An odd question for erotic writers

You can't, Wifeseducer. You're stuck with it. I don't think it sucks either. It brings up two very important points.

1) Should people follow the dictate "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?"


2) What do people think about writing one-handed?

Until you and DVS decided to get personal and I got my panties in a twist over it, it was a good discussion. I have no intention of giving you my honest opinion again, so don't bother to work up the energy to concern yourself with getting offended over it.

Since you brought it up, DVS, I enjoy good hygiene when it comes to anal sex. Not because I am--unlike you--constipated.
KillerMuffin said:
Until you and DVS decided to get personal and I got my panties in a twist over it, it was a good discussion. I have no intention of giving you my honest opinion again, so don't bother to work up the energy to concern yourself with getting offended over it.

Since you brought it up, DVS, I enjoy good hygiene when it comes to anal sex. Not because I am--unlike you--constipated.

Sweetie, you have yet to tell me where I got personal, as you just said, again. Where did I give out any personal information, where it wasn't already given out by you yourself, more than once?
And again, I am sorry, if you (to use your own words) got your panties in a twist over it, but I wouldn't have said a thing, if there wasn't a complete thread about it to be seen. A thread was started by you, by the way.

Try to calm down. Life does go on.
WifeSeducer said:

Fine...since your panties are all in a twist i'll indulge you

Fine again cause I never ASKED for your fuckin opinion in the first place. I never ASKED what people thought about one-handed writing. RE-READ MY ORIGINAL POST!!!. Most people answered with why they did or didn' you did. But you felt the need to go on to place me in your imaginary pool of Uncle Pervey's drooling over their keyboards with raw dicks blowing loads every time they slowly type the word pussy. No offense intended indeed. No, you didn't say my stories were that way...but it certainly reads that way (to us un-ed-ju-kayted folk). It's amazing how detailed you got in your description.

Do you think I care what your paid porno friends say? Do you think I want their jobs? Im a programmer, not a freekin English major. Prevaricate?? I must be a fuckin idiot. I never heard this word before. Wheres my fuckin dictionary?

My stories are consistent? I have no idea what that means. Consistantly sucking? Missing words? dangling participles? Tense shifts? I'm sure you and your paid friends could rip the hell out of them...couldnt care less...I guess I just enjoy the feedback I get from all my one-handed readers. Helps me so I can stroke my, uh, ego.

Did I throw this thread out to get rude feedback? No, I don't think so.

Keep all your worldy experience to yourself thank you...I'd rather hang with the real folk...

I can't help but think there is a lot of protesting one simple post, WS. In all due respect - and the KillerMuffin can certainly defend herself - nothing in her original post was aimed at you. It seems strange to me that you have taken her words personally.

I have to agree with KM. You can certainly tell when a writer has written one-handed and didn't take the time to edit their work. There is nothing wrong with writing one-handed, as long as a writer goes back over their work when they are a little more level-headed and work out the parts that got away from them. I think what KM is referring to is writers who whip out something quickly and then hit "submit".

I've perused a couple of your stories, not in depth yet, and you certainly don't seem to be suffering from what KM talks about. Well, to me, anyway. Your stories seem well-written and put together, from what I've read so far. So what's the beef?

And it doesn't matter how many posts one has racked up here at Lit - there are some with relatively few posts who have a lot to say, and some with huge amounts who have nothing to say. People are people. But KillerMuffin did put in her time as a volunteer editor for Lit, and I would imagine has seen her fair share of stories at Lit. Stories both good and bad.

Your stories seem fine. Let them stand on their own, and let this go.
thanks Chele

I realize too that this has gotten blown outta proportion. I hate confrontation as I am no good at it. I had just wished to delete this whole thread...


It is so terrible how a little word, here and there, can cause such a problem.

All forums are nothing but words. If we don't use our words VERY correctly, they can easily be taken out of context.

We all have our problems. It is sad but we also should never argue in a forum. No matter how hard you try, you will never get the other side to understand. There is no body language, so there is no way to know if the person is mad, happy, kidding, or whatever. The smilies won't take care of that, either. Emotion is needed.

