all of a sudden passion suddenly

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nocturnal hues, turning my gaze
mind over mattering soul-lust
pretty as a picture my bayou beau
cardiac ache breeds with missing you

there is only one, sometimes hidden
behind a veil of fears
but every moment brings to the surface
a tiny pinch of truth

no matter what the cost, what kind
of ego investement may be involved
gamble everything on a bet
that this is perfect and mutual

two separate entities, swirling energy
infusing into something
bigger, brighter
than the sun.
Watching the swimmers at the Hampstead Heath ponds

A chocolate coloured labrador leaps
out of the stagnant water,shaking
off the droplets before pursuing
another duck. The swimmers

at the other end ignore him as they
jump in, arms moving like the hands
of a clock as they swim. The newly
arrived hang their legs off the edges,

waiting anxiously for the rite to begin.
Some will feel the bottom, others will
float like the lilypads; watching nothing
but the sky passing them by.
you laid out your poems
on the floor, crying
fly! fly!

expecting them to unfold
their wings and carry
their words onto a branch

where they would be eaten
by a chameleon who would
turn into a bee, spreading
them throughout your world.

There are no mermaids here;
there are no ufo's, manmade
or made up. the Yeti is an
urban myth, made up by yaks.
Bigfoot is really Spielberg in
a suit and Groucho Marx really
shot JFK. We never landed
on the Moon, choosing Mars
instead. Pi does not exist
and my middle name is not Icke.
The Magi


Cars hug the clifftop road
as it winds like a nautilus
shell up the eroding face.

Time does not pass for
the passengers cocooned
inside, life becoming a series
of polaroids between youth
and old age. Nobody wakes

Now is not the time


Driving under the alpine
tunnel, they feel the gods
shifting above them.

Nobody shifts their weight,
not even the vowels Mother


Toll roads are that place
between heaven and hell.

Dad offers a tithe, hoping
to save his non existent
soul. The man at the till
smiles, knowing another
trade has been done.

Nobody sees the scythe
behind his back.


Italy smiles as they enter,
tilled fields creasing as the
they step onto the autostrada.

Following a map of stars, they
eventually reach their destination.

The sky sleeps as their universe
slowly starts to light up.


The Magi welcome them in the
morning, bearing gifts of cameras,
sweets and chocolate.

No snow ever falls. Not here.
There is only the noise of a
star beating on the horizon,
hanging high in the east.
penis envy

admiration for that tool of his
physical masturbation,
I simply want to touch it
stroke it for him, feel
the swell, the swollen

there is no room in my jeans
they are tight and hug my ample
ass, so if youre feeling generous
come closer, give me what my biology lacks

a head with one eye
a grand bat covered in skin
to massage over
and over again
It's one of those nights
when you keep walking through
the corridors of my mind
peeking around corners
with a wicked come hither smile

I can't help but follow
yet you elude me
you slip through shadows
leaving me in the dark
with empty hands

and aching heart, hoping
to just catch your scent
hear your sigh lilting
like a soft night breeze
stirring in the trees

I return to bed to check
perhaps you've left a note
a flower, an imprint
something to let me know
you're more than a memory

They wrapped you in a blanket
of lightning when you were born,
hoping you would produce rain.

But that never happened. As you
screamed, lights started to pop
and your metallic world started

to sing with the poetry you were
making. Nothing could reverse
your song, every electric heart

beating like maybugs spinning
on a makeshift windmill;
never stopping, never dying.
there is an evil worm behind
my left eye, it twists and squirms
made its nasty self at home

anybody have a drill?
an axe, a super dare to cure all
pill? maybe all I need is sex

yes yes, sex, too bad
its just me and the worm
here alone
soft pulpy
I have taken.
salty, licks of passions
fruit. Love
every drop
face, tongue, tits
deep inside
as warm ooze slides
taken in
over, over again
Oh yeah...

RhymeFairy said:
soft pulpy
I have taken.
salty, licks of passions
fruit. Love
every drop
face, tongue, tits
deep inside
as warm ooze slides
taken in
over, over again

Tender tasty
honey nectar flowing as from a jar
the devining rod my tongue
searching, finding, devouring
clenched fists, ears squeezed
moans of pleasure beyond sound
how I miss your candy
I have a sweet
treat. candy
so fine, only one
can dine.

nectarine slowly suckled
naveling in, around
pitted deep
to find that pearly

captured upon taste buds
essence of sugar, dipped
double dipped. ebbing
a rub. pure

I am not a geologist
did not recognize fool's gold
for what it was, years spent
digging dirt, shoveling shit
sifting through the silt
believing I was rich
only to find myself a pauper

It took a while
to teach myself to see value
understand what riches were
so many false starts
so many years lugging around
worthless weight in my pockets
only to find I had naught

one day, I struck it rich
ran across by accident
wealth beyond measure
reveled in the pleasure
of what fate had dropped at my doorstep
only to allow myself to be chased away

returned to claim my treasure
found it tarnished.
changed beyond recognition
now I spend my days, polishing
hoping to return my gold
to it's original glory
Dave and Brian the balding dj duo
discuss Brittany's new body
how she let herself spread
breasts fill

