Annoncing my poem! You jey!

O, O, O, O, Trouble in Elysium:
Eos Files a Complaint on Apollo

His ministrations start in dark.
How slow he conjures up my dawn.
First orange blush flushed into rose—
Incantatory tongue works on

To raise a white-hot brilliant sun
And lift me off my bed with that.
When the horizon clears my heat
My body's twisted over, flat.

Across the bowl of midday, runs
His chariot quite into me,
My hair his reins, my cunt is what
Engenders our mythology.

He's a good fuck, I'll give him that,
I dream about his golden tongue.
He's truthful, though misleading, too.
But swear I, Zeus, the guy's well hung.
unpredictablebijou said:
My Goodness, Eluard, you're more well-read than I even suspected. Very few people know about that. For the uninitiated, it has to with the controversial secret meetings in 1872 between Cardinal Seamus Murgatroid and the radical and highly educated Rosicrucian sex magician Paschal Beverly Randolph in an underground Masonic lodge in Medicine Hat, Kansas. The bizarre correspondence between the two, and the odd and temporary shift in the rites performed in Otranto-Millefiore,the Cardinal's home suburbicarian see, which those meetings precipitated was shocking enough, but even Eluard may not be aware of the strange events following His Eminence's disgraceful resignation and excommunication.

See, that's why I love this place.


Im in ur tubes
fuxin with ur knowledge base

Golly — I'll just bet it was those guys was behind that there killing of sarah crewe. Gosh, I wish I coulda stopped em! And did they :gulp: ever get caught bj?
Stop killin' me.

Why don't y'all kill TMV instead?

Or how 'bout we all turn in our murderous inclinations for some more passive thoughts? How 'bout we hug Sara Crewe instead of killing her? She could always use more hugs. Or so I hear.
Sara Crewe said:
Stop killin' me.

Why don't y'all kill TMV instead?

Or how 'bout we all turn in our murderous inclinations for some more passive thoughts? How 'bout we hug Sara Crewe instead of killing her? She could always use more hugs. Or so I hear.

Is this a group hug or do we all just pile on top of you?
There will be no piling on top of Sara Crewe without the express permission of the Grand Vizier, who will be first in line.

And Eluard, we must stop bringing up the vivid facts of Sara's murder, since it's already been established that the actual victim was her evil twin, and that she was subsequently found... i forget, was it like, in a dungeon, swooning on a velvet fainting couch and only slightly disheveled? I think that was it.

As to Paschal Beverly Randolph and Cardinal Murgatroid, many of the facts must be extrapolated except by those who have access to certain correspondence that was exchanged during and after the excommunication. No criminal charges were ever actually filed against either one, although it is established that Randolph fled to Oklahoma and founded a second, and somewhat more radical, order of the Rosy Cross, members of which were later convicted of charges of public indecency after their attempt to re-establish what they claimed to be the "ancient rites of Pentheus," a bizarre ceremony involving theosophic transvestism and the ritualized "hunting" of a threadbare stuffed lion. Their rituals are relatively well-documented.

The defrocked Cardinal Murgatroid's history is sketchier, but there are court records that establish that all of the obscenity charges were thrown out for lack of evidence, since the supposed participants in the reputed rituals refused to testify (and some of them were committed to institutions anyway, since they couldn't stop giggling) and he was never actually convicted of anything except a few misdemeanors regarding the various forms of overgrowth in the yard of his eventual home in Enid, Oklahoma, a sprawling brick mansion he referred to in his later years as "Chateau Marsupia."


Eluard, what were YOU talking about?

MTVM said:
O, O, O, O, Trouble in Elysium:
Eos Files a Complaint on Apollo

His ministrations start in dark.
How slow he conjures up my dawn.
First orange blush flushed into rose—
Incantatory tongue works on

To raise a white-hot brilliant sun
And lift me off my bed with that.
When the horizon clears my heat
My body's twisted over, flat.

