Annoncing my poem! You jey!

Sara Crewe said:
C3PO wants his girl back. And man, he's pissed with you. I'd hide.
That's her grandma. The metal chick's 50 years older'n him.
Sara Crewe said:
Age is just number. 3PO says she's hotter than an engine running without any oil.
"It's OK," says Rotwang, "I'm a doctor."

Oh, wait. He's German. I guess he says something like, "Es ist ganz recht. Ich bin ein Doktor."

Wait, wait wait! I forgot. He doesn't say anything. He's silent, after all.

Perhaps the intertitle sez: Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.
MTVM said:
"It's OK," says Rotwang, "I'm a doctor."

Oh, wait. He's German. I guess he says something like, "Es ist ganz recht. Ich bin ein Doktor."

Wait, wait wait! I forgot. He doesn't say anything. He's silent, after all.

Perhaps the intertitle sez: Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.

<looks for spelling errors>

I'm sorry. You have once again failed to be stupid.

Try harder next time.
Sara Crewe said:
<looks for spelling errors>

I'm sorry. You have once again failed to be stupid.

Try harder next time.

"...and my poor Fool is dead,
replaced by vaunting Genius 'fore too long.
A Phoenix sprung from Jove's abundant head
with heinous puns and German sturm und drang..."

Shakespeare, King Lear, IV, 4:35-38
As if this thread could ever be off-topic, but I just had to put this somewhere.

Amaterasu is a Japanese Sun Goddess in the Shinto tradition. She's one of the few solar deities who is female. Her brother is the moon.

It is one of my favorite legends, this one, and it goes, in short,

Amaterasu's brother fell unnaturally in love with her and insisted on pursuing her to the point where she became terribly unhappy and shut herself inside a cave. The world was left in darkness.

The gods gathered outside the cave but could not persuade Amaterasu to come out. Then a minor goddess, Ama-no-Uzume, volunteered to do a dance for the assembled gods. It was a terribly rude, irreverent striptease, which culminated in a very rude gesture. This made all the gods laugh. Hearing the gods laughing made Amaterasu curious so she came out of the cave to see what was happening, and the gods closed the cave mouth behind her so she couldn't go back in.

Anyone who knows his mythology will recognize the similarity between Ama-no-Uzume and Baubo in Greek myth, who cheered up Demeter when she was despondent over Persephone's abduction by being similarly irreverent.
Here's Baubo:
Remind you of any Magritte paintings you know?

One can see echoes of the Sheila-na-Gigh in here too.
Here's one:
and another:

When i have time, I may come back to this post and edit to put in some links, but it's too busy at the moment.

These archetypes are astounding portraits of the wild feminine, and I was reminded today of the story while I was looking around for Kodo drum performances. Here's a section of a traditional performance of the Amaterasu myth, without, of course, the rude gestures, since it's a bit more stylized. This is Ama-no-Uzume dancing, and Amaterasu finally emerging from her cave.

This leads me, just to "stay on topic", ha ha, to the official holiday of the week here in Nymphomania. It is the Baubo Feast Days. I follow an ancient tradition and an actual real holiday in this case, since the Baubo feast was an integral part of the Eleusinian Mystery religion, so let's get cracking on this, as it were.

The sacred, divine, world-changing, life-saving coochie. Let's see it. And the other naughty bits as well. Extra points for making a crazy face simultaneously.

Last edited:
unpredictablebijou said:
"...and my poor Fool is dead,
replaced by vaunting Genius 'fore too long.
A Phoenix sprung from Jove's abundant head
with heinous puns and German sturm und drang..."

Shakespeare, King Lear, IV, 4:35-38
The attribution here seems incorrect. I think you meant Fakespeare's King Lear, etc. Otherwise, the reference seems accurate.

Fakespeare, sadly, does not in this say and rage receive his just due. He had many lovely scenes and passages, like this one, from Amid Summer's Nice Dream:
I know her flank. There a wild time grows
Near her lips, while she mine own violet blows,
Quite o'er-canopied with shibari binds,
Tied with musk, roses, and elegant twines.​
Fakespeare, perhaps due to the prominence in recent years of feminist and deconstructive criticism, has not faired well among students of Renaissance smut. He was known to have been somewhat simple of mind, a libertine, and a notorious plagiarist.

An interesting example, though, bj. Thank you for bringing him up.
MTVM said:
The attribution here seems incorrect. I think you meant Fakespeare's King Lear, etc. Otherwise, the reference seems accurate.

Fakespeare, sadly, does not in this say and rage receive his just due. He had many lovely scenes and passages, like this one, from Amid Summer's Nice Dream:
I know her flank. There a wild time grows
Near her lips, while she mine own violet blows,
Quite o'er-canopied with shibari binds,
Tied with musk, roses, and elegant twines.​
Fakespeare, perhaps due to the prominence in recent years of feminist and deconstructive criticism, has not faired well among students of Renaissance smut. He was known to have been somewhat simple of mind, a libertine, and a notorious plagiarist.