But, we do need to keep a thick skin, when we can. I don't think anybody on here will say anything to be really vicious. But, this is a fact of life, after all.
I have seen some pretty raw emotion showing up here in this thread! :D I sense a different story coming on!:cool: Just remember, when one writes on paper, it is hard to convey emotion. These threads, being what they are, make it even harder to get a point across in a direct way without sounding, sometimes, rude and /or indifferent. The origional question was simply, do you as a writer touch yourself when writing. Leave it at that and move on.;)
I was going to edit my colon out of here. It doesn't belong in this forum, but oh well.

Wifeseducer, I don't know why you're so pissed off. I didn't say a word about your stories. I discussed things in general because, believe it or not, I have seen a lot of pornography. I have seen a lot of stories from people who've told me that they wrote it while jacking off. I edited publicly for a year and I still edit. If you want to see what my critique looks like, you'll find it on the Feedback board. You can judge for yourself if I know what I'm talking about or if I'm blowing out my ass.

I formed my opinion on a few years of story reading, not on the basis of your writing.

You can throw out all the excuses you like about you the writer, but they're not going to make any difference to me because I simply don't see what your job has to do with your stories. You write stories and that's all that really matters. Whether they're good, bad or indifferent I'm not going to say because you don't want to hear it.

Do your stories mimic the ones I described in my original post? You seem to think so. I don't, but if want to think I do, feel free. In case you didn't notice, I never gave you feedback on your stuff. You didn't ask it and I'm not giving it.

My opinion obviously offended you. Apparently so does my vocabulary. I'm not going to change it so you aren't upset, but I did not post it to insult you.
KM was talking in general. She didn't mention your stories and, as everybody knows, no generalisation is complete, so for all we know you may be the exception. I'm not usually one to pick up on typos, but calling KM "just plain stupid" in the same sentence as the word "assanine" does seem a bit hypocritical (presumably you meant asinine). Making a put-down when you can't spell the put-down diminishes it's force.

Sorry just realised that first para was a little vitriolic. DVS was right. When I talk face-to-face, people can tell from my body language that I didn't mean exactly what I said. However the point still stands (which is why I haven't deleted the para altogether): Calling someone's opinions "assanine, egotistical, thoughtless, shallow and just plain stupid" is bound to cause offence.

Going back to the original point (and quickly climbing out of the hole I'm digging): I don't get turned on by my stories. I get the occasional flicker as I'm writing, but nothing major. Unfortunately I write from fantasies and, as soon as I've finished a story based on a fantasy, that thought doesn't turn me on anymore. Pity, but I guess I'm sharing my dirty imagination with lots of people, rather than selfishly keeping it all to myself. The Earl:- the ultimate altruist. Who knew?

The Earl
You simply cannot be certain that badly written stories are bad because the writer masturbated while writing them. I'm convinced that stories turn out badly for one reason, and one reason only: the person writing them hasn't the proper skill and/or motivation.

I sometimes get aroused, sometimes not. If I do, my husband gets lucky. If it gets to the point where I'm distracted by my own arousal, I'll stop and take care of business and then resume writing. I could never type one button at a time. I only do it if I'm forced to, like when I'm eating an ice cream sandwich or something like that. Otherwise, it's just too damn slow!
There is not way to tell how someone wrote a story. If anyone is still speaking to me, I agree. The only reasons someone may write a bad story is because they are 1)a bad writer, or 2) a bad editor after the fact or 3) all of the above.

Sure, there are different levels of erotic writing, and sure some stories won't get some people off. Not all kinks are shared. Incest stories are not for me. But I respect this for those who do. I just see my sister and it doesn't work for me. LOL

I can tell a good written story about incest, because of the grammar, punctuation, and phrasing. Also, spelling is something that needs to be watched. There are some words that won't be found by your spell check, so you must read for yourself, or have an editor do it for you. Words like navel and naval do have different meanings, after all.

I understand this as pointing to a certain calibar of writer, but there is no way to tell the guy/gal wrote a story slowly, with one hand, and maybe a sticky keyboard.

Of course, this is only my opinion, and there are many, many others out there. I don't even try to think mine is the last word on the topic.

Please feel free to critic anything I have said, and I will politely respond in kind.
My two cents on being aroused when writing:

1. I only read one-handed. :) and uhmm... sometimes use the other hand to block stuff from hitting the keyboard... ewwww... (gawd did I type that outloud?).