Across the bowl of midday, runs
His chariot quite into me,
My hair his reins, my cunt is what
Engenders our mythology.

He's a good fuck, I'll give him that,
I dream about his golden tongue.
He's truthful, though misleading, too.
But swear I, Zeus, the guy's well hung.

I am so totally hot for you now.

Putting this here

'cause I like it here. Move along if you dont wanna read it. I'll be silly in the next post. That is assuming I can write a naughty poem first. I was supposed to write a naughty poem and this one came out instead. Fucking poetry. It never listens.

I was a piece of paper folded with fingertips
that slid along creases. Sometimes I was a doll
and then I was undone. Sometimes I was a vessel
and then I was undone. Sometimes I was a chain
and then I was undone. There was no freedom
in my undoing just wrinkles and small tears.

When it was time for me to fly with the paper cranes
I was too worn to hold my shape. A sculpture
many times over without ever once being a stone.
There is no mirror without eyes, no touch
without skin and it is only when we feel
never born that death holds a certain beauty.
Sara Crewe said:
'cause I like it here. Move along if you dont wanna read it. I'll be silly in the next post. That is assuming I can write a naughty poem first. I was supposed to write a naughty poem and this one came out instead. Fucking poetry. It never listens.

I was a piece of paper folded with fingertips
that slid along creases. Sometimes I was a doll
and then I was undone. Sometimes I was a vessel
and then I was undone. Sometimes I was a chain
and then I was undone. There was no freedom
in my undoing just wrinkles and small tears.

When it was time for me to fly with the paper cranes
I was too worn to hold my shape. A sculpture
many times over without ever once being a stone.
There is no mirror without eyes, no touch
without skin and it is only when we feel
never born that death holds a certain beauty.

Well I LOVE this one, so there!
Eluard said:
Well I LOVE this one, so there!

Thank you.

It, however, has zero naughty factor. I said I would come up with a naughty poem for the Vizier's thread and so far I have had absolutely no luck at all.
Sara Crewe said:
Thank you.

It, however, has zero naughty factor. I said I would come up with a naughty poem for the Vizier's thread and so far I have had absolutely no luck at all.

I will take this poem over some naughty thing that you force out for a particular challenge any day of the week. I really do like it --- one of the best things I've read on this forum.
Eluard said:
I will take this poem over some naughty thing that you force out for a particular challenge any day of the week. I really do like it --- one of the best things I've read on this forum.

Wow. I have missed writing this past month so I appreciate your response. Thank you. I am very flattered.
Sara Crewe said:
to ask:

Your Vizier-ness, do you sell your treasures online?

I tried to sell my treasures on line once, but she wanted measurements and pictures and well that's when the whole thing went to hell
Tathagata said:
I tried to sell my treasures on line once, but she wanted measurements and pictures and well that's when the whole thing went to hell

That's why it didn't work?

I thought it was 'cause Paypal said you were too big for them.
Sara Crewe said:
Your welcome.

And people say that Sunday is the day of rest.

only for God, and I didn't see him/her in here backing up my phallic misrepresentations

the bastard
Tathagata said:
only for God, and I didn't see him/her in here backing up my phallic misrepresentations

the bastard

I am a nymph. That's one step away from a goddess in training. I'm as good as you're gonna get in terms of phallic misrepresentation on this fine day.
Sara Crewe said:
I am a nymph. That's one step away from a goddess in training. I'm as good as you're gonna get in terms of phallic misrepresentation on this fine day.

I'll take it
UnderYourSpell said:
Is that like having fairies at the bottom of the garden? Or is that just an English thing?

I prefer to hang out in the trees. The fairies are my cousins and they don't mind the damp ground.
Sara Crewe said:
Thank you.

It, however, has zero naughty factor. I said I would come up with a naughty poem for the Vizier's thread and so far I have had absolutely no luck at all.

Yeah. Me neither. I'm in trouble.

Sara Crewe said:
Did you read the fine print?

Always read the fine print when dealing with a nymph.

that would require focus
I'm no good with focus