An Open Letter to Stacnash (feel free to ignore this)

Wow what a pile of muck this thread was to wade through.

I just stopped by to say I'm puzzled by this. "Decided to alter your review after I replied to your comment", and this is a good thing how? I've been trying to figure out a scenario where some comment or explanation or I don't even know what from the author would alter a review of a story. Like, you write a review based on the story, do you not? So then if the author says "but I really meant this and not that", well if it's not there in the story then it's not there in the story, no matter what their intentions are? Or worse, should the reviewer go "oh I see you're a nice person, let me say nicer things about your story", which has nothing to do with the story.
MA clarified her use of diacritics in the story (the same issue you commented on, essentially, in your review of the same story) after Stacnash thought they were a technical glitch in the formatting. Once it was clear as to their intent, SN upped her score by half a dozen points.

Nothing nefarious, really. It's not as if MediocreAuthor was negotiating for a better review.
So a fascist is only a fascist if they self identify as such? :rolleyes:
Certainly not. But the term fascist gets thrown around so much that it has basically lost all mean.

It's like calling someone a "poopy-head".

Both sides of the political spectrum call the other side "fascists".
Wow what a pile of muck this thread was to wade through.

I just stopped by to say I'm puzzled by this. "Decided to alter your review after I replied to your comment", and this is a good thing how? I've been trying to figure out a scenario where some comment or explanation or I don't even know what from the author would alter a review of a story. Like, you write a review based on the story, do you not? So then if the author says "but I really meant this and not that", well if it's not there in the story then it's not there in the story, no matter what their intentions are? Or worse, should the reviewer go "oh I see you're a nice person, let me say nicer things about your story", which has nothing to do with the story.
Okay, so here's the context. The diacritics which I put in my Eldritch Pact story warranted a disclaimer that they might not publish correctly, and they might come out looking stupid. Upon seeing them for the first time (apparently) Stacnash though it was an error.

She complained about it in her initial review, which I shared in the forums:

I’m really glad I read this because the circumstances are novel to me.

The beginning of this is a triumph. It was well written with plenty of cleverness in the narration and your imagination is awesome. Stavos gripped me from the word go and the build towards L'ventia’s introduction was masterful. The dialogue in the first part was really impressive and I enjoyed the intensity of Stavos’ delivery at every turn.

Additionally, your erotic content is undeniably captivating. There’s enough heat here to stir a reaction from a corpse. No part of it felt out of place when you consider the fantasy setting and the great lengths you went to when building the world. There’s a sophistication to your writing that compliments the intensity and the end result is a story that’s exceptionally good in places. In my notes, I’ve scribbled “this is really good” and I can promise you that I don’t do that often.

However, let me be clear about something. What I’m reviewing is the work that you’ve presented to the reader in the format which you’ve chosen. What I see on the screen right now is your responsibility to get right, not the publisher or anyone else.

You’re already aware of the formatting issues, but they completely ruined the immersion. I was embarrassed for you when I saw the first couple, but to see them reoccur throughout the document made my heart sink. Don’t take risks when you don’t know the technical limitations of the platform you’re publishing on. Believe me, I think you’re incredibly talented, but mistakes like that would put me off reading more of your work. If that’s true for me, what about other readers? It makes me think that you don’t care, so take the time to get it right before you publish.

That aside, there were some more conventional grammatical errors and your use of capitals when Stavos was shouting was lazy. As we got to the end, it became clear that L'ventia would’ve retained more impact if she spoke less, as the quality of the dialogue started to wane.

This is just my opinion, but I also strongly disliked your author’s note. Don’t apologise for your work or try to appease anyone, present it with confidence and let it speak for itself. Especially when what you’ve written is so good. You’re a star, don’t worry about anyone else. Let the tags offer a preview to what lies ahead.

Your name’s playfully modest but there’s nothing mediocre about your work. You’re a brilliant amateur writer and this would easily be a five-star story without the immersion-breaking formatting errors.
71/100. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I replied to her comment (like I do every comment) and I said that the diacritics did not come out wrong... They were intentional and perfect. She reached out to me through a PM and apologized, and then erased her old review. She replaced it with this:

Stacnash 23 days ago
This is a corrected version of my original review. My thanks go to the author for clarifying a significant error I made where I misunderstood the intended formatting of the diacritics. Any embarrassment is mine and mine alone.


The beginning of this is a triumph. It was well written with plenty of cleverness in the narration and your imagination is awesome. Stavos gripped me from the word go and the build towards L'ventia’s introduction was masterful. The dialogue in the first part was really impressive and I enjoyed the intensity of Stavos’ delivery at every turn.


Additionally, your erotic content is undeniably captivating. There’s enough heat here to stir a reaction from a corpse. No part of it felt out of place when you consider the fantasy setting and the great lengths you went to when building the world. There’s a sophistication to your writing that compliments the intensity and the end result is a story that’s exceptionally good in places. In my notes, I’ve scribbled “this is really good” and I can promise you that I don’t do that often.


