An Open Letter to Stacnash (feel free to ignore this)

People, people, does any of this shit really matter? Like really matter?

We share a love of writing smut. We may take it all too seriously sometimes (me probably more than most), but is any of it worth the amount of drama and upset?

Is any of it really worth getting angry about?

May I please implore people who are angry with each other to consider a different approach.’s-positivity-and-being-nice-to-each-other-thread.1594170/


People, people, does any of this shit really matter? Like really matter?

We share a love of writing smut. We may take it all too seriously sometimes (me probably more than most), but is any of it worth the amount of drama and upset?

Is any of it really worth getting angry about?

May I please implore people who are angry with each other to consider a different approach.’s-positivity-and-being-nice-to-each-other-thread.1594170/


Hey, I'm in agreement with you. I'm trying to reach out to someone who was nice to me, who was banned.
I have no idea how else to go about it
If you say something like that to a fellow author, even if you genuinely believe it, you are a f@#$ing A-hole. Period. There is no cause, ever, to talk that way to your fellow authors, and if you DO talk that way, then as far as I'm concerned if you get banned you get what you deserve. I have no sympathy whatsoever.

It's not a matter of free speech. You have almost unlimited ability in this forum to express your views about stories and other issues without being personally nasty to other authors. As far as I'm concerned, once you cross the line of getting personally nasty with people, you get what you deserve. Good riddance.

It's not about free speech; it's just that certain things shouldn't be said, and people should be stopped from saying them.
Hey, I'm in agreement with you. I'm trying to reach out to someone who was nice to me, who was banned.
I have no idea how else to go about it
I know, hun. No issue with your motives. She was nice to me on our few interactions.

And she liked my tentacle porn magnum opus. So clearly is ultra discerning.

Never - as far as I know - on her wrong side.

People, people, does any of this shit really matter? Like really matter?

We share a love of writing smut. We may take it all too seriously sometimes (me probably more than most), but is any of it worth the amount of drama and upset?

Is any of it really worth getting angry about?

May I please implore people who are angry with each other to consider a different approach.’s-positivity-and-being-nice-to-each-other-thread.1594170/


Make cream-pies, not war!

I know, hun. No issue with your motives. She was nice to me on our few interactions.

And she liked my tentacle porn magnum opus. So clearly is ultra discerning.

Never - as far as I know - on her wrong side.

Eldritch Pact, Coleoidphilia, and Collective Intelligence all had a sci-fi/fantasy/non-human/shape-shifter theme, and she rated all 3 very high. Perhaps that was her kink?
Hmmmm... perhaps. But to be honest, only two of those authors seem massively talented. The other seems a bit mediocre, imho :cool:
It would be hilarious to read the dedication page in a dead tree you wrote.

"To my beloved (name redacted) I couldn't have done this without you."

"Also, sorry I got you tangled up in this mess."
She didn't quit so much as had to step away due to the overwhelming quality of works she was drowning in?

Self-care is important.
See - that makes perfect sense to me. She realized that she could never read anything better than Coleoidphilia and so had no choice but to leave.

Occam’s Razor strikes again.
It's not about free speech; it's just that certain things shouldn't be said, and people should be stopped from saying them.

I would put it a little differently, and this may just be a minor quibble over wording. People shouldn't be "stopped" from saying certain things. But if they say certain things, they lose the privilege of participating in a privately owned forum, the owners of which have the right to maintain certain minimal standards of decency.
Hmmmm... perhaps. But to be honest, only two of those authors seem massively talented. The other seems a bit mediocre, imho :cool:
Emily Miller is an anagram of MediocreAuthor (if you translate to first Klingon and then back to Urdu, next applying a basic substitution cipher of my own invention).

We must be alts. Or both Tilan.

I really must stop doing that - poor old @Emilymcplugger is still getting grief about being a female, American Gen Z-er. And no one deserves that fate.

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I would put it a little differently, and this may just be a minor quibble over wording. People shouldn't be "stopped" from saying certain things. But if they say certain things, they lose the privilege of participating in a privately owned forum, the owners of which have the right to maintain certain minimal standards of decency.
Again, if the site mods deemed SN's insults too harsh and banned her on that account, it would be one thing. But NTH and SN both affirm that she was banned because NTH reported her for being a trolling sockpuppet for Tilan.

I would argue that she never said anything even remotely worth banning... but that's my opinion.

(I was told by one commenter that MediocreAuthor was a bad name for me; I should instead call myself Shit-Author. Should we ban the guy that said that? I don't think so. But some people disagree. That's fine.)

Worst of all, all of the harshest things that SN said, were said as comments, which the authors have the full right and capability to delete. But she was banned from the forums, not the other side of the site? What sense does that make?

And what good does the banning do? She could easily make another account. I enjoyed PMing with her. Now I can't.

It's annoying, I think. But not the end of the world. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Emily Miller is an anagram of MediocreAuthor (if you translate to first Klingon and then back to Urdu, next applying a basic substitution cipher of my own invention).

We must be alts. Or both Tilan.

I really must stop doing that - poor old @Emilymcplugger is still getting grief about being a female, American Gen Zer. And no one deserves that fate.

I always loved that joke:
"Mediocreauthor" is an anagram of "EmilyMiller" (if you just spell it wrong).

Also, what's green and has wheels?

Grass. (I was lying about the wheels)

All jokes aside, I have always been curious how the heck @Emilymcplugger picked his name.
I would put it a little differently, and this may just be a minor quibble over wording. People shouldn't be "stopped" from saying certain things. But if they say certain things, they lose the privilege of participating in a privately owned forum, the owners of which have the right to maintain certain minimal standards of decency.
In this post, Chloe explains how to counter the fascist demonrats.
(1) Select weapon of choice
(2) Find some cats to practice on (firing at targets is such a waste....)
(3) .......


But in the politics forum where it belongs. That said I finally caught up on this. Didn't realize Stacnash had aroused such a furore. Can't say the comment made on my story upset me at all. I wrote that one years ago but I did think it was a bit of a rude personal attack. Which IMHO says a lot more about the reviewer than it does about the story. But whatever. Water of a ducks back.