all of a sudden passion suddenly

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An early fall chills morning rays
but we stay warm
taking turns
kissing curves under flannel

slowly this world
has stopped spinning
so acerbically
out of control

a gasp perceived
rushed breath indrawn
eyes flickered open
then again closed

squinting through
harsh grating sunlight
black and grey
only seen in this void

vacant music
now finds nuance
poised to strike
at first discordant chords

rhythm quickens, found enriching
a hastened quiet flex,
foxtrot not far
from candle fold

hurricanes all have names
recurrent with sadistic winds
a much more severe coil
at the south pole
Inconvenience or Cataclysm

Who would you rather be?


My quiet home invaded
by sincere yet naive invitation
My life upended
Suddenly surrounded by strange bodies,
barking dogs and meowing cats
litters of puppies and kittens
spilling out of the garage
and into the house
outside the door
and under the beds
the only refuge
behind my bedroom’s closed door

Or my cousin

Her life upended
the phone call came uninvited
informing her and her husband
of three bodies found
their daughter, and my cousin’s sister
both found stabbed, the brother in law
hanging from the rafters
blood and death spilling out of the house
into their lives
haunting their hearts
no refuge
only tears and tears and tears
Re: Inconvenience or Cataclysm

tungtied2u said:
Who would you rather be?


My quiet home invaded
by sincere yet naive invitation
My life upended
Suddenly surrounded by strange bodies,
barking dogs and meowing cats
litters of puppies and kittens
spilling out of the garage
and into the house
outside the door
and under the beds
the only refuge
behind my bedroom’s closed door

Or my cousin

Her life upended
the phone call came uninvited
informing her and her husband
of three bodies found
their daughter, and my cousin’s sister
both found stabbed, the brother in law
hanging from the rafters
blood and death spilling out of the house
into their lives
haunting their hearts
no refuge
only tears and tears and tears

It ends and it never
ends the images of blood
and the screams echo
and there is no reason
for guilt but years of why
why why flood you with
sorrow maybe you should
have something and this
is illusion because we don't
live inside each other much
as we may want to it never
ends but one day instead
of blood and police searchlights
freezing your imagination
instead a flower and you
remember some long ago
morning in a sunny yard
when you held that flower
under her chin and said
Do you like butter?
and that is healing.

:heart: with you sweety
blight on the wanking tree

sad man tree stood
in his velveteen forest,
wrinkled pajamas cast off, by the bed

innocent hands all covered
with blood and
slivers of moon were ballroom dancing
across his balding head

and then the moon fell down,
two stories ago
landed at his heels in dismay
though no more bark to be gently peeled
from the trunk of his wanking tree
he stood erect, so the shadows could see

the man had remained,
blistered palm and ruddy cheeks
stoic, by the midnight see
I never knew
anyone like you:
the mixture of utter disregard
for authority, fearlessness,
but such gentle eyes
and the way you cup flowers
in those huge hands, comment
on the leaves changing,
touch my back lightly, asking

are you ok?

Sometimes sadness
almost knocks you down,
but you sing, dance, laugh,
read Dante and Kerouac.

You write poetry rat-a-tat,
like a Renaissance gunslinger,
tears in your eyes, then go
totally guy, sportszilla,
sleeping with that remote
clutched tight in your fingers.

Who knows what love is
anymore? We've both been flung
through so many storms
before and since, but cling
to the calm in our alternating

and get through, get through.
I'd do anything for you, too,
but you know all this
and more.
Light rain on the deck,
chrysanthemums dewy
in wet terracotta skirts.

The dirt smells clean.
Sniff and the world
smells healthy
wet grass good.

I lean on the rail.
The nearest pine towers,
spread wide, a bold tree.
There, moonlit, I loom,
the curve of my hair
outlined, long nightgown,
bent elbows silhouetted.

I'm enchanted with stars,
the night and my shadow.
I want to make rabbit ears
and flying birds, dance
as if I'm six again, performing
alone in Cadwalader Park
on the bandshell stage,
dancing, singing
for robins and squirrels.

My shadow smiles.