Only minor grammatical errors were detected and your use of capitals when Stavos was shouting could’ve been written more creatively. As we got to the end, it became clear that L'ventia would’ve retained more impact if she spoke less, as the quality of the dialogue started to wane.


This is just my opinion, but I strongly disliked your author’s note. Don’t apologise for your work or try to appease anyone, present it with confidence and let it speak for itself. Especially when what you’ve written is so good. You’re a star, don’t worry about anyone else. Let the tags offer a preview to what lies ahead.


Your name’s playfully modest but there’s nothing mediocre about your work. You’re a brilliant amateur writer and this is easily a five-star piece of work. Sadly, for me, the mistake I originally made with the diacritics was also five-star. Sorry about that.


85/100. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

That's why she changed her rating. If you think that's unprofessional as a critic, then I disagree, but oh well. She isn't even a professional critic
I just stopped by to say I'm puzzled by this. "Decided to alter your review after I replied to your comment", and this is a good thing how? I've been trying to figure out a scenario where some comment or explanation or I don't even know what from the author would alter a review of a story.
I once left a review where I stated I was unhappy about a particular plot development because the author's intentions could be interpreted in a negative way, but that otherwise the book was excellent. That one point troubled me a lot, though. The author contacted me to thank me and to explain her reasoning, and I felt much more reassured after and removed my complaint about that point from the review. Nothing she's written in the years since has made me regret that change.
Certainly not. But the term fascist gets thrown around so much that it has basically lost all mean.

It's like calling someone a "poopy-head".

Both sides of the political spectrum call the other side "fascists".
Just because bad actors know the value of muddying the water by stripping meaning from the words we use to describe them doesn't mean we should accept that.
Just because bad actors know the value of muddying the water by stripping meaning from the words we use to describe them doesn't mean we should accept that.
I don't disagree. But this is not the time or place, imo.

I would appreciate politics being kept in the politics forum. 😁
I can't possibly stress enough how wrong I believe the very existence of this thread is.
Because you are, once again, giving importance to a troll or a group of trolls who want nothing else but to insert their "importance" into our Lit community.
Once again, I want to try to emphasize something. The quality of reviews that this person left shouldn't matter one bit. Why? Because they have shown malicious and hateful behavior on Lit. For some reason that simply doesn't matter to some of you here. If you are okay with these people bombing your fellow authors then by all means, go ahead and discuss SN and her reviews. That is some amazing solidarity right there.
I have also seen the bombing being relativized in the sense of proof. Asking for hard physical proof is very commendable behavior and one I would support in normal circumstances. Yet asking for it in this case is like asking for "squaring the circle" mathematically speaking. Any hard physical proof for a case like this is not difficult to obtain - it is impossible to obtain, unless some of you believe that Laurel would provide it? Not in a million years, in my opinion. Hard, physical proof is way beyond our reach.
Yet the "circumstantial" evidence is overwhelming. I won't talk about the timing of it all, which exact authors were hit and so on, all of it making it very clear who is behind it all. Let's take a look at the evidence that was actually shown in the other thread. Just look at the screenshots and all the taunting and mocking from SN, the rubbing it in my face, practically short of saying "Yes, I am bombing you" Then this Thavipah person shows up and starts talking on her behalf and once again, explicitly tells me to apologize if I want the bombing to stop. It is right there in his first post. Finally, in that same thread I have fucking shown you that this Thavipah person started following me mere hours after I announced that I am taking down my stories with the possibility of reuploading them at some point in the future. But yeah, no hard evidence. So tough to say if she and her group are behind it all.
I am glad you showed up AS! I was hoping to discuss this with you, but I didn't want to plague you with more unsolicited bull crap. But you're here now of your own free will, so buckle up!

First off... I don't think Stacnash bombed your stories. Maybe she did, but I don't buy it. I spoke to her on several occasions, and she didn't strike me as particularly petty or vindictive. (She made jokes about the bombings, true, but we'll get to that!)

She told me POINT BLANK after her banning that she wasn't responsible for the bombings. If she was responsible for your suffering, why wouldn't she take credit for it?

Anyway, I created a timeline of sorts, which I think could easily explain all the goings-on without any awful deeds done by any of the main players.

Here's my theory:

1) Stacnash has a group of friends on discord that she discusses erotica with.

2) She starts posting detailed (sometimes harsh) reviews.

3) I mentioned her review comment and correction in the forums.

4) AwkwardlySet chides me for caring about random reviews from non-authors.

5) Stacnash, AwkwardlySet, and NTH argue a bit. Tilan makes an appearance and sides with Stacnash.

6) Stacnash mentions the negative interaction to her discord friends.

