all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Hope arrived unexpectedly
disembarked at my front door
suitcase in hand, gleam in her eye
mischievous smile upon her lips

She slipped past me at the threshold
holding my attention, with slight contact
and a come hither look over her shoulder
as she slinked up the stairway

Upon my bed, she flung her luggage
opened wide, for me to see the memories
she had brought with her, subtle silks
sexy satins, gaudy scarves to capture me

I tumbled to her intentions, allowed myself
to become enrapt, (ahh, no I was more
than willing), a prisoner of my past looking
for a future to hold on to

I was bound by her initiative, strapped
down, made to see a life from her perspective
riding hard and high upon passion's crest
overflowing with waves of contentment

only to awaken, find Hope had dismounted
packed her bag with all and sundry
moved on to the next lost soul
leaving me tied to the present

Lemonskin trainers tread
over last month's edition
of USA Today, pages
scattered like leaves

across the platform.
A pair of umbrellas sit
on a bench, parading
their black nylon wings

to rust coloured loafers
trampling on concrete
covered mythology.
Nobody will have names today.
I am John Wayne for a second.
You can see his swagger
and mood swings in my six year
old frame.

I will lasso girls with germs
and tie them up. They are injuns
today and I am the sheriff.
Folding my thumb and forefinger

I will smite my enemies and watch
them crumple up on the tarmac
desert. Kicking my heels,
I blow out my tobacco and weep.

I checked the stills yesterday
but there was no water,
only the thin film of dead insects
and morning sweat remained.

Sitting at my desk, I can only see
empty negatives. There is no
colour in the places I sketch.
Perhaps if I pray for rain, it will come.

Maybe, if I sketch, gods might listen:
mounds of marbles, tar volcanoes,
birds' helicopter wings, candy box

And then, when I sleep, I will receive
words again. They will crawl inside
my wooden skull and make me alive.
There will be water tomorrow.
Daisy chains and kisses lay littered on the ground
tiny fingers grip the hands of a man wearing a frown.
Hearts lie broken on a sea of glass
teardrops fall, silent sobs pass

Eyes lift up to the sky
whispers spoken from lips asking why.
Dreams were made, now scattered about.
Two hands trying to figure it out

He holds his head against clenched fists
and trembles and shakes not wanting this
She stares down her heart healed and complete
from a hurt no one saw, no one could defeat.

No pain does she suffer, only joy does she see
though she knows her love hurts but this is what must be
There was no survey or questionnaire to fill-in
It was her time and now they must mend

She’ll be there watching with love
as tiny fingers and toes grow into someone
full of spirit, fight, and romance
and one day they’ll all meet and once again dance.
dont want to be another alto singing your high praises
the view is warped from the other side of the pew
state championships

remember mrs b,?
her hands bruised from clapping so hard and how mom almost fainted
from holding her breath for the entire 200 meters
gladly too I wave my arms
should GO with every head turn when you come up for breath
fists marking the iar
move those feet

Kevin's brother came to pick me up at the dorms
after introductions it was clear
they were trying to size me up for something
the whispers and looks between these men
finally one asked
do you party?

what do you mean
feigned innocence did not work and pulled over to the side of the road
popped the trunk for the backpack
and thus began the process
I miss that process
packing it in with the thumb
tapping it down
with a lighter
good day good day yes

I wanna be Judas
you always get to be Judas
yeah, he has all the good songs
I called it.

Jenn, you have to be Mary of course.
let me try to cool down your face a bit
let me try to cool down your face a bit

Just be sweet, you can be sweet, can't you?

Wonder if Kevin was sweating my telling his brother
about thta time I found him in my father's den
after a night out with my brother
collecting golf flags drunk not sleepy
I came home late thinking
lord, what did you bring me
this beautiful boy
oh there was some sort of challenge
adolsecent waterfight in the bathroom, he was the first man who could hold me
his hands were huge
around my wrist with room to squeeze into bruise
the thrill of struggling my hardest
and not winning fair and square
no holding back against this well trained body textbok muscle
shaved hairless against drag lord everyone asleep except us in my childhood twin
flowers on the ceiling he was not used to the struggle, having to work
for the tennis racket grip and exposure

I have a girlfriend.
Yeah? you must be proud
I bet she is fucking adorable

Nah, he knows I would never tell
what is there to tell anyway but
I could not wait to see him there, maybe make him squirm a little bit
down on the deck

Yes, I can be sweet
sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you and annoint you
Myrr for your hot forehead, oh
and you'll see everytyhing's alright yes
everything's fine

and Kevin's brother passes the pipe
while he alternates between Annas and Ciaphas
creepy bass and girlish tenor shaking the bag of pot
like blood money for Judas in the back seat
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Stuffed in a tin drum,
I expected it to hibernate
on the front page of
the Times

not rattle away,
a clock with no batteries
or gears. Perhaps it might
have been better

to had it shot
or stuffed inside an ice-cube
and locked away.
But if I slept I would

have heard their rattling
a million times over
I sense ,
your eyes gazing upon me
with ravenous hunger
Your scent evoking images of exotic moonlit nights,
dry sultry breezes and tropical storms

I hear
your whispers that promise erotic fulfillment,
the soft moans of pleasure as,
I become you, you become me and we become one
atop silk sheets bathed in candlelight
drinking from the fountain of sensuality

I feel
your desire
a need so strong it flows through
the pores of my skin,
sexual electricity in the air envelopes us,
tension mounting riding us like the waves of a tsunami
every cell of our bodies cry out for release

thought processes cease
driven by primal, elemental need
grappling for the apex , reaching for the other side of desire
loins afire untlil we explode together
you and I
loving by means of
imagery and mental stimuli.
He searches my mind, trying
to dive deep
himself into the hidden
carverns he once dwelt in
so long ago.