Even if I can't see it,
I know it's wry
because this must be
how Peter Pan felt
when he grew up.
at the tip of my tongue
hung a scandalous thought
too terrible and too tasty
to either choke back
or spit out

slick and stinky
sweet and soft
it lingered on confused buds
sending scrambled signals back
up to my super ego
unable to forego
it's own reaction
and sickening satisfaction
in all fruity forbidden fabulous
fuckitall fanfare
fnah fnah

a kickstart to my cowering libido
a trigger to my stomach turning
all at once
all the same
in a moment
just behind
my teeth

a scandalous, scavenous,
cosmic scale idea
idealism in grand golden bloom
through inversion to perversion
so disturbing, so alluring

one of those fucked up things
on a renegade streaking raid
from my subhuman supercultural

those things that we think
but can't even write
poetry about

but damn, so terribly dangerous
delectably delicious,
this delirium desperado
to wipe tears with a snot stained napkin

x-cuse moi
i flunked up

it wasn't supposed
to make you all wry
and all cry
like that

you know that

i just danced
to another melody

like a "do unto others
as you wish to be done"
for a masochist

o yay
howdy ho
the way good intentions
sometimes go

it was the 5 pints
on an empty stomach
and painkillers

it was the
10 point sight
of the outside
of your

it was the full moon
(is it full moon?)
and the rising tide
(or something or the other)

and a failure
a fumble
followed by both tumble
and mumble
of this erratic apology

apology, mark my words
not excuse
cuz it ain't no use
to sing that song
when i know
as the rest of the room
that i'm just plain
ding dong wrong

no malicice y'know
rite? ayit?
just a dumbass blow
too slow to react
until lect projectile
from lips
that woulda shoulds coulda
been sealed

and u will
i am sure
(i so hope)
that a good night
of snoozing your way
to a sunny sunday morning
will too make you see

there is not a bad bone
(though one reduntant or three)
in this carbon based unit
entireness of me,

for darkmaas

a horse is a horse
of course, of course
an animal without
remorse, remorse
who in one stunning
twist can break a man's
wrist, jumping through
its natural habit of force.
as we slog through the Cape Breton marshes
we hear the cry of the poetic Angeline bird
as she calls for her Canadian
dark maas

moving on to the wooded slopes of the Gagetown hills
as the poetic Angeline bird
wings through the sky,
dark maassss

maple bush and ancient mount adorning
Quebec and the Eastern Townships
surely she's getting closer
to the comfort of a Canadian
dark maaaassss

inexplicably a magnetic quirk fluxes
the migration northward
over shield rock and giant meltwater puddles
left over from a glacial wilderness passage
dark mmmmaaaassss

a bird can fly forever through blue prairie sky
and forget that the plain comes to an end
as it washes up against the rocky shore
outlining the shape of Alberta's border
darrrrk mmmmaaaassss

glide up those mountainsides
and soar out to the coast
and orca pods migrating north
searching for Angeline bird's Canadian
daaaarrrrk mmmmaaaassss

only to realize that she's come to far
and instead of one, she's found
a nation of Angeline bird's Canadian
dark maas
I search through these letters
these colors names
what meaning beyond

all I can say is fingers live here
fingers die here

just like every place
just like every place


She doesn't make a sound
and yet
the distinct sound
of her heart breaking
is deafening.

My chest tightens
painful pressure
to speak
to help
to soothe

I just want it to go away,
she says
Please make it go away


Anger fills me
for I am useless
No words, no actions,
nothing on earth
will make it go away

The end is near
but even then
it will not go away
The pain will stay
hurting and haunting


Arms outstretched
fingers grasping
at thin air
Sharp pains within
remind of uselessness
and distance


Tears fall
heavy as the reality
of life and death
Unstoppable and silent
they speak volumes.

Just saw pics on TV from Cuba in "between hurricanes" mode...

skies never parted
like this moment
overlayed orbit
catalysed chaos
on the tiniest of swirls
like bubbles trickling
from a soda glass
of a string
of cosmic pearls

huddle, man
under the power
of a turning tide
so cataclysmic
to the anthill of us
but yet
just a ripple on this
faint fragile surface

hammerblows echo
from street to street
with a "next year" vow
of steel and stone
if you have'em

and if not

huddle, man
under the power
that can bring us all
down to primal notch
of civilisation
Sketches of Spain blown from a horn
smoky blue, painted on Montserrat skies,
drift, echo Catalonia, curve worn

as ancient steps in villages. Paginas torn
from books I never read. Whisper tribal cries
sketches of Spain blown from a horn

in weary cracks of covenant once sworn
to burning bush, memory bone-bred in sighs,
drift, echo Catalonia, curve worn,

but smoothed by bass tones, forlorn,
craggy as Costa Brava stone, dark as eyes.
Sketches of Spain blown from a horn,

flamenco sketches sung from miles, mourn
for Africa where some beginning lies.
Drift, echo Catalonia, curve worn

like lace and light as ghosts reborn,
mixed in me and you and music. Arise
sketches of Spain blown from a horn,
drift, echo Catalonia, curve worn.
Only time

