Androgynous lookers

It’s funny what constitutes a good look sometimes. Contrasts can really accentuate and emphasize.
Just because you have bigger breasts doesn’t mean the masculine look isn’t working for you. I know that when I look in the mirror I don’t see what other people see, no idea why that is but it’s like when you hear your own voice played back… for me that is always very cringey.
Anyway, get a second opinion from someone you trust sometime.
Big breasts were no deterrent for the German actress in Bagdad Cafe lol 😉.
My partner loves it. She likes masc. butch women, and when I go through this phase she really enjoys it. But, for me, I just feel I look too feminine with my chest. I'd like to wear my shirt unbuttoned, with no bra or vest, but I can't. I'd like a smaller chest. But I make the most of my chest when I'm feminine which is how I present as 90% of the time.
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My partner loves it. She likes masc. butch women, and when I go through this phase she really enjoys it. But, for me, I just feel I look too feminine with my chest. I'd like to wear my shirt unbuttoned, with no bra or vest, but I can't. I'd like a smaller chest. But I make the most of my chest when I'm feminine which I present as 90% of the time.
Top surgery is always an option but then you present as feminine most of the time.
It occurred to me just now at 4 am, that I only gave this incredibly lovely woman a like instead of a heart because… well, because at 60, I realize that I no longer have all of what it takes to meet match and overpower the needs and desires of this person.
It’s an odd thought and I don’t really know why I’m sharing it except that it’s four in the morning maybe.
It’s actually quite pleasant grazing over here in the pasture while everyone else is racing around the track.
Sane Monday everyone 👋

Harlow Rose Monroe
Trans fashion model from Calgary

'Modelling requires more than putting forward a pretty face, and Monroe knows it: “People like someone who stands for something.” In her six-inch stilettos, Monroe isn’t afraid to stand tall for the community she represents or share her story. When I inquire about her tattoos, she freely says that each one of them documents a part of her life. Monroe’s most recent tattoo, around a scar on her ankle, spells “R.I.P. Daniel.” It’s an homage to her former name: Daniel Harlow.

“Growing up, I dealt with depression a lot,” says Monroe. “I used to self-harm. One day I cut my leg open with a razor. I would have bled out and died if my sister hadn’t found me. And then, when I started transitioning, this self-destructive person kind of died. Transitioning really saved my life. I look at Daniel as someone who has moved on and won’t be missed but whom I’ll never forget. I wouldn’t be the same person I am now without Daniel.”'
It occurred to me just now at 4 am, that I only gave this incredibly lovely woman a like instead of a heart because… well, because at 60, I realize that I no longer have all of what it takes to meet match and overpower the needs and desires of this person.
It’s an odd thought and I don’t really know why I’m sharing it except that it’s four in the morning maybe.
It’s actually quite pleasant grazing over here in the pasture while everyone else is racing around the track.
Sane Monday everyone 👋
Don't you dare run yourself down! There's more to passion than banging the bedposts :rose:
Don't you dare run yourself down! There's more to passion than banging the bedposts :rose:
You are so very right, and I have always known that. There’s a right time to bang the bedposts, and there’s a right time to just softly swish the satiny sheets…
Intimacy is always the best, I’ll choose that over a cardio burn any day 🤩
Perhaps the eyes, but otherwise I'm not getting the same vibe.
But now I am curious to check out Blade Runner!
I have yet to watch Bladerunner 2049, but the original, along with Road Warrior, made a big impression on the 18 year old me of 1982. Aimless teen who was already enlisted in the navy and waiting apprehensively to ship out 😄