7) Stacnash's friends read AwkwardlySet's stories and rate them low (either as an intentional bomb, or because they already have a less-than-stellar opinion of him based on his argument with SN)

8) AS understandably (although technically falsely) accuses SN of bombing stories.

9) NTH accuses SH of being Tilan.

10) SN denies both of these claims, and demands an apology from AS, as she never bombed any stories. She presents the best proof she has, but it doesn't convince anyone.

11) AS, somewhat understandably doubts her innocence, and SN makes snarky jokes at his expense (she may or may not know what her friends have done). [Assuming that she does know what her friends have done, perhaps they tell her that they'll remove their scores if she gets an apology... Idk]

12) Tilan continues stirring the pot at every opportunity.

13) AS begins requesting sweeps, and Stacnash's friends either continue bombing or at the very least, continue replacing their swept scores. (If they see their early low ratings (which represented their honest [albeit negatively-biased] opinions) keep get swept, then they might start openly bombing at that point... causing scores to tank even further)

14) NTH (still convinced that SN is Tilan) reports Stacnash's for being Tilan's alt.

15) Stacnash gets banned, without being an alt, bombing stories, or doing anything worthy of a ban.

There's a billion other ways this could have happened, but this one is my personal theory.

Perhaps I'm totally wrong, and SN is Tilan, and a score bomber, and a clone of Hitler to boot... but I don't buy it.

Why? Because SN took insults in the forums and never seemed too bothered by them. I mean, she clapped back. But score bombing? Spending that much time over such a tiny slight? I just don't see it.

Anyway, AS, I think you're a cool guy, and I hate what happened to you. But if SN was innocent (as I believe) I hate what happened to her too.
It seems like she has the right to hold them, but not to express them.

I did not see her say anything in the forum that justified her banning. If I missed something, I'd like to know what it was. Otherwise, I'm left with no other conclusion to draw than that she was targeted for banning because she gave some author's negative reviews.
There was a big flame war in one thread ("A wish" I think it was called) that got deleted whole cloth between me, Tilan, and SN with a general warning from the mod and a specific one directed at Tilan. A number of SN's other comments in other threads have the "no attacks" text replacing them now. Like I said before, regardless of my belief that she was a sockpuppet of Tilan, she went negative and personal real, real fast, and the mods acted appropriately.
There was a big flame war in one thread ("A wish" I think it was called) that got deleted whole cloth between me, Tilan, and SN with a general warning from the mod and a specific one directed at Tilan. A number of SN's other comments in other threads have the "no attacks" text replacing them now. Like I said before, regardless of my belief that she was a sockpuppet of Tilan, she went negative and personal real, real fast, and the mods acted appropriately.
That is a fair point... Nothing I saw that SN said was worthy of banning. Perhaps I missed something.

Even still, those "no attacks" texts from the mod all threaten a time out, which she never got. Well.she got a time out... just a permanent one.

(Bear in mind NTH, I don't hold your actions against you. You presented reports based on your own suspicions and evidence, and the mods acted accordingly. Honestly, I hope you were right. But I remain unconvinced)
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Ah, so you do understand that when people call their opponents "fascists" it doesn't necessarily mean that what they oppose actually is fascism.

Repeating what I said back at me is just weird, unless you think this is a clever dig at Chloe satirizing someone complaining about fascist who aren't fascist.
Repeating what I said back at me is just weird, unless you think this is a clever dig at Chloe satirizing someone complaining about fascist who aren't fascist.
Pleeeease... Can we drop the fascist talk. There's so many other places to handle that. 🙏

I would put it a little differently, and this may just be a minor quibble over wording. People shouldn't be "stopped" from saying certain things. But if they say certain things, they lose the privilege of participating in a privately owned forum, the owners of which have the right to maintain certain minimal standards of decency.
I always liked the phrase “Tolerance is a peace treaty, not a suicide pact.”
And Stacnash's comment - the one that Simon's suggesting was worthy of her being banned from this forum in the name of "decency" - wasn't made here either.

I could understand a policy that treated off-AH comments as irrelevant to how AH is moderated. But if Simon's advocating for indecency bans for what people say outside AH, it's hard to see how calling somebody untalented comes close to encouraging animal cruelty as practice for shooting Democrats.

To clarify, that's not what I meant. I don't think that one comment justifies being banned. My point was that once someone crosses the line and gets personally nasty with others, I lose sympathy for that person. Often, they get what they deserve. I think there's no call for being personally nasty, and if you go in that direction and the site takes action against you, you have made your own bed and you have to lie in it.
I decided I didn't want to read all the posts, and concluded the middle 90% can be summarized thus:
Wording is ambiguous here. Does "in this forum" refer to the location where the indecency is expressed, or to the fact that its target is a member of this forum?

I meant it generally. But see my other comment: I didn't mean to say that SN should be banned on the basis of that one comment, nor do I expect the Site actively to police everything people say in comments on stories.