all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I told her poem was s-a-p-p-y
spelt it correctly (I think)

but still she gave me love
and hugs
. Perhaps if I meet her

in the Phillipines, I will experience
a tsunami on my face. Either that,

or in my pants
A pile of lemonskin bones
hangs out of the dustbin
next to cardboard screens
and last years bamboo

furniture. People stare
at these things as if they
are meant to be thrown
away, not restored.

Someone in a workshop
will spray on a new coat
and exhibit them in galleries,
putting the final touches

to another man's ego.
The Ford Motor Company
forgot to make its bed in New Jersey,
forgot to take out its trash.
If The Ford Motor Company
were a roommate, there'd be
yellow post-its all over the refrigerator
post-it bombs asking then begging
then threatening the dissolution
of the lease.

It's gone beyond roaches and flies,
scuttling in the cupboards and making
appearances briefer than Hitchcock,
almost vanished by the time the eyes
adjust to the light; it's gone beyond
kiss and make up tomorrow but for personal
reasons unclear to anyone else, (why not
five months, five years ago, why wait
until everyone has rashes?) at last The Ford
Motor Company is taking out the trash:
100,000 tons of it, every grain toxic.

Cheap. That's what you are.
Tarts brighter than sunflowers
but without their nobility, planted
only for cash and oil.

But you don't mind, sitting there
flirting with the sun as fields
are recycled for your children.
Perhaps one day someone will burn

you and we will see your petals
melt, lighting up the sod with white.
Not yellow, not blue, not red. Just
a boring, plain - white -

It plunges headfirst
into the tar-black sea,
a waterproofed sun
cutting through layers

of liquidised atoms.
Observe its skull: a bony
periscope, rubber coated.
Nothing can puncture it.

Watch how it hunts:
A film without pauses. Do
not blink. There is no fast
forward here.

Jettisoned by the sea,
it flies back. Perhaps one day
something will crush it.
But that is not today.
White light is the song of all colors
running free, but evenly so one can time
its travels. Black matter is the bed of all
colors, come to rest on the rich coal
of acceptance. Against these two pages
the solo of red or blue's more vibrant
for they make room for all the hues of nature.
Conversations between poets

what do you write about
the mirror says
or are you all wacky

and talk about
loaves split open
like old shoes
and tin can skies


stop stop stop stop
i want him to taste
how salty his words are
so he can spit out

everything in him
that's not coated in an inch
of grease
leaving behind his poetry
her body
is unpunctuated grammar
every crevice
feels misspelt
as if she just ignored
english lessons
and focused on art
fingers tap keys
quicker than her favourite
she can't see him
toying up and down
(he's on the other side
of the world, you see)
slides down moist
lubricating even the rustiest
of surfaces

I'm not sure who invented
the word and frankly,
I couldn't even care. No.
I just like the way it sounds,

the emphasis on the cun
harsh as the slamming
of a car door,
followed by the abrupt t

as if that was an afterthought
of its creator. Cunt.
vampiredust said:

I'm not sure who invented
the word and frankly,
I couldn't even care. No.
I just like the way it sounds,

the emphasis on the cun
harsh as the slamming
of a car door,
followed by the abrupt t

as if that was an afterthought
of its creator. Cunt.

This reminds me of one of the pieces in the Vagina Monologues. :D
I was driving to work. A cold sensation
crept up on me, surprised
and a bit taken aback. Goosebumps
appeared and I felt hot, sticky
all at once. Flashes of history repeated
before my mindseye.

I was horny and so wanting. To turn around
go back home and find relief, or go on
work and just enjoy this feeling,
this desire I had lacked for so long.

I could see freckles, green eyes flashing
and a wicked devilish smile, detouring me on
to an off ramp. Sexually charged, all engines
on blast I drove on.
Confined Spaces

At school we were taught
to keep our metaphors
in confined spaces. Pets
must been seen but not heard.

Images turned sour-grey
when pens and pencils sketched
them. Brains never functioned.
This has all been recorded,

nobody explained why.
And then, when we left, no one
could see colour. The lens
that were taken out stayed in,

recording the colourblind stumbling.
Perhaps we will wake and see
our missing palette,
even in death that would be welcome.

The dreams are slowly coming back
The hawks are soaring again.
Tha attitude is improving,
And now, a grin.
Rustling Chickens

Rust coloured shadows
shift and dissipate

under the speckled sky,
clucking amongst minature

trees. One day this freckled
soil will be theirs. But that

is for evolution to decide,
not I
I said goodbye, once,
a long time ago,
and watched him walk
along the track edge
that led out of town.

I waited.

It took a while
before I realised
he wasn't coming back,
didn't need to come back
to a town that stood
on its own foundations.

Didn't need to come back to me.

(poetry? hmm)
wildsweetone said:
I said goodbye, once,
a long time ago,
and watched him walk
along the track edge
that led out of town.

I waited.

It took a while
before I realised
he wasn't coming back,
didn't need to come back
to a town that stood
on its own foundations.

Didn't need to come back to me.

(poetry? hmm)

yes, I think it is. :D

I love the imagery. I can see you standing, waiting. Knowing he won't but hoping for the moon. The town ... a lot going on there. Again, just great imagery there ~!!! imho ~

RhymeFairy said:
yes, I think it is. :D

I love the imagery. I can see you standing, waiting. Knowing he won't but hoping for the moon. The town ... a lot going on there. Again, just great imagery there ~!!! imho ~


ty for your thoughts.
wildsweetone said:
I said goodbye, once,
a long time ago,
and watched him walk
along the track edge
that led out of town.

I waited.

It took a while
before I realised
he wasn't coming back,
didn't need to come back
to a town that stood
on its own foundations.

Didn't need to come back to me.

(poetry? hmm)

I think it is.... but it leaves me a bit sad.
there's a blue passage
of rite that drags me along
when i click enter
into literotica.

i open a reply box -
faced with a white page
my fingers fly over the keyboard
clattering and rattling the keys
until some semblance of language
plays on the screen
before me, until
letters congeal
into words that clot
my mind and my fingers
race to jam the hands
on the clock before my toe
stubs on the boulder
laying in wait
when my weary eyes close
and i walk on

(bah rubbish)
subliminal message to ***

bite down hard
on my neck as you pin my arms
next to me on the bed
make me beg in grunts and groans
take me, hard fuck me hard harder
take me so I dont have to own
these feelings of discontent
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i want all your cliches
the thrusting, the moaning
the splaying of tender thighs
and whispered longings\
loving siighs
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