another plug, if she can't get you hard, you need to bury it in the backyard.

Freya2 said:
I thought I was quite restrained and ladylike last night. You took advantage of my delicate nature to tease me with naughty thoughts.

And for that I will not apologize :) Given a chance I would have teased you worse lol.

I'm a meanie.

P. B. Walker said:
And for that I will not apologize :) Given a chance I would have teased you worse lol.

I'm a meanie.


I'd have taken it too. Cuz I'm a sucker for big, handsome guys like you. :)
Freya2 said:
I'd have taken it too. Cuz I'm a sucker for big, handsome guys like you. :)

Awwww blush You're trying to sweeten me up, I can tell lol.

<looking behind me> Who's back there sneaking around? LOL

In the last day or so I've been doing so much daydream... and somehow images of you tied up seem to be in almost all of them :)

P. B. Walker said:
Awwww blush You're trying to sweeten me up, I can tell lol.

<looking behind me> Who's back there sneaking around? LOL

In the last day or so I've been doing so much daydream... and somehow images of you tied up seem to be in almost all of them :)


You're just bound and determined to do that to me aren't you? I almost think I should be scared.

Oddly, I feel little tingles in different places instead. ;)
Freya2 said:
You're just bound and determined to do that to me aren't you? I almost think I should be scared.

Oddly, I feel little tingles in different places instead. ;)

Oh you should be at least a little scared :) And definitely tingly... hopefully moist as well.

You'll feel the most scared as the ropes are being wrapped around you, and the blindfold is being tightend around your head. But once you get closer and closer to that edge... the fear will fade away :)

P. B. Walker said:
Oh you should be at least a little scared :) And definitely tingly... hopefully moist as well.

You'll feel the most scared as the ropes are being wrapped around you, and the blindfold is being tightend around your head. But once you get closer and closer to that edge... the fear will fade away :)


One day my hope is that this will be more than just words to me.

What are you doing Saturday? ;)
Freya2 said:
One day my hope is that this will be more than just words to me.

What are you doing Saturday? ;)

I hope so too. Even if it's not me that is given the pleasure of showing ya. :)

Mmm Saturday... well plans are pretty much up in the air. I'm hoping the d#$% snow is melted around here so I can go cycle 60-75 miles to make up for missing so much cycle time. And I got invited to a Christmas party, but it's a 2 hour drive to get there and the dress is formal. I'm thinking of bagging on that. LOL.

What are you doing on Saturday? :)

P. B. Walker said:
I hope so too. Even if it's not me that is given the pleasure of showing ya. :)

Mmm Saturday... well plans are pretty much up in the air. I'm hoping the d#$% snow is melted around here so I can go cycle 60-75 miles to make up for missing so much cycle time. And I got invited to a Christmas party, but it's a 2 hour drive to get there and the dress is formal. I'm thinking of bagging on that. LOL.

What are you doing on Saturday? :)


Eyeing my brass bed and thinking how well bonds would attach to it. ;)
Freya2 said:
Eyeing my brass bed and thinking how well bonds would attach to it. ;)

mmmm a brass bed... almost perfect for some light bondage :) Plenty of places to tie those ropes... makes for some good angles... :)

And I love the sound a brass bed makes when you are uhmm... getting busy on it. LOL

P. B. Walker said:
mmmm a brass bed... almost perfect for some light bondage :) Plenty of places to tie those ropes... makes for some good angles... :)

And I love the sound a brass bed makes when you are uhmm... getting busy on it. LOL


Squeak, squeak.

Yes, it is perfect. I have scarves already in place on it - just waiting for the right person to come along.
Freya2 said:
Squeak, squeak.

Yes, it is perfect. I have scarves already in place on it - just waiting for the right person to come along.

mmm sqeak sqeak indeed ;)

i'mm bettin more than scarfs will be needed. lol

so who is the right person, if we may ask?

P. B. Walker said:
mmm sqeak sqeak indeed ;)

i'mm bettin more than scarfs will be needed. lol

so who is the right person, if we may ask?


One that doesnt say "Scarves? What for?" when I show them to him. :D
P. B. Walker said:

but rather says " mmm i hope we have enough? " lol


See? You got it. I could bring you there easily, and I have a feeling you'd know just what to do.
Freya2 said:
See? You got it. I could bring you there easily, and I have a feeling you'd know just what to do.

Hopefully... but yanno.. they say practice makes perfect :)

PBW "Send me in coach" :)
P. B. Walker said:
Hopefully... but yanno.. they say practice makes perfect :)

PBW "Send me in coach" :)

You're so cute. I'd love to play with you. I have a feeling it wouldn't be boring anyways.
Freya2 said:
You're so cute. I'd love to play with you. I have a feeling it wouldn't be boring anyways.

Blush... thanks..

Tickle torture time! lol

I wonder... uhmm... do you know where the beams are in your ceiling? <winks>

P. B. Walker said:
Blush... thanks..

Tickle torture time! lol

I wonder... uhmm... do you know where the beams are in your ceiling? <winks>


Oh no! I do have limits - there will be NO tickling allowed!

Ravish, tease, spank, lick, suck, nibble, bite, pinch, tug, squeeze, thrust - but no tickling!
Freya2 said:
Oh no! I do have limits - there will be NO tickling allowed!

Ravish, tease, spank, lick, suck, nibble, bite, pinch, tug, squeeze, thrust - but no tickling!

Ohhhh... I think I just found out what your punishment will be for disobedience. *weg* I'll discover where you are the most ticklish during your first punishment... never fear.

ohhh what a nice list. :) Do I have to do those in that order? or can I pick and choose? What am I thinking? I don't need to ask ;). And I assume I can go back and do some over... and over... and over...

I had a lovely daydream earlier... instead of tying you to the bed, I had you standing, bent forward slighty so those lovely breasts of your just start to hang down a bit and your rump is present nicely. Head wrapped again and arms tied up toward the ceiling. I probably shouldn't go into where I would go from there... it gets pretty naughty... but hot... :)

Plus, I'm sure everyone is sick of us doing this by now :)

I'm off to bed, to do some more daydreaming <mmmmmmm> :)

PBW "I'm Chief Fluffer."