I speak often of those other guys
the ones who try and talk smack.
Try to tag this girl into the trees
playing hide-n-go seek. There
are other ones who write their
desires all out, printed for me
to see, smell, even touch.

Stroking a move I shall not
follow, only stolen glimpses
keep me going. Those late night
whispers that echo out
from deep within my essence.
Plus and Minus

It's absence of your weight that makes me leaden
your whispered I'll take time that makes me quicken
the cool with which you stroke that makes me redden
the calm with which you stir that leaves me shaken.

The more of you I taste the more I hunger
the more familiar heightening the danger.
It's not your undertow that pulls me under
but your collapse against my fragile harbor.

Balanced between trespass and allure
between command and bashful, whispered dare
a word, a hand unpracticed and yet sure
undaunted by long history laid bare.

No paradox could bring me greater pleasure
than being wrought with passion at your leisure.
cherries_on_snow said:
It's absence of your weight that makes me leaden
your whispered I'll take time that makes me quicken
the cool with which you stroke that makes me redden
the calm with which you stir that leaves me shaken.

The more of you I taste the more I hunger
the more familiar heightening the danger.
It's not your undertow that pulls me under
but your collapse against my fragile harbor.

Balanced between trespass and allure
between command and bashful, whispered dare
a word, a hand unpracticed and yet sure
undaunted by long history laid bare.

No paradox could bring me greater pleasure
than being wrought with passion at your leisure.

Oh that is so pretty. I love how the tempo measures the feelings of contradiction.
cherries_on_snow said:
It's absence of your weight that makes me leaden
your whispered I'll take time that makes me quicken
the cool with which you stroke that makes me redden
the calm with which you stir that leaves me shaken.

The more of you I taste the more I hunger
the more familiar heightening the danger.
It's not your undertow that pulls me under
but your collapse against my fragile harbor.

Balanced between trespass and allure
between command and bashful, whispered dare
a word, a hand unpracticed and yet sure
undaunted by long history laid bare.

No paradox could bring me greater pleasure
than being wrought with passion at your leisure.

Cool sonnet, CoS

Nicely done


I heard the neighbours
buried it underneath
their floorboards, wrapped
in a sack and dowsed

with white spirit, blue
as its paper eye. You
could hear it hooting
at night, others said,

rustling yellowed feathers
in anticipation of the
hunt. I never saw it,
just heard its tapping

in the inside of my skull.
I have gotten my lil blue book out.
The one that has all the words. Hoping
to find the one that shall set us both free

Searching cover to cover
word by word, I sink into oblivion,
oblivious to the world
which turns, friends that try
and help, children that lay upon
tired knees waiting for their time
with me.

I ran across ambition, it settled down
chatted and decided I was not worthy
not welcome in its house of criss cross
covered leggy limbs.

Love blindsided me, asking
too many questions, demanding
many answers. His sunshiny quality
charmed and chilled this aching heart
at the same time.

Passion scorched these fingers. Testing
tasting prenuptial patterns across scalded
skin, scentless limbs. Hitchhiked down
to a tagged toe, blue from life giving air
for my breath had been taken so long ago.

Then I ran across hope. Hindsight
is twenty twenty they say, but hope
gave in, sheltered me for a while.
Gave new reason to this unrelinquished
heart. I ask, and received. I fought
and he held firm. Forming a new bond
a new beginning.

In the beginning I aspired, accepted
and anticipated so much.
That was a futile attempt at something
I had no real knowledge of.
A starved man never knows
what to eat first.

Now I have hope. Maybe one day,
this heart and body shall be free
... to be free.
Sleeping in Hotels

The bed is always hard or soft, the room too cold or warm.
My team is never on TV, but when they are, they lose.

The sun goes down too early, or sometimes not at all.
There’s noise, or not, and when it smells, the scents are always wrong.

The alarm’s too loud or doesn’t work. I’m late
or early getting up. The constant, though, in all hotels is

I always sleep alone.
hotels ... schmoootels
I tell you I have had enough. I wanna
welcome him. In arms wide open
taste the dew from lips he ate
his last burger with. travel across
continents and feel
his skin beneath finerg tips, felt only
for a moment.
What I would not give
to have him here
now, tasting the cum I have saved
sacrificed for him.

I dream of that day you know, when
he says enough is enough
when time will no longer stand still
together, he and I. Finally ...

no offense meant Tzara ...
just a thought that bounced and had to be said ~
maybe too much liquid courage ya think?

clutching_calliope said:
You know her.
Everyone does.
That girl-next-door face
that is wholly unforgettable
until the next time you’re standing in line
buying fuel or popcorn or celery pr books or
something you really don’t need. Your eyes
turn gray and you say, I know you, don’t I?

Then, you blush and think
you might have fucked her once
and now you’ve embarrassed yourself, or

she might have been your neighbour
you saw through the blind
without her clothes, or

she might have been the clerk
you told off last month
and then discovered you were in the wrong,
but much later, when things are too late,
and too far removed, for apologizing.

You feel you know her. You
might. She doesn’t remember you.

on the money.

sorry for deleting, a terrible misunderstanding ovre the content occurred.

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