American Mutt

What about chocolate coated raspberry whips? They might not smell so bad.
Wicked > my grandmother claims Heinz as her ancestry, too!

Isn't Heinz a German name?

It sure sounds German to me. My maiden name is German. My father did some tracing back and found that we had roots in Hamburg Germany.(hope I spelled Hamburg right, no time to check)

Gauche, DVS and Ffreak, you guys are too funny!

Thanks for putting a smile on an old bird's face. :D

Loulou :kiss:
Wicked-N-Erotic said:

It sure sounds German to me. My maiden name is German. My father did some tracing back and found that we had roots in Hamburg Germany.(hope I spelled Hamburg right, no time to check)

Hey, that makes sense! You put Heinz on Hamburgs, don't you? :D
Wicked-N-Erotic said:
we had roots in Hamburg Germany.
Dear W,
I should hope so! Men in Hamburg are well known for their roots. See how simple geneology is? As the Brits say, "Ed's your grandma."
rhinoguy said:
I suspect that there is something "beyond" fucking as the goal...?

or perhaps it is like Christmas or a fine dinner...and it is about the presentation...?

maybe the part of it.

perhaps...someone has insights..could tell.?

rhino-not very tightly wrapped
Actually, these are all correct. Doesn't she look tormented? She could have a remote egg inserted somewhere..."stimulating" her. Sort of like an itch, you're not allowed to scratch.


There could be someone off to the side of this photo, with a whip and/or cane. See where her eyes are looking?


It could be the basic denial of attention, sort of like a full-length corset. In this case, there could be someone just off camera, sitting with Fritos and a Coke.


There could be one precise hole in the back, which the photo doesn't show. Simply bend her forward and commence with the party.


Haven't you ever seen those Warner Brothers cartoons, where they find the beginning of the wrap and pull, real hard? Can you say...
a spinning top?

And, when she stops, she's so confused, she can't deny your advances. And, of course, she's naked.

(the ballgag keeps any barf "inside", no muss, no fuss) :eek:
Since you liked the last mummy, how about this one.

Some are much more extreme.

oggbashan said:
Since you liked the last mummy, how about this one.

Some are much more extreme.

That one's not so easy to get out of. Be sure you take your diarrhea pills, before hand.
rhinoguy said:
(do those pills CAUSE or PREVENt diarrhea?)
PREVENT! God! Ewwwww!
Haven't you seen the commercial where the guy is playing with his kids on the beach, and "it" strikes? Or, the guy is with the two lovely ladies in the Jacuzzi, only to be forced to retreat from the fun because of "it"?

Ah, American TV commercials. I love 'em!
One more post getting towards that magic number.

Yes I am a King - a long dead one and a reasonable facsimile of one not quite as long dead. Both had a superfluity of wives, even if the latter King was a serial monogamist.

How many wives is a superfluity? Does wrapping them in saran keep them fresh until required? Mummification, dead or alive, doesn't appeal. Dead - who cares about the discarded shell. Alive looks very sweaty and uncomfortable.

Og, Dead King of Bashan (who won't reach the magic 1000 until tomorrow at the earliest).