Annoncing my poem! You jey!

unpredictablebijou said:
Alright now LOOK. When I went into that thread this morning and saw the wreckage we'd left around, while these nice people are actually trying to talk about poetry like reasonable human beings, I was absolutely mortified. Peach melba indeed.

We need to get all that stuff cleaned up before Senna Jawa gets back and sees that mess. My only defense is that you started it, and I haven't had to pull that one for 20 years or so.

Any more bad behavior goes on in here. There may be a time in my life when I want to actually be taken seriously, though I doubt it, and if I'm running through the poetry reading with a can of whipped cream every ten minutes that will be more of a challenge.

Now as to the subject at hand.
I like heroes. They're tasty.

How did you know I look like Conrad Veidt? Actually think more Max Von Sydow in Flash Gordon. Or Vincent Price in The Conqueror Worm.

Alright. I get the shiny jackboots. I wanted them anyway. The star-spangled robes are for the new absinthe-guzzling, peyote-munching Court Mystic, so long as his appointment meets with the Nymph's approval. I'll be in my conventional black leather. Think Diana Rigg in the Avengers. With a coiled bullwhip.

And I should have known after the whole jesus-robe thing that you had some sort of fetish for being the good guy. Thing is, whenever someone insists on dressing all in white, I tend to be reminded of Elvis. The later, Las Vegas version of Elvis. But if that's what you want, hey... you're the hero.

(Elvis came to me in a vision once... but I digress)

Good guys, as I think EVERYONE knows, do not always win.

And sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but Tony Curtis was not particularly into fair 'maids'. A virile young swain in distress was I think more his style. But whatever - who am I to judge tastes, with a monkey as my shaman.

I've tried the dim-witted Caliph route, and it didn't work out so well. Having a smart Nymph of Shenanigans is a much better deal. And round here, I don't think I'll lack for mummified heads to add to my collection any more than I ever did.

Off to dangle some raw meat in front of the guard dogs and poke the bear with a stick.


Evil is as evil does, my old Mother used to say.

So here you all are: I've been looking for a thread called MEETIVEVIETIE for hours.

You know I didn't know that stuff about TC's predilictions until last night when I was looking up a movie reference (trying to find that other famous Vizier, who made the role his own in the sixties — located him in a Monkees episode of all places. How's that for coming full circle Tathagata?) I also didn't know that Elvis got his ducktail hairstyle from Tony Curtis — so that's another full circle. (And maybe his preference for white jumpsuits as well — it would fit.)

And, yes, I aplogogise for not seeing clearly the difference between a smart Nymph and a dim Caliph — but this thread has been mixing its genres in a most promiscuous fashion. But, hey, that's how we like our mixing down here.

Isn't Tathagata a 36?
Tathagata said:
I watched a repeat of Carlin in Jersey from like 84 last night

seemed like a well mannered intelligent crowd

all the Boston curses have a variant of the word fuck in it

I've seen that one. I believe it was taped at the State Theater in New Brunswick. Right near where I went to college.

Well mannered? Well it's a different crowd than say a Phillies game, where the pissed off fans throw garbage on the diamond. :cool:
Tathagata said:
In that case I'll wear the sheepskin gloves

shall I hire a sherpa or can you give me direction?
( he asked knowingly)

ah twin peaks
I shall conquer them both
for duty and humanity

planting the flag could be interesting...

there's a buffet in the sweat lodge
you can leave the necklace on.

You may need a sherpa, not for the body, but for the brain. It's twisted and requires a guide. I'll see if I can hire one of the natives.

On my way to the buffet. I'm hungry. Say, are these stuffed mushrooms?
unpredictablebijou said:
I am not, shall we say, gifted with anything that would pop buttons, unless I purposefully wore shirts that were made for 12 year old boys. Which I occasionally do. (Got a yu-gi-oh shirt that is pretty damn neato).

I have corrected more than one person over the years: not "small BUT perfect", but "small AND perfect".


tank tops
tight tank tops
thats all i'm gonna say
Tathagata said:
tank tops
tight tank tops
thats all i'm gonna say

what color? Got black, white, purple, and fuschia tiedye among others.

I'm all distracted so not as clever. There's a buncha people in the shop. But I'm checking in...

you are all so damn fabulous.

Tathagata said:
tank tops
tight tank tops
thats all i'm gonna say

hey monkey man, guess what I am wearing as I type?

a tight pink tank top
tight denim capris

and nothing


it is nice to know youappreciate woemn who dress like hoochies

unpredictablebijou said:
You may need a sherpa, not for the body, but for the brain. It's twisted and requires a guide. I'll see if I can hire one of the natives.

On my way to the buffet. I'm hungry. Say, are these stuffed mushrooms?

I'm shocked
why not blind fold me and let me feel my way around?
the brain that is

they don't look stuffed...oh you meant...
never mind
nice necklace
unpredictablebijou said:
what color? Got black, white, purple, and fuschia tiedye among others.

