all of a sudden passion suddenly

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still not accepting sprintgtimes arrival and here it is today petals fall like paper snow sweat beads under helmet short sleeve short brushburned knee and summer summer summer sprinklers on the yard. still not ready to believe that this thing called spring exists and here it has already fallen damn it another year it passes to busy in the pleasure to feel the truth as it melts into the stream
another year
blue wire shocksthrough
and this mild mannered lady
anger violence threats and yes ATTACK

press the red button and
run with out reason until
yellow flows electricity and she swears that she speaks to window yet all that emerges is glaper stankin looooo

and baby you press me black spark the emersion of drool
and distraction this buzz you send to hindbrain crackles
its just electrical baby, andthat is no shock,
I reached into the night
to thread stars together,
stitched with needles of rain.
These melted six flames
to the sleeves of comfort,
and I am buttoned
in the essence of stars,
buttoned against darkness.

My shoulders are wrapped
in comfort which I need
not understand. Some mysteries
do not require solving.

Have I told you
how many years lined my face
since a fortune-teller showed me
The Maiden whose calm eyes
belied her supplicant palms?

Have I told you
about my angels,
the old man, the defiled maiden
whose dying tears
have since lit the sky
with brilliance?

Threads of this robe,
warm as hammered gold
are sown from the sorrows
of constellations
that I never knew
sheltered me always
in Simcha.
just fucking ask
yours for the taking

thick'ning relation
as i spread myself
thin as rice paper
tearing more
with each
bare footed step
don't you dare
spare the rod
i can't feel
but you

my lips curl
in a snarl
as i nip at the ankles
of some fucking ghost.
he's the one thing
to make my breath stop,
reaching for the moon
my back arched reaching for him
my flesh sears where I imagine his touch
cravings falling unanswered in the tears
squeezed from my eyes
the screams caught in my throat
that unanswered empty pain deep
between my legs that scissor in agony
and clutch my hands as I rock
with orgasms unending leaving me
unsatisfied and angry and clawing my
way toward another and another
til I fall in a mindless heap...

Andy Garcia... aarrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Tathagata said:
abe vigoda??

I have to answer in a poem
with some degree of passion
this is true I must be faithful
to my dear spirit Douglas
but um Diet Coke spew.

Thought I'd write sum.
Wrote a line.
Wrote another.
Doin' fine.

Wrote a third one,
what a flow!
Number five then,
here we go.

Say where went my
number four?
Had to skip it
to make sure

I would not run
out of pen,
and start back at
one again.
fresh squeezed

rolled under your hands, marked for creation
my pulp breaks down
skin separates from flesh
and waits for the straw to pierce through
drink it down fresh
been walking through the day
with urge and ache and distraction

you are not home

you are not home still

I dig substitutions from my mind
and red box under boxsprings

we flicker projections
pass through scenic overshoots
slide show inspiration

press pinch pause explore
ache for over intensity
over stretch over board over exposure
overkill over extend

when it is over
slide and release and depart,
roll and sleep in my own wet spot
glorious dizzy

replaced by different aches
an empty mailbox grinned soulless
bill tongue lolling out, but empty
of tidbits, trinkets, elaborate labors
of whatever would tickle the fancy

the skill of licking an evelope shut
so that a taste of you will linger
on the fingertips of the reciever
absently biting a nail, feeling something

the magick in pouring blood and fire
onto pergament so that it ignites
just right, in the trembling hands
of whose eyes only you bled

the art of touch, of sucking into skin
a far route away, and hear the gasp
see lids close as if hands were there
reaching up from a quilled statement

an empty mailbox grinned soulless,
spoke hollow words of patience
of tomorrow, or possible excuses
fot another teeth grinding delay

but who can comfort panic, a sweet
suspension by correspondence
a hammering heart too full to collape
and a focus lived in sparse explosions

I am
not that
or the
to straighten
out this Gordian
knot. No, I am not
to shine
with stars,
with glitter in
children's hearts,
I'm not prepared for
such a treason, to taint
with unfair
accusations all
wrenched from reason.
Not when you know what
to you,

Huh, not sure what got me in the christmas mood all of a sudden, but there you have it.

"Walk with me."
and we'll seek a better world
where even though
death is still a part of living
tears shall be no more.

"Walk with me."
The child within wants to hold
your hand tight in hers
and know that even though
the path is new
the way is not forgotten.

"Walk with me."
and when we've come full circle
rest a while and look
back on all we've seen.
All we've been is hidden
just around the bend

"Walk with me."
until I can walk no more.
My love, I only ask
that when journey's end
has brought us
to the winter's shore
that you rest with me,
for without you,
I will walk no more.

I only asked you
where your fucking
head is.

No need to go all rabid ninja
on my ass.

I only suggested
you mebbe left it
back there
in the gutter
with your spine,
or in the dumps
with your heart.

So what's with the hissy fit,
flimsy thing?

Bad hair day? Undies too tight? Ants in pants?

Just trying to help, me.
Nothing to huff
and puff about
like that.
Liar said:

I only asked you
where your fucking
head is.

