Annoncing my poem! You jey!

Sara Crewe said:
Sure. Soon I take out the ones with corn husks and scarecrows dancing around the nipples for Thanksgiving.

well I'd certainly give thanks for that
Tathagata said:
well I'd certainly give thanks for that

Sorry. Only Canadians get to play with them then. Our Thanksgiving is at a different time than yours. ;)

You will have to wait for Christmas or I guess I could they could be mutlidenominational...
Sara Crewe said:
Sorry. Only Canadians get to play with them then. Our Thanksgiving is at a different time than yours. ;)

You will have to wait for Christmas or I guess I could they could be mutlidenominational...

Canadians have all the fun.....
Sara Crewe said:
Sorry. Only Canadians get to play with them then. Our Thanksgiving is at a different time than yours. ;)

You will have to wait for Christmas or I guess I could they could be mutlidenominational...

Please! Cause I'm a radical minoan thelemite bull-worshipper, and we don't celebrate Christmas.

Not the way most people do, anyway.
unpredictablebijou said:
Please! Cause I'm a radical minoan thelemite bull-worshipper, and we don't celebrate Christmas.

Not the way most people do, anyway.

I don't really care what people are or worship as long as I like 'em.

You are hereby dubbed an honourary Canadian and/or my boobs are hereby dubbed multidenominational boobs.
Sara Crewe said:
I don't really care what people are or worship as long as I like 'em.

You are hereby dubbed an honourary Canadian and/or my boobs are hereby dubbed multidenominational boobs.


Whooops, I must go do my job for just a bit. Dammit, just when it's getting all populated in here.
Sara Crewe said:
I don't really care what people are or worship as long as I like 'em.

You are hereby dubbed an honourary Canadian and/or my boobs are hereby dubbed multidenominational boobs.

I thought it had already been settled that your cup size was "G" for Grail — and so only quested upon by Celtic types.

(There's a poem in there, but I'll leave it to Tathagata — he's got to find a better use for the Duck Soup quote.)
In Europe, I was often mistaken for a Canadian, (I think it was the Michigan accent and the fact that I wasn't a COMPLETE ASSHOLE) and when i was growing up in Detroit, you used to be able to go across the bridge or the tunnel and suddenly you were in CANADA and it was so cool to be in another country...

I don't think they're that laid back about it now, but that was about 400 years ago so things were different then.

I am honored to be designated a Canadian. Especially when Sara's boobs are involved.

G-cups are quested upon by more than just the Celtic types. Wandered into the General Board lately?

Secret Underground Note to the Court Magus:

Okay, Daffy Duck fucking KILLED me. Brilliant. But isn't it dangerous to be adding anything to that thread? I resisted about sixteen times. Still resisting.

unpredictablebijou said:
G-cups are quested upon by more than just the Celtic types. Wandered into the General Board lately?


The further I wander from the poetry board the more the IQs drop. At the GB they plummett to an unacceptable single digit.

And if you really want to be scared straight go onto the amateur picture forum and see some of the truly awful things that can be done with a digital camera and strip lighting.
Eluard said:
And if you really want to be scared straight go onto the amateur picture forum and see some of the truly awful things that can be done with a digital camera and strip lighting.

No. Won't do it. And you can't make me.
unpredictablebijou said:
No. Won't do it. And you can't make me.

I think Eluard is secretly admitting to having a picture thread in the amateur forum.

poigant work today on 30/30.
Last edited:
Eluard said:
The further I wander from the poetry board the more the IQs drop. At the GB they plummett to an unacceptable single digit.
No no no, Eulard!!! Here is no 1 IQ's, where snigle digat intelibrots are known to scald and scattter losernisses' with elagent poemitry!!!

Why here pictues are not worth 1000's of words. :nana;:nana::nana
MTVM said:
No no no, Eulard!!! Here is no 1 IQ's, where snigle digat intelibrots are known to scald and scattter losernisses' with elagent poemitry!!!

Why here pictues are not worth 1000's of words. :nana;:nana::nana

Nice banana.

I am afraid I might write some elagent poemitry today and scatter my losernisses so if I don't post anything today you'll know why.

That's hard work to spell things so incorrectly. You have my undying devotion for doing it so well.
Sara Crewe said:
Nice banana.

I am afraid I might write some elagent poemitry today and scatter my losernisses so if I don't post anything today you'll know why.

That's hard work to spell things so incorrectly. You have my undying devotion for doing it so well.
Thnak you, Starewell to Heaven!!! My banana is danskin for yupo!!! :heart::heart:
Eluard said:
The further I wander from the poetry board the more the IQs drop. At the GB they plummett to an unacceptable single digit.

And if you really want to be scared straight go onto the amateur picture forum and see some of the truly awful things that can be done with a digital camera and strip lighting.

my God, that is so true. I was bored, and lonely, went there to see what was happening and I came away stoupidier than I ever felle liek I was to before/ It robs off, I thnakl :(
it has now reached the point where i have no idea whether or not people are misspelling things on purpose. :cool:

except for TMV, who can't spell a lick.

and MTVM, who has turned misspelling into an art form.
Sara Crewe said:
Nice banana.

I am afraid I might write some elagent poemitry today and scatter my losernisses so if I don't post anything today you'll know why.

That's hard work to spell things so incorrectly. You have my undying devotion for doing it so well.

It is a nice banana, isn't it. Big fan, myself.

Poemitry is my goal as well. A noble one.
Coming back on line after a bit of off time. I am settling into complete madness at this point, and it's quite comfy.

Alright, who's next?
unpredictablebijou said:
It is a nice banana, isn't it. Big fan, myself.

Poemitry is my goal as well. A noble one.
Coming back on line after a bit of off time. I am settling into complete madness at this point, and it's quite comfy.

Alright, who's next?
Rotwang calling.

oh Lord! That pic looks like Beethoven copping a feel from R2D2...or was that C3PO?

you can tell I dont spend a lot of time on sci fi movies, but you get the idea....

but a funky pic, nonetheless...