all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Hi everybody!

Watch me dance
'round poles of brass
in heels as tall as trees

Slip me some cash
I'll shake my ass
you don't need to say please

I'll tease and flirt
and lift my skirt
and suck your wallet dry

Go forth and sin
come back again
give me another try

You never know
I just might go
right home with you tonite

I think you'll find
your wife won't mind
she works here Friday nights!
Thunderclaps wake me
From my far too little sleep
My natural alarm

Hope springs eternal

Sorry, Mom
You're going to have to
We can fit in your white glove
And my eclectic pieces of
Garage sale furniture
For tomorrow.

Tomorrow is such a very
fort ross
just north
you ballyhooin me to run
naked in the shark water

first steps gettin used
the foam
before long
i swim to Faralons
reverb ears
ribs just fall
abalone fields
down deep

the meal
the salty meal.
I just hipshoot them poems
you say, and give me that
what the hell sidewise look.

I walk away from them I
forget what I've said there's
no dream for a book I'm not

wired that way. Yes, I know
we speak wests amd easts, I
know the nature of our beasts

is the same and so different,
cowboy, city girl climbing
in poems from two windows

on opposite sides of the house--
gunslinger poet meets urban mouse,
fastidious editor. Yes you know it

too, but it's all about satori
for you while I build poems
like sandcastles, scooping

and molding the words into shape
for my eyes while you spit
out your words and sashay,

no second tries. Still I save every
one of your precious words, cowboy,
every day after you walk away.
First submission here.

I heard you were pregnant.
I heard it was mine
Heard it was Ben’s.
Heard you didn’t know whose it was.
I heard you crying about it,
Behind the door of the party room,
Where everyone went on break,
Snuffling and smoking and wiping your eyes.

I heard you hated me.
I heard that’s why you cheated on me
Heard you say that I was the best boyfriend you ever had.
Heard you lying to everyone,
I heard you lie to me,
Behind the locked door of your room,
Where all of us came to lie,
Lie with you, lie to you, get lied to by you.

I heard you were mad at me
I heard you wanted him to kick my ass,
Heard myself telling him I was sorry
Heard myself telling you that you took it too personally,
I heard everyone say that I was an asshole,
Because I wasn’t nice to you after you fucked someone else,
And told me you loved me,
You, with your smiles and your glasses and your comic books.

I heard you tell me you were unhappy
I heard you moan my name
Heard you ask me if it was always this good
Heard you wanted me back
I heard the sigh when I said no
By not talking to you for six months
Because I couldn’t tell you that if you’d cheat on me with him
And then on him, with me… I couldn’t trust you.

I heard you asked about me,
I heard you wondered how I was,
Heard myself laugh at the idea,
Heard people ask me what the fuck that meant
I heard you were unhappy
With what you chose, with yourself
With having to look at me from over his shoulder,
Your arms around his neck.
Don't hang me
on your cross baby I
don't commend my spirit
to anyone but me
I'm neither hope nor an illusion
I didn't crawl out from some fantasy
to repossess your soul

Hell baby I'm not even whole
half the time but incompleted
like a rhyme that didn't fit
I didn't want to start or quit
just hung half finished
by your door like a mezzuzah
with no prayer

I wasn't trying anything
I wasn't really anywhere
when you touched me
and put your hand over the silver
ridges of my hollow pain

Don't look at me
for your redemption
maybe someday you
can make a brucha somewhere else
with someone else again

it wasn't me it wasn't me

I want to be the air
a breeze I want
to just float

I'd like
to put

shiny brass plaque
proudly pushing puns

on the door
of my two room
and one kitcken

but is not limited

Warning, contains nut.

        Mind the gap.

                Not for indoor use.

but do I?
pragma me put ballpoint to paper
wrote nice and neat...