2. I do believe in becoming aroused when thinking up the story. I often daydream about what to write and end up being very aroused... and then.. well.. yanno.

3. Once I sit down to write or outline the story... the arousal stops. I believe in putting out well written story. Nothing I hate more than reading a story that was written one-handed while reading it one-handed. I can't hit the back button fast enough.

4. This was an interesting thread... I've been away and lurking alot lately and forgot how crazy this place can get. I was doing good until KM started talking about anal.. then I got all turned on and shit... geez.

In the end.. I think we all have our own writing styles. They all have their merits. But the important thing to remember is... do they work for you? If it does.. then go with it.

That's my 2 cents... :) Back to lurking in the shadows and doing that naughty one-handed kinda thing. Ohhh.. you better sit back farther there hun... or put on your goggles... I hear it can sting... lol.

I do not, *ahem*, 'touch myself' during the actual process of navigating the myriad of pathways on my keyboard to the desired keys and the subsequent depression thereof. I am often too caught up in what I am doing mentally to be concerned with pleasures of the flesh.

However, if I have been writing something that particularly tickles my fancy, I might do so once I have finished.

Also, if I have been fantasizing about a paticular image or situation for a while, I sometimes turn it into a story (my fantasies are often rather involved, just like me and my writing).
Since my typing skills are so poor,and my spelling is even worse, I type two fingered. One on each hand. Yes, I write jerk-off stories. I try to wright good ones but seldom succeed. I probably spend two to three times as much effort editing as writing. Often the charicters take off without me and then the editing is realy difficult.

As for wet spots in my pants, yes, there is leakage from thinking as I write, no sticky keys or floors tho.
I don't really feel myself up when I'm writing but i can get excited when I do write erotica, i do it at night before i go to bed so i can dream the part i just wrote and more!:cool:
Touching myself when writing.

I must admit when I am writing I get very aroused. As one of the others said, they see themselves in the story and gets involved. Well, that is the case with me. However, I do not touch myself during the writing or editing. I find afterwards may be the perfect time though :) Nothing like getting those juices flowing is there? I normally like to get into another authors story when I'm doing the touching that way I have both hands free ;)
I probably don't belong in this thread...

...considering that my very first submission for this site isn't even finished yet (40% + editing left to go, hope to submit before monday), but I thought I'd post simply because I didn't stumble across this post until after I started my story. And since it's my first, that means that I actually had to consider this issue for the first time just a day and a half ago.

I managed to get myself quite aroused a ways into my first story, and I won't claim that I stopped at that point and applied rational thought to this question. Rather, I got up from the computer and went and relieved myself. It wasn't until after I got back to the computer fifteen minutes later and discovered that I had completely lost my contact with my characters (who, unlike me, were still in a state of arousal) that I realized I should have disengaged the little head and engaged the big one. Right then and there I established my ground rule for this question: from now on, if I feel the urge to masturbate while writing, I will wait until I get to the point in the story where my current characters relieve their sexual tension! Hopefully, this will keep me from running into the same delay that ground me to a screeching halt as far as my creative juices (uhm, pun not intended) go.

I almost always have someone in mind when I write something. As a result, the "interest" is there, but I don't get excited until after editing and I think about how it will affect the personI wrote it for. Sometimes that person will write back and tell me how she was affected. Then I REALLY get interested!

I don't think it's an odd question at all.

Yes, I get very excited when I type something I find erotic, just like when I am reading something of the same. I sit with a towel on my chair on such occassions. It's kind of funny though, when I stop and I 'relieve the tension', the urge to keep typing ends. I guess it's because I love to get right in there and fantasize as I go, reading or writing.

My drafts are always a mess. Thankfully I have good editing package.

I guess everyone has there own way of doing things.

Alex (f)
Sticking with the original question, I don't write one-handed stories. Although, I like some of the others that have posted here, do get aroused while writing. I don't stop my writing, I just continue to let the sexual tension build which actually helps me continue the sexual tension that is building in my story. As someone else already said in an earlier post "my husband gets lucky" reaping the rewards of my writing arousal efforts. Its nice to know I'm not alone.

Trina T.