An interesting example, though, bj. Thank you for bringing him up.

...and that's why he's the court POET, ladies and germs. Brilliant.

Perhaps next week can be the Shibari Festival. Oh, I'd like that.
Golly, there's a japanese subtext all over the place in here today.

(random wav file opens unexpectedly in brain: "Quick, Henry, the FLIT!")

I really need to get dinner soon. Blood sugar is dangerously low; starting to free-associate. And you know what THAT'll get you around here.
Sara Crewe said:
I think Eluard is secretly admitting to having a picture thread in the amateur forum.

Dammit, knew I'd be sprung eventually! Yes, I post over there under the alt RealWoman1967 — my French knicker shots are highly prized.
unpredictablebijou said:
"...and my poor Fool is dead,
replaced by vaunting Genius 'fore too long.
A Phoenix sprung from Jove's abundant head
with heinous puns and German sturm und drang..."

Shakespeare, King Lear, IV, 4:35-38
I forgot to say I think this was from King Leer.

OK, That's 100.
MTVM said:
I forgot to say I think this was from King Leer.

OK, That's 100.

This is cheating. You oughta be stripped of your avatar rights.

Great poem above btw!
Eluard said:
Standard Orse-Strayyin slang — but if you say so!

Who wants to explain the conontation of the word sprung when said by a man who has referenced his French cut panties in the same breath? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller...
MTVM said:
I love you too, smushikins. :kiss: :)


is the most alarming thing you have ever said to me. Is it sleep? Do you need sleep? Alcohol? Drugs?

Smushikins? You almost made me use a smiley face.
Eluard said:
This is cheating. You oughta be stripped of your avatar rights.

Great poem above btw!
Chaeters nver proper !!!

But not am I intransdigfent. Honest, honestly and truue. If opinoin is no avtarlart for me, then sayu I--NO empahlativly! I do not wench to chapen this formu.

Nw confudes. Whta is my do to doing> Can I havater withot ofense?

I quite Rober tFrost:
Two roas are merged in as they shood,
I worry I Would not ravle both
As be one trakler, long as sood
And leaked own one. I swar as could.
I bent downin it s undergrowth
Then took anoother, well, yuo know.​
I thnmio,k this is not quotted right. Sory. I am somthing crap.

Am now sad wihtout no avtalar. But!!! Futlured may be watling!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Sara Crewe said:

is the most alarming thing you have ever said to me. Is it sleep? Do you need sleep? Alcohol? Drugs?

Smushikins? You almost made me use a smiley face.
Ackohowl. :)
Sara Crewe said:

is the most alarming thing you have ever said to me. Is it sleep? Do you need sleep? Alcohol? Drugs?

Smushikins? You almost made me use a smiley face.

And post number 800 for you! It's just milestones for everybody today.
unpredictablebijou said:
And post number 800 for you! It's just milestones for everybody today.

Amazing what time off work does for post counts.

I will admit to having another identity who has a disgusting amount of posts. I killed her when I wanted to distance myself from her pathetic attempts to write prose.
Sara Crewe said:
Amazing what time off work does for post counts.

I will admit to having another identity who has a disgusting amount of posts. I killed her when I wanted to distance myself from her pathetic attempts to write prose.

Wait. you came in here, charmed and befriended a bunch of people like you're doing now, made a name for yourself and then pretended to be dead?

You KNOW I have abandonment issues. Promise you'll never kill Sara Crewe.

unpredictablebijou said:
Wait. you came in here, charmed and befriended a bunch of people like you're doing now, made a name for yourself and then pretended to be dead?

You KNOW I have abandonment issues. Promise you'll never kill Sara Crewe.


Um, well no. I was just being overly dramatic. The other me still lives. I just dont let her out of the closet. I put her in the closet because I had been away from Lit for a few months and when I came back I wanted to focus just on the poetry board and not be bothered by any creepy people who read my stories.

I didnt have a problem telling anyone who cared or asked who I was when I came back as Sara.

There. Now you have the full story so you know there are no dark and alarming details in my past and I promise I will never kill Sara Crewe.
MTVM said:
Chaeters nver proper !!!

But not am I intransdigfent. Honest, honestly and truue. If opinoin is no avtarlart for me, then sayu I--NO empahlativly! I do not wench to chapen this formu.

Nw confudes. Whta is my do to doing> Can I havater withot ofense?

I quite Rober tFrost:
Two roas are merged in as they shood,
I worry I Would not ravle both
As be one trakler, long as sood
And leaked own one. I swar as could.
I bent downin it s undergrowth
Then took anoother, well, yuo know.​
I thnmio,k this is not quotted right. Sory. I am somthing crap.

Am now sad wihtout no avtalar. But!!! Futlured may be watling!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Well, now I'm begging you — please take an avatar. I'm dying to see what it is anyway.