all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Tathagata said:
the full march moon
difused by wanting clouds
of spring

shines against
yearning tree branches

this stillness
is all there is


and a night breezes makes
the moon wave

The moon is a silver dollar
standing liberty in the sky.
Life and death matter to moon
no more than ham on rye,
and everything changes anyway
from fingernail to orb,
and nothing changes anymore
as if the months absorb
the clouds of strife and stride,
the falling rain and windy sigh
that rustle through the ghosts
of leaves, and blink
in a cat's green eye.

afterthe pruning ( of the family tree)

I might have known you yesterday,
hands in pockets, fingering dimes
Dwight’s face a tactile memory

Do you recall pigtailed sisters, waiting
for the five o’clock train, bicycles propped
against a crepe myrtle tree?

I might have recognized your footfall,
plotting escape from attitude adjustment
class, held in the empty music room
at the end of the five hundred hall

I never felt the emptiness
that radiated from your broken stare,
I never felt the sting of the strap,
you got for just being there,
and I never felt more alone
than I did when our parents were here

I might have known your face
had we met one another,
just our faces, our two faces
separate from the mass of bodies
in the clawing, writhing crowd

But you are my brother, the one
who broke my mirrors and dolls,
the one who called me a slut and promised
to feed me when no one else would,

you are my brother as you are
the homeless, the con man, the blackest sheep,
the knower of things that never made sense,
you are my brother and I haven’t seen you
in so long, I know you better than ever

and I have come to ask you, what sins
make a person whole, what sins
can send a person’s soul to Hell,
what sins are borne upon the whistler’s back
when the winter wind pauses
to listen for Spring,

it is Life, it is a glistening, it is
a song when there is no joy, it is
a smile where there was no hope, it is
a glimmer of light in the darkest of caves,
on the darkest of days,
This corpse,
all puppet, string and cross,
dug obediently into a crowdpleasing embarrassment
before bowing out
in flamboyant hyperbole
like class acts once could.

Thus I apologize,
a pretty charde,
but no redeeming values.

Values are for flaunting campaigners anyway.
Nothing to concern
the sleepless.

At least not this corpse,
dancing merrily on.

winter days all ran together
tired im tired of living
in a dark, damp hole of a hell
no light, nothing but white
and pale, pale pale

bbutwhatout, he comes the spring
and marias head like a crocus
peeking, afraid, hoping winter has curled
into limpness and died her fragile death

bring on the frogs and bumbles
smother me in pollen, fallen in rain
from the testicle sacs of gnarly scrub oaks
who cares if breath is a labor,
is a labor of love, for love of light
and green, for love of all
living things, give me, give me
give me spring
Sickness makes me selfish
turning inward
avoiding eye contact.
I eat words
on the page in
the air and
spoken kindly to
mollify my misery.
Chills shake me
dreams wake me
and still I crave care.
the cruel reality of threads of tease
without relief
new images of love lost
take me to the edge
but no one to take me over

lover asleep, too ill to wake

I need the touch
some nights
poetry is a cruel placebo
trying to write something sexy....

baby give me something to work with here
what are you into
I mean besides the black lace stockings
high narrow heel
the fuck me from behind wake me into a dream
or make me beg muffled in my husbands pillow

come on baby there has to be more
give me someting more
you want me

for what

hold you stead with aim
into bowl
wipe me with softest cotton sheets?

smack my between tender places

what color makes you hard
without context
what images can I weave into these words

want me harness and bit
dog collar loyal
feather in hand
blood restriction
oxygen deprivation
don't tell me wine and roses
maybe fuck me with the bottle
scar me with the thorns

baby give me something to work with here

suckle and cry for mama
trade panties and briefs
watch me taste my own cotton panel
taking back what I have made for you

shave your ass
latex gloved
vinyl sheath
primed fishing line

watching two men fucking
you and me on the sidelines
holding back the desire to join
and fight for cock

come tell me baby
anything, anything
At it again, I can hear it
first a tap, tap
a moan
then an octave higher.

Whatever he is doing,
she likes it, "Ya
that's it, do it harder!"

And he obliges, a headboard knock
bang, bang

Faster, harder!

He does, grunts
from the other side
she cries.

~ In our room, it is quiet.

Only for moment, I think
sly grin spreading, be casual
slow, ever seduce

kiss her ear

"Don't be coy," she says
"I know they turned you on."