Bell's busted, baby. Knock yourself in.

volcano of wit

the poem i rewrite every six months--

lester leaps in
blues shiver your spine
pulse veins knock back
your nerves jangle
your shake when

lester leaps in
blues shift sighs you
read his story

lonely midnight symphonies
the yearning and turning away

no eyes

just hollow smooth notes
wishful but sure-beated
shrugging careless cool
up down melodic lines when

lester leaps in
blues soar dip south
where the moon looks
lonesome shinin through
those trees where strange fruit
swayed blues wrap round
the worried keys of you
squeezing tears in rhythm
tracked neat down red clay hills
silence passion when

Lester leaps in
to rock you in the cradle
of his promised land
the big fin cars snake
up to clubs smoky
with laugh and clink
hi hat brush and voices
rise fall when

his languid parenthesis
slouches to the spot
stoop shouldered intent
carressing his lady blowing
a quiet blue storm
Heat expands the walls
cracks appear
thin beams of sun carry
a million motes.
Heat shrinks my brain
cracks appear
thin thoughts carry
a million ideas.
It's all just dust
after all.
I have nothing
to offer
to fix what's wrong
no wisdom to soothe
such a quiet ache
a raw pain
that eats at you,
except to say that
you were heard
today and that
in the quiet
of the night
a stranger's tears
fell for you.
another ride

is confusion
a blanket of
grayed-browned fog
choking one's vision
causing tears to
mist salty
as it splashed softly
upon your cheek?

is sadness
a swamped emptiness
pressing heavily
drowning your heart
to slowed beating
until breath
is drawn in slow
crying pained sigh?

is calm logic
echo of black and white
pros, cons
realistic in knowing
it would never last
as life always throws
it's twisting curve
tossing you astrew

for another ride?
it brought me numb
to realise...
that beside our streams
other rivers flow

when we reconstitute
night after night
we just might not know

whose night rewrites
a picture of us
to mould into
another's universe

passer byers utter
under breath
to spellcast flutter
weave a voodoo curse

to snare and seduce
and weave a web
to wait and pray...
for that burning light

it struck me blind
to realise...
someone loved me
just out of sight

it's missing
air, unfresh
humidity hangig,
damp mist,

of mind,
emotions ceased,
wordings hanging
then dropping
in silence

understanding, lost,
senseless meandering,
has anyone
my heart?
well, it's time to start
treading a crunchy path
on those damned eggshells.

should I bother to care
if they get broken
as I walk
to the next moment in my life?

maybe so
maybe so

I guess there are always
gonna be people
who need
one with the rain

hidden from the rain
annoyed avoidance from sound
intruding harsh against thought

tiny rivulets run down
slow one by one
cold damp

then drop my coat,
sitting straight, breathe,
embrace the rain,

rising my arms,
wetness now a cascade
of singular.
one with the rain
Static sparkle crackles between rooftops
and reason on the one meter band.
AC to AM
the old ghosts,
with new found tongues,
call for company.
But they forgot
how to listen.

Tomorrow will find you there,
weeping questions into the ether,
learning to sing in new languages, rhythms, transfer protocols,
handshake, handover
and leafwork whispers.

Historical refugees, philosophy
that can move oceans,
but can not or dare not
dictate messages into a brand new age.

Code of Atlantis,
dreams of America.

They scream in solitude,
drown in each other's holler,
but stand despaired,
in solitude - deaf to the onslaught
and deaf to mankind's white noise,
spawning new gods to neglect,
every passing minute.
raw material

young one. a girl
with ideas and hopes
she dreamt her way to this
he tamed her tongue
numbed her brain
and now complains
she isn't good enough

she is what he made her
made in time to bear
his child, he sowed and
she waited a while
he decided to come
home, wearied and gray

pity the weakling she was
no more
pity the fool his still is

now she dreams
of green eyes waiting,
patience is enduring
an endearing love,
he has grasped me
with absence of time
collared me without
a single word
and this time, the choice
is completely mine
neighbor, say what?

Mungo built a subdivision
we all looked on with gross derision
vinyl siding, bad enough
bring on the brick, it lasts
its tough

there are perks, you say? yes
no bushes in the way and
I stood at my kitchen window
blind half way raised in wonder
that man came out, in all his glory
spraying for skeeters
in just his unders

I thought, okay, hes kinda weird
but I couldnt stop a lookin
and when he peeled his whiteys off
thats hwen I got to humpin

the cabinet door, fucking too sharp
I went out side and called him
Hey you, with hose in hand
you have a problem dear
your ne wneighbor is hurtin and youre
just standing there

he replied he was complying
with the ordinance, total pest control
then he pulled out his peter
and came on a skeeter-
I spilt all my juice on my nice
clean lawn

form that day forward
we kill skeeters together
I never thought I'd find a man
who was happy to have jusy one
extra hand, but I did and now
I sit back and watch, as he perfects
that lovely yard, his hand on my crotch