I'd still do her
says Brian

Dave snorts
choking on memory of the midnight jerkoff
to preteen twenty something in pigtails and nurses gear
strapped in medical restraints
flicker on his screen
he turns the contrast down down dim
not to wake his snoring wife, she bought the nose strip
but still chokes on her on motor nightly
as he tugs his half hard cock
leans back in his chair
so his hairy gut stretches out of the way
but the flab still rubs against his wrist
as he does poor Brittany a favor
by cumming on her face photoshopped
stretched open steel table stirrups
whiplash neck brace holds her head still
for the last pathetic drops

The koi carp are starved
of oxygen tonight, floating
like upside down submarines
in the pond. Neighbourhood

cats ignore them, preferring
to chase the moon as it runs
a finger across the patio floor;
nobody checks the koi. Bones

slip away from their rubber suit,
falling through stagnant water
to a place where the stars have
neither reflection nor breath

I want to hear my voice saying your name out loud
over and again and again
as if I have forgotten how to say anything else

you are here you are here you are here
you are the seven bachelors
you are my cracked glass
you are the yellow sun circle
whose signifigance I have yet to understand
you are the explanation
on the next page
I tilt my head and try to read through the climate controlled box
this sketch
that tells me everything,everything

you are the painting upside down
the one of true value
colors unfaded on the other side of the canvas
I am pressed against the wall
meet me between the frames
press my back against the staircase
make me forget the ache
I take you I take you I take you everyday and say your name

and everything else I have wrtten turns into nothing

you are
you are
I didn't know there was a place to post sudden passion...

I had a friend once
I would have called her my best-friend
but then a dirty secret came to me
I learned that she spoke behind my back
Oh my friend you ask how I know?
I know because she spoke to me.
She spoke to me unaware that she was doing it.
I was there, not hiding, just listening
as she spilled words filled with lies at me
I read them, over and over, and tears fell.
I forgave my friend until...
I learned she was doing it again.
It was then I knew that she was not my friend
but the friend of jealousy and spite.
She had become second to the world and for a moment
another slipped in and stole her limelight.
Am I angry with the girl I once called friend?
No, I feel sorry for her.
I feel sorry that she must sit behind her little screen
and type out words full of lies and treachery.
I feel sorry for those that believe her and take her at face value
because they have not been on the receiving end of her vindictive snare.
I feel sorry for the people that have known her for years and believe
her to be a nice woman, a kind woman, a sweet woman.
Oh my lads and lasses...
The things she says behind your back would make tears fall from your eyes.
But there is a difference between her and I
and it is called Values.
I have them, she does not and so she will
continue to spill her acid and people will continue to swim in it
never knowing how close they are to her knife
and how beautiful to her their backs look
as she stands there waiting and poised to
impale it and twist it just right that there comes a time
when her words spill from the lips of another and once more
you sit there shocked and confused,
as another believes her web of lies
and you are sucked into her vortex of pain.
happy couples used to bring out my most spiteful
stares usually needles pointed in to my own vessel
now now now I see them and see nothing
wrapped in irredescent celophane
the kind that shrinks
under heat

seeing their glittered smiles
glazed eyes lifelike lust
shakes me
makes me remember what is real
today I bring him lunch
turn his t-shirts right side in
before tucking them into his middle drawer.
against any grain and
feeling no remainder of pain
or regret, i have yet
to reach full capacity

surrounded by a city
becoming one with birds and trains
i watch as i go east and west
simotaneously, optically
illusionary yet so true

a hand reaches down from some
dark distance
grabbing onto a too-tight collar
and shaking, not stirring
the human contents of said shirt
prolific in punishment
lessons resume
and go unlearned despite it all

wrap yourself tight in this
thermal cloak of minus ones
say 'i am the cancer'
and know there is no cure

this form of isolation
a floatation device with
a pin hole
no soul to squeeze
its way past my knees
and rising fast.

oh oh I dont want your thirty dollar bill for my ten cent poem no no dont want your yolk cracked eggs
and every poem starting with I
and widows
and mothers
and nature
and oh how the lines
wrap perfectloy like the weave of a nursery blanket
over the moon
the perfect perfect moon
and candle jumping sons of bitches
no no they are not sons
or bitches just something to break up this baby blanket monotony
dont care if you are pulitzer finalist national book award bridesmaid
lady in waiting with the hairy knee cocksucker
I have tourettes tonight
something like gratuitous fuck finger sniffing
drug dogs
any thing anything anything
to save me from thirty dollar poetry
throw in the wrench
throw in the love stained towel
throw in the nights you were gone and I slept
with a stranger in my hand
called him baby because I was bored
damn it is ugly isnt it the beautiful ugly truth
we paint winding cherry blossom branches
these simple patterns
want to strip a switch for your four chapbook ass
until you confess
it is all a lie
or a dream but wait
good lord you have mangoes rolling in the back of your minivan?
I guess it is just the truth
least you can write about getting your ass whipped
with a cherry blossom switch
cut from the nations capitol
peace peace peace among the nations
god bless us onandall
pica problem probably

years ago I bought a set
of fake crystal glasses
from Arby's if I remember correct-
ly and they have this cutsie Christmas scene
of treess that dont even grow in this region
all coevered in snow.

they have a (p)retentious gold smear
around the lips and when I drink
iced tea from them I incur
an incredible urge

to bite into that delicate glass
and chew the shards
into cutsie Christmas sand
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never really alone, was he

cleaning his instruments
by candlelight, and there
his shadow at a time
when he most craved
to b e alone
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