True. Voyeurs can hear
just as well as they can see,
but I'm not the only one

she is too, I feel
ready, foreplay already heard.
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I need a quiet time
am I the only one in the house begging for a moment

see--words will not even come from fingers
I want a time out
send me to myu room until I have had a chance
to think it over

I will let you know when I am ready.

jumping back into the fray
no school today
In pain, in despair, grieving,

Longing for what is lost,
Only to find more tears,
Virtuous forgiveness
Ends without apologies.

Yesterday gives way to tomorrow,
Only now filled with loneliness,
Understanding, BLUDGEONED by ANGER

Share with me, show me you care,
Allow me to believe,
Love me without lashing out,
Destruction, or horror,
Nor shortcomings, or Unforgiving Mistakes
Even God tells us to ask for forgiveness.

G :heart: D
I love
your old Mick Jagger lip,
your saddest eye, I even
loved you when you got the sty
and all the days that piled up
to now and all the days to come
in glorious discordant harmony.

I even loved you when you lied to me.

I loved you, love you always
even as I can't explain
how blind affection eats
up pain, with all our loopy
foibles on parade, the rain
of tears, the hail of circumstance,
the passion that surpasses
frail romance and comes to grow
as though a flower in a sidewalk
crack and hears your song
even when music fails
and holds you tight
even when reason pales.
The crush of bodies shufffling feet and reach,
murmur of half-heard conversations, press
of recycled air. Today, I feel like I could
disappear. I turn the volume up and try
to stretch out inside the headphones.
But the rattle of the train and the push of jostled arms
constrict me. I can't breath, as space condenses
I feel large, bulging flesh inside a shrinking cocoon.

I sing to myself to stop my disintegration
and the impulse to sing loudly, obnoxiously
is hard to resist. Like the woman who plays
the harmonica, a few bars at a time, puunctuated
by long rambling discourses on learning
to play the harmonica, her plastic bags of possessions
and anyone in proximity her reluctant students;
or the man who stands on one foot in the crowded
subway car, a balancing act, a fountain statue
spuoting words inflected with pain and confusion
and loss and longing, ignorance and madness and
flecks of spit, his thin tie hanging down, his wiry frame
stumbling to maintain control as the train rumbles through tunnels.
Arms stretched out, leaned forward, he is flying, he's standing still.
His presence won't be denied, snuffed out, although
even I ignore him.
A Pink Pogoda kiss, stained
her mocha ringed napkin.
Call me, 555-4393
she wrote with my pen.

I wouldn't, but traced
the bow
the full curve of lower lip.

Less innocent images inspired
longhand, blue-black fantasy.

Words like her smile, wrapped
around my cock in an 'O'
where she sucked and I free-flowed
one stanza after the other.

Some caressed slow while more
thrust their point, dotting i's
hard, all the way through.

The last line written,
I imagined, she smiled
long after the imprint.

Then I tucked her into an
empty cup and tossed her away.
To null and void the expression
doesn't make it less than zero.

It is nothing. We can't exist without
imagination and if we did
the planet, it turns and turns, turns

until we miss it. Perception
is sucked into a black hole,
trapping us in a vacum.

Everything narrows to a pinpoint
flashes to black, but still hums
static charged, collecting dust.

And later, we wonder if it was real
or insomnia—a late night in T.V. Land.
Tiny feet,
A view from gargantuan shoulders
Within whispering distance
to the equator and

Closer still to waiting it out,
The return of the finches-
As Swallows bear down on the river
And the moss on the hedgewall
Becomes a greener Green.

The wheelbarrow lasted the winter-
Wait out the thaw
leaning like that.
there must be something in here


nope that is not it

flat roof raindrops
no exit

sarte or camus
rooftop canoe

aruge over who thought of it first
it certainly was not me

i imagine drilling through letting the puddle fall

drawn and quartered we each
grow to take you on
power knocked to his knees

bound for confession of names
Sarah daughter of Sharon
Elizabeth mother of Kate
Constance wife of Abe

with lash and probe for every sin,
your sin this time

marble crumbles
into powder
fizzes under my acid tongue

you tighten upon her intrusion
squint at the flash
moisten under the view

until this tower of women
falls to their knees
and take your release
on open skin,
re-establish the balance

*I cheated and edited a little on the go. For example, I forgot the m in example and hit backspace to fix it. I did not have enough caffien today. No excuses.
my intention
blurry at best
but only when
i recall
how to read
like braille

my precious
beauty of a man
leaves me to

lost in some
far off day
Isn't it amazing how in life and in love blurry seems to be one of the best, & the worst, descriptive terms *sigh*


Confusion abounds,
punctuated by fiery caresses
and forceful kisses.