I have to say, its a lovely day
and I dont even care if youre laffing
cause the purpose of this insanity plea,
it to keep the inevitable from happenin'

krazee, Im krazee for feeling so hornee
Im crazy for whining, Im krazee for pinin
and Im krazee for lovin that freak

( sorry patsy;)
In a dream
I couldn’t pinch myself out of
I combed the wild blonde curls
From a tender head
And stroked a cheek
Soft with so little time on this earth,
Watched two small eyes
Droop with the heavy sands of sleep

I boxed that picture up
With a ring I still can’t wear
Because the garnet burns too hotly.
A grey-green picture
Of Kansas-dry heat
Across a dingy ranch-style home
That I can’t go back to,
And a note in charcoal grey
That fades with every year.

Not that I would know.

I don’t

And I don’t

It’s a Skechers box
Pock marked from shoving it further
Back into the distance of a
Walk in closet
The distance of time
The distance of memory too sweet to bear

And I realize
That I rarely
Dust it off
Because the blue of this
Is that all that distinguishes
That life,
That love,
That surrogate motherhood
From just a dream I couldn’t
Pinch myself out of

Is a box
Stuffed in a corner
That contains three items
That I couldn’t even share
With you

My blood doesn’t fire hot
When you imply I do not know
What the smoothness
Of a too-young cheek
Draped in wild blonde curls
Feels like

I didn’t
Master, please

Master I ve been bad, please punish me-
I came without permission, punish me-
I think of sex when my eyes open,
again when they are closed-please punish me.
I swallowed your cum, without your looking,
I licked your balls, while you were sleeping,
I sniffed your armpits, and licked your face,
and dreamt that you sat on my face,
Dear sweet Master, please!!
punish me
bitter winters then
sandpaper sweat in
yellowjackety july,
rewind -

the 4 pm bank
of fog all
air conditioned in
cross countries
past mississippis
and turqoise albequerques, across
fuelfilter nevadas and
the denver descendings into
razorback dogdays
after navajo

oh south,
further south
of this no north remembering
and some
and then scattered now as
oceans perspired,
sea upon shining sea.
when the sky darken
blue black
moon a bright
glowing deacon
stars a dancing delight

who sits on the grass
in dampness of dew
looking down
a gently sloping hill
to a darker swirling

shadow of the river
occasionally tossing a pebble
reflecting on reflections
of ripples
caused by this
one tiny stone
Euphoria, Depression
Optimism, Pessimism
Love, Feigned Indifference.
The past, present, & future
wage war over me.

Ripped apart
by carrion vultures of my own creation
Silent screams
whisper across my soul.

I cling desperately to my smile -
to what remains of who I once was,
the carefree innocence
darkly dreaming of brighter tomorrows.

Impatiently waiting for my prince
Finally I give up the hope
reshape my future
my dreams...

Sword in hand
I charge into the melee of life
searching for a rogue to conquer
a gentleman to rescue.

On Courage's steed I hunt you
softly, gently, slowly
the sweetest prey
in need of saving.

Sword glistening in the moonlight
I set you free
Convinced of fairytales to come,
shocked when you depart.

Sword sheathed
passion checked
the moment passes
You are your own.

Haunted by memories
I search you out once more
realising that it is I who is now trapped
the prey has made me his prisoner.

With gossamer binds
you draw me to you
an elusive dream
incomprehensible to my heart.

The yarn continues to weave its spell
with us somewhere in between
chance dictates our future
I wait with baited breath...

in a Hunter's Purgatory
Dios! There is almost nothing
left. Almost nothing.
A tiny locket with a child's photo,
a grandmother's Mogan David,
bits of gold on chains
flashing like memory.

There is almost nothing
left but night and breeze
blown through one small window,
and these worth more
than gold because darkness
is peace and wind blows sorrow
off the body in little gusts
of forgetting.

What more can be taken?
Dios, what more? Perhaps
even you will be carried away,
your smile and sad eyes
receding like the last tides of day,
pulled from me, and you Dios
are a clown, it seems, in big shoes,
with a seltzer bottle in one hand
and Divine Providence in the other,
waiting to be thrown in my face,
like a pie full of shaving cream.
love all

it was love
when Pandora’s box
was closed
for even a second

the mind restful
haunted tearing scream
silenced, now adored…once

hushed and gentle
look of kindness,
a caring gentle
stroke of your eyes
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