hard hat workers
tatooed lower back
the original bad dream
piles of pins, sewing pins such a huge pile that needs to be moved by massive construction machines, or
the side of my long friends hand
the back of her hand

from long ago,

all of a sudden passion suddenly

similar to the old, "writing live" thread.
Poems written with no time restrictions but
complete ASAP, submitted and then regretted.
no copy pasted, no mushrooms on the pizza.
no rewriting!
Like life. It's sudden. It's all passion.
I fight becoming a girl
considering I'm female
that sounds kinda odd
but it takes more than parts to make you girly
ya know?
so fuzzy blue sweater
and push up bra later
I'm getting curled
while reading fisting erotica
to that guy I love
we're not in love
can't be
but that doesn't mean
I don't care about him
want him, miss him
feel him
wish he was here
to slide his fingers
inside this sweater
and make me come
with his boyish blush
as we talk everything
from duck architecture
to the girl I dream of loving
I want to take him with me
in this yellow cab
that flies down broadway
so we can see the crisp streets
and hear the lighted accents
of the locals
he wants to fuck
if only he had a room key
but I deny him
or did once
and to think
he's the only reason
she's my type
at night
jumper flight
from city lights
to charleston blues
several views
of golden hues

spoiled by two year old
cacophonous anarchy
tightly plump controlled muscle
squeezed every which way
but real
sucking dollars
from my slack mouthed
for smokey imagery
by this high lust
lacking kisses
and physical touch
it's too much
and as the tune fades
with every twist
of your nipples
never enough
Envious envy envied when he smiles,
Sensually sensuous senses as he touches,
Trusting trustful trust spat betrayal,
Willful willing will pulling you to him.

I can't have him, no one can!

Jealously jealous jealousness growing in my chest.
Devilish devilled devil picking at my eyes,
Bitchy bitching bitch that I've become.
Watchful watcher watching from my insides.

I'm his one and only fan.

Flirtatious flirt flirting with my boy.
Hatefully hating hatred that I feel.
Yanks yanking yankee ideals from here.
Wonderful wonderous wonder growing into you.

Stay away from my man!
too early, too cold
too many clothes
I'd rather be naked
under the sun
baking my skin
( I waited forty years
for this winter-faded tan!)

topless on the porch-
why does that raven stare?
please don't peck my nipples
oh Hell! dont you dare

tans lines are sexy-
my old man says-
Liar, Liar-
You're just jealous
of the sun,
licking me
with his burning gaze
and oh baby,
it does feel good,
soaking in
his golden rays :devil:
eyes closed now
in unison

heads lean
on opposing

limbs in
lotus lock

we cling

candles dance
reflected in
curved backs

red of wanton
black of soot
the burning beads
trickle down
spines necks
and thighs

into the nexus
of thin sheen
almost not
in between

reminding us
how real
we can be
a sum

then suddenly
we become

open our eyes

and shimmer
i did not see him for the three days
we fell below zero
i hoped he had someplace warm

his coat is not for winter streets
it is for a spring baseball game
even his cardboard sign
needs to be replaced

42 years ago
a young mother
looked at her child and worried
she knew he was different
something was wrong

she wondered
what would happen to him
when she was gone

I do a u-turn at the putty hill
taylor avenue intersection
to get on his side

this coat
is for your mother
Ry, you are too kind---
me I am just making up for years of bad karma

the shame is on me

the light just turned red
so we had a minute to talk
while he tried it on

"fits nice"
he says
"looks good!"
I answer

he can barely snap the buttons
his hands are cold
I hadn't noticed that
he needed gloves

and I forgot to ask
his name.
One for the rhymers...

I bought a what-the-hell today
I figured: "What the hell,
it might just happen one day,
you can never really tell."

I sought the highest odds there was,
ignoring all advice.
It didn't cost an arm and leg,
Just two Big Macs, and fries.

So, ballot in an eager hand
I steered my steps back home
to watch the game I wagered on
over a latte foam.

Sitting down I fantasized
of things to buy and to.
But in the end my betted boys
was beaten, nil to two.

But still I'm feeling satisfied,
and still my smile do beam.
Cause I committed heresy,
and placed against my team.

The money spent on silly thrills
is someone else's food.
And I'm still here to write this down,
not rich, but life is good.

your phone rang
my pulse raced

your voice whispered
my resolve wavered

your tones heated
my color heightened

your words cavorted
my body contorted

your breath demanded
my will defeated

your lighter flicked
my heart felt foolish

your hurried goodbye
my empty guilt

your absence forces
my trigger finger

your line is dead
my soul has fled.

I just spoke to a girl in Chat who wants to die cuz her online lover left her. How twisted is that or is it twisted at all?
BooMerengue said:
I just spoke to a girl in Chat who wants to die cuz her online lover left her. How twisted is that or is it twisted at all?

on line
off line
where any
trembling thought
can trickle through
where any
trace of human
spirit brew

by proxy
through 60 Hz shimmer
and typewriter tripping
can have just that glimmer

but on line
or off line
a heart broken bitter,
sans surgery still,
most certainly will
mend itself

it's just love
and that's what hearts do
believe it or not
and you will not believe
when the bitter and broken
gets the better of you

So, I say not twisted that she loved someone online (seen it happen too many times now to think it's not real), but dammit, who haven't had a heart broken? It's not, and is never the end of the world.
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BooMerengue said:

I just spoke to a girl in Chat who wants to die cuz her online lover left her. How twisted is that or is it twisted at all?

twisted take substance
a rope
a chain
a towel to squeeze out

to twist
takes a force
a pull
a push
magnetism to do botth

twisted would be to feel nothing'
under the grips
and the strain
love bleeds red twisted

25 years ago
still a few drops left

glow and hum
twist still stings
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