Another Day And Another Plagiarism Story Out Of Academia

But does DEI include white people?
Conservatives generally read "equality" to mean "fair treatment of the individual," but Leftists mean it as a way of achieving positive equality, which requires taking from the successful and giving to the less-successful. "In theory" the Fourteenth Amendment would protect White people as well as Black, but in reality, "equality" goes only one way.
Conservatives generally read "equality" to mean "fair treatment of the individual," but Leftists mean it as a way of achieving positive equality, which requires taking from the successful and giving to the less-successful. "In theory" the Fourteenth Amendment would protect White people as well as Black, but in reality, "equality" goes only one way.
But white people plagiarize too.


Another day and another plagiarism story out of academia​

Funny, I went through your thread history and I couldn't find one about Melania...? Why? We know you're very concerned about this. In fact I noticed a few other notable white guys and gals getting caught. I must assume with your busy schedule, you just haven't found the time to post them.
Rightguide gets the Nelly Korda low score award of the week for scoring an eagle-his op denigrates both women and AA with one fell swoop. Well done, sir!

Another day and another plagiarism story out of academia​

By Andrea Widburg

Once it emerged that Harvard’s former president, Claudine Gay, was a serial plagiarizer, conservatives started looking for other examples of plagiarizing in the halls of America’s colleges and universities. It turns out that this kind of search is akin to shooting fish in a barrel: You cannot fire without hitting something. The latest case is the DEI official at UCLA’s School of Medicine, an institution that’s completely abandoned itself to the worst excesses of DEI, CRT, and other Democrat madness. And as is so often the case, the culprit is a black woman.

There’s a common thread binding many of these corrupt academics. Most (although not all, as Professor Panigrahy shows) are black women. Indeed, leftists are attacking Christopher Rufo, who has been reviewing dissertations, for being racist because of the many black women he’s exposed as plagiarizers. However, as Rufo explains, the database he and his colleagues are searching includes white and Asian scholars. It’s just the black women who keep popping up as cheaters.

Yesterday, I wrote a post about how Democrats have deliberately inculcated sociopathic values into black Americans. I focused generally on criminal activity (I’ve got two more examples—here and here), but nodded to the problem we see with high-profile, college-educated blacks in the media, politics, and academia.

It’s worth pointing out that, at the upper echelons of Democrat-voting blacks, the problem of sociopathy seems to be most deeply rooted in the women. The list of black women who don’t believe the rules should apply to them is seemingly endless of late: Natalie J. Perry, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Joy Reid, Stacey Abrams, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Tiffany Henyard, LaToya Cantrell, and all the academic plagiarists. These women make the rules up as they go along, whether for themselves (i.e., Claudine Gay) or for others (i.e., Joy Reid, who hasn’t violated laws, regulations, or moral standards but insists that they shouldn’t apply to people who look like her.)

Much more here:

This underbelly of black culture exists and America has to talk about it. It needs to be discussed honestly and fairly, but it needs to be discussed. There is a big problem with aspects of black culture in America. Whether it's in education, crime, social values, public conduct, or the entertainment industry. The emerging
scandal among prominent black celebrities is going to be catastrophic for the entertainment industry as the daily exposure of their criminal debauchery and human trafficking threatens to exceed a hundred years of white debauchery in the industry. This behavior is not historically normal among black Americans. It's been woven into their culture by radical white racist Democrats and Marxists.
Oh oh oh .. now talk about icanthelp!!!….
Almost as if race has nothing to do with this.
The article points out that it is seen as a problem that, so far, the investigation has mostly turned up Black women.

Arguably affirmative action does not select for the best candidates.
The article points out that it is seen as a problem that, so far, the investigation has mostly turned up Black women.

Arguably affirmative action does not select for the best candidates.
As I said.....I know what the OP said and why he said it. You agreeing with him isn't relevant.
I read the article, dipshit
Some of these articles take some work to parse instead of just looking for spicy phrases. This is different than most media which is written in your standard pyramid, fifth-grade level format.
Some of these articles take some work to parse instead of just looking for spicy phrases. This is different than most media which is written in your standard pyramid, fifth-grade level format.
Of course 👍

You're allowed to be wrong.
Rightguide gets the Nelly Korda low score award of the week for scoring an eagle-his op denigrates both women and AA with one fell swoop. Well done, sir!
As he enters his period of well-deserved terminal decline, Rightguide seeks out these opportunities to denigrate both women AND people of color in a single post. This frees him up time-wise for cut-and-paste shitposts from the NY Post and a ream of whackadoodle sites most folks have never heard of.

"More efficient shitposting" is his mantra.
Only State-approved sources are acceptable.
You might accept overheated editorials from outlets such as "The Patriot's Knife" as fact.
I choose to roll my eyes at them.

"It's an irrefutable FACT that if you don't count women's votes in the 2020 Presidential election, Donald Trump WON in a LANDSLIDE!"