No need to go all rabid ninja
on my ass.

I only suggested
you mebbe left it
back there
in the gutter
with your spine,
or in the dumps
with your heart.

So what's with the hissy fit,
flimsy thing?

Bad hair day? Undies too tight? Ants in pants?

Just trying to help, me.
Nothing to huff
and puff about
like that.

my undies are too tight
I noticed right after
we said anoyther happy birthday and you knew as always
what was in teh bag

my undies are too toght

waits through the leg hole
damn things cant tell which way is up
This is not a public servife announcemnt

self promotional special deal
buy one tit get the ass for free in your face
Chiquita dance

glossed over polyurethane sheen
soda can streched ass freak show

yeah I know
people can only buy what you sell them
dont promise to suck cock
suck cock
suck cock
and expect a smile what you reschedule open necked felatio
for a dissertation defense

so whatever, I said
suck your cock
three times
just rub my pretty little head and of course
it will come true

swallow with the once a slut alwaysa slut smile waiting for the smack ass bitch slap for something that went wrong

this is not a public service announcement

this is the string pulled tightthat holds me in

these are the things that disappear
My best girl bemoans the loss
of a cookie-eating cookie monster.

We type rubber duckie lyrics
and remember how to laugh
like we did the night she sang
I Found a New Way to Walk
and danced on my back.

I have two tears,
one for survival, one for healing
that slide from my chin and thin
in a bridge stretched for 1,000 miles
to eyes that look like mine.
I am joining the bemoaning
what do they think they are doing taking the cookie from the monster?
it is unheard of
uncalled for

will they send Oscar to finishing school?
put him on welbutrin?

will they make Burt and Ernie get separate bedrooms
or pretty little wives to hide their obvious preference?

Angeline said:
My best girl bemoans the loss
of a cookie-eating cookie monster.

We type rubber duckie lyrics
and remember how to laugh
like we did the night she sang
I Found a New Way to Walk
and danced on my back.

I have two tears,
one for survival, one for healing
that slide from my chin and thin
in a bridge stretched for 1,000 miles
to eyes that look like mine.
cock suck
unyielding fuck
pushin' for more
that anyone's got
life suck
don't give a fuck
all i want is
all you've got
can't stop
cause i'm not ready
i haven't felt enough
of the burden
i cause my self
i take out my trash
on wednesday nights
but it's always still there
on thursday morning
won't heed your warning
my need
to bleed
you dry and vacant
keeps me awake
don't you fucking ask
if i'm fakin'
you know better
rainy weather
cool humidity
bred stupidity
can't really be
by most.

give me a sunset I will give you
43 pieces of evidence that it does set
after its trip around the earth

I invented
and will defend its reasonings with any scrap of


it is entropy

it is not entropy
it is the opposite
of entropy

all this energy I put into building this world
how dare you put humpty back on the wall
with sheer logic

deconstructing minds

find a new source

this is going nowhere but I keep digging a hole in which to

bury the motherfucker
curses on the delete button nfrozen
leeches and letches
even ivory tower fetches something to
suck youthsuck truth suck the sting from my eye

if for what else
face it

this is what we need

reinventing the poem the thought the spark
we catch flying from the flame of the nieghbors fire

suck blood suck cock suck teat such
life yes

we all know seattle did not invent that one
was it whitman

t was

it is in my mind
light speed divided by

back life into the corner....

yeah and if it bites your ass
thank it for the inspiration
and puil;l it to the branches before someone sees what you have

jackle smells the wound
sitting here

sitting here
amidst the silence of your written words
I contemplate
the why not me?
the where is mine?
the who are they?
I smile sadly
here, amidst the silence of your written words

Man Ray said:
sitting here
amidst the silence of your written words
I contemplate
the why not me?
the where is mine?
the who are they?
I smile sadly
here, amidst the silence of your written words


shhhh if you listen very carefully
you will hear them

sound like stick tapping garbage cans, the old silver kind, not rubbermaid
or sapping down the fense or
breath slowing to sleep

falling asleep wnndering

who the where the

can you hear them?
they are whispering sleep well
be well
believe well

the nevers
and remnants
of autoerotic
sex crimes
kindly handling
myself as i
imagine you might
if you had half
a chance
even less
lest you
fucking made this
and its more
than enough
to clean my own
shit up
but i won't give
gets me off
every time
i pretend you are
and hold you in
my palm and
the light away
i'm eating away
at myself as we speak
from the inside
and it's making
Blue on blue is midnight
thick, and heavy

a head-to-toe wool blanket
on a hot day
makes me sweat

itchy, bitchy and mean
Naked in public
being chased
snakes and spiders


Oh my

In nightmares, terror
comes around like it went
and still, I stand there
frozen stiff

watching everyone else

fisting hard
in a circle jerk, wondering
when it's my turn

And before I know it
it is


Rorschach that

Examine who I am
through wetdreams
handful of DNA

Up close, getthisclose
look at that cum smear
under the scope

Freud me, psychoanalyze
the repressed
forgotten memories

And, I'll tell you
it was all just a dream
Now, blow me
and get me off

Complete the circle
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