An imperfect dom?

That's cool.

In terms of quality rather than quantity, there does seem to be a lack of what i consider interesting and well done SM stories. i used to read some of the stories at (thanks FT Sir) and it took a lot of digging and patience to find any that were coherent, particularly graphic sexually and unflinching (realistic characters, situations) in terms of D/s. That said, i don't believe this kind of literature isn't out there, i'm sure it is. However, i think many more would happily enjoy filet mignon if it were as readily available (price and convenience-wise) as Mickie D's.

I remember reading this story, The True Story of Snow White,* and appreciating the lack of control undertones---up until the point when I realized that all the dominant males would absolutely swoon for her cunt. In the end, she had more power over each of them than they did over her. That's the sort of weakness that I loathe reading; other mortal quirks are just fine by me.

*Chapter linked is 6th in the series but is the most obvious "D/s."
Thanks for the ideas Quint. I think all of us habitués here and at SMACK and Top have done something to remedy the lack. roscoe, Quint, I, and others have written of impositions that push the boundaries that are officially established.

Just so this doesn't turn into a mutual admiration society, here's a nasty one I like, by a very talented writer. (I'll try to lure him to drop by).

Auction of a Slave, by zenwstick
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