I'm all distracted so not as clever. There's a buncha people in the shop. But I'm checking in...

you are all so damn fabulous.


don't wear white unless your ready for the squirt gun

is that like mauve?

i'm off
have a good night Ms Peel
ghost_girl said:
hey monkey man, guess what I am wearing as I type?

a tight pink tank top
tight denim capris

and nothing


it is nice to know youappreciate woemn who dress like hoochies


I remember your denim skirt av
i bet your a very cute hoochie in tight pink
Tathagata said:
I'm shocked
why not blind fold me and let me feel my way around?
the brain that is

they don't look stuffed...oh you meant...
never mind
nice necklace

I think you're already feeling your way around my brain. And everyone is naturally blindfolded in that particular territory.
unpredictablebijou said:
Boetius does NOT rhyme with atrocious.
This Swedish guy, Boetius,
was like, sort of, Prometheus.
His knowledge, De Aeternitate Mundi,
never went down well on Sunday.
Tzara said:
This Swedish guy, Boetius,
was like, sort of, Prometheus.
His knowledge, De Aeternitate Mundi,
never went down well on Sunday.

That's much better. Thank goodness you showed up. That Meatieveatie guy, he tries, but he can't do what you can...

And I have some evidence for the nice man about the resurrection of the dead. See if you can get ahold of Boetius for me, hm? I bet you know him personally.

unpredictablebijou said:
That's much better. Thank goodness you showed up. That Meatieveatie guy, he tries, but he can't do what you can...

And I have some evidence for the nice man about the resurrection of the dead. See if you can get ahold of Boetius for me, hm? I bet you know him personally.


I keep hearing a randome slogan voice saying, "Have you had your Meatieveaties today?"

On a side note: Julie Andrews called me this morning to ask me to get my boobs out of Mary Poppins because the ratings board was changing their rating from a G to an R. I was confused at the time but now I understand.

I think she's lucking this didn't go all N-C 17, personally.
Sara Crewe said:
I keep hearing a randome slogan voice saying, "Have you had your Meatieveaties today?"

On a side note: Julie Andrews called me this morning to ask me to get my boobs out of Mary Poppins because the ratings board was changing their rating from a G to an R. I was confused at the time but now I understand.

I think she's lucking this didn't go all N-C 17, personally.

Can't help it; that's how my fiercely auditory brain reads his name. I suppose I should be more Sanskrit about it; maybe Mahtavam. But my brain just latched onto Meatieveetie. It's like that, my brain. It has a weird sense of humor.

I hear the ancient Egyptians had some vowels at one time, but they gave them all to the Welsh.

As to boobs.


I'm entirely too distracted by the whole idea of your boobs in Mary Poppins in the first place to have anything intelligent to say about that.

I have not had my meatieveeties yet today. There is still hope, however.

unpredictablebijou said:

I'm entirely too distracted by the whole idea of your boobs in Mary Poppins in the first place to have anything intelligent to say about that.


Did you just give my boobs to Mary Poppins? I'm all for sharing but I don't know if they will suit her.
Sara Crewe said:
Did you just give my boobs to Mary Poppins? I'm all for sharing but I don't know if they will suit her.

No no. I would never give your boobs to anyone. I might occasionally go so far as to suggest that you loan them to someone select for a short while.

and let me watch.

On a more official note, National Gerard Manley Hopkins Appreciation Week was a mild success. We now have $4.67 in the treasury budgeted for next year's event.

It is now Nymphomania's Annual Rainbow Fright Wig Festival. See the Court Mystic for the supplies which will assist in making it a good one.

E.G.V. Gee
unpredictablebijou said:
No no. I would never give your boobs to anyone. I might occasionally go so far as to suggest that you loan them to someone select for a short while.

and let me watch.

Now just for research purposes, are nymphs shy or outgoing? Just wondering whether my next move should be to flash everyone or protest that I am shy.
Sara Crewe said:
Now just for research purposes, are nymphs shy or outgoing? Just wondering whether my next move should be to flash everyone or protest that I am shy.

Do both simultaneously. Command that no one look. Then punish them for disobeying.

It's all about shenanigans.
unpredictablebijou said:
Do both simultaneously. Command that no one look. Then punish them for disobeying.

It's all about shenanigans.

I think I might do that and I will also say that I am shy and then revel in being the center of attention just to torque up the shenanigans.
Sara Crewe said:
I think I might do that and I will also say that I am shy and then revel in being the center of attention just to torque up the shenanigans.

That's why she's the Grand Nymph, people. She's a natural.
unpredictablebijou said:
That's why she's the Grand Nymph, people. She's a natural.

And to think it all started with me pushing the boys off the snowbanks and screaming, "I'm Queen of the World," while they screamed at me, "We're playing King of the World." I just smiled and told them that's why they were losing.
Sara Crewe said:
And to think it all started with me pushing the boys off the snowbanks and screaming, "I'm Queen of the World," while they screamed at me, "We're playing King of the World." I just smiled and told them that's why they were losing.

And now she's a 36. How our little unruly Nymph has grown...
unpredictablebijou said:
Wow. You have seasonal boobs? That's just cool.

Sure. Soon I take out the ones with corn husks and scarecrows dancing around the nipples for Thanksgiving.