He sat at the table
Around him, well- wishers and family
Engaged in small talk,
catching up on the past
grieving the present
smiles and sadness
mixing in confused synchronicity

But he was absent
A captive of his own horror show
I took him outside
Where he detailed the nightmare he now lived with
The bloodstained sheets
The dagger through the heart
The face so badly beaten
Dental records were needed to identify her

This girl whose smiles had blessed his life
for forty years
Whose eyes had sparkled each time she saw him
And lips had spoken I love you a thousand times

No longer could he think of one without the other
His greatest joy now tortured every second
of every minute
of every hour
And all he had left was time
I slept on Mount Serraut
charred mary stirred my fetus
dizzying me into exhaustion

altitude and growing a new human
from seed can tire a woman
climbing the moutain
stations of the cross
with a view

nuns in habit and rebok
town ladies in summer dress and heels
take the bus with us from Barcelona
I felt the tilt

I sleep on the bench
outside the museum
children kick gravel
and chase the pigeons
just like venice
london they tend to feed them
in the movies
train stations night
no matter what language
they are there

and if on mars
children would take on this winged plaything
while pregnant women sleep
while they can
lift a fingertip to that smirk
and my body

you sit
I exhale

head follows like a penguin
to a flashlight

curled at your feet
waiting for a scratch
back arching stroke
waiting for your request
hoping it is something I really
do not desire
so I know
it is all

that is my desire
just to be for you
take this in your teeth
hold hold with pull and promise
you will make me believe that you really could do it

make me see my blood on tongue
while I wait for the clean release
midnight blue shattered
fragmented dreams,
sheets colored fresh
crisp, clean air

hair gliding cloudy
flesh hued haze
miles of you
clinging to me

witching hour cackled
heat of a banked fire
alpha moon moaned
then howled over the lake

pitching, tripped
and rippled again
stirring satiny scarlet wisps
to sigh and wither into liquid

black water curled
in repressed aggression
eyes of panther piercing ease
a predator with eternity

mahogany autumn
sighing in darkened shadows
a willing captive
tender, eager, hungry
one wisch

it’s a June rain barefoot thing
past the undertow into the waves
girls do pilates under soft Atlantic sun
and I just want to run,
and run and run
along the sand along the dunes
deer flies in pursuit, pursuit
ghost crabs digging holes,
in search of food, yes toes are good
and high tide brought sand dollars-
can we trade them for an hour of us?

beneath the star shine,
barter with old Father Time,
perhaps he'll whisk us up
into a wisp
of sea smoke, clouded treasure
in flight along side,
winged and sacred summer wishes-
loving me once, would last forever
Rest in Peace

In the hearts and minds of friends and family
Rest the remains of our dearly departed
Fragile psyches and sickened stomachs
Strain to cope and understand
As waves of anquish and joy alternate
Wash over and recede, reminding
of their presence so abruptly removed

Eddies of emotion capture us, spin us
Drag us to unfathomable depths of despair
We struggle to surface,gasp, breathe in
Fill our lungs with memories of times together
Moments overflowing with laughter, love, smiles and sunshine
Which bouy our spirits and heal our souls.

pedaling passion

pumping thighs
then sigh euphoric
coming down
from radio-tower high
I was a mother once, twice
I remember the flutter and kick
that morphed into heartburn
preceding myself with my skin
encased package my secret
world and inner smiles the music
I played thinking you listen now
and what I fed us the fear and
anticipation flying between
joy unbridled and terror barely
leashed the alien sensation
of peeing but not and oh
my water broke and hours
hours hours of trembling
straining against my contorted
self vomiting from my tiny
compressed stomach hallucinating
Grandma, they said don't
push, but my whole body
is screaming for it
and her gone
fifteen years but I saw her smile
at me and I knew she came just
that once to say I'd get through
it I remember yes I remember this
pain and blood tears the sweating
with my knees against my chin
and once, twice a little creature
laid at my breast and the untenable
love that obliterates pain blossoms
like miles of flowers opening
at once they never close I am
still a mother it cannot be taken.
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