Boundaries blur,
as you push the threshold
of my limitations.

Tempted to surge forward,
tempted to pull back.
No regrets - yet...

Time hides tomorrow's secrets,
I hide my tears
& hesitantly turn away.

Poetry, my friends and brothers,
Comes not quickly nor hastily.
Take your time, like patient lovers,
Try using all your faculties.
piercing the labia of light

Pink Amaryllis ,the intruder from beneath
soil and sand, and usually obscured from sight.

Her succulent spikes were olive green
impaling an early, April sky.

The rising sun was a scorching jewel
on the belly of the body of light, and

Clouds separated, like sea foam departing
as darkness receded, pulling her skin back tight.

And the bold sky was taunted, became taut and bluer,
the sun quivered as if exploding.

And wisteria blossoms were amethyst charms,
unleashing a secret, in the wind’s burly laughter

Amaryllis has a belt made of diamonds

And she’ll wear it when the day falls prey
to the patience of night.
thin sliced like HM under the scope
scan the slide to see what is missing

what has gone awry
where lies the dysfunction

I just want to say

what is missing

baby you are a buffet without labels
in opaque metal boxes

lift the lid
show me what you got
these steamed temptations kept warm
over the water bath

do I trust you enough
open mouth bluind
waiting to be fed

just a thin cross section
I need a taste
drop on tongue
promises of submersion
Trent_Dutch said:
Poetry, my friends and brothers,
Comes not quickly nor hastily.
Take your time, like patient lovers,
Try using all your faculties.

there is a time for patient lovers and there is a time for
pull over right here bastard
fuck me fender pressed
fingers feeling for roof rack clench while legs are


off the ground

just fuck me now

fuck my anger with your frustration
bite my shoulder with the teeth of ancesteral beast

jeans around ankles
"spread em"

take me with the authority of the intention
that refuses to be possibility only
release the pressure of being in charge
fuck me without the burden of decision
suggestion or hint of how I want it
so tired of faking answers today.

don't say my name
don;t say

save the aptient lover for tonight
under floral sheets,
spoon feed me rocky road trace chin with finger
tell me what feels good baby
take time
like patient lovers do best

after having fucked with their clothes on
faster than it took to write this thing


which is not poetry

it is just fucking keys with fingers
eyes closed and click

now get me some goddamn ice cream
Spring Forward

then she takes her bow low
kind of ironic to bow to those who worship

you are my favorite
no you are MY favorite

I love you

I love YOU more

not sure where this injury originated, this circle on my wrist that will not heal
I do not let it

apply neosporin until it gets better and reexpose

this is what I want to write

what comes out what comes out of the madmans mouth
is mine to trickle down
through floorboards catch it crack it stack it up and see how it measures
against sanity

I Wrtie this all to stop myself from writing

goddamn someone's tongue should be sliding down the line of my smooth wet pussy so finely prepared and why cant it be my own

if only the reach
least I can get a taste
you will give me a taste

you promised
up through the hole through the family room where pipes used to run from something who knows?

the words that drip from a mad mans mouth drizzle down like a confectionary glaze

and this is what I pour for you now.

it is what I want to write
fuck rivers and seasons and death
fuck whatever pressed this anger into my blissfully neurotic oops think of another word

blissfully psychotic no maybe blissfully crazy mania

damn it the upswings never last long enough

give me my damn hour back I could have used it
yesterday "never happens man
it's all the same fucking day"

I still got more brown than grey
ripping off Janis Joplin on a time trip
skip me down the cobblestone
because I want to hear you say that one more time

skip me down the cobblestone
crack another pair of stilettos
throw the points off the George Washington Bridge
barefoot hobble back down to the place he slept

that one night, I am sure you remember it
the night the president slept here
horse hoof and cobblestone and the mother lovin liberty bell
raise it to the rafters boys! Raise it to the rafters

leave it to the sky
afterall poems that start with

YESTERDAY always suck

without exception
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